day Juno 9, 1925. lay 1 tnms I good fnii mill ffiMiil exercise, ami you'll enjoy it all ii .. ...i.i-n wiili irood I'niiiiiiiiMiif Wrfgif & Difson Bstablisheil 1S7I 51 years; experience in making .i . .....i rifinfiuv i' u .....i c i.. Flaquets from $3.50 to $20.00. The George Wright Special $1C.OO, strung Willi pcrmalilc, ntil affected by moisture, y uiileed witlilHil conditions fur 1 lie full teuton. Tennis Balls 50c If ytni want to .improvu your score, use Wright & Dil-ltuuuls anil Halls. """""" ' McAJ U ii FOR SALE f i 1 i n naiiDut v WATSON'S TONIC ALE AND STOUT l-; sy to make, easy to ilpuh. A mo I wliole-""ie and nourishing daily ilk. each 75c OLD FASHIONED ENGLISH TOFFEE detit ions wrapped Toffee made by (iaiioug. Per lh . . . 60c .near Z32BBSSatUSSBM33Ii $10.00 to $25.00 per skate w i - j i i including gangings anu hooks n 1 1 f 1 1 ii a - i a w m . ii in k i . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rDMT7Q I IMITCn The Rexall Store 3rd Avenue and 6th SL WATERGLASS One lin preserves about 21 dozen eggs. Buy and preserve them while they ore cheap. Per tin . . 25c KODAKS, FILMS, SUPPLIES Developing and Printing for Amateurs. Films brought in before noon will be finished the same day. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Sunday and Holiday Hours From Noon to 2 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle a I. kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F TUG Day Phones 423 539 Gr. G01 Black 735 O A Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. T S Nfght Phones 687 ' 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Local and Personal ! H.C. Undertakers. Football tonight at G.:i0. Cold Storage vs. U.W.V.A. You'll like, our joall era Coal Co. Phone 7. Phone 41. La Parisienne licauly fourth St., Phone 301. Co ns urn Shop. If llich and ioor can ride now Sue for a Taxi to go anywhere lirown Taxi. Phone 0. tf Did you notice our advertise nienl in today's issue? Prince llupert Transfer & Taxi. Hubert Itonson Campbell of Dense lake lias lioen appointed stipendiary magistrate in and for J lie eounty of Prince llupert. W. Wrigley and H. Muir, hotel keepers of Gadoinin, Alberta, are visiting the city enroute home idler a trip to .Nova Scotia. They are registered at the Centra! liolel. Coal $14.50. Double screened Nanalmo-Wolllng-ton positively the best domestic coal in British Columbia. Albert & Mc- Caffery, Ltd. ..Phono 564 and 116. . tf The local improvement con- si ruction bylaw, providing for the mall ress grading of Fourth Avenue Fast from Mcltride Strce! to Hays Cove Circle, was finally cronsidered and adopted at last night's -meeting of the city coun cil. Mrs. Kohlenberg, who has been paying an extended visit Willi her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Lipsin (Irahatu Avenue, left on this inorningV; train for Windsor, Out. Mt. (ioldenbeiv was ac companied liy her little grandson. . J. M. Morison, postmaster, has iecn olleially notified that the steamer Prince (ieorge arriving icre this evening is not carrying mail but I lie jisual Wednesday mail will come in on the Prince Ituper!, arriving bero Thursday til 0 a.m. ' Will members of the Tennis Club who have not yet entered Tor the tournament put in their names tonight to A. 11. Car-micliael of the Hank of Commerce, h order that games may be arranged. The first round must he played before Sunday. (ieorge Sutherland had a letter before the council last night requesting that the city lay a new sidewalk to his house on Icltride Steel to lake the place qf the one that was taken up during recent grading operation. The mailer was referred to the Hoard of Works. ' - David M. Shearer, who was in charge of the elevalor contract in Fdmonton for Carler-Halls- Ahlinger and who will become superintendent of the work to b'" done here by the company, arrived in the city on last night's train from Kdinonlou and is registered at the Prince llupert Hotel. CP. Ill steamer Princess Ena, Capt. Andrew Johnson, v i 1 1 1 150 Ions of cement for Albert & Me Catfery, arrived in port at 1) o' clock last night. The