June 9- 1P25. Borden' St.Ciar1tt Milk ia Dura, rich. Irtih, country milk from which mora than hii the natural waier hea beta re moved. Itt creamy richa'oe make ft theidral And ccono mical milk loreeery recipe. Order from your grocer. Four , iitee. Wrila lor St. CliarW ; ;;ipe Uook Hi Eerien Ca. Llmit4 , MlUVd SJHllLlllW III Economy PLUS T: f'v and resourceful fi -.-wives t Hritish Cnl- .:; .j see in Martini ion M :iol only economy, buL a c. nourishing, pver-v.jily supply of wholesome r. r grocer lias Carna-so vmi nped npvcr run Made In Canada Carnation Milk John L. Christie Pairs Agent Prince Rupert SPUN PONGEE A spliMi.lKl quality "3.1 li pongpp for Ladies' i hhpi's or Cliililri'ii s Hog. 85e. West of England Special 65c West of England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. an n iJemers llap ijic Newest ami Daintiest of Summer Lingerie Come and See Them House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 DriMenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 DEBATE WAS A VERY LONG ONE! Conservatives were Determined Not to Let Anything no by Without 8hot at Rupert j Prince Hupert must have bee.' very much in evidence ai Hie de-1 Half on the elevator. II is un- possible in give all Hip discus-1 firm in which many of IJip firo-, niiiipul opponents of Mm (invprn-iiipiiI look pari. Kennedy of fid-' mnnion niailp a plea for Hi.! opening of Hip peace River an!, also look a slap a! l'rincp -Ru port. Manio.i, Hip renegade Lib- oral, went oul of his vrav lo liuinp Hip projpcl and Sir llpnrv Drayton rame hark time afle'rl lime. His final speech follows: I -i . t i . ... Minimi iiiiiik, .Mr. Chairman., we iniglil hap got some iPason-i ablP explanation from Hip gov ernment, J,U any excuse they jinighi makp would liavp to )p so lamp, so pitiful ami so halting uiai reaiiy i minx uey are adopting Hip conne of wisdon in leaving Hip Hiinpr hs it-is. Hut (there arp Just oiip or two con-isideralkmx I am coin? fo again draw to IliPir allpnlion. In Hip firs! instance, I putirply agree j Willi Hip niPinlipr for W'psI Edmonton (Mr. Kennedy) thai there J is a first ralp grain country in ! Hip Peace River district which .may lip serve.! by Prince Hupprt; III may npvpr Iip. Undoubtedly llie Ira tile from thai ilislric! ought lo lip pullni in, a westerly (direction; there oughl not In be la tiai-k haul Past; hut as to IwheeMier Hip linp will coiup ou :.. 1.1. ' . ii in nil- iiriuiiiiiirjiiiiMi in i-iuiii' lionpass,or not I ilo not kliow; if it comes out wpst of that pas II do not know exactly how far jwpsi ji will coiup out, and ever. IHipii I do not know whether it will romp oul so far west that I Iip routp will Iip cheaper than going to Vancouver. Hut in Hip meantime J am free to. ail mil Ilia' jtlirrp is a possibility that some I day. when soiiip policy has been i evolved for the l'eacp rivpr dis trict, and when perhaps wp havp monpy to spend Jipcausp nftpr all this Ihinff rplates to nmiipy, and pven (his government cannot make political tui-ps all over Hip wIioIp map a: oncp, and undoubtPdly they re- movp Hip possibility of doina ,i : t ii. ti- n:..nM (OIlUMIIing in I lie re.icr nun country when lliey turn around and end what they are sppnd- ing herp but soiiip day when perhaps we havp monpy U spend this may Iip a bpllpr oullet 'for the I'pace rivpr district than Vancouver. Wp do not know. Hut wp do know something about the conditions today, and I am just tioin? lo ask lion, genllenipn lo turn up IliPir Hansanl at pa?p ? of this spssion. The chairman: Is the hn. gpnilpiiian referring lo a . debate that has lakpn place this scs-fionf Sir Henry Drayton: Xo, ,Mr. Chairman, fortunately I am not;I if I wpi-p I would 1p clearly oul of order. I am referring In information which I succppdpd in Rpltinp from the government in connection wili (his very malirr. nanrply, the amount of business which if carried iri in this ter ritory. ' The rhairman:' May I ask is U contained in a debate lhal has already taken place this session? Sir Henry Drayton: II is in ine form of uuestion and answer. and 1 have great pleasure in re- fprrinir Hie Chairman lo il. ! will bp f'lund at pago -in oi u, anssion's Hansard. I askeil this iiuestion: "What are the resppclive Innnaires IIIOVPil by H'P Canadian Xalional System on : the line runninjr frijin Yellowhead, Pass lo Vancouver, and Hie line running from that pass to l'rincp Hupert in each of the years 11)23 and 102.." This is Ihe answer piven by the Minister of Hailways (Mr. C.raham): 11)2. 