li i erii n u iau u vuuviivms'n imiu I ill 1:1m 1, u ' 111 i When Wembley Expenses I anarchy. Martial law ha" Im-cii ii Criticized throughout Hulgaria lull no ' ' disturbance ha- Iteell reported. TOTAL COST WAS $42 4- iVV April - ... U iiiiii'jii l: Atlantic - If. The lhe ohl 1 i MiservativtiJi as, t lie s' jmlal of Ihc inliiiinis-V '. Oetween l'.M2 ami Ut' c Hiliiiiieil, rnoiiuh I Hie Cmiservalixe atl- hail grossed and th' Mlanlio lo ' i a shullle llinuili a Fruit Combine f1 ohn, tliiiiM-ixaliveJ i -ti-iis n taken lo end ' mlitiii in Western I was no advanlagc lie priiiiiicer or the he argued, Tor M.C f"'ch $.1 u liox on the f 'ho producer was (to-niiy 30c. VPR ? VCCM HAD PEACE RIVER RAILWAY " favor the Province Offcr-ln9 any Reasonable Induce ment to Build vTiiHIA. April 17.--Premier U:1 1 1 ... I l ii... I... Ml: 'lir. Iici" i inn ii i ne i i- oveiniMcnl ilcciih'S "Hl.lnijfs a railway inlo ' llos year he has in "' lie wmiU llll i III llll.lll . In " l" ihi.i an early start i-h. He savs he favors t i' a: inline. orvorge . whip, was ;i t Vyle wnj one of' n irntiii-y elegdes In' 4, .is: y ur alio. in h'-j fit ayaienl of 'the e.v- 1 v. i ! iii fiinn l!oncra-l in ' urrii-il w:ir arro!! I ,i f'ttuL. or 8li va'd iim snimierit lo Wenu ' M'tiiim-il, was I ii-i ','l"li,"r" "iTering any reason- '.' l;"lr.eit III insure u line llw I - "'1111 hi coiiiicel wilh the I il.N I h u lie ninurixm NOTHING YET TO SAY BABE RUTH MUST v "IT AW 'Mi(iiu I,. 'VI AMil 17. "There'i" -III V III I 1. 1.. II II Mil II.... . " nine. " i ei i I'L.i. n....i Ii,,. ,. '.1111111111, null- - ...MMiys, yesterday, af 111 Ul II,,. '..r , " UlllUloi, ullli li.,.- ....II " III ihU , .. ... ... " no reiice mver ii. GOVERNMENT WITH BRIAND MINISTER I'AIIIS, April 17. - M. I'ainleve has iuci'eeled in forming a (!oeriiiiienl in which he will lake the ministry of war in adili-lion lo Hie I'reiniership, ami M. llriaml, who re-ccnlly failed lo form u cahinet, will In-runic foreign ininislcr. PRETENTIOUS BOOKLET l'lie iiiosl pretentious hooklel .. . ..... ... i .i:.l..ii Oil rrlllt'e unpen ""'I ii(hvi ever prepared has just rome olT the press, having heen prepared hy a Joinl roininillce of the cily council and I he Hoard or Trade under the chairmanship of John Dylihavn. II conlains a iiiunher of new pictures, one in particular lakeii rrom Hie air Ias1 summer iriviii? a hrller idea of the eilv Ihair anv hilherlo seen. , A i... .1,1.. siirriul in llie crime ,.r Hi,, hook e is irom .ln.wiii--' the routes from peace lUver lo II oast prepareu prnioilouslv hy A. i:. N rifihl ami r. i ack. dale. ,he hooklel conlains much de- i,.il In levari o I'liuce ii.iMi wilh slalislics hrotishl un prepared l lici e were also paw ' . HAS BEEN PUBLISHED Tells of Peace River Route ana of Rosources and Activities of Prince Rupert and District . i.. i.v i i.i loan s in mine .. .. i icrs. New .M'w iiiitein" Iliuelioii, Vamleihoof. oiillitiiug we '".i..e in . wliich I hey are parliemitrry inlereslcd. One pafie lia ..r .1 a iniees I 'll lonu in .,..... - .... i Peace Uiver lo I'rince Unpen aim also lo Vancouver. iiii. tvnouraidileul .. r. I ..II,. ii done by Itose. i.owau this cily a I able in the work was UNDERGO OPEKAIJUN NHW YOHK. April 17. IJahe Until is lo undergo un rulion for Hie removal of an ahcess on hl back. The home run king will he unable to l-biy baseball for al least a month. VHVKllllA, April 17. Thai lrons opposition will he made hy Drilish Coliimiiia at Ottawa against any reni.'wal of the l'ela-Kic sealing treaty is eoiitaiiied in the announcement thai I'reniier Uljver will support the Victoria idiamher of Cotumcicc and I'.ily Council in opposition aVaiusI any renewal of the treaty. I'l-emierOlixcr has aiinoiinced thai il is his inlenlion when he visits Ottawa shortly to- in:e UtrioifflyUialil he. jivd, aJiiewwtj iiPv-fnfen irrrTiy vni o.Pr1 lime sealer of this city ami wilier Hritisli- tkilumhi'a coas ports, and in fact hy sealers all aloiitf llie Pacific seahoard. For fifteen years this treaty has liaiincd the sealing imliiftry in North Pacific waters, and since thai treaty went into effect Ihc herds have heen increasing rapidly. Last year's cumis showed that there were approximately 2oU.i)0 seals in North I'arific waters and Ihcir nuin-liers may even he more as the census lias not yet been taken for this year. What this industry means lo Vicloria.'Cin he gained from the following facts: During the old sealing days llie industry ineanl an income or ,000.