The Unvarying Quality DAILY EDITION of dcilicioua SALADA Publishing Expenses Continually Mount. . 91 HM5 is a continual joy to users. Note the rich flavor of the tiny leaves & buds. Try SAL-AD A. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA- Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the- Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . . $1.00 By" mail to all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $n.0() To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 1 p.m. or day preceding publication. All advertising received subjcci ' to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Saturday, June 27, -1925. Strike Influence On The Elections. The influence of the .Nova Scotia coal strike on the elections in that city seems to have been a big factor in the defeat of the Liberal party. It would seem as if the people of the province; fancied the altitude of the government was not slrohg enough because both Liberal and Labor candidates went down to defeat.. The only Labor man elected was one who was endorsed by the Conaerva lives. M this distance it looks as if the people wanted a government (hat would take more prompt and determined action to prevent acts of violence such as have been reported in '.Nova Scotia recently. Tells Of The Men ' Who Never Go Home. .. One more quntntinti from "Arrmvsmith," . laijuJaLr Lewis' book, may 4iiterest Daily News readers. The hero Is in the West Indies and he tells of a saloon called "The Ice House me natutues. tie says:-, ., (i- "Calmed by rum swi7.zles thoe tart and commanding aperitifs which are made in their deadlv nerfeefion nnlv Iiv ttu The cost of publishing a newspaper seems to mount stead ily. Sometimes it is an addition to the cost of the news service and .sometimes to the (ipvernnieiit Insurance Fund and sometimes to ihe post office charges or 16 the auditing services, per-hajis to 'some other department, but the change is always np-VUrd. There never seems to be any such thing as reducing casts. The result is that newspapers that formerly were .prosperous today are languishing and cannot succeed. The general trend- throughout Canada has been toward reducing the number of dailies. With a very few exceptions, all newspapers are for sae. .v.lus of them are a liability rather than a resource. While dfrefe s a fasciualipu aboul publishing there are so mnnv handirapsiWnl peoplet e .md a ;keji..lii riisA Horthe, business as. they onru were. '''Pfolf '.si 4i Jy Iii Prince Rupert for a number of years an effort has been ntaile to publish two newspapers at the same hour. This has beeir fulal. One of thee papers is mw for sale but the piir- chaser will find Hint in Ihe future as in Hie past, two papers published in the afternoon in a small town like this under mod-' pni lilions cannot both succeed. In time (here-will be a morning Tiehl which will undoubtedly be filled because people like a morning puperf Realizing the poor news service which il has been possible to gite here under the existing conditions, this paper is now investigating the possibility of securing a leased wire to Vancouver with mi operator , in. Hie publishing office so that there may be practically no limit to the amount of press maltr secured. While this would ens! rail liP Ifintl nl nfinom.l :i 1st streets are brick paver! and fho residential districts have heau-Ijrut latige oak trees Completety arching-1 lie streets. I measured one of these t feet in diameter. - aiei'it.- hi (.in in PI lrill It'll , 1 a . would enable a much belter serviee ( i, ,n,nn;,i am...ii.-I thought or repealing the law. this will be carried out or not lies largelv with the' Tel.D...,.ii, T1,' "Of!ro 'Hicstiirn is a very tympany. At any rate effovts will be made in the nerar riilure to; increase the service. The difficulty is the longdistance froni the source of news supply mid the consequent heavv lolls. Write Dressing Keeps White Shoes .jS? WHITE " The perfect dressinr for Canvas Shoe and Belts it doea not rub off or aoil the crotttM A iubititute vill disappoint you. MCm Wl 111 lAiB it, to say. I could get IrAfisporUtthm to almost any part irf Florida free Jif cost and without ohligatimi to liuy. (tno man stopped me on the; street. and insisted that I take a ticket(o Miami. This