vessel left about noon today for Port Edward and, after discharging cans and lumber there for the Skeena llier Packing Co., will sail for Skagway with a cargo of gaso line for (lie Yukon. The city council las) night ap proved an arrangement suggest ed by the medical health olllcer CATARRH of the BLADDER ITirhCan.ule (iJtrvl bearirkme tfrV fit warrpf counterfeit THE DAILY NEWS PAOfc THREE KEEP COOL1 Ice Cream A Purely Home Made Product Wc have recently installed the latest type of Ice Cream making equipment and are now in a position to make and supply ICK CItKAM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and bo convinced KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Retail Do Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 Save your soles. 50c. service. Arthur's Taxi. Phone G78. tf Accounts up to June 0 totalling 10,1)72.70 were passed foi payment at last night's meeting of the city council. The (i.T.P. car baiige, which has been in .dry dock for cleaning, painting anil minor repairs, is being floated this afternoon Sheritr Shirley is ill and un able to attend the Assizes. Con stable Markland of the district provincial police ollice is olli- ciating as deputy sheriff. A cash drawer in Uie store of (Scnrgo Hill on Third Avenue was rifled over the week-end and $20 taken. The culprit is believed by the police to have been a youth Union steamer Cardena, Capt A. E. Dickson, returned at 11. an this morning from Artyox, Alic" Arm and Stewart and will sai for Vancouver and wayports at 5 o'clock this afternoon. P. H. Fowler, manager of the Hastings and Hamilton i?lree branch of "the Dank of Com merce in Vancouver, is return ing south on the Cardena today after a trip to Auyox on official business. ,, 're-opened at iJW thU afternoon having been adjourned from 12.15. The indict iiients were re turned in the Xeganie and Slew-art eases and the empanelling of petit juries started. whereby a man named l)aney( necessilaling the votin J . ' . r II. the council . nil ..T oTi destitute and incapable of working, be given hoard and lodging in the city jail. Daney was being kept iir the hospital but il was necessary to discharge him from that, institution. The ja'l arrangement is suitable to NN0UNCE1F.NTS Mofwo l'ie-nle June 28 Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Christian-! sen of Selma. California, who; have been visiting in the city fori the past few wreks, will re-turn' south on the Cardena this 'afternoon. Mrs. Christiansen was formerly Miss Knott uf the local hospital staff. Tenders for - the supply of seven firemen's unOoriiis were opened at last night's council Hireling (aim I refer rod. to 'the utilities conimitiee willi power to act. A Carlson bid $ 58 and Sam Wood, ,jiJ7.t0, -the latter to be made in Slierbrooke, Quebec. i C. V. Evitt was excused from seniee on the" Pelit Jury this morning because he is a member of tlio 'active forces. E. Davidson was excused until 2.30 and His Lordship ordered that Inquiries be instituted for H. Mont gomery who failed lo answer when his name was called. Tenders for electrical material money from capi lal account. ABSOLUTE DECREES at Ilia Assizes this morning b.v Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald in the I.indselh vs. Liudseth and' Morrison vs. Morrfs'tm divorce actions. L. W. Palmoie appeared for the petitioner in, either case. $25.00 REWARD. ' ! $25.00 revvard will he paid to the rirsl person providing legal 1 proof against anyone making do-! rogatory statements In regard to I the purity of milk handled by the1 Valentin Dairy. i 30 1 INDIANS ARE WITNESSES IN MANSLAUGHTER CASE The Indians, strange looking' to these parts with their, wide brimmed nais anu origin Kerchiefs, who have been wandering around town the past few-days, are witnesses in the Xa-ganie manslaughter case at the Assizes . This is the first case being taken up. The dead man, Johnson Louie, was employed by the accused. The latter was dis satisfied with him and, in a drinking fiight, it is alleged that accused look the offensive and delivered a blow after which