f April i' iones 423 539 GOV 1925. THE DAILY NEW3 PAQB THRBB c OBJECTION TO J Local and Personal j - to PREDATORY CAT ll.C. Undertakers. I'liuuo 41. :!s easy to keep enamel listening white this way" says Mrs. Experience who has long ago made her choice in soap "My! Sunlight really is wonderful for cleaning hc bathroom fixtures. It makes them spotless and jhmwg in almost no time. "T secret, of course, is the pure, cleansing lather of M Sunbght simply dissolves dirt and grease so that . it imsv: away. I wash the linoleum and paint-work with Sunlight, too, it's less work the Sunlight way. Mter all, you can't beat a pure, honest soap for ccononv bl rlanmg, so give me Sunlight and nothing else vrr time I always use it tor the dunes because bunbght is n tin th hands It is made by the largest soap-makers in ht v. irkl, Lever Brothers Limited." mdight Soap upert Fish Frejh rrozen All varieties. " Fresh Fish All varieties in se?son. . Smoked, Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Maddlo "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. , Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish-Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish--Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prirtie Rupert, B.C. ,0OK! LOOK! The "ART CLOTHING" man is here Come in and get your measure Fit guaranteed p65 STEVE KING Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarlno Prince Rupert." Third Avenue U G BO ATS lack 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phonos 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 - SrECIAL SELECTED -ANABI&N" RYE WHISKY Mont uncar Dominion Government supervision TlicQuulifyWIiisHyofCanada- sinccloo'J ISJ f Liine,lment is "ol published or displayed by the ul ifumu or ny mo uoveiiiu'tiii, . British Columbia. You'll like our joall Gousum era Coal Cu. Phone 7. If Fur Tacksee folio "aix- seven-ale." Hob Arthur. If What you for another. May Day. Mrs. S. have Gyro (Seurpe Knudsen was fined $25 in llii) city polieqf court yesterday iik-moon for intoxication. l.adysuiitli - Wellington, "the best," also "Peerless," "smoke- ess." , l'rince Rupert Coal Co. Prince been waiting Hoedown on tf Mr. ami Mrs. .1. Field of Suiinysido .sailed this uitf on llii aiictiuvcr. Mlilfolliisnii I'ttuiiihlfr wan a last week in honor HotliwHI of- llcgiiia ltiiurl. tf Sh-ann inorn- (ioorao for .Moose annual .Memorial !er vice, Sunday, April l'J, at, 3 ji.iu. iii .Melropole' Hall. Everybody cordially invited.- y of New lea hosluss or Mrs. W, and Priife A general inccl my of Ihe I.O.I will be held in I In-City Hall Innigiil al H o'clock. F.veiy member is !-iiieslt-d lo altend. Kliner Kakelu, who ex-aped from the lm"woilal last week, tin - ecu adjudged insane' and was laken to Kssondale hy Provincial Police Uoiislalilc It. P. Poiidi'i-Mil HliPl'iiinr. Madam Wiiiiiifred l.iirin- I' alicy, dramalic soprano, is lo "ii ig - al ' the Knyal Mcloria I'lieali-e in Vielni-iii mi Tucsilay. May 5, uiid'.'i- Hie ausiices of the Ladies' Musical Cluli. I Itttginald Press of the slalT of the Hunk of Montreal ill. cw Wrslmiiitilor and foriflpr4r "of Prince Hunert pcut.' VIvoIop liolidayit w it U liis imrents, Mr and Mi. WiUiain. Press, Jlurdetf Av en 11,0, Vloloria. . Wunp Chang Shin? and l.ini Ah l.oiifT, Chiuese. were lakiii soulli to Okalla prison liy Si-r-yeaiil Jebsou, It. C. M. P. this morning. They are to serve six mouth .sentences for infractions of tin Opium and Narcotic In-ii' Act. Iteceivcil our new slock ol PraH's Itahy Chick Food an I poultry supplies; l'leisohinair dry yeast; garden and fiel t seeds; Sprutfs bird and do.i -uppliv's, and our famous Kdsot i'.oal. Phone -S. Princo Itupcrl t-ecd Co. U.2 The city council last night, on recommendation nf Ihe Hoard of Works, accepted Hie lender Of 'lie Prince Hunert Spruce Mills for Ihe supply of IOo.oOO feel of hemlock and cedar lumber; The figure on hemlock was $?2 and on cedar $','3. The Hoyal Mills, the only oilier lendefCr, bid $2 IS for heinloeJi and S21 fot' cedar. Inlnyed' by Ihe same al Shelly near Prince which held up Wednesday trouble d'eo'rge ' train, the passenger I rain dnp here I hi a morning a! " o'clock from the Fast did no I arrive until 2.50 this aflei-nooii. The steamer Prince icorge