i Mor-h II, 105S.. recommend it E, a tale Iod for babiea LabK E B'""1"!1" I i. mire sucar put fcbsoi ;jyp - 7 ' , ' hc Borden - Hi Mac win 1 "Kit teMMKT. uki"1 ILORED I0CKS Ka-lia Ctnlh. .00 to $32.00 mm Box 327, Phone 27 ress annels LATEST IN PLAIDS AND CHECKS " ' 1.1'ls for I1" I' 1 im'lip- t at $2.75 and S3.25 iTOF ENGLAND STOKE Third Ave. ECIALS ?For This Week OFFER SOME REAL BARGAINS . lire ruse $5.C0 . $3.15 "' Hr. Kick $3.15 ' " Sil,'k . . $1.G5 '' ' 850 Your Supply From toomy Store P Fflh Ave. East "nos 84 and 18. I In 4ge and storage lu'il!m1rCh0U'lll) an(1 "nltur KovlnB. FINGER PRINTS 1 ARE IDENTIFIED Only Few Mjnutes Required Pick Ono From Seven million Canadian Laundrv and Dry Cleaners Operating Ihe only power cleaning ami pressing, ooiiipmcnl in the rlly. Service ami workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our vnr. 515 Gth Ave. W, Phono 8 DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. to WASHINGTON, Mar. ii. Finger, print iilctiliric.'ilinii has I been developed Iiy Uii army In! (lie poiiil of efficiency where jiKl"1" application al limes vies with ! foniiiosiics have cadi their re-Ihe ill rillai of detective fiction, speclivc values in siim.iiiv ...... Any unidentified invent to cxlracl what or may mil possess. "I'roin Hie Society of St. John Hie liaplisl, Hie (i.W.Wx., Hie (i.A.U.V., lln' Women's lli'licf, I lie Navy League, I lie Iti-il Hniss, the lllack Cross, Hie Purple Cross and the Double Cross, (be V.M.C.A., Ihe Y.W.:.A Hk? Hoy Senilis, tin' Jewish Jlelief ami every 'hospital 'in town. Then on top comes the Associated Charities. "The sovernnicnl has so governed my business Ihal 1 ilon't know who own .. am in spected, suspected, examined and re-e.xamineil, informed, required 'and coiumamled, so 1 ilon'l know I who I am, where 1 am, or why I am here. All 1 know is, I am (supposed lo lie an inexhaustible supply of money for every k'liown need, desire or hojie of Hie human race, ami because I will not sell all ,1 have ami go mil ami heg, borrow or steal money to give away, I have been cussed, discussed, boycotted, talked to, talked about, lied lo, lied about, held up, liliiig up,, robbed ami nearly I'tijiied, amL Hi' only reason I am clinging U life is In see whal in h is coining uexl. Yours truly. " CANADIAN FOXES ARE BRED IN GREAT BRITAIN Farms Have Been Started Scotland and Down In In I LONDON. Mar. II. llrilish farmers an1 watching wilh much : interest Ihe experiments which jare being made here in an effort In make ollver fox farming in ' Kuglaml a paying proposition, j Farms have been starlcd al 'Alness in Scotland, and Oxford-shin' ami llexliill-on-Sea. What effecl litis move will have on Hie, 'price of silver-fox fur iu (ireal : llrilain cannot at present be staled, bill il has-been proved nluriiiiK the last 15 years Ihal Ihe iliesl anil most cosily examples I of Ihe silver fox are Ihose of animal hrcd in caplivity. The , foxes have been brought here ! from Canada. THE DAILY NEWS Grows Hair Money Back il it Fails . A minute a day Is sufficient time to devote to this new method scalp treatment Van Ess Liquid Scaln Massage is applied with a patened rubber applicator attached directly to the bottle. The healing medicament is ted directly to the hair roots through flexible rubber nipples. Van Ess stops falling hair grows new hair in 90 days. Ask us about our 90-day treatment plan. We give a money-back guarantee. Get started now. ORIYIES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. man who has- rogation for riling .,,,,1 i m!tZ,, served in list regular army ran jhi- located in rroin ii) In -.'it miu-iiles, ami hi lull record aji llninV In Dial shorl lime a ; searcher rinds him anion;.' Ihe j more than T.onn.onu mumi who 1 have been in the nniiy since I l'.Mlij, when llii- ringer print i system wns introduced. r mav have been one of I Ii 50,.12K Miiillis, Hi.' 10,1(11 Johnsons, I he -'H,'.I02 Drowns, or oiii! of tlio -',!).! named Williams. All :iinn needs is fii ringer print lo I in n up Ills record. Easy to Locate Waller S. Kaye, in change of the liitrcau. ways llii' indexiui I has iii'fii worked mil no off i-H-ii'iilly Ihal even a new clerk, .one never before having had I kio'wleilife of I h- system, can bein work as a searcher wllli 'idle preliminary inslnirlinn. The science of finger