town seems lo he the nieeca for investors. The advice given is to "buy now so as to he ready for the influx if tourists in the autumn. At Coral Oatiles, near .Miami, jlhere.has been a new university tarled with an endowment of X15.hon.onO. and most of this lias ijeen Miiiscriueu. Yes, there is a threat boom, pie of the United Stales are able to own winter homes and take winter vacations, and that most of these will find their way to Florida rather' than California, which is not so easy of access. Hence thej boom. Contrary to general opinion I round no mosipiitns or, flies in the part .r,.KIor;lda I .visited. Neither 'lift' there' s'nak'es' except a very few nl tiers, and of course water moccasins. Saw no Drunkenness I travelled through the United States some 5,000 miles going and coming and 1 never saw a man the worse lor liquor. I am told the Volstead Act is not very popular, but the people recognize that much of the prosperity or the country is due to Mm abolition or the liquor trarric, and I doubt if there is any serious interesting o7ic. Rut to astran- ger the two races get along well together. They pursue their several Ways. There Is no attempt on the pat;l of either to interfere wild Hie rihts of Ihe other. Occasionally a negro breaks loose, and at ejpetions sometimes the negro is hot allowed to vole. They do all manner or work, digging) - teaming, and on the railway. The only two positions, not open In them are locomotive' engineers and enn- ductors. From information nnd Ion I think the untilh believes thai the negro problem will become a pressing one in the near future. Spirit of South Atlanta, a city of L'50,000, 1ms 77,000 negro population. The south still sentimentally adheres THE DATLT lnrvs Dr. Grant Tells of Florida and Other Parts of Southern States; Saw No Drunkeness while there Strange as it may seeml-we got relief from the intense hentf the moment we struck Florida. On account of the narrowness of Ihe peninsula 100 miles across a breeze from the sen blows gently and constantly, and while there may be no change in the thermometer, there certainly is in the intensity of thej heat, for it becomes bearable with the wind blowing. Every arternoon while J was were it showered,, for it is the rainy sen-son in siinuner. One shower lasting two hours, let Mil 1-2 inch of water. There is no such a thing as drought in Florida. Nat urally these showers help to keep! ' ' f the air cool. Florida is as UHeti , , 0, ,.,.Kmi,..ri- instance as the prairie and is covered yet; J,.rr Davis' birthday is a legal with woods, consisting, or plne.t htilitay there- 1ml "the people are oak and palmetto. The soil lias! uai (1ie core to Ihe great a poor hungry look. It is beach jcounfry wirich is theirs. Ii Ten-sand and vanes in color fromnAP, Uiey are staging a (Trent pure white to gray and along the fj,, ,, Aohition. Tlie school lakes and streams it becomes tiuv pro,j,i(s the ' leaching or black, evolution. A young leaeher -Each district seems specially nmu, ....!.... has heeif eoinmil-fitted (lie growing of certain ,,., to lriul r,. um,king the classes or produce. At Sandfor.l f.,w ttf, is , iM. t rjtM ,. they make as much as 3,(no an lf,t, of July. The best legal acre growing celery. Winter fl,.nrfn Jlniled Slates has vd-lark is noted for its truck while w,feered 'to defend him. among the lake regions of Orange and f ficto Harrow of nffjengo, who n-Polk counties arc considered the fpmiH ,h murderer of Ihe best fur desiduous trees. (Frank boy. W. J. Ufyunl is the . The lake, are very numeroi,sn,j,. pouncll nr) the other side, in this district. In Orlando there jTjlP ,.tc,,me' will he awaited are 18 within the city limits. ;w, interest. In the meanltihe City- of Orlando 'Seoles has been offered $150.