sailed for the soulh on lime at 'J o'clock Ibis morning without awaiting'-Ibu arrival' of Ihe train. Having made all her calls on the Skeena Itiver with Ihe cx-ceplion of Ihe sjoiigh, Union steamer Venture, t'.apl. A. Johnstone, arrived in' port ut I o'clock Ibis aflernooii. A Her unloading sawdust al Hie Canadian Fish .V Cold Storage. Co.' dock, the vessel sailed at 2-o!clock for Ihe Naas Itiver. The Venture bad a big crowd of cannery employees for Hie Naas and Skeena llivers ami also half a dozen men for Ihe Millerd cnnm-iy here. Advertise in Hip Dailv New trf I l.kJjwtk la Rtft CATARRH nf tha BLADDER Eich CanKHle (Ml i -v- CVEN simple injuries are apt to cause a deal of pain and worry during spring clean 'time. Along with the dust, are disturbed myriads of tiny disease grimi. Their mission is to attack any exposed sore place and set up It ster ng and blood-poison. Knowing this, the wise house, keeper takes nrt chances. She always keeps box of am!eptic Zam-Euk on a handy shell. This tnaous herbal balo never fails to soothe, cleanse and heal cat -, bruises, scratches, burns, 6CaUs and abrasions. Zam-Buk kills disease germs, prevents wounds going 'the wrong way.' and grows new skin. It is also far and away, the most successful remedy tor troubles like ecsem?., purples, poisoned sores, piles, ulcers, etc. Cat Indie Spi iiij,- Sab' Monday if leiniMiii in Melropole Hall Social in eveniiis. 'J- I). It. McDoiiirall was fined 20 in Ihe city police coijil Ihs morn ui for assuulliiii,' II. 1'.. Darken. 'IHiwiiitew cars al your sel vice, day ud nilrbl. Moderate cliires PiiuiHs fedlji'i'. -g. V; Syjincs. tf Moose .ibiui.il Memorial cr vice. Sunday. April l'J, al 3 p.m. in Melropole Hall. Kverybody cordially invited. , 021 1 St. Hemunibcr Andrew s Ladies Auxiliary sale of home eookin:;, novelties ami aflernooii leu on Saturday afternoon. l-'isliMml shower ley Home bazaar al Mrs. .lolin Hanson, on Thursday, April couple (Washington Government Depart Ul for the Hi'l-Cio home of Fnglish Hill 23. (i. M. WiUiscrpfl or nyox ailed this nmmiiig on the Prince JlurprT'for ViincoiiVcr after bav in sr spent town of days-in CTKorsr hbrlcj .flailed on Princo l'rinco neorge. neorge. thislliidrniug thislliiorniug the for Vancouver. He wjlJP pr iceed lo Iho southern titj6t- where lie will spend sevcral nbiitlis. ' . " V. D. fiordon, serinlenilent nf the Yukon Itiver division of Iho While Pass iv 'Yukoii llail- 'y. is a pussiMigerT going norlh oil Hit; Princess Mary which Is in port Ibis aflernouii. .1. I., ltlain. i-unji.'iolor, lia Inkeu over F. II. Sb,colley's slosk of double dressed rjijmlier, sash and doors. Also UiB'-ugeuny for .1. FyTe Smilh I. Id.'3' jianlwoods For bandsiiwiiig nmr planln'-' jjidibiiig and repaliliig, phono Hlue 2li8. tf .' -. . CP. It. sleaiuer t'fiuces Mary Capl. C. C, Sninley, l-rfvi'd from the smith al 2.15 Hits 'aflernooii and will sail for Allison purls al i. Aiii'ong the passenger eni-llrrrlcing here for Ilic. hiiirth are 'Mr. iind -.Mrs. Fugcnj Hjigtlen and Miss I'aiuiy Pierce rilr ivelcliikan and Carl Mamies for STcagway. Passengers saillilg for Ihe south on the si earner Prince (teorge Ibis nioiiiinfr'liicluiled A. Fcaser, C. .1. House, Mr. and Mrs.; J. Field Slranu. Ceorge Horie, J I'., F. A. Ilauphinee, 1), 1). Archl-1 bald, V. P. HeaniR, V. C. Yoilng.! (t. M. Williscrofl, Mrs. H., Thompson, .1. H. l.illico, 11. II.' Onminon, W. McK'iblifn, Mrs. T.j Chrlstopberson. H. P. Crowe, V.. O. .labour and A Wi Caswell; J. Slono nml J. Crooks for Ocean Falls. ' ment Issues Report Against Pussy WASIIINdTON, April 10. If birds could be protected from the prcdalory house cat, they would materially reduce, the $1,600,- 000,000 loss caused annually by insects and grubs which deslroy agricultural croiis, in Ihe, opiui n of the Hiolofrical Survey. The cal, estimated to be 25,- 000,000 strong in Ibis country, is not, however, flic only enemy ot the wild birds, says the survey I'he boy vvilh his air rifle, I lie man wilh ins, 'iin, squirrel aun other small animals, and the elements aiV all takiu;; their toll. Hut tabbv is said lo b" particularly altenlivu to the feathered sinsrers at this time of the year, which is Ihe iiesling season. Insects, Ihe survey says, each year ca ?800,oo(j,ouo