print j reading is based on liie sludy or Ihe vuriuiis. circling network of I all I111I inxisible lines on the j ball of Ihe lliuinli ninl each fin-"-'i'. Lxamiiialion of millions of specimens shows thai (he nor-l null foi-miilion is 1 1 1 whorl, or ; Hie scroll which winds these I lines from Hie outer. edge iii a gradually reducing circle lo Ihrir ' termination al Hie core of the network. A majority of human beings are marked wilh Ibis scroll, bill there arc others whose 1 filler print lines run in flattened figures or in rnmplioa- lions of figures far removed from Ihe simple, easily read whorls. The first slep in iilcn- I mention lias lo do with deter Kininiirg Hie broad general ilivi sion in which the prints under 1 examination are lo be sought, i Four Main Groups There are but four main ; :-'i ps or classifications of , 1 1 1 imI. arches, loops, whorls anil iiiinniisiles. Kaeii type has its ' pi .11l.1t lonal ease.-.. The whorls have l.n-.'l values op combinations and Ihe loops. arches ' ami lliem easily located when idenli-ricalions arc sniighl. The valu-alion or prints thus made has overcome ,-,11 dirficully or dealing wilh large collect ions ,or ringer markiiiMs, such as are in Ihe army riles. KICKS AT HAVING TO PAY SO MANY CALLS Merchants are Often Sore but Here Is One Who Lets off More Steam than Usual .Merehaiils of I'rinec Itiipcrl eun appreciate what il means to gel sore al the conlinual calls maile upon lliem for help lo various organizations ami. for taxes on everything lliey posses. oimviiuir niey proicsl. err)l ENGLAND EATS MANY APPLES Fruit Campaign Has Diverted Business from Meat Shops or London CORN ON COB THERE LONDON, March II. An "pal. more rriill" campaign throughout Kuglaml has recently brought Hie American nppje into more prominence IIian.iI i'ver has en-joyi'il heretofore. Tin- fruit is now being old in Ihe groceries ami Hie luxury simps, ami from push carls in I fie slr:e!s of London. Canadian Fruit The campaign Jias brought lo Ihe fore also ihe American un til) lite is a protest made by an oppres- "mbuhov, umailian ap-sed one during Ihe iali'r ilays nf!,,'',' 1,111 'i'"-1! i,U.ss Hi" ym I - war which slill to a bugii'1""' "f )rl?" Wasliinglini -lcnl extiresses what many feid:t"l,'"';"' fav,,ri,,- Ameri- "Assessmeul leiarliiient. Van apiiles retail here at a few "Dear Sir Tor the rollow- ('nls a P"01"' nrft llian I hey Uii iiiit reasons I am unafde io scnrl1'" "f Uiiilol Slale. you my income return Tor al least ten days from Ibis dale. " I f have been held tip, held down, samlbaggeil, walked on, sal mi, llallcued out ami sipieeeil, firsl by Ihe dominion for -federal luntie lux, the excess profit tax, ami for Victory llomls, Ihrlfl and luxury lax, capital slock limises ami every society Ihe imeiilivc lax, inci-clianls auto lax, ami by and organization mum 01 man can 1 may THAT'S DIFFERENTIAL A mnn Who had jusl slarlnl In drive a car wafc accosted by a friend who asked him for a llfl. They soon Jouml Iheiuselvos in la crowded I borough fare. The rriend saiilr 'Mini, your engine i knocking badly." "Don'l be a fool," was the I reply. "Thai 's my knees." In addition lu American cranberries, Florida and California grape null and oranges, various oilier fruils from Ihe olhTSide of Ihe Atlantic Americans in London Ibis vviuler have enjoyed Ihe privilege of being aide whn they were willing lo iwy Ihe price, lo treat IhiMiisrelvos 10 fresh corn on the cob, al about oni' shilling the ear. Tin- corn, in the husk, has full whi e grains and js imported in bat-rel lots from South Africa. ' II nas nuien the same appearance as 1 ne corn irom .vinerica, ):- cepling that Ihe ears, perhap an1 a trine longer ami more slender. Insult to Butchers liulcliern are far- from bap-.yi over the efforts lo popularize Ho eating of fruit. Ministers for Hie apple recently sel going t song, 'D'on'l eat million, don't cat lamb," which made Ihemi particularly wralhy. In com-j plaints lo various nllicial sources i I hey described Ihe song as an- insult In Ihe trade, and relalial -1 )l with another composition extolling "beef fur brawn ami brains." IRELAND TO ABOLISH MANY DRINKING SHOPS Hair the Number Likely to Following Report of go nilHLIX, Mar. if. The Free Slale g'nvi-rnmcnt has appointed a commission oriine persons In inquire into Ihe excess in the