Ill ill li BRINGING UP FATHER By George m DDL IF NC. KMOWj VvHO WU7L NlV.OLMiO - WE 0 , TENNIS THE CAT lS RlHT MEJRE- Q.L THAT ON THAT THERE HC HOOaE Mtv WONT I . V pru hn RtCHT OVGK. To TH PHONE . MOJG IN (9 JK CpME iAlk I Cmi-ab WE V have a complete line of Tennis Goods, and it is all new 1925 stock. " Sykes or Bussey Rackets, $3.50 to $30.03 Presses .' $1.25 Covers $2.00 Rubber Grips ... 25c Gut Reviver .. .. 65c Sun Visors .... $1.00 Reach Halls t. . . 50c Slazengers 65o Improved Illrmal All Steel Racket, 13, 13V5, 1 1 oz. priced at $U.50 Postage paid on all oul of (own orders. Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Blai n Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Did You Buy Premier, Dunwell, B.C. Silver, when these Mines were only prospects? History Often Repeats I Gold - Ore at 8 cents is a mighty good buy. when you consider the location of their properties. Write us for information on this. Portland Canal Sales Go 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpa&ved Third Avenue. MARINE MOTOR Less Starter .. .. $250.00 Willi Starter ... .. $300.00 Government Taxes and Freight Extra S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prlnoe Rupert, B.O. prove .them on the field. First put (lie ball on Ihe goal line and kick wilh Hi" ten fpot; then put it on (be touch line and kick wilh lhe right fool. A Practical Plan Here is bow (his knowledge of swerve helps you lo convert corner kicks. Your forwards see their man put the hall on the igoal line. They know at once I that he will kick wilh he left fool and thai I hp ball afle- apparently travelling away from the goal will suddenly swerve in towards it. The defenders will HOW TO PLA Y FOOTBALL How to convert corner kicks into goals; pract ical plan for doing so (fly "Andy" Ducat, Manager of Fulliain Club.) (Ilrirlliled from "Orewiork persld"; How many corner kicks do your forwards turn into goals? The more foulliall 1 .-tinly, the more amazed 1 grow at the mini-her of these gulden opportunities flung away. Defenders are always in force round die. goal on llieso oc casions. That, However, is no reason wny any line oi lorwiiru should say to themselves, "What's the use of trying?" (Iranlod. corner kicks are not easy to convert; but llie-cjiief reason foe this is that few teams ever moke an attempt to work out n plan of campaign in this respect. You )ftrn see a forward take a corner and kick the hall behind I he jroal. Whereupon the attackers retire as (hough I his were quite the usual thins to do. In fact. I have even known a forward, come away frnm his corner afle a shocking kick with a smirk on his face as thoiiKh he had done something clever. This has got to slop if your lean is to win. Here is a plan for converting corner kicks into goals. Test il, and keep count of the extra goals you .score from corners. You need two definite men 16 take corners. These must he trained lo place the ball accurately in front of t lie goal. De- vole part of your (raining Ume lo this important work. Swerve From Corners Meanwhile the rest of .your at tack must aland by and isaich Hie swerve of the ballr. Swerve is not an accident. Kicked in u definite' way, a hall swerves in. a definite direction. Jlow does this alfeel 'you? In this manner. Wnfcn your forwards know which way a hall swerw's when kicked from a cor ner, they will get ready to lake il while I he iefenders are won dering where it will la'nd Knowledge of the way the hall swerves gives your men a big advantage in front of the goal. Take your corners from differ ent spots; that is, place the .ball sometimes on I lie touch line and sometimes on (he goal line When the hall is placed on the touch line it must be kicked with the right foot; when the ball rs placed on the goal line, il must he kicked wilh the left foot. Carry out these instructions to t lie lefter and you will