.if: 'AGE SIX Heilbroner's Gone! ? NOT FAR. JukI Up the street, I akiii- a pari of the West of England's Store, and lie will lie pleased lo serve his old customers as well as any new ones. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist CREPE MALTA A finely woven crepe, suit-aide for street, afternoon frocks, or arnienls for intimate wear. Conies in While, Sand. Tan, Sky, Jtese.la, Helio. Harding, ('oral. Forty inrhes wide, l'er yard 60c West of England Store Phone 753. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c per SacV HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. Wf BUY BOTTLES. THE RINK Will Be Open For SKATING Saturday, April 18. Afternoons - - 2 lo 4 Evenings - f - K lu 10 (lood music both sessions. Competent inslruc-lors to teach beginners. Phone Black 449. A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 IN NEW STOCK OF ORGANIZING KU KLUXKLANIN WINNIPEG CITY WINNIPEG, April It. The Ku Klux Klau has m;tdc is appearance in Winnipeg. While the organization of the hood and fiery cross has not taken definite shape here, petitions for membership have been circulated. II izli speed salesmen are in the city putting across a brand or "pure patriotism" to which tiiey alone claim to have the key. at $10 per put. , They also lake. No address except "the authorities'" is si veil on the petition. Included anion? the questions, which must he truthfully i answered is ine: "Does your father speak the English lan-jguage fluently." Your telephone ! number and wife's religion alsn appear to lie important. Wiielher J you have been divorced and why. i the color of your eyes, your present church affiliation, your Wright and height, and others. ! Meanwhile His Nibs, the (iraiolj I Imperial Wizard of the Order. from his secret Kave in At Ian i a. 'a., waves his embroidered robes, wildly and holly announced thai ilhe Canadian organizers are 'the bunk" and have no conned ions . with Ihe old firm. XdvorMxe ip lhi Imt'v ew THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I COLUMBIA. III IIh- Mallrr of tlie "Companies' Arl I 171 : ami i ill tlx- Mailer nf mi Apiilicailim lij IIh-llorhcr ile llniite OiiMr. OmijiatO' w Im ir-tni-pil to h- llerUler muter Srtlrti ir.K of IIh- aalil Art. T A E MTICK tlMt in appllrHlli.il will Iw mail? to tlw 1'rrnlilinr Judyr In ciinmlMTii il tli r.mirl llmise. I'rlner l!llTl. t.r:., TlieMljy tlx; goili ,ay i,r April. A.Ii. tVii. it llii liMir of Iti.lt" ii'riiwk u tlM' firiHMin or mi wii lliern Tier a Hie lui.tinii mar Itr lii-anl .n lu-. i ihilf of ilie alxiv fiH-iitinl i;i.iiipny rot 1 an tinwr mai iiw vain '.niiipaiiv lie re Moral to tin- rrri-lrr of Joint Stork Cum paiil". AMI TVVK MITICK that In Ktippoft . atJ appliratloii will be pad tin? lltiti if tlK Cmiijuuv l-uf herein iikI the TIRES Prices are again reduced. II no longer pay$ you lo repair obi tires. BUY A NEW ONE. We have Ihem in :i0x3Vj sizes from $8.00 to $15.00. S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers SUCCESS in hailing is ossurcd when tjoiv use MAGIC BAKING POWDER It contains no alum and leaves no bitter taste ii,tiu ,ji irmH . raunore Fworii r. ..r u. i ... , , , , . the sotli nay of Mar.li, A.n. mr. aim "' ll,e ,,m l,rlc ! latrk of de- ii nil nermi. HATKH It I'rlurft ItirirfVl. II.C... this JUIIi lay ul Marrh, A.D. 1BSS. ! W. O Fl I.TON. Solid tur for the I'eUtiow i Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpad Third Avenue. SLUMP IN POTATOES NE'iY YORK STATE MA LONE, N.Y.. April ,1 . -cores, nf Adirondack and North country farmers are now