number 'of drink shops., There are. more than 15.000 iii the 2d counties. Some smnll towns have as many as 70 shops where drink is sold. II is agreed Ihal at least half the number should be abolished, ami lln? work of). I hi commission is to rind nut whal scab1 of reduction should lie adopted. As in I'uglaiiil, which lias seen a large reduction in the number nT drink shops. Ihe problem of compensating. I hi' ilisposessed DO YOU COUGH, COUGH ALL NIGHT LONG? Terribly illslicHsiuif unit wmriiiit mi thn svslejo in Hip imhirIi Hint roliiM on at til Klit unit Vim run nil: ciiueh nil iilRhl Ion It mid i-nn'l (ret In sleep. DR. WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF Mrn. John I.Jtimii, Knlerr-rl'P. Ont., wrltn.s: -- ".Wtcr linvlinr 'mil wlmopliiis r iii Kli I riintractril linuiclillH, anil fur (lay ami nlithU I rnunliiil ennllniully. and iiiiilit art no .i'osl or Mi'rp, hut arier laklnir one holtli' or Pr. WiHiil'a Norway I'lne Syrup I fuiinil meat rellcr, ami atler liiivlnif Liken nrvrral linllle 1 was iclli'vi-tl 6r my trouble." "s Tills valuable cold anil r'mifth remeily lias lici'ii on I lie inarkrt Tor the pant 33 year; yon don't experiment when you buy' II; put up only by The. T. Mllbiirn Co., Llnilleil, Torunlo, Ont. Were the "Good JEWS SUPPORTING LEAGUE OF NATIONS Palestine Society Formed Suggestion of Brussels Organization at I JF.HUSAI.HM, March II. the j.lews of Palestine, whose politi-ical stalus. in .lite, national home is safeguanleil Ity I hi' League )f Nations mandate entrusted to (lreal llrilain, an; being organized as supporters of Ihe League. A meeting was called recently 111 response 10 a .suggesi 1011 irom headquarters of tin' League oi Nations Union in llrussels lo organize a Palestine society for 1 Ihe support of Ihe League. The I conference was attended b heading Jewish residents, iiiclud-jiug Hie editors of Hie Hebrew press, ami 11 was decided lo pro-Iceed wilh the formal ion or a Jewish League of Nations Society. THREE HUNDRED YEARS IMPRISONMENT MADRID MADIIID, Spain, Mar. II. n nllicial of the municipal corporation of llejar, a town near Sala-nianaca, has been sentenced lo imprisonment for periods aggregating .'108 years. The man was accused of falsifying public documents, ami his punishment w;is llxed by Hie law courts of llejar al a little under 15 years imprisonment, for each of 21 counts, wfth a fine of $150. I bo same ccitirj, mil long agj sentenced a former mayor lo a series of terms of imprisonment Inlaling 30ft year and"7Vj days. llolh men have begun serving their jail sentences, Old Days" Really Good? you hear an old-timer sigh for the days of " his forefathers, smile quietly to yourself and think of this. The ancients got along without automobiles, soap, stoves, tooth-brushes,window-glass, breakfast foods, telephones without practically all of the things we consider the bare essentials of life. There never has been a time when life bettered itself so rapidly and so consistently as now. New conveniences and new comforts are continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit. In order to reap the advantages that are yours to-day, you must read the advertisements. They bring you news of all that the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier, your home life more pleasant, your clothing and food problems less difficult. They keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores. They tell you not only about the goods, the styles, the varieties and prices, but also where and when these things are to be had. The advertisements are messages from the business world to you. Heed them. Don't overlook the advantages that are yours Read the advertisements has lo be faced. The report 01 the coinmision is 10-iemleil lo form Hie basis of future Two March Specials! CHESTERFIELD SUITE only. Three Piece Chesterfield Suite, ltliie ami fiulil Figured Tapestry. $175.50 upholstered in BROWN WICKER SUITE 1 onlyy Tln-ee. Piece Itr-own Wicker Suite done Flowered (Jreluiiiie. $93.95 in pretly Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 "Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varlettos in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thlstlo Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod 1 Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlnie Rupert, B.C.