- Orlando is a beautiful little,,,,,,, fr a pj(.r,v f(vr ,lf. niovb-s. city or 23.000. They have iio.wh,P,. ,,P rPrti.;e.I. street cars but they have an antoi education to Travel 'mri people. Jlie I am-fiim- hark in flnnnrln It 'is said that about t( yent;jlilPri u ,Mght ,0 lC ,r;ij, ngo they had a good deal oftln.,t leads home. I will he glad ..u.ik,-ss. mayor nan a;,, mol.P ,n fpH ,,,P liall.,y pity oriltmuice orritmiuce prissed passed that that the puntshment of the soaks, should not he five ihdlars and costs,-nut each should lie punished hy hating to plaiit five trees. The result is really wmidertut today. l'h,e lakes are boulevarded to the waier s edge,- and roads run arnuifd ;lhem beautifully lit y electric standards. Orlando Is a city of houses and these nestle nui ..fpl" 'he charming setting or the kikcs and ine surrounding parKs: . tsoom in Florida Tiiere is a great liixmi going twirling swizzle-slicks of the darkies at. the Ice House Rar. Ihe1"" down U'cr''- 1 wi" nwl rfl0'' . . . . . .. . . ' 1o describe .i.n.ii.. ;i lint i. ..i a...r;.. suffice 11 II t e.xnes necome peace nil ami nave another swizzle and grow certain again (as for twenty-four bourse since the last cocktail hour they have not been certain) that next year they will go llnme. Yes, they will' taper ufff lake exercise in the dawn cool-nesi, slop drinking, become strong and successful; and go Jlorne. . . . The Lotus Eaters, tears in (heir eyes when in the dimness or Hie Ice House they think or Piccadilly or the heights of Quebec, or Indiana or Catalonia, or Hie clogs of Lancashire. . ,. . They never, go Home. Hut always they have new reassuring cocktail hours at the Ice House until they die, and the other lost men come to their funerals and whisper one to an-! other that they are going Home' lil (i Dili's ready. I have seen much and heiird much. If e ertainlv is an ediieatloii l travel. 'Home keeping youths have ever homely . wits," buf vhen one ha seen nnteh f'ie lirijrr.e of the Pacific, and to drink In the beauty of the mountains nlring (he Skecnn. The Mao in the Moon l4YSf- 1 I ) SOMK of the swelled hen.h around Itns town would surely hurst were it not that the skid! ttSK of the things thai wmii.t help f'rinee liuperl would he :.. have the duty mi Itasehall a d other bats atndished ,and the em- hargo on, tennis and oih-f rackets considernfdy reduf'ed. IT is curious whaf efTect it seems to Iritve on Ihe memories of our friend to lend Ihern a book. I 'SIUMi at Terrace Jhe other day some, anglers said ihey g?d pieniy. ill jiiie .liUl lliey we-e mostly mOs(ui bites. OfltLS can a!waysell when a llllttl is about in tell silinetliii and the basis or it lies in the'he should not, and thev pel their tact .that 15 per cent of the peo MAUIllACtK is productive of flinch. Men gel experience ai d women get alimony nnd a few1 have children. . nO.NSCl I,q FJ ,i ia 'good guide, but rjj;lii6iiW ncvefj-be;, left ar hnmeVr i6nej frtifaiyone else duringf' Hirj-acatto'riri v TIII'JY say a flapper leaves her eonscience at home lo watch t tier dollies. A PFHFF.OT lover becnihes a hear after marriage and a shlek Income a bully, unless. Happily there, is n little word "dnless." TIIKHK'S one llilng aboiil being rich, it is possible, apparently to be bad an1 respectable al the same time. SOMF people like lo be natural and lo be natural means lo bo alLTTaBkkkZ - HI instate torae l! I g ?otcl 5 Ifi TORONTO 3 a In Centre of Shopping M I 0 and Businoss Oistrict O B 2M rooms 9 torj witfi Prlvila B4UK i EUROPEAN PLAN B 9 ' wlww,Tt iwoMkaow. wAn-o. dii. X iMnHMKHKHKKKKMHKHKHKHHMKB erazy. FREE! WORTH $300 !"" la lie. Alia. . M.a. mtr MrttniMi L-r m.kin . vttt ol mat lr Ikaii tl iw mm I hat 92 lot tattMMa la Vttm un liana a waii' iiam aia aiifcani aa ao-Immw t rtlml. imihanl wtayiHMl iaTiMr la aial. alia varte wHniMa. all paviffMt. 1ll lia fftdllT mi a awb arfflaalnai 10 trm aMl Hoaa jr tmt u4 awrt Ih.a on aawltaa ai a tin m arpari'r onto, trh aara ana. ran mtt KM tka rafVT aral I aawlbrt raflf If rnu ltt ana tat aara Lba aula turn i.,,miM i rout naai H tmi ava alraa.1 a aniaaahtt .a4 raur alMrfptM la paid m attaanrr, raait rlf-r ' ' r nrw . I' ' .at raur wMfiaaaai4i aai all! aa nanaitil amnliagh. raaailMa, of a 'mnHt mmf mmI mIuiimu ana ban all lta P.T lamfa ararfrta-f aa aaa auWi lr kai. twr nl aatrt alia am aeleO-a aj t S rau itrr i far ftaa ttar't kak-tflallaa ( N. It prUe IT) like to know how In fltundrraf inn .Men save enough cash For the big vacation. araaMaa an an, artlaltar. tm Uf taaar. tkarftar It la iina.ii.W far aaiana aa aw; au'hlat a Ik MMral. Van ml lo-a. ami rati a.. i aa. a Ten Years Ago In Prince Kupert lllahral AavNrtJ far In Vaarr, taktarlatiaM 1(11. Oaa at Wklat ar Balk Ma (M H,. June 26, 1tMS. A state of war prevailed at lasl night's council