The Daily News (Mil NCR RUPERT - BRITISH. COLUMBIA .Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, thePrince Rupert Daily News. .Limited. Third Avenue. II. P. 1'ULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery. Jty mail or carrier, per month . . $1,00 Uy mail to !l parts of Hie Hritish Empire and the United Slales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per,year . . . $7.r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ,UAl.y KDITIOK Friday. April 17, 1925. Pevelop Individual ForCommunal Life. Twn Dungs are necessary to. national progress, development of the iiidiiidiiai and development of the communal idea, lioth go together in the ideal rommiiuiry. That va the idea conveyed hy Mislioji De l'ciicicr's addres to the Rotary Club yesterjlay. The tendency of socialism or'conimuiiisni is to suppress the individual. The tendency of I he, old indiviilualism is lu forget the community and think only of the individual. The half way. method Is Jlii' best. To have success the individual must he de veloped and giyeji opportunity to, express himself, hut also for his fullest development he ufiist lear.n to work with other individuals for the common good. iSoine day, possibly, individuals may develop to u point where communism may be possible if found desirable. Possibly the most complete individualism would be uudei a system of seie.ulTfie iiaaKciiy.wlieriVvvQry.inan did what pleased him, living without law because law would he unnecessary, in Hie most highly developed condition of the'rnce. Kach man will Jheji do right because he knows it is right and does not need guidance of law. That is true Clirislinnifv or as some call it M'jeiljfic anarchy. Love will be the ruling principle pervading .all .actions. it is not necessary to consider such ;i condition just now because it v ill probably be a few thousand years before we have developed (o such a condition. II is iileal bjit not at present real., .World Federation Not, Impossible. , A world federation is not at all an undesirable or irnpnssi-j Jie ideal. Possibly young people -now livjllg inay ,ec the day-when all nations will work together as closely as do the pro-j vine.fR of Canada one wilh another. " When that lime comes Hierr may be no customs duties, no immigration officers, jio' braggadocio speeches and no compeliliou in armaments. Earhj foiinlry will feel responsible noi only for ils own actions but for the action and Avelfnre. ofievery other. We shall work together Jor Ihe comniOil good of Ihc'whole . world. .The tendency is stnuigly in Hint direction. . Ceanup Week Begins Monday. Cleanup week begins nexl Monday but Iheri is nothing to prevent people commencing the work today or tomorrow. All that is required is thai by Saturday of next week all lots shnll be clean mid present such, a spick ,iml span appearance - that tourists ami other visitors will 'remark npdij Ihe Svhole.oje' ap-peitiyinCe of Ihc lowil, The nunoval of as many as possible of the .old sliiiu'iis would. alo add to Ihe appearance of rtlie city. Now llial the visilhlg ih(lM;ftUi dvi;igiiis to Work for Ihe common gooil, tliiVwil) rtn ff)p r t rrtU Vj t aHpiiViJilo practice some of the precepts. Also the law,' with jlr. Cado wielding! Ihe big slick, will be a powerful aid in the campaign. Here's for a clean city, one of which all citizens may be proud, Not Necessary To Be Specific. A leller has ben recejveif from ajndy asking Hiat sorye lots on Fraser .Street be cleaned up. This doubtless wijl receive the aueniion o Hie, nulliorilies and the owner or bds. rjlth should jio juilre he. tolerated on IVaser Street than mi any other. It should mi more be tolerated on a lot owned bv-the cilv than tine owned by a private individual. All must work together for ine common goon. e all need a lillle urging in this maittcr The health officials backed by the police and the city fathers can ilo excellent work next week ir they enter into the sniril of no- iM-rasiuii .iij insisting nidi me regiuaiioris lie carried tint, Thry offered htm partnership If be could Invest tittle money. But he bsdn't the money, and the opportunity was gone. Don't let Uck of money spoil the opportunity that may come to you. '9M"''. One dollar will open a Union Bank Savings Alco", MS UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager Va evolved info a tale of romance ami thrills liy Oscar Ascjie and Fwderic Nnrfnn. II concerns the lo nf Zahral, J lie.' d--erl flower, a beautiful slave, ami Omar; am lite intrigue til Abnu Hat-sai), the robber kins, whose fascinating -lis-2ui? make him a villhm as delightful a Jlohiri Hood. Their Marriage Halted ,1111 as Xah rat ami Omar art about to lw married in t lio huh-lio square, Hassan raids I lie village, and carries nlT tin desert flower and her lover as captives. Hassan sees in her a wonderful decoy fur Iiis operation. After trying unsuccessfully lo win her Transient Display Advertising. '. . .91. 