BSK VkKNMrN rniwr ta a in nr tin fir. in miii ur CO-OPERATIVES ganlxatlon Is Requested STOCK MARKET )H.C. Silver m 'tWIIVII Howe Sound uvercresl Surf Inlet '. "iiiNve Premier ,..., elkiiks "uly-Alasku J.y Oriudiy ., nl la it , ; Hufus , Terminus 1'. .& I-. 1'ayview Hid. .01 15.00 .12 .05 ;; 3.25 I "!o1 vi .it Mi IJi.oo iUG1,!. .12 ... i-tO .25 .10 Asked 1.50 .03 10.50 .lt .(Id 1. 00 2.30 .01 .07 Vi .20 .00 .28 .12 Vi Advertise In, I lie Dally News TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 ahcl Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Ambulance 5J Hour for hire. Suitable for Service '3 dances, banquets and wedding Anywhero at Anytime. parties. Ittnd Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For rates, .apply to lloslon and 6th SL PRINCE RUPERT Grill, third Ave. MATT VIOEOK. Prop. Phone 487. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOl, XV., NO. 131, P1UNCE HUPEIIT. D.U., TUESDAY, Jl NE 0, D'-'u. Yitlirday'i Circulation 1B7B Strut ! 42. PRICE FIVE CENTS, .. . i. . I tt 11.. ...I 11. ..I II.. i im nr rnr H i .no in a nxeu council. ue iidiuiMiT in (an ut vi "i JVUI--I i hi 1 1 hi 1 1- - iiii.iu.iiiiia !.' r 11 UUIUIlll I ll If iHoimiipt Tin six .ycttr loan is asked l . . i . . . in, . .. i ... .. n.. i. ..... r ii. .. r.... vail 1IUIII llll." iil l' il II P. .Simpson, iirosidcnr uf PAULS, Juno U. Premier Pain- '' uiiiiounceif that ho would lf (Ins uvenlng by airplane for . . 1 v ... . . l'C dun ! Mm Premier's desire lo .uriiiiirii i mi 1 1 ii i i l kiiiiw ii'iii! i?i I hi. ii-t. i. r.. .... i-ill. if i ..Ii In mis ..tii, uii nun. i,.i.i.i. ..... U. II I1i..l.'.i ..f iii.i.iiiii.IiIm ...V. ..l.l...... u ..... - ell Hie I im i. im. in eiil's Min oiM'ull Policy in parliament. Hespatehos. descriJa the Hir- iiiin h'itsojil. or flic prolectornle a having lieivoiue considcralil'' inoie active In Ihe last 18 hour.-. ror salary for the month of Juno lo the eiuineer be adopted. This was seconded by Aid. "erry. Bad Precedent Mayor Nelwou then expressd (I he belief that it would le a mis .i Inion, .taid he fell it ''w,M5jia4l. ,i set such a precedent. The II llllH4 I lul Mil Mill lull 11 11 E 11 1 1 1 17 I ..! I I I 1 1 . ft., I nil ...v. - l 1 UL'!' ililll UCI II HIIH"Jvn u vi in i ii in i ill 1 1 1.1 1 in aiuay war situation Ground to Answer Opponents In Parliament on the lias's of .JO days' notice and he hud resigned witlioul Kivlus (he loiincil that imlice. l'urtlier ihe had been laid up for some weeks previous to Ibis and no- b,dy had made the suggestion Dial be bo deilucleii salary on tins account, lie himseir did not ask for a mouth's .salary, lie Ihoiihl il would he wrong to no it aenerous with Ihe people h money at a time wlien Ihe strictest economy was necessary. Aid. Casey agreed with the view aken by Mayor .ewiou. uie en gineers icsiifuawun pun vuiii. like a boll fi'Hii we nine am in. lielieved that the resob nl ions following had proviuei. for him being paid his salary ioi the mouth of June, these resolii lions bad been put through so ...ii.i.Mv dint Ihere had been hard- iv linie lo think. The idea had not appealed to him ai me iiiuo but., in view of Hie fact that he i. mi hml nrevious1 uiuieuii win. ii m ineer. be did not feel in- .. ii.,.. ..ii.. oppose we uioiun . - , - . , .Imv and hen He accuseo i.u . . . .....i,.,.., inwards Mr. Pearson, lie I ill iwt - " now thought, however, mai no council was juslifieil in recoii- -1.1..H11L' Hie matter, no inoiigi ....I n... .t-Tiii conn lie nil io in. ii i.i" - - better use, sucii " "i i.