w ; 'ACW SIX A Watch Sale Worth Watching - Tho W'alch'worlii wliile Is (lie Walch. lliaii can tick, ' When oilier wulclics Are feeling siek. For a Boy - - - $1.50 Watch Chains, 25c We are running an ox Ira special Watch bale in Ladies' anil dent's High (irade and Medium (Irade Watches at Kxtra Special Low Prices. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. M Oran ax Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of tho North. ges! Size 150, per doz 65c Sue 170, per doz GOc Size 210, iter doz 55c Size 252, per doz. 45o Large tlrapefruit, each 10c lluy wliile prices arc low Strawberries, 3 boxes 50c Olierries, per lb 40c drapes, per lb 40c Tomatoes. Lettuce. Cucumbers. New Carrots. Heels, at lowest prices. New Potatoes. 3 lbs. .. 25o Mussallem's 417-423 Fifth Ave. EasL Phones 18 and 84. Travel in oor Taxis Ang Get a Ticket Ten of these lickcls entitles you lo a free journey in our cars to any part of tin' city or "Seal Cove." Remember the Phone Nos. 189-112 Let us do your transfer work. We will attend to Ibis carefully and promptly. Wie are the only agents for I'.lt. Spruce Mills Kiln Dried Kindling. Special for a few days only, .0.00 delivered. Large load. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Opp. Old Post Office, 3rd Ave.; Also Seal Cove SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way via. Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full information apply: R. F. McNAUGHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Auditorium Dancing Evory Evening, 8 to 11 1 Danco 10o 3 for 25o Wed. Kv, song by II. Astoria, Impersonal ion of it Chinaman Hinging a song. Thursday Kve., songs by Sahourin and Couluio. CHARLES T. CABRERA, Mine Engineering and Contracting 017 Second Avenue Toronto 407 Commonwealth Building ! NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OP RE8RV ! ."NOTICE IS IIKIIKIIY UIVEX that tho i reserve touring certain land near tint I Junction of ucstall and skeeua Itiveia ticsiguaied Lot it. lUnge 5. Loa si District, Is cancelled. OEO. It. WAUEX, Deputy Minister or Lauds. Department or Lauds, Victoria, B.C.. May till.' in i 5. LAND ACT. Notic of InUntlon to Apply to Leas Lands. In the Land Itecording District of I'rince nupert, and situate on l lie northwest roast of l'earse Island, B.C., approx-linalely three miles north from the mouth r Winter Harbor. Take Aotlee that i. Heldlug Strang or Sunuyskle. B.c... oerupaliou i-auneryiuan, intend to apply fur a lease of the following described lauds: Commencing at a post planted approximately three miles north rrom the. nioutli ir Winter Harbor, l'earse Island; theire northwest two iti chain, more or less, ii low water mark; tlicuee northeaul ilong low water mark one hundred and Illy t6Ui chain; thenrn Houlheasi wo it, rlulns; tlienre southwest on lundreil and silly (I6UJ chains, more or e. to Hiint or romuieuermenl anil ron-alulug thirty-two arres. more or 'ess. JAMES HEI.DI.NG STIUXO. .Name of Applicant. WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) T.UE XoriCE that William Morgan, whose address Is Utrkhorl, O.i .. will applv for a licence to take and iim- i.ooo gallons daily of water out of Spring on west side of Lfrkr(ior, o.cj.. b.i:., which flow- southerly and drains Inin west inn, "Longrellow" Mineral Claim, duly crown Oranted .No. :u.l Q.r.J. The water will be diverted from the stream at' a point right at source, about I.50U reel ir so from l.ockert Harbor, and will lie used for domestic cannery purpoi-e upon (he Domestic Cannery at Locketiort. o.c.l i ins nonce was posien on tne 1 7 III aav r May, I Oil. A mnv of this notice anil an application pursuant thereto and tu he "Water Act, ton." will be filed In he orrire of the Water Itrcorder at Prince ltUiert, ll.C. Objections to tlie applica tion may tie mod wiyi the said Water Itecorder or with the Colnnlroller i.r Water Mights. Parliament Huildlngs, Vie. lrla, U.c, within thirty days after tlx-rirst aipcaranee. or this notice In a local iewiaier. The date or the rirst publi cation or mis notice is- May SSlh. 0jS WILLIAM MOR0A.N, Applicant. