m PAGE TWO Freshness Preserved SALADa Ik II R620 is more rich drawing & delicious than ordinary tea since the freshness is preserved in the air-tight SALADA packet. The Daily News PRINCE RUPEIiT - BIUTISH COLUMBIA. Puhlished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince lilipcrt f)aily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLRN, Mnnaging Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per month .....;.. $1.00 Hy mail to all pai ls of the Hrjlish Empire and Hie United Slates, in advance, per year ?fi.0f) To all oilier countries, in advance,, per year !?7.r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone -. 98 Editor and Rep6rters Telephone - - 86 All advertising should he in Th Daily News Office hefiire. 1 p.m. on day preceding piihlicnlion. ' All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Mar. II, 192.". Council Did Well In Backing Up Engineer. The city council certaihly did the right thing in hacking up tin.' city engineer in regard lo rhoifsing the men whom he employs, lie is responsible to the council for the conduct of the work and if he fails he is the one who will be blamed, To let individual 'members of the. council dictate who shall be employed i a reversion to the wan I politics of the American cities. Tlfere should lie no such thing as applying to the mayor or to any individual member of the city council for a job. Aiiy person who does that should be( disqualified from getting" a job with the city. There should lie but one way lo a position and that through the engineer. ' f Employment Of Local - -People Desirable. ine pomoii oi me. my council nr regard lo giving to local residents and married people is quite correct ami should he carried out in a general way. It must be re menihered, however, that a man who served the city faithfully when men could not be secured and who won recognition for faithful work and was given a promotion, is still worthy of re cognilioif iT'lhe best results' are do be obtained". Xh rurally" when the engineer-gets a-good,-man he wants tirkeep him. He" is art-pointed by the wiole council and is exnecleri to produce residls and the, only Ihing lo do is to back him up. all the lime.; V ' Vuesiious like Hits are bound lo ane under the present .system. The Hoard of Works is given certain aulliorilv and it is, to some exteil held responsible by the Citizens for the success nftho, construction work in the cily. In lliis case, however, there is no question of competency. It is simply one o'T'who is to., have charge of the city work, the engineer or individual members of the cily .council, and we are emphatic in saying that Ihe engiuee.r js Ihe man. II is In be hoped the members of the city council will stand firm .on this question, because it is the very basis of all good government. f every member of the cilyjMMincil is to be given the right to say who shall be employ ed hyjluveugineer, we might as well throw up our hands, so far as securing efficiency is concerned. Engineer Pearson has done good work under most difficult conditions. He has carried on and produced results and the people of the city appreciate it. Possibly he. has made mis-lakes. lr he has nol, he is not human. It is to be hoped Ural all cilizuus read the report of the proceedings of the cilv council yesterday, so that they may realize what a difficult -position the engineer holds. i Everyone Realizes Difficulty Of Task. Kveryone realizes Ibe difficully or the-task of running a business as lanre as Hint 'rtf Ihe ifv. An. nM -.;. .i... -v..-. a.. - - .... in, llll that oiiglij to be able Mlnakevn pretty good thing roc himself if he devoted his linie lii iL,- Jfihi' is - gooduna ;i inhaiidliug - "-t"' " iih inn in iu own. ii miisi iip very unpleasant to a clf-respeeing alderman lo have men coming to him or jobs all winter, especiallv when he knows he is in no position lo hand them out. There ought to be some heller way of condiiclinir cilv business Mom id-ii i.';ii,,. :. siiited. Tor the position that is vacant or he is not, and the person I iIl I t t- I t In ) iii.ik ... 