make an interesting discovery. That di-covery is this--that t lie ball will ajways swerve in front of. the goal, never behind it. To be more rorreet, when the ball is kicked from the goal line wilh -the lefl fool the swerve will certainly bo in the direction of behind the goal, but because the ball is kicked into the field from the level of the goal, what actually happens provided the hall is properly kicked -is that the ball travels have no sucl knowledge. Seeing i lie ball (ravelling away, th ay- will move outwards lo intercept: it. Your own men will either hold (heir positions or move in; lliey know that although the ball looks as tjinugh it is go ing away, n is actually cerium to swerve in again. In this way the defenders are outwitted Hud the forwards get a much clearer field for a shot at goal. You must realise that (he swerve of 'a 'ball is nearly all in Ihe laM few yards. Just as the. force of the kick expands iUelf, Ihe force of" tie swerve operates. Wilh a good kick, Ihe hall is almost level wilh the goal before Ihe swerve beeonw's marked enough. -to- be noticed and acted upon. This gives the defenders plenty of time to gej in the wrong place. Y'otir men don'l need (o guess w;here Ihe ha is coining; (hey expect the swerve. To set the maximum result from Ibis plan the hall must he kicked by one of two men who have been trained first In kick wilh both feel, and second lo kick with a carefully calculated force so thai the swerve becomes operative jus! in dine to put it Inwards your own men. Neatly Placed Shots The man who kicks from corner must forget thegoal post. Aim at a spot fully seven-yards in froril of the goal. If the ball is placed loo clftse in Ihe goal keeper may reach il with his hands. Keep Ihe ball low; a slow shot accurately placed by a kick with the whoM instep is much belter then a "flyer" sent in wilh Ihe toe of the foot. Km 1 I ion can s ire! much more swerve, on the ball by kicking ifie side of it, instead of the cenlre. This ih. -a complicated vibjccl liest worked oul by walching on the fiidd itself. Sport Chat Unless they lie one of Ihe Iwo straight until it is just in front tre,,it nn lt. Ma(JinK ,.,., i;i of Die goal, and then il '""'"! sharply in Inwards the goal mouth. Conversely, when the hall is kicked from Ihe touch line willi the right fool, the ball first travels as though it were going behind, butihen swerves sharply out again just as it nears the goal., iiiese intricacies or swerve come much clearer lo you when your twing forwards actually MAPLE LEAF THE Old Reliable-sturdy and honestly good looking. It has the dependability that everyone expects in an Ingersoll. 2 .00 IDO, HQO'be T ' AREL RiQOF TMAT CAT V ( BORROW OOR. CAT THIS TIME FOK "&OKB ii uvlh; I . r rv M irr awn i O' ATfWI A the city championship soccer series tonight when the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. meets lire fireal War Veterans in a regularly scheduled league fix-lure. Doth the teams had rather bad defeats last week, the Vets at the hands of the Callies and the Cold Storage by (he Sons of England. II is generally fell however that bolb trains are capable of pulling nip better soccer than I hey did last weeji and, for that reason, tonight's game should prove interesting in determining who is lo get on lop. The line-bps for Ihe game will be as follows: Gold Slorage A. Murray; W. II. ami S. DarUm; .1. Tnr- tney, J. Sims and II. Carlson; Malcolm l.amb, J. Corbel l, K live, Dick l.ambe and 1'red Hardy. Reserves O. Hills ami V. SlelTenluile. , Steve Donoghue; in wlnninsr the Derby recently, beat the jockey record in the history of the big racing classic. He has six wins lo his credit whereas Ihe late Fred Archer bad five. Iionoghue's Derby record is: l'J15 Poinmern; 1917 day Crusader; 11)21 Humorist ; 1!22 Capt. Guide; CJ23 Papyrus; 11)25 Mnpna. Old Jupe Pluvius paid an un expected visit lo lown last night with (he rftull Uiat the schedul ed Senior league baseball fixture between the Sons of Canada and (iyro Cluli had lo be postponed. date will be fixed for it later p. .... in I lie season. 