worth ot seed and crops, and a like sum is pent lo set rid of the pests Fanners, fruit growers and or ehanlisLs share the buriliiu. They depend upon the, birds to help keep down Ihe overwheliiiiiii; hordes of inse'cls. To protect, the birds, Hie sur vey recommend iiuinimg nesi boxes and plantinsr sbrubliery lo make up for Ihe ilisappearance of the hollow trees and young will' rovvlh in which nests once were built. II ui-scs provision of bath ing and drinking waler in the summer and lood ami sneiicr in winter. Hegarding Ihe cals the stincv :ui-lliei- says it is not necessarv that householders pari with their pels, but I hey "shoutd.be kepi from unduly increasing: if they are lo be prevenieii iroin Minna the song birds." 'During Hie neslius season es pecially." savs Ihe survey. watchful care is needed, par liculili-ly al Ihe time when the fledslhigs, unable lo make full use of I heir undeveloped wings, flutter lo Ihe ground. The sight of helpless young bird hoppin across the lawn exciles the pre datory instinct of even a, fed house cal." BASEBALL American Washington 7, New York Cleveland 2, SI. I.ouis t. Chicago i, Detroit 2. Hoslon 3, Philadelphia ?. -National Philadelphia K, llrooklyn Pittsburg 3, Chicago H. SI. I.ouis 3, Cincinuali 7. .New York 8, Hoslon I. well- HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert (leorgi;v McAfee, (ieorgelown; .lim Meredith, city; W. .1. Owens, Fdmouloii; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Down, Mrs. Wallace Henderson and Mrs. I.. H. Wenerstrom, Anyox; Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, Alice Arm; T. Spring. Vancouver. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Take notice thai Mcllride St reel rrom Seventh Avenue lo Niiilli Avenue will he closed 'for ibvce weeks commencing Monday, April 20. Tralllc will have lo be diverted along Fulton Streel, Ninth Avenue and Hays Cove Circle. 12 CITY HN(i IN FF.lt. 21. dve-lie in lb1 DhIIv ew I- ANNOUNCEMENTS Haskelball Dance, April 17. Calholic Spring Sale, afler nooii of April 20, Melropole Hall followed by social evening. Tennis Club Hall, Friday, April Hhllcy Home Sale, Thursday. May T. f Next week ts CLEAN UP WEEK Start at Your Shoe? USE ShoeFblish It improve your pErsonal Appearance. I Stewart. t - The Big Hit of breakfast is the flavor of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Each spoonful scores a flavor home-run. Delicious! Delightful! It starts the day right! Makes a Big Kit wiih your family. Serve Kellosg's tomorrow. No cooking. Jut fill the bowh with craichy, richly toasted Hakes and add milk or cream. Fresh or preserved fruit is alro delicious with Kcllogg's. Served in all restaurants.. Sold at all grocers. m4 CORN FLAKES Ovn-frrth ALWAYS If limn unuy- trltp. I Hit U r. cuM Ktlltlt ftdmtl Makt this companion! Tat that wondarful flavr faOnd anlr la Kllo(f' Corn Flak. CompAr It with any rt4r-to-t cartal. Ytu'll knew why mlllin$ dtmaad 'MX S?.RN WINTER ir Steamship Service. S.t. PRlNCt RUPERT milt rrum I'rlnie fluperl FOB VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, Intcrincdiute po.nls each Friday 9.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANrOX . . . Wednesday, 11.00 p.tu. THE S.8. "PRINCE JOHN" leaM PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for VANCOUVER., via QUEEN CHARLOTTE I8LAND8. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, .00 p.m. fi r Crime George. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all points Kasfrn Canada, United States. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Office, 52S, Third A Prlnc Rupart. Phono 280. The Hoover" Fur 1 1 1 .i miinllt nf April you can buy llii famous cli'auiT and iitlaelmicnts fur Hie small first paymi'itt uf.imly M.50 and littvc (be balani-e spread over .1 lie next fifteen inoiillis. l.ul us clean a ni? fur you. Kaien Hardware Co. Another Portland Canal Opportunity The first Treasury Issue of Iho Porler-lduhu Mining Co., Lid., is now ofrert'd the public ul 25c per share. This is tlie only oilier shipping mine besides Ihe Premier in Ihe Portland Uanul District. Ore shipped last year more lliu.ii paid development work. For full inforniation apply H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Stockbrokers. Victoria. 1 rf'