meeting umf many bitter words Were passed over Aid. Montgomery's ami Aid. .Mailland's proposal for the cutting down of the e.ify hall staff. Mayor Newton was not in favor of the cuts. The salary of the city engineer . was cut troni 1.100 to n'oo nnd he resigned. The mayor turned loose on crowd Of listeners n the meeting who .opposed his views and told them that he would not he run and thai he neither wanted nor needed the mayor'H Job. Aid. Montgomery proposed that the mayor's salary be also reduced but His Wnrshfp strenuously op poseu any such move. The baseball gaifm lasl night between the Merchanls and pro fessionul men resulted in vie lory for the former hy 26 lo 18. W. h, Williams was the first pitcher for the Professionals hut he quit in the ihird inning. .Judge Carss balling was n feature of llll 17IIIIIII 111. It'll ai I.V..1.1' M..I.I....'. r........ nun , imin. tt 1 rir I T- p home run. Oeorgn 1,. Claylon bus oirred 'o pay a fair rental for 11 i-nhl I storage plant to be built, by Ihe city. The eosl of the plant would he 11)0,000. 1 ' The s.s. Prince (leorge will sail tonight with a full passenger list al six o'clock bir the south. This young pure bred rejriitered Jersey Cow will be by I XItM X HOME PrltUh Columbian (ircat farm Journal to the pernoa who oci'rtiy lvf the prolilom below. If eny! It'a lot of fun! It roots nothing to tryl (Jive Ww minute of your spare time to thU abaorbtnt, prnUlab puxxle. Have lomi fun, wlnthla valu Die animal nl lino rimh or one of the 10 CASH PRIZES (See I'rUe IJsi lUlovv) WIN "BOSSY" AND $100 (1 r n ' f. S will Bossy giver HOW TO ENTER Hxlrm CWt. f9l -(Ml Srlr-AJ. free. ... at tt.00 .lit.. ZZ ui. ..ZiZ' ' a a ill icq la II. Tai. n .n. .1 ' "M - Oaa l aaalil, m aiaaaa) a.ara .aiial. im ,:mtt GENERAL RULES Tka aaaim (laaat ial 4, tit, ail.liui atai . , aina a ear ar aa lalar '".at" fa. .hi a, iwaliiwa aa ,.ii.a aw . aa Nam rrtanaa laa -laai i. .....a ..J li. .m.a t Ik. m ..,; Vml lack raliaaa aw,, .iir aa raatnae m rwa . ta ixa- attara a., ,u . twuf far urn aar ntt aMaljaat. 1k.t (l H nw-a . .' a'a"aa, tkf Irm Ifcraa arlm aala la riKrwa tm kaai. ..a ik, aill ka Marava tk, KIM lit, ,ar al ,kr Mia. " ainw ai ika aail mui. Ikat . tka tail wlaikM Mala ka ara tk. tia iar nt. aaa. iy All aMahaa, aiafl k. mt M a tka Ma kmiik. Na MalMa -..-i..i.a . M Mkai,fk. ' " aa amain, ma aati tf ? ka akaaaH aflai M ta am rMuan. N aaa a nail, m 'raH aaanlalaa .itk jdJ F'a-ai aaa Naaat alll, ' a- a A 0 FO la a.r. IUImi. la ikla CT kaaH.U . r TIip Hie Cow I j tSaf aj' VI A w in;., .. Head Bossy's llwaajr I i dnugtiter of Black kid and her official name In the burhr. . Ulack Kld'a lm.Hiner. reglftrmlon numlxr 1204 " Jerecy rtco-di M Kha ri rmaad aa a member of the fie van herd. Uaficnn, Vaneoiieer lai...- i;ui-hn ux;oki. irucra duck io f lying roi, ine Krummre or t'rainpUft I'earl I) "r :re, have liprn 'Vrll-known ihliw animal and. In addition, a nmr.Ur ...ruI lint of iU!nfid (lauthirg ii imprtlv and oonln'lnc. tltark Kid llumJl". T "' yir ol ana i an iirnii-venient or poi.ndi or milk and HI nounda ol i.ui,. . Uiwuy a drup'd on .May , m. hhe la to I Id color, black tonaua ai.n .1" h'r llrnil would ll I. be A Amtwl proud ttf. to nwn ihl. ihla i.k beautiful .. 1 1 .1 1 animal. animal WUI.fjr Ittf (Q Jl A. farmer owtj SOLVE THIS PROBLEM f llli 'lit A: COW AND lj1 CASH PEiZE3 I 'Mi The Problem! Khr h.,;.,. firur Hart, , , a one riii f , . The ,.;Ll. fiod thr l, , v Jhtee fiaur , 'MW-rflWie , like "J3 ,., hllet ia , f'UUrf. . v-.,0 vr inn to.r. 1'h. Ul.tWi it, , uri. bottom uf 'i. M perf t , t , T f Oni.i,. If abanluir , tliualun. i i,i ,. yeurir n,i it aa ea as ouey and . " ft ' .i t ( ' ' a ' ii lo io : 4 Na A AY r .' . J 1 , t fj I 4th " .. 12. 20OU . tfjf . " - 0 J? 7.1, - .. 5...0 .... 8.00 VV N-V. mh- - .. 4.imi .... m.o , V , .'' ' atl. - .. S.-H,.... 4...0 Y f . 4 ' 4" "f T ajp. . a ryaavag BakTJBaBBaTMtf - 1 Here's a Snap! 8 Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite $149.50 and another 8 Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite $105.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. FOR SALE Phone Halibut Gear mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & QM Storage Co., ilA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ll 123