(100 a year from prodnels of sealing alone. while the money that would he spent in outfitting and huildiug of vessels for the husiness would .easily hriug the total lo the mark. FISH ARRIVALS List Not so Heavy But Pr!c:s Still Low Salmon Sells for 12c A mass meeting will he calico shortly of all old-lime sealers lo di-cuss this ipiesllon, ami representatives from as far south as San Francisco are expected to alleml. The treaty was signed by Japan, Itussia, Camilla and the I'nitcd Slates. Halibut arrivals this morning were illsposeil oi as ioiiows: American I'orllock, 50.1100 11. s;, al o.Gi and :ic. to Hie Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. Cora, 1,300 lbs., al K.riluul JJic to Hie Allin Fisheries. The'-' schooner HiiMina wilh 43,(100 lbs. is hobliiiig over until loioorrow. Canadian Swing, l.noo lbs., at H.3c .and 3c, lo the Allin Fisheries. Salmon The following red salmon .was alo disposed of: Taplow. 1.000 lbs., lo the Can adiati Fish & Cold Storage Co al 12c. Plop, ;ieUlO His., al. l2o, and Carl, 700 lbs., at 7.1c lo the Allin Fisheries. Henry J., 1.100 lbs., at 12 to the ltoyal Fish Co. Advertlsa ,11 the Daily News DIRIGIBLE IS SAFELY MOORED!: Had Perilous Voyage In dialed today. . 1 Gale Over North Sea and Holland Coast PI I.IIAM. April 17 The run- .. . ... .. .... 1 ... iway iiitiKiDie u-.i.i is uin moored in her hanycr once more this aflernoon following a perilous I rip over the North Sea ami the coast of Holland last niglil mil Ibis muriiiug.,Tho fierce gale in whic.liihe greal airship drifted riie opinion :is expressed that FORMOSA EARTHQUAKES i ! 1 Un. mUliaii in wli'lcti llie vessel. ' ' . ; ! OICW irom liei niuiilinjts jrsn-i- lav was due lo delerioralioii of lie ineliil mooring, arm during the five years I tm dirigible has remained tinnsc'l. Tlie Cardiiigloii hangar of 'l-.l.l has Jusl been FIVE LOST LIVES IN FIRE MARSHFIELD, ORE. MAIISIIFIF.I.D. Ore., April 17. II. II. Ilopp". his wife and three ctiildieii. ranging in age from seventeen lo ten, were burned to death this morning wlien Ho home was destroyed by fire. TOKIO. April 17. Heavy curtlupiukes were reported this morning 011 Formosa Islam! with a minor sliock fell ul Toklu. Tin duinaue was slight. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 5 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Hoor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding invwhere at Anytime. parties. tmtf Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rals, apply t Rnstun and ow Grill. Third Ave. KlftTT VIPECK, Pf w Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. I'lUXCF ItLPF.HT, IU;, Fit I DAY, APJtIL 17, 1025. YHUrln'i Circulation. 14T6 Strt Salts 376 PRICE FIVE CENTS, rHKT Tfni i in tit r t miTrnvr w wrw w r mm itit UlViK UUlKAbt IN lAlntLIKAL luLLd MAN I RILLIANT ADDRESS GIVEN BY BISHOP DE PENCIER TO THE ROTARY CLUB emote Outrage at bona when Bomb Exploded Funeral Service Assassinated Bulgarian General K0F1V April 17. Tlitf um-jonl rulhudrul of Sveli Krai was ii U'rhlilt outrage Tl.iiiclay. .Muu.'ber.t of I lie Hul- 1 l ,. i i: I : i : .... i - i-i- , ami many military officer assembled ul Ihc funeral Hi : (utih incir who wn assassinated, wlicii in I fie course Ihc Hi It in-- i . ices u bomb or bombs ciloilcil causing widespread III Irstrurlioii -trrs wen 'n e vei I thai id'. id. many i inrrn 1 1 imp n i 1 1 ii