40 per inrh.per insertion 'himself. In' sells her lo the imr- Trmfiient Ailverlising on Krriiil Ingfl. .j. ...... ..2.80 per inch t'liaiil Kasjni, with Him idea nf Local Headers, insertion. .'. .y.;.;.2rc line per . . . , .j. per Classified Advertising, per insertion. .. -.2c per won! Legal Notices, each insertion l'tc per agate line Contract Rate on Application. richt's this J accompllsheil wlieji Hassan, tHsMisciJ as Clio (Iliiu Cbow of China, by a ruse pets possession of Kasim's sbives 'ami pW?p4rly. he is again Hie owner of Xaliral, and in order In punish her for revealing him Jo Kasim s wife,. he jniprisons hex in the robbers treasure cave. Iq the meaullliie Omar, lias escaped bill is caught acniu, ami also lioiuxl in Hie cave. When the robbers brlni: Oiiiur lo the cave, limveyer, Ali M.iha. Ka-im's poor brother, bears Hie password "Open Sesame." ,fler they have srone away lie Iries the password, and so finds his way lo Ihe treasure cjiamlier. He promise Jo Jjrin?'ireli J41 '.&); v and willi hts pieltl fuH f ,g 1. departs lo enjoy liis new .n-perily. Kasl's Greed ifiU All rescues yirV. hut nl 1111 1 i I Kasitn has 1) ! 1.1-trying to tluplicule ; i. (H'oUio good fortune. Clui -fhiji i:tivr'. return has broutrlit this 11 itii. ami lie places Omar this ime in an underprojuml c''rn. which can only he opened ili tn iuu- Jel .which lianas around Hie robber kind's neck. Then with dramatic swlfliies, the slnry ennuis lo a climax. when film Chin fihow tries bi vain control of Hagdad by menus of hiding his men in oil jars, sn they can spring out at the op portune moment lo Overthrow Hie governor. Zahral frustrates this scheme, however, killing the thieves in I heir jars by pouring boiling oil over I hem. Then when (Hiu fihin fihow calls for his men they do not appear, nmf lie ts at last killed in Hie frenzy of Hie crowd. ah rat gets ihe amulet and re leases her lover, and Ihe two go hack In tluTrdyllie" life on the edge of Ihe desert. J The Man in the Moon - 1 t 11 1. mu.m 1 a 1 fling does no ha in. Telling it does the injur. YOl'It sins may not find yon out. but I don't mind bettin about six In one the neighbors will. HOYS shnu'br-bilftsl.' Leave the kicking lo the churns girls. TALKIXfJ about co-operatinn, lake says he likes the way IJie laundries play inlo Ihe hands of the men s furnishing stores. SMITHKHR is one 'of the brightest snots in Ihe Hulkley. yet it is under a cloud' Jusl .now. caused by a lack if elect He fluid. AN optimist a n Janitor who thinks you do not need any heal in a Prince Huperl Hal. IF people have n good opinion of you, possibly I hey do not know you, ; event. 4. PUJE TWO . I Always Buy "SALADA ii GREEN TEA The IxttJ.e leaves and tips from High mountain tea gardens, that are used in SALADA are much finer in flavor than any Gunpowder or Japan. Try it. CHU CHIN CHOW ' GOOD -TASTE IN PLOOtt COVEUIMGS IS EASILY ' l?XPRtSg.' OPENS TONIGHT Famous Musical Play Made for Pictures Is Story of East Tin' story of "Chu Chin Chow" wliielt IHHM14 here liiiiiirlil is founded on the llienie nf AlU ; Malta ami the I'orly Thieves, and iisbjg her ns a spy in layinjr Hie plan lo got Hie wealiliy man's DOMINION : ft PAYING income ax having teeth pulled. . without marriThg becomes lo. svMi h DirdmRoom 1 foor that's both f . r t if demwleand nmheal Enjoy the pleasure of Dominion Linoleum's bright, fresh beauty in your dining room. Nothing could be more appropriate or give greater service and satisfaction. Gay floral patterns, delightful block designs, worked up in lovely color combinations, are yours to choose from. Dominion Linoleum is practical, too. It firm, smooth, waterproof surface cannot be hurt by tpilled liquid. Food particles cannot grind into it. The temping of chairs cannot hurt it Light mopping or brushing removes ever. tuce of disorder, leaving it spotless and inviting. You will like Dominion Linoleum in any rood. Thre are appropriate designs and colorings for the living room, hall, bedroom or kitchen. Dominion Lmolecm is made in widths sufikiei.t to cover any ordinary roosi from wall to wall