vs. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Tim of 4 15c. Tim of 10 30c w oirc liii The Daily News 1 s-an i-tiiftnnni T" t m 1 fITT f 11 Ifll ft L f l'lUlNUl-i Hurnivi - uiuunu iajuu.mhiy I'liiilTshed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert .Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULL-EN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITH) Deafness or Ed son ' 'v '' ' Was; Art Advaiitaqe. 98 86 Tuewlay, March, 17, t02.ri. Biological Station To Proceed At Once. Work oil thf erection of Ilie biological station here is In proceed at once. The Provincial (iovernment is In undertake the work anil the building is to he located on Provincial (iovernmeiil properly. However, Ihe cost will he small, the chief expenditures heing in connection with the upkeep, which is looked jailer hy the Dominion (iovernineiit. - The eslaljlishnienl of the I'iological station here will hring students from different .parts, tir. the country. All Ihis adds to the prestige of the place and lends to make il a centre for scientific visits. New Undertakings x For North Country. . . There is constantly coming up some new undertaking for the north. Steadily the huge country is being limit up and every new development makes for improvement here. 'llie latest to he heard from is Stewart. There it is proposed -to put in a large power' plant, such a one as should be installed here. It will cost a million or two and - will supply power to the mines. II may he built this year but if not H is ... . . . i i t.. :. - .I. i i ! hi m in i io conic strnu. niew.iri is gradually ueing mane into a cily.and weshall welcome its development mid-.) hope jhat- it gels- everything it"wauls;1ir perhaps it would bt;b!lfer4n say everything that is good for it. There is room for a good sized city al the head of Portland tlaiial.and the richness nf Ihe mines .eeni lo iinfjcnle that it will very soon become an actual fad. Prince Rupert Is Organized To Death. , Peine? Hupert is organized to dealh. There are enough societies am) orgaiiizalinns here" In satisfy a town len limes the size. '.Many of thejii are almost dormant and ctji-lainly inefficient. Some will prohahy never be revived. On the oilier hand there, are many really live organizations doing useful work in Ihe community, functioning almost to capacity. 11 is. noticed in nllieV places limn , Prince Hupert thai organisations have their vogue and then pass on. For n time they flourish largely because of Ihe influence of One or two persons'. When that influence is wilhdrawn the popularity of ihe organization dies. Hi order to keep up the strength id any organization il is necessary to have an infusion of new blood now and then., The older members, become tired and Jose .enthusiasm. There has (o be a steady increase else there will lie a decrease. The moment growth slops, the decline sels in. Ileal h follows life iiiul they are. Very close together. Spannlhg Ocean With Radio. The Alalanlic ocean is being spanned with radio and gradually the comments are getliug closer together. listening over radio tends to unite counlries ami will eventually iiffeel language. -If English counlries adopt Ihe radi d keep il in prominence it will lend to inenrase Ihe use of Englishes a world language. People will waill In learn Eugljslrin order In .understand when they lisleniin. The infbicnco;of n, power such as thi cannot well be realized. ' '. Kdison is deaf, so deaf lhal il is difficull to make him hear in conversalloji. lie has always been deaf since he was a child and hcaisa'ibe.s.niiich id his success to his deafness In n magazine article just published he es about it. The development "r H'1' I.'1 "graph was largely Ihe result of a desire lo be able lo heaf il, and to calch Ihe overtones. All through lire he eniiil-alized Ihe lack id ability lo hear. He missed Ilie small lalk at table which he Ihinks was an advanlage. He read a great deal and shirk largely lo the heller class of hooks. He keens up to ... .... . " ll.ll.l I..