-uiiiu-i.uii Hill, hlavaruunds. if we city mo ii in snare. He Wougiu mai mi I...H....UI. wlllioiil this .9250, hail i r.illv settled' with by Ihe city. Holiday on Business In Hie course of discussion ll,,.! followed. Aid. Casey said 11(0 engineer lasl year had had what imiolieally amounted lo a boll .lav when he had been .sent b oiitiuued on page six) May. TJie amount for May was O.H'J J. 1 1 1 in addition li ii:ml -ties of piles, poles and lies. The detail follows: Douplas Kir 5.D3I Ited . Cellar I,tij.ri5 Coast .pi'uee 2,2t3,ir-'! Hemlock 1,5a S, Balsam ' l.lO-'.D.jfl Cypress 323 Interior Spruce orSMHS Cottonwood I.H-'O Poles (lineal feel) 223,0'jr. Sprui-e Piles 3.H7-' Hemlock Piles I8.3H) Cedar Piles 1o'0,8Ij Hemlock lies '. 2.3 18 Pine Ties 8'J,y7 I'UlpVooil 'cords IO.' ELEVATOR PROGRESS Substructure Will be Finished by End of Month Superstructure Starts Soon By the end of this month tho Northern Construction Co. will have completed Its contract for the foundation and wharf of the terminal grain elevator being built here by the Department of Trade and Commerce. Before that time, however, the Carter-Halls-Aldin-ger Co. of Winnipeg' wllUhave started work on the superstructure. The latter company's equipment Is due hero this week from Edmonton and offioials who will be In charge of the work have arrived In the city Including the superintendent, D. M. Shearer, and purchasing agent, C. H. Bii- jetl. When the actual work of pouring concrete for the elevator walls commences, several hundred men will be em ployed and the work will bo carried on day and night. RELIEF TO HOME BANK IS PASSED Bill Now Before House Following Resolution Adontcd by Large Majority OTTAWA, Hine U. Hy n vol.' of lOO tu 20 the House of Com mons last night adopted n resol ution providing 5,l50.noo for Ihe roller of the Home Hank de positors and subseipiently gavi first reading to a hill lo give er ect lo Ihe resolution. Many Disappointed in Dense .Special lo Daily News, im m. m. m m m m m., mm mm imi m m m ma mm mm m u m. iubh mmr in imii im ma m i" . r i i r i r m i v UUILiLi lAUill VI JjllLii llJLillJU 1I11U lflVlUUllU nil irvlminn lTnin HAiTimAiT iimniT niffimffririn nnnm n i I llADTi laTFT'TH lYI I TI I 'III I n 'i x m ar n a m aw emm w m CUUlVLIt tit VUUIIIU over Salary Given to City Engineer Pearson II I . if II.. ...:.l 1 1 ... I I I I 1.. : I ll CIIIMI'VI . III. illll III II I. (Ill 11IIJI IKIII IIVUII IIIUIIU III I. II II I liflin? the uiiuiile.'i and thai no I.iiii-ii ri'suiiii ion nun iiri'ii pui or ;pasM-d. Had il been, lie for ontt would liae oppo-ed il. Ills re-icolleelion was dial Hie only re- .1 rt ll ll l in iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii;iskiii nil nil' iiiuiu!- jliail been one accepting the en-j jtincer"." resijtnalion. Aid. (Slepliens-was iiiiiiiedlalely , U)U his feel lo explain that the (resolution MrreidnirT -"(lie n ' luineer's resunalion hud iieeii lpased on inolion of Aid. Perry iseeoitiled by himself. men a Ml TOIliA, June 'J. The ov-1 second resolution, iuoed by him- .... ... i, il. I i.i....l ....I .........1 : .imiviir lll lie umu in limn- i" .