without seam or crack. It is easy to lay, moder Jte in price and wears for years. Dominion Linoleum Rugs Welcomed by the housewives of Canada for their economy, durability and outstanding beauty. Midi all in one piece, they require no fastening. Seamless, itanitary and easy to dean. Dominion Linoleum Rugs are exceptional value, low in price but high in quality. is like1 .VgfiW' ''tis'ital fif "llrose. w liy Will) thhei fh.f yrtifig lovers! rnnsl lmve in Smilhers this week ilh Ihe electric Juice all nIT. IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE" WINNIPEG FROM EAST Many of Them Bound West In cluding Some Britishers WI.VMIMXi. April 17. Another large -parly nf immjgranlH arrived al the Canadian' National Jdepoi here this morning by spec ial train from tho sleamshlps Amlania, Columbia, Canada, Or-hila and Hey III la, which docked al Halifax on SijIkLi', fl'he .'180 passengers included 12 fainilies brought put uiNlep he' lnierial land selllcmenl scheme and another family 'was detained at Halifax by Ihe jllucss of. a .child and will come west hiler,Of this parly. 08 persons, "in all eight families,- are leaving on today's train for Ihe west, six lo .Kas halchewan, one i0 ,Hert!i; ami ONK nf ibose writers of de-jnne Jo Hrilisli Coliiuiiiiiu iTh" tecllve stories should get busy olficr four families are remaining nil llm liniil C.lll. nnnn 'I'l.. I,. ' "' " . .iiiiiii i..iri-, i iii-.iii -71 .1 ii 1 1 1 iiiii. ' disappearance nf (he Chinese boy adds lo ihe mystery. THINK of trying lo nnalyze the In addition In the above there were on oilier Hritish Immigrants on Ihe train for Hie west, tor .lugn-Slavs, (to Czeeho-tflnvaks origin of n dam burst. I know:and represenlaliVes of ten other a dozen reasons for such an Kuropeau nations, AJrays turn evr tb mJgm wAin bmying mnJ Ivk Jor M Jang -hbr W tap back. Jt $nmraM-f ymar mn4 yur$ of tatitfaoify wr, fivminion Linoleum mnd Mug mrm mti in Cmnsd f th nianmfaeturtfi of th Jmtnu Uosninj LINOLEUM i , I ' 'r-jMstai;jLj tp AT- MOUSE CURMSUIIMG - DEPARTMEMTAL- AND - GENERAL- STORES Dt; Wirt Ten Years Ago 1 In Piince Rupert TIIK real sign oY genlllily I -! Aorll 17. 1B1B. i day is Hie veiy. fihe5jf'i-at of rder the auspices of the new- silk stocking on. a sljm ankle. ,y rBanized (iiH Ouides Chaoler ClUTIfiS are .people vvlio'woul.l like lo but can't'. Ilh.x n woman v passes passes j, forty a W,tfh of Ihe I.O.I), K. a hrillianl dance was held in HI. Andrew's Hall last uiglil, the proceeds lo he devoted to iialriolic purposes. iVilrpnesses "of the eVtful were Mrs. J. II. AIcMulliu, Mis. 1'. O. llawson, Mrs. William Mausoii.! Mrs. ll. ,K, Tremavne ami -Mrs. N. ,JI. .McNeill. . In the alitermauic by-eleeiiou yesterday, ,Ceorge It. Casey was elected over Ccorgc I.eeJ. Tim vole was, 'Casey, Ti"; Leek, 133. The executive of Ihe Hoard of Trade, met yesterday aflerneon wilh C N. Crowell, manager of Ihrf dry dock. If Ihe crude material is lo he obtained here, there seems in be no reason why the local pliml should not he used for the manufacture of shells lo Ti used by the Allies in the war. CANADA PRODUCES THOEST WHEAT Whether I lie price of wheal is hlph or low, Canada never falU lo produce Ihe best ijualily In ils great aunmil cereaj. Canadian hard Spring wheat Is known Ihe world over for the iiualily of Ihe flour H yields. When testing flours for iiiallly. the most satisfactory lest Is .lo hake Hie flpur inlo bread. The baking test tells Ihe whole, story. Klectric Hreml is made from Canadian-milled flour, lis ipial-ily and Havor Is the djrecl result or Ihe wood wheal, which Is ils origin. Klectric Window Hakerles 1)2 Advertise In the Dally News, SEE! J M"f " Prince Rupert Exchanged Special Window Display DOMINION LINOLEUM LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building ncxl door to Krizaell Hiilclicr mi from the impress Hotel We carry n full lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS CAND1W SOCIAL ROOM N CONNECTION uamos Aarcni Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Hone Hrusli UetJ in brn-li imparl time and vigor ami slinjiilale the i-1 hair. A sjiIcmkI'mI head or slroiitf viKoron- tills consistent use. ... . .. . . ! I. II.Mtn III II '1 We have a sliipmeni oi vvnaie iom ... ( ,h direct Jrom the mnjuifnclurers in .... parliciilmly good ipialily and Jov in prn:' .illfC"1 From $1.25 Up. Thev have nice backs and . the WliaU1 I'"1 will nf up well iimJor use. Come in. anil make V,i,r ORMES UMITED M Tho Pioneer Druggists ' 3rd Avenue and sixm o"" Phone 200 and 82