- Itll I i t H.n 11 I mm ii) iKuuiij, i ii- nvw spape rs, inree, every nay. an advantage lo him who is aide lo capilalize it. "Headaches, Bilious Spells, Are Now All Gone" Mrs. John Ireland, Nobleton, OnL, writes: "I wit great lufferer from ievere hedache and bilious pelts. I tried a number of remedies without obtaining any bene-fit until I was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidneydiver Pills. These completely relieved me, and made me fee! like a new person. I am very grateful to Dr. Chase's Medicines for what they have done for me, and you may use my letter for the benefit of others." Br. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 85 rU. a. box of 86 pUU, vdlmntoatm, Ratal A Co., Ltd., Toronto CITY RATIFIES , MILL CONTRACT Temporary Agreement For Supply of Power and Water Will ; Not be Submitted to People j Deciding tli.al it was mil urccs-t sary lo siiinliit Hie mailer to t vole of Ihe people, the city coilli-cil last night, on motion of Aid. .Mc.Mnrdic seconded by Aid. Casey, ratified the leiv mouths' temporary agreement- willi the Prince Hupert Spruce Mills Lid. for supply of power mwl water lo the Se'al .Cove sawmill. The main features of Ihe agreement ale dial a maximum of ton kilo-walls of power will be furnished hy the ctiy In Ihe mill at c per kilowatt; 'thai Ihe mill will inslal certain of (he electrical cipiip-nieut lo he approved by the-suneriuleuileiit of ' iililitiesi that! lumber as is iiininifactuif il at the plant to Ihe eily al air advance of 2 from Vancouver market prices. City Solicitor Jones announced lhal the airreemcnt had been accepted by Ihe company. "It was Mich a trivial matter that lie did not consrdor II worth while sub mitting it lo the people. expressing Ihe opinion that it was the iluly of Ihe council to use its .judgment on just such" mailers as this anil, in viewof the fact that a - period of only len months was r involved. Alii. MVMordie moved that Hie asrec'-mcnt If ralified by Ihe council. This was seconded by Aid. Casey and carried. CITY TRUCK DOES NOT REQUIRE NEW ENGINE, REPORTED I. W. Mnorehouse vepnrted to the city council last ui'.'lit Ilia! il would mil be necessary lo purchase a new engine for Ihe public; works Day-Khler truck No. I as had lieen recoinmeiiiled hy Hie board of works. The report was referred o Hie board of works. II slated thai Hie en gine bml as much power as when new lull Ihiil it needed hearing lightened and a pen era I cleaning Up which would probably co-d liboul ."I5. If Ihe tnrck was not doinp the work reuuirei!, it was because loo much was .expected nf il and Hie oulv solution would lie the iiui'cli.