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Last In the Land llei-ordinir Muriel oi I'rince Ituperl. and situate on the north west coast or l'earse Island. ll.C. annroi mutely m miles north, rrom the mouth tiimrr iiaiuor. rake .ol ce that Gossc-Mlllerd l.lmili-d of Vancouver. U.c, occupation iiarkers. intends to apply for a lease or the Tol- lowlng deserlbed lands: commencing at a rmst Planted anni-oi Imately H miles mirth frnmi the mouth r Winter Harbor, l'earse Island; thence northwest two J chains, more or less, lo low water mark: thenre northeast along low water mark one hundred and kitty (ICO. chains: thence southeast two iii minus; thence southwest on-hundred and slity I6U chains, more or icso, in point or commencement and con laming thirty-two I3i) acres, more oi less. oussE-Miu.Knn limited. Maine of Applicant. Dated May Ulh. IBji. LAND ACT. Notic of InUntlon to Apply lo Laaa Land. In the Laud according District of rune iiuttert. and situate on the north west roast of l'earse Island. H i: nnnit. tmately three miles north rrom tho mou.h or Wilder Harbor. rake .Notice that Flliieirs Limited of nine uunert ll.C.. occunat Ion nm-kers luteiiils to apply for a lease or th rol lowing described lands: Commencing al a Host iilanted aimrui Imately three miles north from the mouth or Winter Harbor, l'earse Island: thence iioruiwen two m rimins, more or less, to low water mark; thence southwest aiong inw water mark one hundred and sidy ( 1 00 . chains; theme southeast iwn ixi ciiaius; inenee northeast one hundred and sltly l oo, chains, more or less, in ixiini or commencement and con taining unity-two (J?) acres, more or ess. HUZZEI.L'S LIMITED. i.no-o .my ITIII 1 V J i) , Name of applicant. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laa Land Ir. Skeeua Laud District, Itecordlng District or Prince Hubert and situate al Port Edward, ll.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Skcrua Iliver Parking Company, Limited, or Port Edward, ll.C. occupation Fish Packers, In 'i1l , fl'I'ly. fur permission to least the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot U? It.V. roust District; thenee southerly along low-water mark, Jou.ft.; thenee southwesterly, parallel lo the southerly iHiiindnry or Lot O70, 150 rt.( thence northerly parallel to wa er mark, too reef, thence north-easterly Mong the southerly boundary of Lot 1174 produced, 150 reel to the point of commencement, containing half an acre, more or less. SkEENA rtlVF.n I'ACklNfl CONI'A.'NV, LTD. b.lrd May ,t, m. and Sutherland and Public Meotlnn Held IMPROVEMENTS PROMISED STLWAIIT. June 'J. - The Iwu provincial minister, Hon. William Sloan of (lie mini department and Hon. in-. Sutherland of I lie public works, acennipaiiieil ly II. I'. Kergin, were 1 1 rails will be improved for lliir- jleen miles. Mr,, Sloan reviewed the political condition of Hie province and (iniled figure l show the pro-grus thai va- being made. llotb ministers were given it cordial welcome. FISH ARRIVALS Fish arrivals today were: American Leviathan' I'O.OOU at 12 and 5 n lloyal Tislt Co. Tatoosh :), (Kip al 12 and 5 to Cold Sloraae. Venus 31,(10(1 at II and 5 iolil Storage. Alaska 1 1 ,000 at II and 5 to lo Pacific Fisheries.-! Canadian ,m." & S. 0,000 ainl 1 Fisher y.OOd nt' 10.00 and 5 to Allin Fisheries. D.S.T. 10,000 at 10.50 ami " to Cold Storage. Annie May 1,500 al lO.-'O and 5 to lloyal Fish Co. ONE BIG UNION AND NANAIMO COAL STRIKE Deputy Minister of Labor Says Leaders of Union Active In That Area WICTOIUA, June !). The One Dig Union is involved in ' Iho Xauaiuio strike; .according lo J. I). Mc.Niven, deputy -minister of 'abur, who returjied Ibis morii-tg from a (rip lo the mine area. Mr. Me.Nivern stales that lite leaders of the One Hig Union are Active among die strikers but bt( 1ms little Tear llial any disorders will arise. DEADLOCK IN COUNCIL OVER SALARY GIVEN TO CITY ENGINEER PEARSON (continued from page one) Vancouver with expenses paid on ity business. He had also been olf when he had' brouuhl his family lo Ihe city. Mayor New- Ion said that Aid. Casey was right. Aid. Stephens declared posi lively Hint Mr. Pearson had not lieen oIT lo bring fii family to" the