in nrn ami parlly wrecking Ihc building. None killcil tint several were woniiileil. i Mass Meeting of Old Time Seal I In : I. ..I: ...... .1 i im prisons, i in -lulling .o women aim mi ers WM ba Called to Meet of IN PARLIAMENT II... I l: i . i .. . . ' me oonics ion iiaviug uccn rrcov-l ercil. I SOFIA, Ajirii 17. (l.alcr; j Six general ami thirty ollircrs jwerc killcil in I he explosion. How, why, or hv whom the jliouib w;h placed is unknown Iml I he theory -circulated is that the outrage was Ihc work of agents ; PREMIER WILL OPPOSE TREATY In Victoria So welt iiiir"st'J were Kuglish officials of the Wetnblcy Kxuisitiou with Hie ir of King t.armval at llie fete at Nice reci nlly thai llicy arr going lo have it moved lo London. Prince Rupert as Base for Stikine Exploration by Geo. Platzer Party VANdOI.'VKIt, April 17. The second expedition into the .uikiiowii regions north of llie Slikine lliver.will leave Viuii Oliver llie taller pari of-April headed by (ieorge IMatzer, who claims mi be familiar xv'illi the unvi. It-is planned lo fly from Prince Itupcrl in an airplane callable of carrying several persons besides a Ion of freight. The fir?t expedition under rrank Perry is already on Hie mUkirfs of llie unexplored lerrilory. II is reporled thai both projects are backed by American anilalisls anxious to develop Hie iiiinciil resources' of the virgin I irea. llie Perrv exiieilllloll Is also T isb-red hy Hon. Charles Mack intosh, former governor or Hie norlhwest territories. THREE CANDIDATES GERMAN ELECTION HKlll. IN, April 17. Threw candidates al'e in the field in the, second elcelion for president of (iermany,' the election for which is to be held on Sunday, April 2(l.!Tli" men are (ieneral Von' llinden-burg, candidale for Die I. uiteil ltighl; Dr. Marx;or Hie People's llloc; Kriii'sl riiaeliuanil of the Cinu-inunist Party. ' ELEVATOR MATERIAL 4 4 IS NEARLY ALL HERE Tua Tcolo Arrives With More Fir Lumber Local Dealers to Promote Sale of Local Products The lug Tcpic arrived here Ibis morning with two scows of fir lumber consigned lo Albert t McCalTery. This makes a lolal Combined Effort Shown Necessary to Success '' by Bishop De Pender Says Canada is Criticized in United States for Allowing Liquor Export to that Country The necessity of developing llie individual and U aching liini llie value of working in harmony willi oilier individuals," of oniinmiilics working with oilier comniiuiilies and of nations working in harmony wilh each oilier was emphasized hy Uishoji De Peiieicr, address to Ihc Ilotary tiluh al Ijicir luncheon yesterday. Incidenlally he referred to llie leiidcnry io break .avvs and especially llie liquor laws. Hoollcgging wa one of Ihc niosl flagrant breaches of Ihc laws. The Hishop said he recently spent llircc weeks in the "nilcd Slaves uouik as far south , r is llie Mexican border and ho round most severe criticism, of :aiiada because of their allow-' ng shiploads of lupinr lo he ex-mrled. ostensibly to Mexico but eally to he used in breaking ttm rohibitiou laws of the I nilelj stales, lids he said was not iila.vinu the game. ' ' In openiuu, llie Hishop ntke btt-.t."i'. farUthat.Jm j?ja2i2UWs. -eas in the aiuc regimen with -Mjlonel Nichplls 4t llns coy. Hi siinke humorously of the Cold Storage plant as a "concrete ex cession of a cold fact." Hy Miherilance, lie. Hie lisliop, wa 1 loyalist. He had heard fimii ins parcnis now me t.r.. i.oyai- ts I ravelled up from the .Stales lo Canada where they immediately raised the Union Jack, lie iad been nourished on that kind if milk ami the love of P.mpirc ,vas sin nr.' tit mm. Need of Men In speaking of some elcmenls of success for I he nation as for the church, he spoke of lh value if the individual. For progress, t was necessary lo have men worth while. In the old days the world was ruled by the knitdil hi horseback ami by the priest villi tin" book. .One was able to ide down the serfs and llie