-ise id a new truck. d. Haildon. the driver of th truck, wlio was present al Ihe iin'ellnjj. said lliaudl would haul. Vi yards nvev a snuiolh road (nil ! on the roiifih i-oails on wbjclr llVwas lieini' iiSed; 'It coillil not liandle more Hian yard, lie lid mil think that Ilie truck would stand Ilie jiultin in of a larger engine. Dan bidstone,' another driver, said that Ilie truck bad formerly handled I V. yards with ease. lie Ibounlil thai the truck nii?lil stand a larger engine. After some discussion, in lleafness is cnuive of which Aid. (Jasey said ( that Ibis just went-to show thai the jiublic works department loo free with il.s expenditures. Ilie mailer was referred lo the Hoard of Works. The Man in the Moon ." YS: llKlllllllOWS are know it lot alioul tilou't mailer. peotile who lliintrs Ilia1 HOMF. , .women think I bey ar tired of their .husbands when all Ihiil is Ilie matter they are tired of iislnfr thai Kind. of car. An Optimist The cbii'his are off the tatfi.i; The Tee is rar away: Any very soon my little boat Will scoot across Hie bay. I K.NKW u Ktrl thul. never used wWujE5r Look for It I i miiMir onthe tinfoil. I $s yur guarantee &r quality and flavorxjja I AVOID IM- Xv5S4 1 ITATIONS. XTt me " the mill will he responsible, fnri;,'',s',' ' down tlo per.lilion is Ihe maintenance, of all eipiip- ' nienl: thai the eily reserves the right lo cancel the emitrae.t all " aniii lime in on ltiy lime and shall not he liable anyllilufr wirkeil, , bill I must for damages as a result of any. '" I dislike as .niilHi as rtn shut-off: that a limited amount nic person who is. mwyys gaining uf wiilPi- wlmll ho HiiiinliiMl liv theialioul himself. ' i city al a flat rale of tfl. per iHiinlh. ami that, not later than 'Iclober 15, negotiations shall he ipened for a permanent agree ment effective next year which I,.. .,.,., III.. .1 i.. il... ! IJllll I" llll III I I I 1 II I" llll MIIIH;. In return for the concessions i ran lei I, J. A, Smith, head of Hip Prince 'Hupert Spruce Mills Lid., has agreed to supply such spruce face imwtlor lull Hia was sn Iiiim Win I hale lo reniemher il. TIIK " wind thai leads a .A Ft;H expert is one who knows enough io sell . vnu rabbit! i skin for black, fox. . THIS is Ilie ajfe of deception. Today in Prince Hupert ' there is many a shamrock. TIIK popular idea of an Irishman is of one who says willy lliiutrs and is spoiling for a lipid hill yel I know several people from the aulil sod who were never, mi far as I know guilty of a bright repartee- or a si inning Mow. A POOH fisii is pue who pets loaded lo Ilie vtills. IK a pirl's face is her fortune she may spend as much money as she whites because she can always make Jier fortune over iWiin. I T V A 7 i en i ears go in Prince Rupert March 17, 1915. Local lonslioreinen are on strike in sympathy with Ilie Vancouver and Seattle unions. This morning the steamer Princ (ieorfje was unloaded by iiii.mii-Iters of .(he crew. There js an epideniir of mumps in town lull Dr. '.. ..M. .McNeill, medical health nllicer, doc nut deem il necessary lo close Ihe fchools. i Aid. D. W. Morrissey. who r- lurneil receiilly to (lie eily from a Irin to Montreal, says lhaf condilioils here compare favorably Willi any oilier place on Ihe American cnnlinoiil. ' In VANDERH00F A Von was born on .March 1 ft Mr. and Mrs. K. llorliaven. Word has been received bent of the death recently of Anloliie I. a Kriniere, , more Known as Aulnine Fbnneau. -fit Fort SI. James. He was burned lo a cinder when his sluick was coiisiiiiieo ny rire. e was over j AfterEVeryMeai C Pass It around after every meal. Give the family the benefit of it J aid to digestion. Cleans teeth too. Keep It always l " nit nuiiTie-. nj (j "Costs little -helps much" tY WRKLEVS RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower limn any oilier Province in the Dominion, or nuy colony in the Hrilish, Empire Mineral locnlions are granled lo discoverers for iiomiual fees. Absolute Titles are obtained hy dovelopifig soeh properlies, Ihe seeurilv or guaranteed hy Crown (iranls. Full information together with Mining Hepcrls rifd Maps, may he ohlaiuctl K(l years of ae and for many years was with Hie lludon llav (Io. as a "coiiriei,-ilu-ioi.'