feeding their stock on potatoes which !iad been stored for month in Ihe hope of higher, prices. Nol in years has the pnlalo market been So hard hit as during Ihe past winter. The lubcrs form the principal crop at many of Ihe mountain farms, whose owners have lost heavily because inand for slored potatoes. WIRELESS REPORT Friday, April 17, 8 a.m. Dig by PaiL cloudy; baromc r ..!. i, icinpeiaiure n; sea Miroolji. Hull Harbor Cloudy: light -oniiiwesl wind; barometer 2'J l; temperature 17; sea moder ate; 1 a.m. Princess Mary at Ivory Island, northbound. Dead Tree Overcail; calm; barometer temperature l.'l; sea smooth. Noon Digby Strong S.K. wind; bar ometer Vi.X,i tunpttralurc 5.'l;; sea moderate; Princess Mary; d;ie al Prince Uuerl 2.30, ' SHERIFPS SALE OF MINERAL CLAIMS. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. WllliHIli F.. Maloney vermin Aiuliony Me'iiilre. It.v viiiiir or a warianl or rveeotinn honied in tiie Hlime irtlon. and dlrei-lecl t' here "if, I have selied Ihe rollowlnir mineral I . . i-lalnia, siluate near Alhr Ann. adjacent! here lo the kitunnll lltver and the .Norlh Ftrk i,.,-,, or Uie Kltaanlt lllver: "Waverlr Orono." 1 ' THE DAILY NEWS FlMv ... LOSS OF DIRIGIBLE DUE TO RADIO WAVES That Is Theory of Dr. Terada of Toklo University TOKIO, April 17. In. T. io- rada, science professor in Tokio Iniversity, says that the destruction jof ihe dirigible 'SSa las! March with the loss of her crew, was caused by a broadcast radio wave. Dr. Tercola was a iin-nitier of ihe board nppoiii!cd lo invoJi- tfale I Im exulosion. ami after il had ended-, il labors without finding a iheorv. In continued ;his exj,ierluicnts. Coaling n inin- iiature of Hie airship with Ihe ( aluniinuni jiaini dial was umm! on , Ihe SS3, be found that radio waves directed against il produced sjarlis measuring nearly an inch, and while he has not fully disclosed Ihe nature of the experiment and lis results, he expresses tiis coniclion thai he has found the cause of the ONLY ONE CURE FOR GARLIC ODOR WASHINGTON. April 15. The Im'SI method oT eiiminnliuu (lie odor of garlic from Ihe brealh is to refrain from ealing Ul. Department of Agriculture scienlislf, have determined after a long sillily of I lie quegliott. The inquiry was instituted after several parlies had appealed lo Ihe ilejiartiiienl for a solution of Ihe problem of a garlicky taste in milk from a cow which had ealen garlic. Now Ihe ex-perls announce thai Ihe only thing lu do is lo keep I In' cows away from Ihe weel, in which I hey revel. HUNGRY RATS REBEL AT DIET OF VITAMINES HKItKrXKY. Cat.. April 17. Some while ral, under nliM-na-tion for the eTfeels of a liewl) discovered vitauiine, receiilly tipped over Iheir caues in earrh! of food ami. seeing nothing eUe iliahily, stnrled in devour the record book of Iheir activities made in the household science department of (he I Diversity of California. When Ihe class conduct iig the experiments gathered next day, Ihe record book .was found in bad siupe. i Several pages had lefi chewed out. The rals were siifl milling around looking for something more A STRANGE PROPOSAL Hull Hariior Overcast; fresh; southerly wind; barometer 2V.-I y,"sr Seolstiiaii fell des-jC: lernperaliire i; sea inoder- perately in love wilh a charmiug ale: H a .tn. Alameda in Queen K'r, 'Ml1 "ould not screw up Charlotte Sound southbound. enough courage to ask her Lo be . Dead Tree Cloud.v ; calm ; Jiar- w"'', ,,fl' brilliaul imeter 2i).7'J; temperature 50;, Idea occurred to him. He look her sea smooth. ilo Ihe local churchyard, and, ! pausing before a large lomh-j stone, said: i "Jean, ma gramlfalher is I burieil here, ma fail bur I here, an ma millier -in fact, a' ma folks Wud yfc no like tao la?" "'J!"1"," "r, . "Weri- and -Kitty"; The lady said she -....i..., i ,uii.friiiia ii nr . lianee." petsey.'