other o liolil I Hem in lerror 01 ine urse. However, a new era prang up wilh the invention of gunpowder ami the printing uess. The use of the gun de stroyed the power of the knight nid the iiiiuling. of books de. slroyed the power of Hie priest I'lieii individuality appeared anion;.' Hie people. Oilier inven- ion.s developed individual powers ami it was discovered thai com bination was necessary ami so there were combinations in every walk of UTe. They were essen- ial to meet the demands of (he world.1 and with Ihem began lo lawn the coiuiiiunily Peo- le realized Hint all were mem bers one of another. Combined effort was as essential us in. Ilvblual effort. There was need for both eleiuenls to be recognized. Clubs such as that before which lie was speaking sprung of approximately one million feel ., v,jr, recognized the value of of fir thai has been brought here uH, individual ami also Hie value by the firm within the last two r TUmmunily effort month!). The most or II is being iy u,P realizalioii of Inler-uscd on the elevator founilalioiis.,i, came the realization The C.l'.ll. lug uuuireulu un,J that if oiie of the nations of ear barge- are uue neio uooio, niu. vvorbl goes wrong all sillier Monday froiil llie soulh wilh the rh, isolation 01 nations has been balance id the creosolcd linnber overruled, InleriliMiendcnre is and idles to be used in ihc cleva- the most seir-evldcnl ami obvl lor wburf. Wilh I ho arrival of Ions tiling in life. There was al this shinnieul, practically . all Iho so inlerdenendence between the . inulerial for Ihe elevator sub natural and supcrnulural. slruclure will be here . Community Spirit llegarding llie Importation; of m Canada llie coiumunily fir. Albert it McCalTery . 'advised L,,irjt vvas highly developed, This (hut I hey have entered lido nil was seen in Ihc towns on U10 arraiigemenl with Hie Pnuce Ru- coast". Kvery town was so ol perl Spruce Mills to ' niarkeling sessed witli its own importance their product. Fir will be sold and possHiilitiles that people only on special orders. (continued oil page five) 00LIOIANRUN ALMOST OVER Natives Now Boiling Down the Reeking Fish and Extracting Grease at Naas River FISH Fit Y HAY. Naas IHver, April 17. The oolichaii fishing is practically all completed now except the smell. II Is still here and gets worse continually. Just now oil is being e.vlracliil from the semi-piilrid mass thai luu been piled up for a week or Iwo on the batiks of the stream. Part of Hie process of oil extraction is leaving Hie heaps of fish 'to be come stale ami reauy for ooinnig,; Mending the 'oil is a smellyx process wilh the fish in liad con-j. ii'ilion. However, the Indians here do not mind il. There is. a goodj caleli and during the coining year oolichaii grease will bee used in quantities. It lakes Hie place 'of lard ami butter in Ihea culinary operation of tin na-J lives. When taken from fresliH ish il is clear and almost tale less, bill does not then taste u aood to the Indians, MURDERESS IS TOO WEAK FOR HEARING f OF HER JASE TODAY CHOUW POINT, April 17. Anna Cunningham, Hie sclf-cou-;'csc,t poisoner of 'her three chfldren is still loo weak for the preliminary hearing on th charge of murdering her ofJ Walter. u . i OLIVER IN DARK ON FREIGHT RATES YET YlCTOUjA, Api'il 17.- II Is no I- t . . . .! us yei Known wiien llie rreigitt ales cast will clonic before the coiniiiillee al Ullawa, premier ' Uiver staled. He has mil yet decided when b leave for III? si st. fit - PREMIER MINE VlCtOltl. .'-Ap'ril , 17, II If slated here thai I ho iiiiggcu-lieiuis are not illsi'dsing or any toT I heir slock in the premier mine. Tin? price of the slock lias advanced willltn Ihe past few' days lo 42.03 u share. GRAND FORKS ELECTION iimihiil imid for llie ni-illnl ........... . . ...... ..j...- v.,.. Forkxi by-election ;ari cxpocled to take place April 20 and polling on April 25, II jias been announced al Viotoriu. 1 k