city. Neither did he think bat it should be regarded as a' mliday when an ollicial made a I rip" on city business. . . . i ' . . . . . .viayor .ncw i on msisieii dial Mr. Pearson had been olf at tin lime of his family's arrival ami other limes, loo. Aid. Stephens cplicil that His Worship had al- LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT District or Casslar, Stikini! liitlslou. TAkE NOTICE that I. Waller Julian fllrlurued Soldier), or Telegraph Creek, ll.C, occupation Miner, Intends to applv for permission to purchase, tlie following described lands: Commencing at a post planted almut one mile east of MrLeods slough near the Mlkhie Hlver and about 3 miles southwest of Telegrnph Creek; thenee north 80 chains; thence east 40 chain! thenee south HO chains; thence west 10 r.hnlns to point of Commencement and containing 380 acres, more or less. WALTEH JULIAN, Applicant. Mrti (mil, ion, LAND ACT In I'rince Ituperl Land District; District or Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that I. Merlll Det Brlaay, THE DAILY rTEWS Tue,1ay. jU), 9 I9 WELL RECEIVED heart and nerve tonic After middle age mile sicknesses and Stowart Gives Banquet to Sloan ailments mm harder to iiuke orr than formerly u.the heart arlion becomes weak and uiirrrtain ami Hie nerves arc not as steady as they were in tlie younger days. Now Is the time when all aired people wlm wish tu maintain their health ami vigor and retain their energy unimpaired lHuld use IWILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. writes. - M. O'Connor. Wullestone. Ont.. "I have been troubled, most of baiKinelted here yesterday by tho "orine- ..r uream, paipi ., , , , la"''" of the heart, and filming spells. Hoard of trade i.i.i and later a pub-n WM ,(lvlj, .... . .,..., . ... lie meeting wits held at which all burnt u. A x. fills. niuii I did. and ai three gave addresses. lonce found relief, and I hive never had The parly visited the mines l".""1' w" '" no years , , ,, ,f age and I a ways keep lliem in llw up the Salmon lltver, Hear Itivcrl, ,., ,,, tefi lfl4t ttl, tm(r lielp , and also on the .Marmot lliven win see many yearn yet. I always re and the ministers expressed as-1 """ena them to anyone who is suifer lonishnient at tin' wonderful de-" ' T, . ... "r M,r ' al dniggsu awl dealers, ...i iii velopinent they saw and at Hie beauty of Hie scenery. I Dr. Whillatis presided at the "-"'J caiieil linn a liar twice public meeting' and I1. A. Jack'1"' ""' "l '"- In called u at the hummel. 1 ,MI 11,im was one ami h Dr. Sutherland in his address k,,L'w tfroiind on (his poin!. promised to repair the Hear 1 ,III,1K " ,H "lUI PMaloes. Iliver mail ami extend it ;is far continued Aid. Stephen. " .. as American Creek. -Also he said crJlwfish on a motion Hint was I hey would build a new road up l,J,sl'd "'' a week ago in lh:i h the forks of the .Marmot presence, or the city engineer. I I ... 1 1 i Iliver. tin the Salmon Iliver '"--new tuai we nave lost n splendid engineer and I also believe that had the S5 increase in his salary not been veined he would not hafe looked for another 'job bul would sllll have been here. I think Ihe council is now in a position where II should al least do the graceful thing. Fair Thing to do Aid. Mc.lonlie said he had voled last week that Ilia city en giueer lie given liis salary in full ror June. He Ihought it was a generous ami fair thing to di.. He had differed with Mr. Pearson 1411 certain points and had not reason to give him anything Dial he was not entitled (o. He Ihought (hat be had been a rual!v good engineer ami had done his best for the clly and he was of Hie opinion that it was hut fair lo carry inlo eirect the resolution giving him salary for the mouth of June. Aid. 1 frown believed that there bad been two resolutions. In nv case lie remembered distinctly Ibal one bad provided for the en gineer to be given his salary for June. Aid. Casey ilictisei the prin ciple of holidays and expressed opiiositiou lo .anybody being given salary in lieu of not hav ing taken holidays. Aid. Larsen Ihought that Ihe council should remember that it was spending miblic money. Would