1 lie nexi scnen tiled game is between Ihe Saw mill and tyini , of Canada on niursdafrl-vri ng. A. II. Carniichael, who ha charge of Ihe tennis tournament being .played al die Prince Iluperl Tennis club courts, announces that enlries mijsl he in by tonight and thai games in (he first round may be played any lime before Sunday. Player will arrange (heir own time for games. There is a fine list of prizes offering for Ihe wipneri und il is expected keen compeli lion will be developed. TELKWA CARRIED OFF BASEBALL HONORS Beat Smithers to Tune of One to Nothing In Watch Friday SMITHFIIS, June 1). -Abolbor closely contested football apie was played iii Smilhers 0n Kci day evening 'when the Telkwa learn came over to play (he local eleven. Hie game was very keenly contested and al the end of the play die score, stood one each, die spectators railed for the game to go on, so Ihe boys decided lo play Iwo ten nUuute periods' more. This resulted in a win for Telkwa as liey scored one in Ihe first exlra period while the locals were unable lo noteli another senr. , CITY MAKES GRANT TO SWIMMING CLUB Vote of $180 Recommended by Finance Committee -Approved by Council Last Night On recommendation of (he finance committee, Ihe eily coun cil lat night decided lo grant $IR0 (o the Swlmmilijg Club lo be used in the work of making im'. provcinenls at the Pall Lake. Aid Stephens suggested dial Ihe money lie used Onder the super vision of Ihe Parks Hoard bill Aid. MeMordle did not agree with this on the ground that Ihe Park Hoard already had all the work il could handle arid Ihe Swim mlng Club was capable of spend ing the money,, to good advantage M I Wanted 2 For Sale For Rent W.N EST Slubbs, A.H.H.S.; CM. Ag.Cambs; Landscape Hardening. Plans and estimates for gardens. Ferns and other plants frnm $3.00 per doz. F.O.H. Usk, H.G. TO RENT fO HK.NT. Furnished rooms. Hot and robl water. Out rally located. Iteasonahle rents. Norfold Ilooius, I'ullon Siren!. Phone Hlark 320. t FOIl RENT. Clapp aparlmenl Wcsteiihaver Hros. tf I'he voting of the money wifhout reservation was then approved. G.W.V.A FOOTBALL TEAM REORGANIZED Eleven Chosen at Meeting Last Night to meet Cold Storage Tonight The football committee of Ihe O.W.V.A. was reorganized al a meeting' in (he rooms last nlghl ami a chui selected lo play Ihe uoid storage lonighl.- OIllceM chosen were: President, F. o. Pye. Caption, W. .Murray. Vice-Capl. V. Harlon. Committee: J. Campbell, II. Killin, J. F. Hulchlnsnn. Sec, W. Ilei.j: Trainer, J. Cochrane. Ilepresenlative (o Football As sociation, IL Killin. The team chosen lo. play (he Cold Storage team tonight win Sieve Oawlhorn, Sam Erskine W. Harlon, A. Hoy, O. Miluheil, H. Long, F. Ilussell, II. Norwood, F. II. Hunter and D. Ourvich. Al 3:15 yesterday afternoon Ihe fire department had a call lo highlit Avenue near Donal I Slreel where a grdss fire, c.loso to the residence of .1. W. Moore-house, did no damage lo proper ly. v t PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, June 10 High 3:28 a.m. 2I.3 ft. I0:lf p.m. 18.8 " Low Of: t7 a.m. I.I " 22:31 p.m, 0.0 " Thursday, June:-11 High 1:21 n.fn, 10.0 ' 17:10 Low ... 11.00 23:32 p.m. Friday, June-12 High 5:20'. IH:17 p.m. Low 12:01 p.m. 18.2 " 2.2 " 7.(5 " 18.2 " 18.0 " 3.7 " f w O't-f ( Intx Frunc Uc Oral OllUio flfltli if..-in-J Cj i DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c WANTKB WANTF.D. To buy or exchange furniture and stoves of every description. Prince lUipcrt Hxchange. Phone 052. If (JITKIlS wanted for Lot 10. block 'il, section 7. P.O. llox CJ7. FOR SALE FOIl SAI.K. Ten acre ranch, all fenced, half mile from Telkwa; ideal for small fruits ami chickens; seven rooiir house. 