Johnson Louie died. No weapons were used. The principal witness in the case is Louie John son, son of the dead man who, according to medical evidence that will be submitted, was in noor health. ESSINGTON ASSAULT BEFORE GRAND JURY The irand Jury at the Assizes was sent out Mils morning wmi; the indictment in the Alex. Slew-; art case of Port Kssinglon. There! lie lvo cuuuis in iin; lUUIUUllCUI. wounding willi intent to kill mil wounding with intent to! cause grievous notiuy narm. u is alleged that there was trouble between the accused and another Indian David Douglas; over a boat. Accosed went to his house and got an axe with which, it is charged, he assaulted Douglas about the head and other parts of the body. L. W. Palmoie, it is understood, wilt prosecute this case with Milton Oonzales defending. VERY LITTLE CRIME INTH1S DISTRICT .Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald, in his charge to the (irand Jury this morning, congratulated the district on the small amout of crime in Mich a' large area which this time included all of .Northern H.C., the only Prince Oeorge case having been trans ferred here. There were only four cases in all though they were serious. His Lordship then proceeded with his technical cliarge to the (irand Jury first in a general way and then in detail. FIVE HUNDRED LOST LIVES IfHIEAT WAVE CHICAOO. June J. -The death loll id I lie ten day heat wave passed the 5oo mile mark hrsl night, biji conditions were much improved today following heavy rains and wind storms. Oflicial figures show 1 30 deaths in Philadelphia during the wave. MAIL TRAIN WRECKED ON AUSTRALIAN LINE ItlllSHAXE, Australia, June . Nine persons were killed and 10 injured today when the Uris-haiie-ltockhamplou mail train was wrecked. BAD BLOOD IS THE CAUSE OF PIMPLES ' AND BOILS were onened al last night's coun- what yon m-nt when ihe blood ,rt cil meeting and referred to Ihe '"' 't',ri,r t,,"",c ,,",,",e1 "'"! , Inillil Hie ami Hie blood ... . . up sysltin put . . . itlililn, fimtiitl liw fin ri'tmt'l v.......... . .-i u,(, ,rtT snipe. Kids were submitted by the Canadian (ieneral Electric Co. and the Norhern Elect rib Ch. Aid. McMordie, chairman of the utilities committee, stated that the ordering of I lie material would for thla pcrpoe there la hotlilu? to equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. L. A. Iiclberl, Allan, Sa.k.. write : involve considerable e.xpeiidilurei "fur wvent yrar i wa troubled f I with 1hii and pimples. tried many triHllll'lll .lull I'nltlil trot mi rptfiilltf 1 llicn tHjk Burdock Bitters and became Tree of my trouble. It U the only medicine I ever took that did me any good." 1 ' I B.U.D. b.u been on the market for the Decrees absolute were igranled ; 4fl '"! P" "i my by me T. Piiiuiirii L.u.f uiiiucu, luroiiKi, inn. USE 2n1. ShocPolish For your shoes It saves the leather and - Improves your personal appearance NAVY () cut fWf PLUG wgys oatisnes' Mnufctured by lmperUl Tobacco Company of Canada. Limited hi SPECIAL SALE PRICES on easrass Chairs and Rockers $6.50 $6.75 - A sliijinient of ibis popular line arrived Moud;. just in time for our furniture sale. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY We ure Agents for the Prince llupert Spruce Mills and can quote you attractive prices on their products: Cedar Timbers and Shiplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shiplap $10.00 and $21 .00. Spruce Dimension $18.00 to $22.00. Get our prices before placing our order. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST Helgcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours D to 0. X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686. . Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings r Best P Vt., e -h'J "TKY A Sir TO. NIGHT" ANT'S rocurable - - rnic oricinau RICHEST IN FINrST HICHLAND MALT tVitlJ and t.iIJ by Wdli.n CrftHl Ai Sont Limited. ClrftliddicK and 0lrnir.Clnlil DiMillxnM. Dull- - f. Pure Scotch Whisky 1 AM This advertisement is not published or displayed by Ue. ; Liquor Control Board or by the Governmeut of British Columbia. j