any of Iho aldermen gho 250 to an employee under similar circumslaiiceti? Aid. Smith did not see what all Ihe discussion wus about. II" remembered clearly that Hie month's salary had been passed Uiianiinotrly, lie did not see what right Ihe mayor bad lo velu it. Mayor Adamant .Mayor Newton sllll insislel thai 110 such motion had been put or passed. It would have had at least his opposition. Aid. McKeclmie did not remember Ihat Ihe resolution giving the ?:'50 salary for June had been put. The resolution of Aid. Stephens and Aid. Perry that the minutes be adopted including the1 iju'50 salary clause was then put ami it carried willi Aid. Stephens, Aid. Perry, Aid. .McMordie, Aid. Itiowti and Aid. Smith voting in its favor willi Aid. Casey, Aid. Larsen ami Aid. .McKeclmie against. Mayor Newton immediately vetoed Iho motion. Aid. Stephens then demanded Dial the resolution be reviewed ami put again. .Mayor Newton refused lo do so and Ihe city solicilor was called upon for a ruling. He declared that the motion cnuiti be pin again a; once. Aid. Stephens and Aid. Perry Ibeu moved again that Hie ijtiSO be paid. Mayor Newton refused lo pul the. niolion, insisting thai he had thirty days in which lo give his reason for Ihe velo. The solicitor was again asked for a ruling. Grim Determination Thcmayor advised Aid. Sleph- jens Hint be might, rest assured he would not m-1 loni:li(. AH right, replied .Mil. Stcpb- pr anroiiver, ii.c, occupation salmon on, ! t..iii I"dy nbtv n WniliiiLr g.iini irainc broker. Intends lo apply ror permission toV ' Helming purrhase the following deserlhcd lands: -Ijllsl as well as yoll. I can slay commencing ai a posi piamea Yt mite i, r,. ii.ii.. i it ... ..., south of the southeast corner or Lot 4700, here ror lliirly ilays .If you can. nillle Creek, Mange 4, Coast District; I wiitild vv,,l,", aimsi iiilvise von ou "Hull tuai in neither tin i thence north 0 chains; thenee west 90 ! chains; thenre south to more line jn an Ihe mayor nor any of the alder-F$ULZ w a law unlo Ihe.nselves." ME.ULLDESBn.SAY. I W"",11 ' W . Appticant. iSlepliens, thai if will lake a bel- Uated Kwf m. f.T b"Mm Arent iter man than v,JU to budo n.c," BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of- Western Canach Hits produced Minerals as follows: Placer (lold, ?7 :'!-, i 473, MM); Silver, !?(IS,HLM,r7l ; Lead, $70.5 i8,r7; Copper xfii;' 'HU ' 171. iD7; .Miscellaneous .Minerals, !Sl,i;il,;j ill; Coal and Coke m'i(ll) nk,',', Stone, Hrick, C.emciil, etc., $.2,22r,Kn; mukiiig its .Miiier.il Proilin'i,,,,, ', iu snow an Aggregate Value of $859,427,380 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1 924, $48,704 ' 604 Tlie .Mining Laws of this Province arc more liberal and ihe feo i,,,., any oilier Provinco in Hie liouiiiiioii, or any colony m in Hi ih. , l.nu, t : 1 " Mineral locnlions lire grauletl to disenverers for mimimil fee. Ahsoliilo Titles are olilaiiietl ly' dcvclojiing m h properties, iho .,,.linll gnaraiileetl liy Crown (iraiits. ' Toll inforiiiHlion logullicr with Mining lltiptrl- n d Mni.. nutv 4 1,1,1,, addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF m.nc. Victoria, BrltUh Columbia N.H. P nielieally nil llrilisli Columbia Mineral Properties 11pm; wi,,, work lias lieen dime are descrilieil in sonic om of tin Annual Hepm-i. ,, y. of Mines. T1ioe eoiisideriug mining iiive-lnieiiU -lni!il relei in ,, an' nvnilalde without rharge on apnln alinn In Hie lleimrlnie ii nr Mm, ', Heporls of Hie (icolngi' iil Survey 11I CanaiLi, Pacific lluiblmg. V m;,, memletl as valuable sourcea of inforuinlion. grimly resulted His Worhi "You never could hanthoojle m-and you canT do il now.