." Station apenl A. A. Ilulcliin- , son ami Mrs. Ilulchiusou lefl on IK a man is a ooor fish ihejSuuilay for Oak I tank, Mandolin. hes thing: a girl can do is lo where they wIM spend a six can him. inoiilhs' vacalion. W. A. Colter; tins arrived from Siuilliei's lo relieve .Mr. Hutchinson. i:. I). Smith left on Sunday on u business trip Uf Calpary. Mrs . 1 .Smith accompanied him as far as Kilinoulou where she will visit; Willi friends. I The annual mccling of Cliri!' jliurch Chlb'o; Women's Auxiliary Was hi'Jil recently at Hie home of Mrs. O. J. Heiil. Oflicer rnr H"' year were elect ei I a follows: President. Mrs. (iray: vice-president, Mrs. Maunders, secretary treasurer, Mrs. Kran' Heiil. Advertise in "the Daily News. WATER NOTICE. USE AND 8T0RA0E TAKK MiTH:E lliat .Msll Tlmlicr Oi.. l.linlli'il, wl)e i(lrtrct i I0M I'ai'irir iiiillilinx. amiiiiviT. II. i:.. will apply for, i lli'rni'f In take mil uw Sim rnliii' rmi ir -rntwl. and ip .tori 7.VM. arre-ri-r A wain- oifl r strfiam known a ,ln IllVfr. which flows oiiiIhtI.v anil drain nto Maxell InlM, alioul nnr anil mi'- Mir wt-r. ('H.Mrrly front Riirkh-v H.i), rt.i;.. Till- Morarr-dam will !) lorSlwl at In- iiiiiipi of Am l.aki1 itr at a hiiii In-mw lln iiaiil oiulil. to tm dricriiiincd ar-1 'er snrvi'. liavr bvt n niadi Tin- fapai-lly 1 if thf ri-wrviilr trt ! riwN l ahom i J5M. arrK fcfl, and it will ri-Hxl alMiiit i. mm aciM of land. The wntn- will fx-! Iivfrlrd rrnin Ihe Mreani al a ilnl ahum li location 'if Hip otoraici'-dain, naiiMlv. .11 mi lie; nf Aln Lake, anil will In- iii-ed .'or powrr anil Industrial purpura iiimiii he land riti-rlh-(l a Lot MS7 or tm Lot! III. This notlrft wan xiid mi tin-fronnil on Ihr i)tli day of rrlfruary, i9iZ. A n(y of lhl noticft and an appli- olloii piirMianl thri-pto and In thi "Water i trt, 1111." will l- rilrit In IlK! nrriiv of ho Wain- ftwonlrr al Crlnrc ltiiM-rt. iiJcrllon lo tliR appllratiini in.iv hi: I .llrd Willi lln Haul Waler llrrorder or, .vllh Ihe Onnplrollr or Walrr Illrlit. 1 .MiilsiMPiil Hiillilinv. Vlrlrttia, ft.f... i aithin ihirty day after the firm api-ai- .uire hi on notice in n torai newspaper. The dale of the first pHhllcallon of ihll uoiicn i. moiHiiir, M.ircn ?. ms. MASSKTT TI.MIIEII CO.. LTD.. LAND ACT. ItlHtrlet, and Applicant. J. v. srnoonover, Aueiu. Not lea of Intention to Apply to Purchaia ' In Rkren.l Land lliiperl Herordlnir Lno DliUrlct. or Pflrtre rltnate apprmlmately on and one hair tnlloa WeM Rf S.ilvm .station, on salvin Mand, Skerna Jtlver. , Take .vmire that Rudolf. Latusnn. of ;J4I3 Oarletnn St., Iliirnahy, orrupallori Ijiirirer, IniemU lo apply for perinitinii Id pun-hate, the follow Intr dearrlhed lumlv comment-in it a post planted at the oulliwet corner nf Lot 4i)3. sl(u Uland; thence aouthwrMrrly, apprntl-tiiately 800 yanH; thenre imrlherly ap-.iiroillnalelv HOD variW: thence nriHhui. ermniirilvt',',vt rpr",,,n'"Hv 'nls: thence t ouiiiioiiiv pMiitherly Si)0 yards, lo rlnt of lietlnnlnir oniiri'irir an mat pun inn or salvin ll.nul west of Lot IH03 and rnnialnlnir 31111 licrea, more or leta. ' . THOMAS MILLS Alrent for ni'fioi." LAnsSon. