Pag s, two Always Dependable SALADA Investigate Alternative Route For Skeena Highway. ii Accept no substitute for no other tea is so uniformly pure and delicious. Try it to-day. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - RRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION. RATES: Lity Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... $1.00 uy man to an parts of the Hritish Empire and the United btates, in advance, per year ,,..,........ $rt.00 to an other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising $1.-10 per inch per insertion trnmueni overusing on front t'age ........... $2.80 per incli Loqal Readers, per insertion . ..,.. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per ' insertion 2c per word iiiii ouuues, earn insertion i5C per agate line;i naieji un application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 All advertising should he in The Ii.iilv ntr. if t , . " vpiihv mciuh: l 11.111, on day preceding publication. All advertising received stibjcci io approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, June 0, J 925. The building of the Skeenn River highway is going to be a difficult work and one that will require a lot of preliminary investigation. As far as (ialloway Rapids it is all plain enough uiiu me urmge over inose rapids will have to be built soon. From ..en-, ii..cri, mr mine i not deemed' on and cannot be ui.if.i mini u is tiiscovered whether there may be a belter nunc uuu more easily limit than tlie one up the Skeena River ...v. ir, ic.uuni hi uf uirougn ine mountains coming out near Kitsunikaliim Lak, This route, if there is one, would serve both Terrace mid the Nnas valley and would conned m llpinoi) Durviinl ...III. II... 11 ..... 1 i)wiN'HMMia,im: .wiiijm:, inane uiierioiv l intitules it -woo It take some time lo build, but a little could be done each year un incompleted. The' decision of f lie minister of nuiiiin uwi-t i. - , ' .v. i Li io.iivc i reconiiaisjuice from Ihe air iti order to find out if there is sm-h .1 n.ic will ili. ill. IK.. I... C, II. ....... I i... ii... . "i ..'in-? m MNimviM iij me sfimiiig oi a reroiuiai-- -ancp survey parly throiigli the pitss. -aw Of Immunity Mentioned In Book. In Sinclair Lewis' new book, "Arrowsmith" appears the following: "Half a dozen generations iiealry ree fnm epidemics would produce a race so low in natural immunity that when a great plague, suddenly springing from almost zero to a wnrld-sniolheriiig cloud appeared again, it might wjpe out the world entire, so that the measures lo save lives might in the end be tjie destruction of all linman life." . , The quotation is simply the meditation of a medical student but it contains a good deal of truth. In China wliere'lhev live among evil smells all the lime, people do not die of typhoid pud similar diseases because hey are immune through constant association. Shut a young man or young woman quite away from all evils of liie. .world ami Iben let them loose ami the probability N they will succumb almost immediately. The law of immunity does not protect them. Vfa grow sirong through opposition. We weaken as life becomes iasy, i Not Many Rupert . onds On Market. Advertisements of Canadian bonds seldom contain any Prun e Ruperj issues. These seem to be quickly taken up anil doiiol hav ,U be advertise d. .Often Jhere are, lists if municipal There seems to be aIemhnd'llTO?e YV$V& Strike Wave l Enveloping Country. There seems lo be a strike wave enveloping the country especially in the coal districts. Miners' strikes seem to be more common than any others and usually Ihe mining districts are the centres of general strike movements. There, is a more or less concerted effort j itt now to disturb he industrial quiet which has prevailed, for some time itsdlf ju increased activities of thre unions which usually seem to be active in fonicnl Guaranteed 5531 Tr 1 rvC III 111 iF ntZi I, NEW ENGINEER j TO BE SOUGHT!- w wi i ivu wf 1 1 in ivivailbilllO With Aid. Perry In Charge 'erry, chairman of -tliy Hoard of Works, to give Ihe whole de partment his personal 1 The latter arrangement was first presented o the council tiu' Aid. McMordie did not approve o it on I lie ground that lie fell i' unwise to attempt to carry on without an engineer, 't here were thousands of dollars expenditure involved especially in local im provement work and lie did not thmk it could tie elllcienlly ear- icd on without a duly mialificd engineer, He Tell that it would al least put Aid. Perry in an un fair position. Aid. Casey agreed lo a rerlotn extent with what Aid. McMordie .lad said hut he felt Hint the citv might, carry on for a while, at east, without an engineer. The' work was all laid out and it' was now simply a matter of grading, quarrying and surfacing. There were