-.ii i.v.. . v !,.. i..l,..f nf 1 1... ii i: ll.'r-, 'fil liv Aid. I'erry. that the en- iiinn.H- I'li.iiiuir!! ivn I niiiii. :n. t?ini'i'i' hi- "ivell Mill .aiaiy lor .... ii il. ..r I...... I ... . i I...... i .li.l',VIII Ul III!. n . - - -. - . ,itioii by furtlier loans, leairied. ...... . . . 1 I ll . N II. ...l.l ... . . I... I ll I tJ I .... I. .... w.i.l 1 1 .1 S' ill 01 l Hi? coin em nu io m .in. cn-iii'-ii-, ivi-.j, r.'u I'll... i.m .1 iiiitr iii:iii jiiiii v&fiinii i ll' i n iiur.iui I ill ni'j LUMBER SCALE IS MOUNTING Almost Twenty Million Feet j Miasurcd by Local Forostry Department this Year Almost twenty million feet of .Hi 'lumber was scaled by thelocal for- U 1 M WU V M ft ftV UU I1UL iL UUULU. LfUft. I'HI IV I II 1 131 ll IIII'III 111 Ilk I 1 1 i (Mill III . m f minutes show it was; defies majority of Council It looked fur a while at last night's council meeting us if I I.I I I. ....It. ...I I l... V 1 I.I I I.. trir wiiuiii lit ii iit-mimi iv in ijii' .uiiiur .irw I wiiiini n...' in ... .......... ...I r....... ii... ..)...;.. ... il. 1. 1 ii... i. i.i i... ...... ' i I . . . : 1 1 . Thi' difficulty i-uinu up in runiu'cliou willi the adoi(ioii of ln minute uf l;i-t vcek' met; t iiiur. .Mavor Ncwlon saiil that . I .i I. ...I .r ,1 . I.. I . .1. -.In... I.. I. ,1... III.. Mill .11 I I III III I II I .l f t I. I .1 I tl'll.. II!. fl I'll . I fill .111 Hemg intdlier lo rii(i iuseiigirs wi ek! on u Ureal Like ship i Tweed. Sin- hosles; no easy toll, Ut'fi.n-i - .Mis. auui-r i(. says the job, really that of a social calls v II for Hie ahililies ol a trained diplomat. Fishing arty Thrown from Car andMembtrs Badly Bruised Auld Turns Turtle on Hillside SMITH KUS, June 0. An automobile accident somewhat similar lu one dial .occurred lasl inontli. happened Sunday afei noon about Ivvu p.m. when lite Overland lledbird, invned by Neil Mclnloslr, left Ihe road on a hill about seven miles east of liuiis-lon, turned a somersault down a sleep einbankin.eiil, but, as in the former accident, Hie occupanls miraculously escaped death or vety serious injuries. Sam Ely and Neil Mcintosh who were condiiclioii a fistiing party, left lowu early Sunday morning Tor a day's sport at Summit Lake. After several hours nt Ihe lake they decided lo go to Pernw. i - - - - At a noint about 19 miles from Sinitbers they came to a sharp pilch in Hie road right at'. the lop or which was a very I sharp turn. Eby's car wast ahead and got sardy past. Mc- Iniosh made the turn but lh hind wheels or the car skidded! on Hie grass, at the, side of lhe road and when the weight, came,) on Ihe edge of Ihe Jiank thei ground igavu way and Ihe car wenl over, turning''' once and lodging in a chuiip or trees on the hillside, which was very steep at this point. (inly Tor the trees Ihe car would have rolled over 100 feet. L. As il was il took a leap of 30 feel, breaking a numibijr of trees in lis path. Occupanls Hurled Out The impact or the-Tall hurled the occupants out all badly bruised and shaken up. Douglas Mcintosh, a brother. or Neil, was pinned under Hie car but the others were able