- "Cruliae No. U", WhlKller." "lUdirer" and "Iliile." All or wlilrh J ulll oMer for alr, wudl" So they Were married. niiiidintr. i-rinee import. iilie vculure 11ns ariernoou. Tl Wat- luiiii-e" will lie offered for' n- .-iiojiTi io mi, linn iiruKi'n. approx- illl.'ltilllr 17.. Mill. oo. Joiin siiiiti.i:v. Slu rirr or Hie Cmmtv of I'rlneK liiiiierl. I'rin-e llnpcii. II. i:., April 3. 1D8R. JUST ARRIVED Curtain Matials for'Spring Cleaning MADRASS DO and 45 inclieb wide. A I 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 per vard JpLar ;M" TS',45C' 5,0C' 65C' 75C' 90C $1-00' $1'25 $1.50 'per JSd CRETONNES, .ill mid lit inches wide 25c, ' 30c, 35c, 45c, and 50c per yard ENGLISH CRETONNES, CO inches wide . . '. .. Vc c UI.OO per JEd Ready Made Curtains In the Latest Styles. Wc are Agents for the Klrsch Flat Extension Rods GEO. D. TITE 3rd Avenue. The Quality Home Furnisher lie lie ciihiir Anrtion. mr rh. ron Tneaday' the lu ';"x I uoriie oi-Aiyaosii Uftll (lay of May. 10 r.. at i.M lit the I i-.. in-ni.i I,, 1 1. 'V,,ii- Itic.e ,., inricrniMin. at my orrlic Government . .. ' Phone 20 FRECKLES Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Miss I'reckle-fiice.lo try a remedy for freckles wilh "ihe eruaraiilee of a reliable concern Dial it will nol cost you a penny unless il removes (he fieekle?.; while if 11 does j;ive you a cleur complexion ihe expense is t i-i ri i 1 1 Simply itel an ounce of "Ihine double' sirciifrlli from any drii(t or ilepaitinent slore and u few applicalioiis shouUI show you how easy Jt is lo rid yourseir or H? homely freckles and Ret a beautiful complexion. Itaiely ik more lhan ono ounce needed for the worst case. He sure lo ask Ihe druggist fori Ihe double slreiiKlli Olhlne as "lis sli jrtli isfsold under nuar- anlve or inone back iT il rails lo remove your freckles. At all drutf' or deparlmeiil stores or by tfjail. tilhlne, I'.O. Uox 201(1, Montreal, Canada. EASTER CANTATA BY HELPING HANDS WAS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Turner offered prayer and made a few opening remarks. Those laklng pari in the pro Ailvertisi1 in Oio Dailv New NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, R.S.B.C. 190, CHAPTER 116. TlloMAs MIOTII II. or IIh i H I 'rllli' Ilii il, in lite l'ni llii-e ut lrll-li i i.liio.l.la. IIKIlt.llV 'ilV I S MHO K thai In lu uiKler sertion ; irf Die -aid Art lie polfrl Willi lite Vlliiler or I'Ubllr Wrks al Oaiaa. and In tlw orrirr of IIh Im irlrl lu-rlslrar or IIh Land llerlMr) lUr IHrl of I'rliMv liupxrl. at I'rluee llupert. II.C. a description of Ihe all ami plan-or a wliarr and Ser iroMrl to w- hum In the I'linee lltiN-rl lUile.r IMnr. l.l.l-t II ' .u. mtt !...-.. ..b.l.... ... , t,. -i .... iirirr pit mm" m Valuable walTfriHit liHMk il. plan fl. serliun I. ennrp iiHiwr'. croiiM"" I'ntiali i.oium Ma. or 11m- apixjr.leiiant rorelHir- and the water lot In fronl tli'Tsr, rontaliiinr In all an area of I pv-'toeili aerra, more or lean A.Mi TAkf: MlTICK thai aHer IIh u plralMi or one Imililh rrnlii 11m- ilal- ..r tic rtrst ifttlillralluli or llila Niilh-e TlKnna-Tim Mr will miller M-rioii 1 of I If ahl rl apply lo IIh- Mlltlaler or I'uMlr Work al Ida orrirr in lite city or Oliawa for approval or Ihe all site and plan ami , pir i'ae to emmlrurt tlw aalil wharf and tlateri at Primi- lllllnvl. II.C.. tlila (lay or April, mi. TIIOVIVS TIIOTIr.H. Ii William, ManxMi k liniiial.