no great engineering teals to he undertaken and he thought Ilia! .a good all round road man would fill ihe bill for he time oemg at least. Aid. Hrown felt that Mr. Crewe at least might be loaded with more work than he could handl" under Hie arrangement Lauds Foreman Aid. I.arsen felt that the ar rangement suggested might well tie put into effect. .Splendid work was being put m by Hie foreman and strawbosses now having llif- work in hand, grading om Kleyentb Avenue was one ex ample of the good work beinc done by Hie present staff. Aid. McKechnie did not think iin engineer, was neressary rigiil now. With Aid. Perry in charge he felt tfiat as good results would lie obtained as in Hie past. Mayor .Newton was inclined to favor giving . the arrangement suggested a try-out. Plans ant specifications, had already been prepared and he did not think! work Immediately to he done would need the exenfl services of an engineer. Aid. Smith realized that Aid. Perry was quite capable of supervising the work hut be questioned if he had the; time to properly look after work thai involved the enipoyment of some 200 men.. Aid. Perry, while he was not looking for the . job, said lie would be willing to try it out and he thought .he. could keen the work going for a month at least. rnnin.. u. i-j ' wU.Ald. AfcMordlepoTnfcd out'th'al it would be at least a month before applications could be received apd an engineer appointed. If It was. then found that the present idea was working out satisfactorily, .the council would not be obliged lo appoint an engineer. He felt, however, that Hie council' should be in a nosi- make an appointment if oc. ..r , I:.,. ;.. . '"'ii, necessary. necessary. If If it it w was his l.u private ,,rivui .1. Mini, iM in-ivuy in s summer, is receivinir nt- " tention. It will be a pity if the first ..... bit .... of ... r, Ll ir , "Pn. ". . would not . dream of .iii(,n.r.i i i iimc iiii- perl has shown , for some tune is to be impeded bv agitators who lica In" piInM!. . II.. 1. . . . . ..... U. uiii,iK u uu- worhPrs ami imiiumg them with false hopes, Halo I The cilv eoiineil ilcciili'il last night to call for applications foe the post of city I'lipiuoiT which was vacated i,(sl week Jy r. Pearsoih With this . decision. which was made on motion of Aid. .McMordie, seconded by Aid. Mnilli, there was incorporated a inn from the 'Hoard of Works to (lie eiTept (hat H. O. Crewe take charge in the meantime of the departments otllce work and J. MeKae, fore man, the' outside work. Aid. carrying on such work wit bout an engineer. Ho admitted Aid. I'erry'n abillies hut what would his position bo if he were called upon lo settle with station npm on Fourth .Avenue work if ill were decided lo do it by contract-? Aid. Stephens ulso paid tribute to Aid. Perry' capabilities which had been reflected in city work already carried out. He felt however, that, il would be poor economy to try to get along without hii engineer Tlc, a,j vice of both he and Aid. perry would be needed. After some further discussion. II was decided to call for annll-1 cations for the position of en-: gineer, (he plan suggested by til.?; Hoard of Works to be put into 'r'ct In the meantime. j The takings of Hie Hospital auxiliary as a result of the sale, on Saturday amounted to $21.40.1 THE OAH.7 ?Ev78 The Man in the Moon YS:- I I 111'. V3v tit iri't into It' IICW'S- papers is" to st lift out' for III TIIKHK ars substitutes Tor a great many things, buj even uiir der Church union (Jieywill .use .n collection pjav it , '! ' i- '' IF I liad n llall An' I a bat, V ; I'd p!ai1igood game r ! Or I'deat, my .Ifal I wouldn't ' miss 'mn all . Like the boys on the hill. An' lalnbasle tho pfll. ; ; v HHTfKll tin on Hie wi-Am road than w'andering about In the muskeg. , I KNOW a girl that's deep as a well bid she'll never become u gusher. a, v ... I(!.OHAX(iK is bliss. Yes. it's follv to lie. wise. r - - - No matter wjfat ttiere f In jtisdit. He sure vou shut Villi r eyes. For if you always squint Al everything voii'scc You'll pretly spoil be educated, Jiisi Hie same as me. i THIS is- a' typical .Canadian town. T'veryliody knows, a whole lot more about his neighbor than the ju'jgjibors, kitOw alu.ul lliemselves. ' A MOSQUITO is danaernus when he begins t( ,stng. Jyo, there's no moral tor this. 