11... ' a m hh.ij imiiiw is jm- engineer, n lie is not suited, the en gineer or ins Joreinnii will soon' find il-oul. Under our system he is the man who can best undertake Ihe work. If there' were a city manager, he wtlitld do it and the mayor and aldermen i. i. in in h 1 1 a t me oonoxiotis iask thrust on Ihem as spprns lo lie the cae now. UNEXPECTED GUEST a tin of KLIMonthe WITH pantry shelf, you are never at a toss for milk when n unexpected guest arrives 'or the milk-man forgets to call. Klim Brand Powdered Whole Milk Is rich, full-cream dairy milk wllli only the moisture removed. . It keeps sweet and fresh for months and is Ideal for every pur pose for which you now use full-cream milk. Order a tin frnm your grocer today CANADIAN MII.K fKODUCTS Limited Toronto Wlnnlprg Montreal li. . uii at 7 MB Sold by Hupcrl Tablo Supply Co. BIG BUSINESS ALASKALUMBER Prospects Never Better and Mills Preparing to Take Care of English Spruce Demands "Alaska shipped i.HOil.imO feel oT clear spruce through Seattle last year, ami will; far stirp'ass that ft pure this season," declared II. V. lleinUlemnn, assistant I'.S. district forester, with hea.louarters at Juneau, lo Hie Post-liilcllifrencer in Seattle last week. "Lumber prospects never were better. Larjfe -orders for clear spruce are coming in from Kng-hind. The Ketchikan Spruce Mills are ilmv inslalliiitf a new electric sawmill of 10(1,0(10 reel daily capacity. Hie Juneau mill is being enlarged and improved, and extensive changes are fieing made in YVraugcll mill and loading facilities to lake care of the in creased demand. Practically all Alaska's lumber comes In Seattle for reshipnient, either by rajl or boat, "(Sovern-nienl foresters," says Ileintzle-niiiii, "have cruised and mapped )iio,0(i(i acres of pulp timber and blocked it into units for ab'. We have mapped water power sites lo He used ny con cerns buying Ihe pulp rights. In iildiltou, we have leased 125; islands of from 2,500 acres down to private firms or individuals for blue fox farming which is rapidly becoming a leading inr luslry." laughter. TELKWA The last few days, the weather has been decidedly like spring, nil the nights are very cold ami frosty. Mrs. A. Walker left last week for the coast, where she will spend several weeks visiting her On Friday nisbt, a ltov scout concert Under the ilireclion of 1- It. Cliallleburg, was given in the Tclkwa Hall. II was a very great success and credit is due many local artists who so willfirzly gave their services. .Mrs. J. (ireen entertained the ladies of SI. Stephen's (iilild at the-.Mission House on Tuesday. VVork is being- prepared for the Master lea. The bridge over I lie Telkwa river is growing fast and when completed will be most useful. The various contracts for ice have been compleled, so Ho stores are all ready for a hot summer. The dance in aid of the Telk wa Library which was to have. been held on March 17, has beep changed lo Friday, March 13, sf as not lo conllict wilh a dance on thai dale in Sinilliers. All Ihe teachers in Ibis part Of Ihe. district .attended the cmi- vetillOn in Smitli'ers and found it li Very pjeasanl and' interesting break in. (he term's work. (&,V .. Ion. SMITHERS K, IS. Orchard, proprietor of Ihe Hueklcy Hplel, relumed lo I own on Sunday, after a long a pleasant holiday spent sightseeing in Ihe coast cities from Vancouver lo Los Angeles. Miss Helen, Kraut until recent ly on Ihe stair in the Public, (Works olllee left on Sunday for n .:..!! I.. I I. .... in Hsu in iii-r. iiarcuis in nazci On Monday, March 0, a son was born lo Mr. and Mrs. II. Salenibier of Sinilliers. Mrs. A. F. Ford' and young daughter; left on Tuesday's east bound (rain on an extended I rip lo be spohl Visiting friends and relallves on (he. prairies and in he easlern slales. A. Ilrnoksbank, a member of Hie Dybbavii iv Hanson slalT al l'rince IUipert, Is spending a. few ibiys in town. V.. (i. Hellicinl, of Houston was a lmsiiH'ss visitor In I own early ill I he "w eek. M; (1. McLeod, an oniclal or the Forestry branch slalioued at Flnlay