1021. Tons of revenue freight received at i'rJnee Iluperl from points ,,nst 33,052 20,237 Tons of revenue freight received at Vancouver 330,501 070.012 In other words', Hip business lo t'riiirp Itiipert In 1023 Is less Mian one-tenth or the business lo Vancouver, while in 1021 Ihe percentage is a great deal less Hum that. The wlioln thing Is liml simply ' pit)'. H ' Kteat nllyajlial my Imn. friends last spssion were misled by, lo say the least, mistaken estimates. II is a great pity that with deficiln as they ie we are committed to the expenditure of $1,320,000 for W H from all other laxative and relief for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature' Remedy (M? Tablet) i more natural and thorough. The effect will be a revela tion you will feel o good. Make the tect You will appreciate thi difference. VmJ For Owr Thirty Ymara Chips off the Old Block rfi JUNIORS Little N? The tame rft In ona-third doeea candy-ceatad. Tor children knd aUu: aa SOLO BY X0UR DRUGCIST ORMES LIMITED il an elevator that at present, whatever it may have in th! future, has ahsolulely no justi fication. SILVER WEDDING OF enjoyable, surprise party when a TUT! DAILT NEWS DANCE AT GLENTANNA PROVEDMLY AFFAIR Lot of Smlthers People Drove Out to Take Part In Proceedings 1 SMITH KllS, JuriP 9 The litlle school house at the enrss roads in the (ileiitanna district was the scene of a v,ery; jlly danco on Friday evening. 'ilie farmer and llioir wives - gajliered from all jiarls of thai section and as lliey make everybody welcome at their dances several car loads of, lowii folk motored nut from Smithers lo join in the merrymaking. Charlie Xpwitt, a pionper of filptitaima and an old veteran of the Ilpil reheHfou, acted as mailer of ceremonies, and he also callPd the changps for Hie quad-rillps. At midniglit supper was served mid before dancing was resumed Mr. Xpwitt thanked the visitnrs for their attendance and the volunteer musicians for Iheir assistance and on being called on for a song slarlpd an enjoyable iiirpruinptu concert.. Among the numbers heartily encored were Hip recitations by little Mis Kvitl. MR. AND MRS. LEVEQUE lNEW CLERGYMAN FOR NICELY CELEBRATED ; SMITHERS AND TELKWA Presentation of Tea Service Made by Friends Who For-rr.ed Surprise Party Monday nifibt Hip residpnco of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leveque, 252 Xintli Ave., was the scene of an Rev J. B. Gibson Has Large District; Reception on Thursday SMITHKHS June 0. Ilev. J. 1J. (ibson, the successor Ii) Itcv. it. K. W. lliddell al St. James, Anglican Church, arrived ill town from Anyox on Friday evening. number of friends invadeil thejUe conducted his. first services home lo celebrate Iheir silver j'at the lcal church Sunday night wedding. An address was read and made a Most favorable im-nnd presenL'ition made of ajpression with the largo coifgre- Jieautiful silver lea sprviee on.gation that was on hand lo wpI- Jtphalf of Hip company by Mrs. L. Hlain and suitablp replies were made by the host and hostess. Dancing, singing and other amusements occupied Hip time until a lalp hour. Those prespnt werp Mr. and Mrs. A. Levpque, come him. A public reception is lo be held in the Itectory bit Thursday evening in order that lie may become personally acquainted with all the members of his church. Ihe Smithers and Telkwa An Mr. and Mrs. V. CSratton, Mr.jglican mission fields have been and Mrs. O. Ilemier, Mr. and Mrs. Couture, Mr. and Mrs. H. Letouf-nou, Mr. and Mrs. Hbitfli 'Smith. Mr. and' Mrs; L. Hlain, Mr. and Mrs. F. R if ron. Mr. and Mrs. J. daron, Mrs. Y. I'itl and Mrs. II. Oriffith, Misses Hourassa, Mlienne and Agnes Iloberge. (ration, Jeanne and Rose Couture. Mpssrs. J. Sequin, K. Sab- ourin, P. Voypr, and F. Ilt'langpr. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert .Mr. Justice V. A. Macdonald, W. I'. C. Johiison and F. O. Iln-sons: Vancouver; (5. Hliesco'and A. M. Manson, Vicloria; Mr. and Mrs. lUtYV. Sinclair. Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hay. Port Arthur; I). "M. Shearer, lidmon-lon: Waller Adams. Vanderhoof; II. O. Cunningham and H. fiibson. Port Hssinglon; Mrs. T. Hall. Salvus Kasl. Central C. H. (iosman and S. Shefskpy, ianvilgamaled wiOi Mr. C.ibson in cliarge of Hip whole district. In addition to holding services in these two towns he is making arrangements for periodical visits to Glentanna, Driftwood, Hound Lake and Houston. SMITHERS Duke Harris, spent the latter part of the wpek In (own, Hip gpst of his hrothpr Kdgar. Mr. Harris rplurriPd lo Xpw llazellori on Sunday's train. A. K. Campbell of Hip Oovern-inent office -staff is on his annual vacation and left Saturday evening for Kaniloons