's jniiiioi-al. THIS is the lime of year whn peaches bloom. Yes, there is i monil to this one. The bloom on the real peach won't rub off. THI'RK'S no Tool so foolish as an old foot. Mind lie does nut fool you. Ten Years Ago j in Prince Rupert j June 9, 1915. The Hank of Montreal w r -newing seventy-five per cent "i lht city's treasury rorlifirarV for one year In London. Kngtaii !. The action was endorsed at Ias. night council meeting on mo tion of Aid. Kdgc. There was another dmil.iv uf warm feeling at last nicht's council meeltng Itetween Maj't.r Newton and Aid. Montgomery om ne iii.iiier oi i ue mayors er;- Reasons rohyypa should wear MAS NO BUTTONS m ' n ',1 ifcc btH 4 Thru ... A MM 4mwr. tiMiii abtlMci Km. ht iiKty clow mail, u. M H..d. W M M Ik, w t mlHl M iH. f1" ' r M, hw Immhi ilKIlOI9lJJ M Mwwit Hrli., I. Lk l If a boy at penses while ' on a recent tri. : south. Aid. Kdgc roe to the 'defence of Mayor Newton. Kred' Peters. K.C.. city soliei tor, fears thai his son Jack, who is reported missing, may have fallen in action al Hie frmil. CINDER WALKS ARE PROTESTED AGAINS1 City Council Decided Last Night to Comply With Bylaws Regarding Second Ave. and Fifth Street Letters were received al last nighlj council meeting from V. K. Campbell, manager of the Canadian Hank of Commerce, ihe l'riiu-e Hupcrt Cluti and others protesting against the pulling down or a cinder, walk on Second Avenue near Fifth Street and requesting thai board, walks. a provided for in the original bylaws, be laid there and on 'Fifth Street between Second nyd '('!.. I I . . .... . , , - i uu u .ciuie. i ne icuers expressed Ihe emphatic opinion that cinder paths were not satisfactory in the business portion of the cily. .Mayor Newton ?ald that the work, of pulling down tn cinder walk on Second Avenue had brfm proceeding but, when il was learned that protests were lieing lodged, the work had been ordered stopped pending a decision of the council. He urged that the decision be reached al once as the tourist season was now on .and the cily should have Ihn best appearance possible. 1 After some discussion in dm course of which the city solicitor I the opinion that II wan obligatory on the part of the council to carry out the Intent of the originnl bylaw, il was decided on motion of Aid. Stephens seconded by Aid. McMordie In proceed with the work as called for in the bylaw. W. H. SHERMAN IS NEWJOTMEEPER Duties of Poll Tax Collector Also Given Him Will Receive Percentage of Taxes Collected n if r. . I , . ii. inerman was nmin n ed poundkeeiier and collector nf nr.ll 'taxes by resoluHon of the. cily' council last night on rerbtntnen- .Inli II - I . I iii.iiMi mi me noaru or works. ;Mr. Slierman's remuneration will; oe an per rent of dog taxes and i io per cent or poll taxes collected ' 'by binself. j 9 Int.. all he wanted of mince pie he would keep Mother and Doctor busy Let him eat all he wants of Shredded Wheat -some boys eat six Biscuits at a sitting and then holler for more It contains all the body-building elements in the whole wheat rain and is so easily digested. The crisp shreds of baked whole wheat encourage thorough chewing and that make's it an ideal food for children. Delicious for any meal with milk or cream, or fruits of any kind. Thr Canadian ShreOded Whtat Company, Lti Mr. l .IU, O.uri. Shredd Wheat acMostfood Jbr least money LESS TALKING! and more pra -tir.-d regard for h"-e w ! t forced lo work for oi extstem We have all got to live II I m lion in export and import goods or ii I trait wiork al reasonable prices why lt- ' t biisiiiess? ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone Red SS Comfortable Room from $2 a Week and up REGENT HOTEL, Cor. 2nd Ave. and Sixth St I CANADIAN PACiriC' COAST STEAMSHIP and Train SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George sail rroni Prince Il .p ' VANWW urn virvrnmA. SEATTLE ' 11 .' . . . i u . r Jl i'' mediate oinls: 12, 1T, I p.m. 3 9. ....... i. Barnilay. Ao.nU -jolir 1" " I' "' For Anyox- Thursday, June 1 1 at " p.m. For Stewart -Sunday, June 14, al 12 iiooi . After these dales ships will resume n k 1 ' FASStNOCR TRAINS LIAVt PRINCS RUT! T DAILY tictpt Sunday 11.10 ajn. for Vtu wiMNiPia, in puini Hji?rn Canada. Uniurt suim AQCNCV ALL OCIAN STCAlHIP LIN- buy llCltl Ullica, D inirg rnmi nv , iii'flnle tDaoT". Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services from Prince Rupert Sailings ....... ull .. . ..... I-Jl For K.tchlk.n., and ""?",W,;Z nd. ' For Vancouitr, Victoria and rVVmct . 8.S. PRINCESS BIATRICS. ,rt For But.d.U, Sw.naon Bay, B.H. B.Ma, Oc.n F at k.n .1... ..w u.rua.r tr Saturday .... mik o...., .... intmw . fn. .11 ftt.imih B Llntl. , B.C. ... .. r I TD. UMinM QTCAVIC.HIP COMPANY ur WAIftXl w aVTf wa Sainnn from, rrinre nupM. , i r 'or VANCOUVtR, VICTORIA, Swanion Bay, and Alari . ( ,0 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, and Swaqton nay. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S TM. ' . ..... ..... X.....I... rr day AM. .. .....rt LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED arrofiJ to building next . door .... lo Friaxcll IitilclicT llrilel himp. irotll me r.iui'i" We carry o full line or MnlFS CANDlt CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION ,etor James Zarelll