Forks, was a visitor in town, looking, up, old ac.qiiarill- ances. Mr. Mcl.eod lias a mm! of first hiiiidiiiiloiiiinlion nil the suhjeel of. a railway for J'eac.e Itiver, and jlTIsAtesvs on the most feasible route were sought ''' those jiilei;e.ed bi.lliis i"uesliotr. Chief Const aid? V. Service left for the west on Tursdiiv night's train, al Kitwnnga lie picked up a man charged wjlh robbery whom he- took on ' lo Prince lluperl ' tor trial. Mr. Service expects to jfo as far 0 Victoria before returning Jo Sinilliers. H . t J Ten Years Ago j in Prince Rupert j March 11, 1915. Fears are cxiressed for Ihe safety of l-'ajher Leroux and Father Houvire, Hoiiian Calholie priests, and it is believed that they may have been murdered in the- Mackenzie Hiyer country. They' have been missing for some time and an ludiiln is said lo have been seifn recently wearing their vestments. f Kdward I frown of Ihe. Queen CharlolleN Pelroleum CO. intends lo diamond drill on (inihaiu Is land id order, to lest oil possibilities. The lifiiiiagenieiil believes that "a di-fil will show bei yond all doubt thai oil exists in the district , in cTinunereial iuau- Willi the develoi'inent of the halibul fisheries out of this port, it is believed that the local dry- lock will be used extensively for' the building of fishing vessels. The Man in the Moon J YS:- Till! man I should like Hi be is the cily engineer, I like l-i he nagged. KVKHYO.VH is. entitled lo an opinion as long as lie tloi's noli express it or whispers it softly.; However I here are exceptions Lo even this rule. WHYi' be a I way j looking for cures when , there's iiolhing wrong? VIIITUI-: is all. rigid,' but why must it always ln..-o jdaiu? TWO things necessary lo ,hap piness in summer are a clean conscience and a molorboal, says I Jake. And, he adds, if il's to be; a choice of the two, give me thei little boat. FOR a good place lo learn 'Ihej art of polite conversation, givci in? the city council every time. , ,NOV I come In think of il, I; Baker's Cocoa There are twenty-five to thirty -different grades of cocoa beans, bur Baker's Cocoa is, made of high-grade beans only. That is one reason why it is better. HADE IN CANADA BY MerBakeraCo.Limlted MonlrwilXanada DonhcsferMass 0ooku! or cnoice Rtcircs unt mt i I'd hale lo rob the cily of sixty cents a day. I 1 1 give me a job wilh a cily, A rattling good job with a car. Where 1 could rat lie my raiding bones With Ihe ratllclrap powers i Ihal ; are. S'es, a job with the cily I crave. Wilh leu good bosses or more. Where I might do as I like all day And no one to make me sort. . - . I'll apply llieh lo vMderiuan (5ase Failing jhat I'll go to Ihe mayor; And then In (he end, to the engineer wend, For a slrawboss he'll make me for fair. WIIK.N you are thinking about investments do not fiyxel eiui-siileriug a marriage license as a reel I y good gamble. WATER NOTICE. USt AND STORAGE TAKK M)Tli:i: thai .Mamx-ll TImiImT Co.. I. iinUi'il, ulHKf aililrfsii lit "US l-aririi-MiiiIiIiiik, VutidiuMT, n.c, will a p I y Tor .1 llriniH in Hike anil ui' .'" culilr rip I per M-miiii, mid lo Miii-f 5M, tvre-tf l of water mil at Mrrain known Am IIIvit, which riuws noiiilii-rly and itrain inln laoiMl Inlet, alxiut cni and out- II. llf IliHin intfrlv rrnlii ilinV h-v ll;l j ll.C. TIm Unriurc-d.iiii will lie Im-ated at ine oiiiipi ur aim l.aki- nr ai a imi in low I lie ald mi tie I. to lie nii-riiiliKri af ler survey Ii.ivp Iwcn inaflc. Tni- raparlt. or the rofrilr to Ix- rrpalrit H alionl ;:,M. Hire r-Pl. and It will Timid alxrtit S.Htiil ai-res of land. The waler will lie diverted (nun Ihe ktrenin at a Milnl alionl Ihe hiratloii or Ihe Moraye-dani, namelv. Ihe oiiilet nf Aln Lake, ami will lie n-eil for power and Indiitlrlal rtn-lWisrH iiihui I Ihe land ilem-nlied n l.nt 1(17 or on l.ul 444. Till I ml lie wa polled on the (tnniiid .on Hie 7lli day or February. 101. A ropy .or Hilt noili'i; and an appll. 