- Ilia Sullrltora. NOTICE. IN Tilt: M.VTTtll of an appliratloii for the laanar or a rrrah rrrlirirale ir title riir IaI nineteen nil) and twenty '. Illork lhirt-tW'o 'lr. Sertloli rivr 'a. City or I'rlni'o hiiMrt. Map 9n. Salltfariory proof of I lie deatrurllon of the C-rt(rieale or tlllo roverlna tin ts liiirieilikliove land luivlnr iteen ruri)lhe to 110- . lire ii is my inieiiiioii in laaiif, aiier is iiuncii i me r.ipiranoii or iniriy ' an , diva rrorn the rirat pnlilleallon liereor. a duidieale Certirieale or Title roverlnr the -aid land" In the tiniiwa or PKTUI M CSsiV and II Mi CASSIIiY. wtilrli Orlirirale or title a dated the I S tti Aupi't. tO 13. and liiiinlM-ri'd ItSKI. II. r. MACI KOIi. Iiea-Ktrar or Tltlea. Land tiitltry Ofriee, I'rlneB llupcrt. B.C. Mareh yili tn f s "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Princ Ruptrt EUeloral Dlalrlet. Mackamia Electoral Dlatricl. MiTli.l-. la herrhy Riven thin almlt. mi Monday. Ihe I nth day or Mav. V1. at tlm Imiir or in n'rliH-k In the roremain. at tlie Court lluiiv. I'rlnre ltiiNit. hold a -tiitinir or the ;otn-i or iirviion for tin purpoe i.r revlalnir Hie ll or volera roe Hi" -aid Klerlotal il"liit. and or hearlnr aim (leieniiininir any and all ohjerllonii I"' the retention or any name on Ihe ahli lleli'. or to the rerllratloii aa a VoP-r or any atiplleant ror reirtatrallon; ami ror the oilier puijHew-a h-I rorth In the "I'm I vlnrlal Klei-tlona Art." Itnled nl l'rlnei liiiiierl lie ini. r.iii' Illy of April tm. MlllMAN A. WATT. Ilerli.trar of Volera f-r Ihe Prlnei llti-rl' am Mai keiizle l.lertoiail I iilrlei. , LAND ACT III I'llllep llllpert I.HIld I if 1 1 let . Idallil't oi rciiire iiiimti. lAki: MlTICi: that I. M.rlll loit Hrlnv. or . Van-oiner. II.C. oenipniion aaln I liriiker. Intend to apply ror permlaaloii In; piiri'lmne til" follow Inr deaerlhed liimlt; Ci.iiiini-iiriiiir al a po planted mile aoiilli of I lie aoiitlieaat corner or l.ol" 07litl. 1 lllllin Creek. Ilainre I, Coiint lil-tllrt.l ineiiec iiorin I'll riiiiitia; llieiier weal ll I'hiilna; Iheiiei t It to thorf hue In an enaterly (lircrlion to point of com h I'l'ineiil; I'onlaliiliiir -f o acrna. more or Ira. MKIUI.I. litis HHISAV, ... .. Applicant. Imled . . . . f;,r"y ""muni. Aiffttt. April ilrd. I. NOTICE. TAki: MllICi: Unit tlie iiiirliN.r.l.lo 1.., ieeii Alexander Jiitnex I'liidlm and A linn V Iclorhi I'lalier, In col cllnn with "iTininiii ,u mr navoy iiotci, I'rlnir linperl. II.C. I diakolved )v ARri etit an or the nth day of April. Iinfs All a" l-iilinl tecelvahle ll ,,. paid tn and all Hieoiinta payiilile w m paid l.v Ale, ihe hiiMneaiT wl,u ciiilUnupa liatefl at 'Prince linperl, tl.C.. tlill f.th day nr April. A.n itijn A. i. I'llinilOMMi:. T There was n good-sized audience at Ihe Easier Cautala en-lilled "The Pilgrims Vision" which was held in the liaptisl Church last night by Miss Agues Hawsoii's Helping Hands class. j The luogram was .well given leaving lillle lo be desired in lhe( way of execution. Hev. E. 1. gram Included Miss Adelia Tliur-. ber, Irene Morrison, Mary Mur-! ray. Aleila McKinley, Yvonne,' , Terrien, llessbr Deny, Dorreen llishop, aipl Mary Maefie wilh recitnlions; the choir wilh songs' anil anthems; Miss Thclma Itnnn with seriolure readings; Messrs. Jones and Howard and Misses Morrison and Deny wilh a quartet te. Mrs. .1. D. Tluirber was ac-couipaiiisi for Ihe eveuinu. BAPTIST LADIES' AID