lo release him in a lew nionienis. no uao ins ankle badly sprained. Neil had his lf l shoulder badly wrenched and also ' numerous cuts about the head from broken glass. Al. Kinnerly and Clirr Warner,, who also were in Hie car', were each nnl iriueil nn naffe iv Lake Hunt for Gold and are Coming Out but Others Go On SEATTLE.. June l). A lost-InleiliKencer despatch from Telegraph Creek stales that the stampede lu Cassiar is Ihe old jIiii-v uf din I. Ill' Hi Hi' are iroililf ill. UlltllTeclcd 1Y the ""I J ' I'IW1H , ....... w , .slurius uT Ihuso coining out. ThoVe is a fund shortage and no . '.I'-.i i ii .1: pa nut UAcepi ine 1111111111 nisruviTi j . A, corre.siiondeiit reporls freight anil passengers moving rapjdl on Dease Lake trail, tractors being used' successfully, MuiuVro hurrying into Dease Lake and beyond. Aihumlreil mile.- frunuTiUograpli Creek people arc buying the outfits'-uf those who have given up the search and Itirneu homeward. HEAT WAVE BREAKS IN EASTERN CANADA TEMPERATURE IS 76 OTTAWA, June 0. , break in Hie heat wave, which has held Ottawa in its grip for the lasl Week, occurred today with a cloudy sky and the lom-perature down lo 70. Yesterday the thermometer; stood al 01, Hie highest in Canada. One death occurred from heal STRIKERS TO MEET ' FOUR POWER TREATY SOON Britain and Franco In Complete Accord and Decision of Germany Awaited GENEVA, Juno 9 Britain and France have reached a complete accord in regard to European socurlty and If Germany, to whom tho accord wll soon bo sent agrees to the conditions a four powor pact Including Britain France, Bel-glum and Germany will come into bolng, based on the In violability of the Rhine frontiers as delimltod by the Ver sailles Treaty. - -.a AT NANAIMO TODAY NAN A I MO, Juno 0. -A mass meeting of striking miners wl be held this afternoon when fresh proposals for a settlement will be disnuvd. Assize Court Opened with Four Criminal Cases; Four Divorces Hon. A. M. Manson is prosecuting; Jury list includes men from all classes ot citizens With four criminal casts lu be dealt with and four divorce applications lu be heard, Ihe spring sessiun uf the Supreme Cuurt assizes upened at 12 u clock Ibis niuriiing belure , Jus tice W. A. Macdonald. il is hoped that Ihe session will be con cluded, by Friday although much depends on Hie progress uf the first cast the charge ut manslaughter against an Indian named Neganie from Hie (Jaribuu district. There are a number uf In dian witnesses and there will hue lo be some double iulerpre- laliun. However, the fact that the accused1 has some knowledge of l-.nglisli may facilitate mat-, r- lets in this respect Neganie is a. Montgomery, Emily Morris, charged with killing another In-1 j. Nuylor, A- 'IV Parkin, K. A. dian named Johnson Louie, near; HocmI, O. AV. Iludderhain, p. J. Chizacut, Cariboo district, in a yan, P. Sillier, D. Scberk, W. II. drunken -brawl. Johnson Louie Sherman. ;J. A. Smith, ll. Sleen, received, it is alleged, u blow i- v. Wesch and S. Wood. I'roiii Ni detrtli.'' janie caused his! E. r. Jones has the de- feiiCiA. The case was given to tho Orainf-Jury fop ii Mil TTiIs morning. The -second criminal ease on tin) docket will be the charge againsl W. Pollard, Delia Coola wounding with intent