'atlon purmiiinl Uiereto and to the '-Waler .m,.itti. will Im' rilen in Ihe orriee r ine waier iiei-orner HI rrlnre Itinieit oiijerlloiiit In the applli-atlon may lie men wnn ine sain waler Ileeorder nr wilh Ihe Comptroller or Waler lilrhK. i-ariiaineni niiiiiiinir, iriori.i, n.i within thirty d.iy aner the rirt areiir nili-e of nntlce In a luml neu'Dimner The dale or the rirol piihhrallon or llll lionre Monday, Mann , IBJ5. MASSIiTT TIMIOill CO.. LTD.. . ... - Applicant. . arnnonover, A Kent. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I COLUMBIA In the Mailer or the. AdmlnUtrallon Act: and i In tlm .Mailer or Ihe KMate or Y. Wakl-I liiotu. iereaied, Inlentate, I TAKK MiTICi: ih.it hy Order or III 1 Honor I'. Mrll. Vonnir, miide the nth duv or (ehniary, 1US. I wan appolmed Ad-HilhlMrntor or Hie enlate of Die hue I V. Wnklmoto. ilei-enned, ami all riarileH havlna riding a vain" I the mild eaie arc heri-hy reiinlred lo riirnlKli lame, pro perly vermeil to me. on or lierore. Hint day or March, 1 ffSa. and alt pnrtlea Indented to ihe mild ilale are reiinlred to pay Ihe an tit or Ihelr Imli'lilednena to me rorltmiih. 'OHMN A. w.TT, orrirlal AdmliiMlrator, . . . , , I'rliH-e lluperl. ll.C. Paled thin iiM .diiy or February. I0J.V IN PROBATE. IN THE 8UPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In Ihe Matter or ihe AclmliilMratlnii Aft ami In Ihe Mailer or the F.ntale or William Cameron Sim, lieeeaed, Inienlale. TAKK MITICK that hy order or III Honor I. Men, Vonnir, minle ihe Slili iLiv nr I'tlii- v . li Kin. V . ", a .'. iw.i. i nnn npiioinien AdinlnlMralor or Ihe enhiie or William filllDNlh III,., iln.i.u -.. . ., MMtlMfl ; """ " ia rue havlnirVrlalin , naalntt Hie mild eMale are hereby reipilred to riirnlxh name. pro. pi-rly yeririeil in me, nil or heMre tlie 5th day or Marrh, ..i. u!, and all partle Indebted to the emaie are renulred to pay Ihe amonnl or Ihelr ImlehledneHH tn me forthwith. NOIIMAM A. WATT, orrielal AfliniiittrH tor, .... I'rlm-e import. ll.C Uatcd tlia 5Ui day or February, im, W'fdne ..by. jf.lP, 1 II n IF exercise gave slender lines, some tongues would be nothing but length without breadth. J'HKHK once was a woman who apologized, but that was long, long ago j i We cant describe if! What? That ilmt Taste 1 Why not? There are no words that could possibly describe the lovely flavor you become acquainted with at the first taste What of? Here's its picture 5c & 10c should like to gel a lillle job as a straw IiOsk- or soiueihin' just lo tide over the bad times until the holiday season begins. Possibly if I were lo apply to .he mayor or one of the abler-; men I might gel it. Only Ihimjj JM2 SALMON TROLLERS He fore oiilfdhng: it will pay yon to iiipt I'l-olliiig Hear. We have a new line oi Salmon Hooki, Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear or all kind. In our slock yoo wdl liod CYcrylluug w. Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves -uid I Iciixi- if it's for Ihe boat we have it. Moats are tot ccr year by fire h:ive mi K-lplf. Hull Pyreno Fire Extinguisher yet? W e sell tln in 4 .In 1 1 and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. 'Near Post Office) New Spring HATS BROCK . BILTMORE BILTiWORE STEVE KING $6.00 $5.00 $4.00. Phone Green 85. Third Avm Family Shoe Store Come in and see Ihe lalesl exclusive de ......... r.... .. wciu no .'iMiiif. eUAfl We are sole apreuls for Ihe famous ONYX 8nuti also MURRAY'S SHOES and oilier well knov.it Perfect Fit Guaranteed S5.00 and up. Third A Dhnn tn. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo huildiiip next door to Frizzell Hulcher simp. from the Hnipress Hotel We enrry n full line of . CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDID SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION .limoc Taeelll w u I v ui vio Canadian National Railtfg Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD . ..a rl..(lnn DfV U0"1 vipraving u. i. r. u,i.'uu iuii r "" Enolncerf, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths -makers, Founders, Woodworners, ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING' . Our plant is equipped to handle all kind "f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P Pattef