ENTERTAINED SUNDAY . SCHOOL CHILDREN The Itaplist l.adii-s' Aid en-lerlained Hie Sunbeam Class o! Ihe linplist Church Sumlav School al Ihe home of Mrs. tieo llihbard, Weslvievv, yesterday aT-lernoon. Caioi's, coulcsls and music were enjoyed. Those iiresetU were Mis--s Peggy Suiilh, May .tones. Kalb-leen Wulson, Annie and niiri-sle Mrl.fiHl. Ivdilh Johnstone, Helen Clark. Enyd ami Megan Morris Marie and Margurrlle Mussallem Viola Crfirr, Joan Arthur, Helen Hampton and Eileen ami Phyllis llambliu. Assisting wilh Ihe children were .Mrs. i.eorgr llililoinl. Mrs. Iterl Morgan, Mrs. K. J. Ilobm son. Mrs. James llnmplon, Mrs P. II. I.iiuey, Mrs. Sid llamblm jMiss llibbard and Ihe Miss V land 1.. James of l'k. !3?? DOLLAR J)A! Grey Cotton SALE Commencing Wednesday, April 15 and ending Wednesday, April 22 ." ilnz. Ladies' Summer Vests . 10 doz. Ladies' Summer Vests i:. . Very Komi . .a f I v Ladles' Summer 2 for Ladies' Bloomers Hep. n.v ainl ;. Ladles' Crepe Cloomers -Hck. v Ladies' White Nightgowns Hep si Ladiss' White UndereklrtsIl. r. -Ladies' Princess Slips Hep. Jft i . ' i :r, doz. Ladies' Cotton Hose l H ii. Vii . Sale. '1 li.r .... Ladies' Lisle Hose hile, Kim k Siih . :: if tr Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose -Iteg. T.v . Children's Cotton Hose -0 lo o. Saic. 'i 1 1 ir Children's Bloomers - Iteg. riie s. Misses' Princess Slips- -lie, xi v . White Cotton White Cotton White Cotton Grey Cotton Grey Cotton- - ::(' wide. He jf. :'.i" wide. Heg. :! " w ide. ll. i... ::o" whI.. ,.g. '.., w nl Itcg. :tr. :' w nle. Ilea. :.i . Ten Pieces Gingham- se. .' ;m!-Elght Pieces Gingham Sttte.lv..' English Gingham :W wile. Ber-. .. Cotton Crepe- Sale, i v.iriU tVr Huckaback Towelling Meg. 3o, -White Flannelette Meg. -Wr. ... White Flannelette- :uf wide. It. -v , White Flannelette Sale. vnrd-Pillow Tubing to I.. Meg. i. . Good Quality Sheeting- :-". Ueg. Good Quality Sheeting W. Ier. " White and Ecru Scrim Sale. ." .nn-White and Ecru Scrim Verv gnoi tor Monarch Floss- ll g. :. . Sab . : Shetland Floss Meg. im :i.V. s . Vests i ... il ;"l . ' "I I I (il ... Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. 3rd Ave. A 7tl WESTHOLME THEAlK Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p."-Saturday Matinee. 3 p.m. "CHU CHIN CHOW A iiclnriat ireeiilalnii ul i' iliiclion that liiokc all reeotiN in i' euiiMM'iilivu run ix niul ii half y ' 1 Theulre, London. Hnglnnd. -t-i'l I In KveryiMie sliould .ee (In- n Mi-iMin-sliiiniiierinfj', K',,,'r'"r; I '11" w" " anil Ihe Forty Tliievi 1ak. "inn Nighls. The iluzzlnig. - " -1 , g I" talk or twxi eoiiliiicnl-. A ...eanl ami coiinlle.xs Until-. Sn -.W -n Heunlies Tlie Uae nl Ho- I orlv Old Mugiltnl OniMr. tht (ieenl Lo - Desert Dnneer nil Ihi- anil nun li " fpleiuloiirs ol the Ka-I. PATHE REVIEW. IIcanadian .auwar I M I ii tffir' I A. -" I mil1 C: ' , h 50c Canadian Pacific Rail B. C. CoastService BniiurrKI WARV .. il. fl- for Katchlkan, Wranoall, Junaau and k"!'- 2P For v.ncou.cr, victor.. ... ' -""H : bea'TRIC. r it" For nuladala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat B.lla B"J. "c" U ..iwl Salurar Campbell Rler, and Vanceuar arr f wmw Sner -or ... """""ft 'ZRCHtKD o.n.r.l W BupU uorner or iin oir ' " - UNION STEAMSHIP . al Sailiiiim rrtiin I'rmc liuin. T!;',i or VANOOUVCR. VICTOHIA, Swanaon B. " w, III"" " or VANOOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bar, n For ANVOX, AUCC ARM, STEWART, Sunday, J f titl For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and riaai i"1 IZS Znd Aanu. J. D.rnaian