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME .COURT OF BRITISH I COLUMBIA In Ihe Mailer or the AtlmlnMrallon Art-I and I In Ihe Mailer of Ilie F.alale of Ch.irlcH 1 l.avcr. Iierciincil, Inlettale. i TAKK .NOTli K that hv Order of IIH llfiii.r I'. ci. Voutiff, made ihe ism dav I of Kchniaiy, 105. ( wn apiliili'd Ail inlnUirator or the estate of the laie 'iharle i.aver. ileceimed, and all parllea hamiit rlalnn air,ilnl the nad eM.ile are , her.'lij required to furnli Hatne. tn-n perly verlfieil to me, on or lierore DUl dty or Marrit, iojS, and. all tiarlle in-drilled lo Ihe said elale are leiinlreil lo pin the amount of iin-lr Itnlehiciincm t( I Hie forlhwllh. SOfl MAS A. WATT, orrii-l.il AitmliiMtrator Prince Unpen, H.c filled this ?tt day or rrhrnary, W,. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH i In ilin Mailer or tin: Admlnlslrallnn An. 1 1 Uie Mailer of the KMale of Wtlllinn .Uameroii sun, liereased, ImeMale j takk cwmi mat iur .Viler or in, i Honor I . Mcll, oiinir, made Ihe Slih dav , rtf l ehrnary. A.li. nii.i. appointed ; Ailmlnltralor of lite cm lie or Wllllatn -Cameron sun. iIctoimiI. and all paiilca harlnir rlaiinn aaln. Die id entate are .henhy reipilred to riirnl.h same t,i. per y yenned lo me, on or l.ef.Ve ' he ,5Ui day of March. A.fi, tr. nh, in i parllot- Indchieil io the elale are rnpilr" !.'! !l!'eV roniiwuh."" nr ,,,,,r "1"el"""1 miiiman a. watt 1 orflrlal AdmuiMraior I . . J . Prince inipert, ii r Dated the SSlli day uf Ohruaryi lvaj. TO END OF DECEMBER, 192S. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer (bihl, $70,11.02,20:1; Lode 0i,, j,,, MM.flSB; Silver, $0:i,r..32,r.r Lead, $58,1:12,001; Copper, l.7t,fliiVX; 7AW tp m,7r; Miscellaneous Minerals, $Mm,'.!4 ; Unnl ami oke, '2.10,11(58. 1 ;J; j,,,,. Stone, Hrick, Omen',, elc, $:il,-HS',2:t1 ; making its Mineral Prodiielinn t,t ,,, p tU2:i show nn ' Km V'lll pi. :r "in Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 mhlressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. FISHERMEN! Look over your Kirs I Aid Kit ami see Mi; ' il plete. Here are some of Hie things you houiit l: , board before you put to sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK l-or'voiir Personal Kit you wd al i iie.-ii RAZOR RAZOR BLADES SOAP COMB SHAVING SOAP SHAVING BRUSH TOOTE PASTE TOOTH BRUSH liny your supplies irom lis ami lie sure m r , satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Avenue phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1825. They are Free. Building Materials LUMBER Dimension, Shiphip ami Fin dire Si f l.idli. MiMilding (Ink, Fir and t.ni iiniw.in i I Veneers. Sash ami Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keeoe'i Cement, Plaster or Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Build; ing Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hum Ihe Fatuous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 GET IT AT! O -GROCERS PHONE 586 BULK COCOA 2 lbs. for 25o.(new :dn;'K Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P, KENNY - PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE D phone ENTISTR . . I. .....I I ... I t x - ... . . i i l II. ... I VI ill 103. DENIS hii iMioii in ii, urn. io mailer wttai ine ii'tiir 1 , im ti..t.b in., 1.. ...1 . 1 ff.yin Villi limy in-, worn you (time IO III out''. - benefit nf such service' mil receive denlidrv Hud i GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. ,i'ii initio New Spring HATS BROCK . . $6.00 BILTMORE .... $5S BILTMORE $400 STEVE KING Phono Green 85. Third