where he will atlPiid the I.O.O.F.. conviIition as rppresentalive of Hip Hulkley Valley Lodge. No. 30. The Cub Hoy Scouts staged llioir first g41mp of liaspball at the Agricultural Park last C.X.H.; V. Wrjgley and H. Murr. Thursday pvpning, Hip youns- Cadomin; C. II. Fair and T. fiar- slers disnlnypd .a fund of energy fin. F.dmnnlon. and vim, so much so that Iho CANADIAN MADE It is easy to make light, CONTAINS NO ALUM wholesome tea biscuits, cakes, etc., when you use MAGIC BAKING POWDER. Just follow the directions closely as to quantities and you never need fear the results. MAGIC BAKING POWDER Can You Afford to Speculate? EVERY time you buy something you are either speculating or making a definite investment. Few people can afford to speculate. Yet many do it continually, in making their everyday purchases. And it is so unnecessary. The advertisements make it easy for any one to avoid taking a chance. The merchant or manufacturer who advertises, realizes that the good-will of his customers means money in the bank to him. He knows that the public confidence in his product and public respect for his own charactpr are as valuable as his credit at the bank. , So he makes the individual satisfaction of his patrons, their loyalty and their friendship paramount issues in his business. When you buy an advertised product, you can know in advance what to expect in return for your money. You can count on its being right. You are making an investment. But when you buy nameless, unbranded merchandise, you are taking a chance. You are speculating. Know what you buy. The advertisements will tell you. score ended at 21 to tl in favor of the Tigers. The Hon. K. 1). Harrow, minister of agriculture, accompanied by Col. V. S. Latla or the land settlement board, arrived in Smilhers Saturday evening. They am on a tour of Northern H.C. and will spend a few days in and around Smithers, flcorge Findlay, road foreman nnd his gang of. road makers, to the joy of SrnNJiera auloists. started work on the road between hero and Lake'Kalhlyn, the local sTiimnef1i,esorC:vA)ne or his first jobs was making a new road where it branches from the main one down to Hie lake shore, thus eliminating a piece of road that, although' only very short was very crooked and always rough, TERRACE NOTES I lie snrinir sale or work of (tin Women's Auxiliary or the Angll can Church proved more sue cpssful than ever. There was an unusually pretty display of sum nier dresses. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough and family have arrived from Alberta ami are .making their homo heri Mrs. McCubbin and Mrs. Ses sions "of Pacific were in town on Saturday to attend the Anglican Church. Mr. and. ilrs. Joe flrppr .am Tamily of . Prince Hupert are visiting Hill Farm. Mrs, and Mis Du Vernet re turned lo Prince Hupert on .Fii day. The funeral of Al. Johnson took place tin Friday from Ihe Anglican Churrh. Service was held in the church before leav lng for the cemetery. Al John son was one of the old timers. He had been ailing for some time. There was a basket social aiid dance al Usk Saturday night which proved very popular. Miss Thelma Hunn is spendinm her holidays at Ilemo and Usk. Mr. MacDonald has been appointed ferryman at Usk. The Copper river ferry Is a new cable put in. ' Mrs, A. F,.'' Fowler returned from Prince Iluperl on W'ednes- lay. F. Phiscalnr and J, Siegrried are leaving Friday Tor Deass Itke. Hold. Leighlon, fire inspector, wns in town on an official visit The Forestry department, are repairing the Lakelse telephone line.. TIMBER SALE X 7050. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on Ihe 18th 'day of June. 1D25, in Ihe office of Forest Supervisor at Smilhers, H.C. Iho Licence X7050, to cut 180.000 lineal feel or Cedar Poles and Piling on Lot 2389, situated on the South Hank or Skeenn River, west of Skeepu Crossing Gassiar Land restrict.' Two (2) years will be allowed for removal or timber, "Provided any one unable lo attend the nuetion in person may submit a sealed lender to 1m opened at the hour or auction and Irealed as ono bid." Further particulars of the Chler Forester, Victoria, H.C, or District Forester, Prince Hupert, D.C. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Now obtainable In Prince Rupert. Supreme i Canada's Fav orite Furniture Polish. Al all good stores in small or large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" Mop Oil and the famous ' "Eureka Bleach." Look for tlio Hooslor Label. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and OraveL We Speolallza In Plan and Furniture Bloving.