2H by 30, open fireplace in living room, water jn kitchen, furnace in basement. Price $750.00. $100.00 down. For particulars apply lo Thorpe A Hoops, Telkwa, Jl.C. FOIl SAI.K. Commercial Hotel, Prince Iluperl, furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens V Co., I.Id. tl FOIl SAI.K. Pleasure hoal"Kcho" C. L. Heindel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. tf BOARD 413 Fifth 'Avenue East. Jled 707. Phone PHICKS OF KASTIIOPK t-CYCLU Marine Engines i-ll.P. wilhoui clutch $185.00 1-1LP. 1 cylinder Ml) 2C0.00 0-1I.P. 1 cylinder HI) J50.00 8-II.P. I cylinder 111) 700.00 8-11. P. 2 cylinder MD (50.00 10-ILP. t cylinder LD 175.00 All the above xecr.t the first include the Famous Joes He-verse (Sear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. East hope Ilros.. 1717 (ieorgia SI. W. Vancouver, H.C Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone .1HI. Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hates: 50c for I or 2 passengers. 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 ArticW round,4c j COLUMBIA RECORDS HOAIID and Iloom, or hoard only. NEW Proic-s t..;,.:a- HOAIID. -r- The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. FOUND FOUND. Mooscheart nin. An- ply Daily News olllcc. BOAT3 AND LAUNCHES SHEDDON TAXI .134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" at your ser vlco day or night. Comfort Safely Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lamhly Phones 570 or I3I. TAXI 592 rilB DEPENDAHLE TA.XL Daj and Night service. Comforl and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeonre. Paul or Oust) Special b and 7 passcnKcr Slude- - liakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE HOSPITAL Ami (ieneral Repair Shop. Re pairs of all kinds promptly attended lo. We repair type writers, gramophones rind do picture framing. Carpet laying Furniture crating. TOM BALLANQER Phone Hlue 025. 3I8 Fifth SI FURNITURE EXCHANGE Furniture Imtiglit, Sold and Exchanced. RaiiKes. Healer. etc. moderately nriecd. Every I li i II tr fnP Mm I. nine. Call in ' nod look around. ALEX. MACKENZIE, Third Avenue Phone 775. Mohn Christie's old sland.) KEITH'S CAFE UMirn iti Stewart visit Keilh's Cafe In King Edward Hotel - now rn-niodelled. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggago, Furniture Moving. If you want anything scut for, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Uox 609. no si rai. Iirouumo'.s .' Trots, Si.i.j' !ir j j music' hy w r t.ftii iii a.'ii ;c r PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC tTOU Third Ave it BEDDINQ OUT PLIKTt Plants ilia! n w t for your y iK'ddniK . , any ai-rrm .. relied goods. Store Ph . renli"i;-. ? McCarthys. Experienced Suits inai ' Fulton Si re.-' He Coinf"'! , :e Dry hlork Fresh pi;' u Ph..- I! A. ISAAi si'N Monday, W dne B:- learJi v L Prestsiiiy ,i I . V..r. R IB TOM CALCHEFF Tailor FURNITURE New and Secr.dhtnd Fa ure Store. We B ij, Sell indb change New ted Sc::diai Ooods. . QtO. PAPAD0PUUS, S1Q 1'hlprf tv PhllMil FIREWOOD. PHOTO FINISHIHG P. J. RY pu. I! I "! I'rin..' Bti r P Servi' C a: d S" '- (ji iu :i ''' KNITTED C0005 SWEATFIlS ar-il ' kniteed g -ids R-' phone lilac , : 95. MAIL SCHEDULE a -nr. t'ii N - i II From me ti j Mondays. Wednesday' Friday, due a' '' ffl To VanoouYr Tuesday- , n Mail closes Saturdays Thursdays Sumjays From Vncour Sundays - - Wednesdays Fridays Ctl.,..lnu. r. n il. Mav 8. I 9-15 ' 9.15 P-1 in .9 A Al 0 il To Anyox, m.i - 15 pj. Wednesdays . p.l Siinilays - Arm- irm From Anyox, Alice p Tuesdays g P.t Thurslays To Stewart and Pre' p.S, Saturdays ? it Tuesdays 8 P Sundays Hi" To Port Simpson " Points 'IL.irUil.'lVS Frim Fort" ' River Points Qninrdays jo Alaska Pol""-c.m Alaska P0'n" 1? "' Plfltt May l ,jlad Charlotte To Queen Mnv 9. . ..... U'"" From' Queen CM"-Points May 7 and .A.'