Douglas also of Port Lssington.j Doth me unlives. Milton Gonzales has Die deronce. All the cases with the exception oT the last will be prosecuted by lion. A. M. Manson, attorney general. Four Divorce Cases There are lour divorce applications before the court. They are: Frank Hiddlecoinbo vs. Eliza beth Flora Stephens lliddlecoinb, Milton Gonzales for the peti tioner. Henry Collinson vs. Maria olliuson, Frank Jones co-ro- oonilenl: W.,0. Fulton for the petitioner. Decrees absolute are being up- lied for in Hie ca'ses of Stephen Morrison vs. Lilly Morrison and Point Matilda Lnidsetli vs. John .iiidsetli, decrees nisi having been granted al the lasl assizes. alniure it Fulton appear Tor the petitioners in both eases.' I here are 110 civil actions other limn divorces. Jurors have been -called as lollows: Grand Jury Donald Hrown. -George Allison Itryaut. John Hulger, James An drew Curtis, A. U. Love. J. C. Mc Lennan. James McNully, Edward II. Mortimer, Harry IL. Ilochcslcr M. M. Stephens, George D. tile W. G. Wal ford and W. W Wrathall. Petit Jury J. T. Uallinger, ll. E. Henson Joseph Hrown, It. G. Cunning ham. E. .Davidson. W. 11. Derry J. Edwin Dyer. C. V. Evltt. J. W Exley. F. C. Gilhuly, J. J. Gillls H. F. Glassey. W. -Oration, Harris. J. llnnler. fl.A. Kolsey Stove King. 0. J. Limhiuist. Lonnwlll. M. McArthnr. II. Mc Eachern. M. M. MacLaclilan, W OLIVER AFTER Indian, of manslaughter in con- Criticizes Action uccliou with the death or John Clellan.l. white, as a result oV, an automobile accident. The third case lo come up. will be the manslaughter charge against Claude V. Symes of this city in connection with the death Of little Norma Monro whom ho struck with his automobile on Fifth Avenue East. L. W. Pat- Inore is defending BETTER RATES of Dominion Government and Doubts Value of Railway Order VICTOHIA, June; U.-President Oliver in a statement Vcrilicized Hie Dominion Government's order tu the railway .'btmi'd to- revise the rreighl rales and lakes ti.o ground wui ine, onier noes .The rourth and last case willjnot necessarily remove the pro be thai or Arthur Stewart or Port sent discriminatory rules against Essinglon who is charged witli Hritish Columbia ahd thai such ,lox.uistruciioiis as were given io uio board are beyond 'the. .powers of (he Governor in Council, DUNWELLSALE IS EXPECTED Shares Drop But Elliott Holds Out Hope of Consummation of Deal VIGTOItIA, June uKollovvim;t a drop in the quotations of Dun-well shares on exchange yosler- day, II. T. Elliott, K.C;, Who is in barge of negotiation ror the ale or the milieu staled thai 119 I there was nojnows from iNcw York or the suec.vssfiit culnilna- U011 or Ihe deal lmt lie hopes r thai the purchase ofVjhe' mine will result in S,OOf),000 being ivatliible Tor distribution ainbng he shaioliolders. BODIES OF MINERS KENTUCKY RECOVERED , V- Sl'l lUOS. Ky., June 0. - The bodies ol 1 1 miners, vieliiu.s of Ihe explosion in the .West Ken- lucky Cjial Conipaiiyismliio yes-lerday, were found today. Three ilher liodios were recovered lust night. STRIKING MINERS AT NANAIMODISMISSED VICTOHIA, Juno U.-iMon who voled (o strike at tin; . Nanainio mines are being ilisuilssid by the Western Fuel Corporation.' Notices to Hits effect 11 posted .at the mines. ,