-' "If you made some of the eraekw outside on Hie slreel like you do In Ihe council chamber you would oon sett whether you would be moM'd or not,' deeply replied Aid. Stephens. City Solicilor Jones (hen rea l a ruling thai the council could go over (he mayor's velo, even to Hie extent of having another member of Hie council' take lh chair. "Hold om" said Aid. tfu , "I know soinelhiiii' about this procedure. The mayor can withhold his reason for (he elo for lliirlv days. Krcp yojir . uinulli shut. Mr. Mayor, and'you have thirty days." "That's jusl what 1 intend lo do," said Ills Worship. The solicitor was inclined lo iigr (hat the mayor did have Hurl) days lo submit his reasons. l-'urlber discussion followed nittl both Mayor Newton and Aid. Stephens remained resolute, lb latter moved thai Aid. Smith pu Ihe motion. Aid. Perry seconded bill His Worship, without pulling Ihe motion, declared il eloed. Aid. Stephens fell Ihat, when Ihe major refused lo put re-olu lions, it was lime for the council to accept Hie challenge ami resign in a body. Delayed a Week The prosper! being llilll lime was to be indefinitely wasted willi a deadlock, a motion .proposed by Aid. Me.Mordie , and seconded by Aid. MeKcchiile thai Hie minutes he adopted wild ihe exception of the )J :.'. I salar. clause wlii'Jh he held overjjr one week was passed. This was after a full hour had been spent on (he ipiesliou and the technicalities which it appareiitfy in volvcd. The inaltcr will no douiP be brought up again al Ihe meet ing next week. FISHING PARTY THROWN FROM CAR AND MEMBERS BADLY BRUISED AS AUTO TURNS TURTLE ON (continued from page juo) badly bruised. Warner bad u couple of broken ribs and l'in-uerty a broken wrisl and a misty ml on the head which rcipiircd four slilches. The occnpanls of Sam Kliy'rt (Jti knew iiolhiug of the accident unlit returning about 5 p.m. they met I'inuerly coming along the road looking for help. Taken to Hospital Phil lloskius am Ccorge llob-erls, who were willi Uby made the injured men as comfortable as possible in a descried camp while Kby went lo llous'tun and telephoned lo Sinilhers fm' assistance. Answering the call Hob Harnett arrived on the scene of Ihe accident un after ,ninc o'clock and with 'his DoiLgo brought Hie parly back lo town, arriving al 'J a.m. The boys were taken direct lo. the hospital where Dr. Itaiikinson awaited I heir arrival. With the aid of the X-ray Hc doctor loealcd Iho broken bones and the worses gayc attention to the minor Injuries. The car was badly damaged. In addition to having (he lop, windshield demolished ifie' steering column was Inoken, two tires were torn off. George Wall and James HiicImiii left Ibis .morning lo try lo get Ihe car back lo Sinllliersj. " . WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 Larry SemorT in rhe Girl in the Limousine' Larrx's lust feature li nglli runi 'dv ler with a big cast of poniil.tr tpmedi.ni t Larry, as a bashful luver wih Ihe sW,-. i, . Hollywood helping, ipiaiiitcr. fumiier. in ever. Six big reels of pure fun lor u ! ami thrill al. Oh! Ho, what a he uiU ! 'I dancing haw. No womb-i' he fell m In , surprise tu slore even ;i wizard cnnlili,': jazzy, lrill). peppy plmln -p!a. Super! Larry Semon, Claire Adams, Charles Murray, Larrj Stoers, Oliver Harding, Lucille Ward and othtrs. THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES, No. 10 ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "LOVE AND LEARN" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 25c and 10c SALMON TROLLERS Hefore outfitting il will pay hm In i Trolling Hear. We have a new lio Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kind- III our stuck you wilt lind i'er Ihuiri Anchors. Rone. Chain. Marina Hardware Salmon Hooks, an it iiaann nafpnn Hun ami Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and ('b ull its for the Loa I we have it. Hoalti are losl every year Ity fire b i . k Pyrono Fire Extinguisher yet? We s,. tlicm (,all ami .sec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) f'Wj,.i.?;iSJi TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG-LONDON Anloina .. June 10, July IH n.,(n., ' t Ascaiiin '" 11. -V TO LIVERPOOL Aiirania Him' '.'0, .lul V't Alanm TO GLASGOW , Satiirniii '' , Alhenin June l Lelitta ' Cunard S.S. Co., C22 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, or Ageius. O Ct per cent discount on nil Ladies' and Children HATS EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Panama Hats for Children's Panama Hats for mi'l T1"'"'1 The nlmvc specials are lor .Mmillay lsnnA CiATZ ww.- Phone 645. $1.00 50c Ltd. UUH7UA St. r.nr. 3rd a"d rtH 7th 710