It f. fev'1' PAGE FOOT We have a complete line of Tennis Goods, and it is all new 1925 stock. Sykes or Bussey Packets, $3.50 to $30.00 Presses $1.25 Covers $2.00 Rubber Grips ... 25c Out Reviver . . , . G5c Sun Visors .... $1.00 Reach Balls . . . . 50c Slazengers 65o Improved Birmal All Steel Racket, 13, 13, 14 oz. priced at $14.50 Postage paid on all out of town orders. Kaien Hardware Co. in Important Bargain News Mrs.S.Frizzell Third Avenue J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffyo Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and Planing. Jobbipg ami; Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 288 iSnnisI Mil II j il - i Our Knl ire Stock of WOMEN'S and MISSES' DRESSES, j SUITS, COATS and MILLINERY at 20 per' cent discount Ten Days Only Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpad Third Avenue. Gregory Tires Are Good Tires Made in It.G. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY .We Have Them In Stock. S. E. Parker Ltd. rv'.rn rrrro in: I'' I,. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM i i . t ir1 - j ni mri E&&&'fit&fffltrsrr. f I HOPE XOvj uUN0 ALU THt y,v, r-J llil WTM TMO- fM Qy Mt,CH UUMP.N I I I I VY Wrl' ,M V TO OMt, MtViCO co El A oomp-n 33s- K Av- J il KK U III V Mak.k. I liAcsmK IrtL ' Z U iiw wKsm s ifk mm I II IHI r tmt& . S MWA III i ill lishers from the (Suild will commence a seven day! journey tcross the prairie provinces, during whictt they will make daylight trios through some of Hie best growing and mixed I farming territory along Hie lines of the Canadian National Rail ways, by which road Hie party is travelling. Short slops will be made at Swan Hiyer, Melville, Saskatoon, Calgary, F.dhiimloir anil llegina. Though as far as possible all daylight lime will be utilized in travelling through agricultural territories rathef than in visiting any of the cities', so far Hie American visitors have expressed their delight at the splendid crops they have seen enroute to Winnipeg, and also at the cordial reception which has been accorded Ihejij. ZIONISTSHOLD BIG CONVENTION More Than Five Hundred Dele gates, to Gather at Washington Tomorrow WASHINGTON. JUne 27. More than 500 delegates from ull parts of (lie United Slates will attend the 28th Annual conven lion of Mho Zionist organization, beginning here tomorrow and continuing through Tuesday, June 30. Immediately after the sessions of the Zionist Organiza tion Jiauassau, the women s Zionist organization, will open its I filli annual convention, which will nlso continue for two day. The Zionist convAntion will decide questions 'of policy with regard lo future operation of the British inahiT'tte in the Holy Land, upon which American Zionist leaders villN make a de termined fight at, Hie World Zionist Congress which will he held in Vienna beginning August 18. In addition lo cclebralingjhp advances made in uphuiblin Palestine during the past year, as represented in Iho opening of 111. II..I.. II-. i .:-- . lie iivnniw jmivrrsny on '.tiouni Scopus, and tlo big strides in immigration uipl colonization, Iho chief interest in Hie convention centers about the rcsolur lions lo bo submitted to Hie World Congress at Vienna gn tio Jewinl) Agency and Great Britain's ndmiuislratinn of Hie country under its League of Nations. ' Advertise in the Dally News. and In no time I felt a treat Improvement, and can now heartily recommend one of the original frontier dayi FROM CHARGE OF THEFT forts, and last night they were enlertained by the City of Wiii-j nipeg. On Monday morning a parly of 25 American editors and pub Judge Criticizes Bringing of Case Which Should Have Been Taken to Civil Court if at all John I'rescott, who had been accused of the theft of a generator from a boat owned by Jiis dead partner, was completely exonerated by Judge Young in I lie county court yesterday. The case was dismissed when it was shown that the generator in question was one which hail been installed by the accused. 1 In this case Judge Young criticized the bringing of Hie charge and said in any ease il was a case for a civil court and not, for the criminal court. GLEE CLUB GIYES FINAL ENTERTAINMENT After a rough all-day trip members of the University of California filee Club returned last uiglH at '.I o'clock on the launch Pacbena, Capt. Paul Ar mour, from Ketchikan and gave another delightful concert befori: an audience which well filled the Westholme Theatre. Following the convert, the troupe's orches tra gave a dance in the Hlks Home. The Olee Club parly will Sail by Ihe Prince George this afternoon for the outh. DAUGHTERS AND MAIDS HOLD WHIST DRIVE The Daughters and Maids of Hnglanil held a whist drive in the Boston Hall last night to augment their Memorial fund S. M. Newton was winner of llir first gentleman's prize and Mrs w alter Niaw playing as a gen tleman, second. Mrs. Joe Howe won the. first ladies' nrizo and Mrs. S. Swanson second. The committee, in charge included Mrs. Waller Shavf as convenor Willi Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. Whatman and Mrs. H. Cox nssistinig. YALHALLA EODGE ELECTS OFFICERS At a meeting of Valhalla Lodge last night Hie following oDlcers were Heeled for Ihe ensuing six luiHjtJis: President, A. Akerjierg. Viee-Presideiil, Mrs. (ieorge Fritz. Kerrelnry, John Dybhavn, Treasurer, O. A. Johnson. aMarnhali, .Mrs. Llndselh. Chaplain, Orcar Larson. Inner guard, '.Mrs. 0. A. John on. Oiilpr Guard,'. O.' Hanson. Trustee, John r Dcrgmun. J. Thorney opened the scorincl them to all those who are troubled with for the Cold Storaco whieli ad any affection of the heart." I, ,., " , If. k N. Pills are for sale at all clrtifr luiuilfii: nils ifinj at niivib period, however, as .lleDoiigall i aim general stores; put up only ly The ,,,. ...nifiliin,! VV Mllol.nll mwl r iiiiiiw iii t inirir ri'K s I ill Mill ' "uiu luruuui. wm. a the Fori Harry Hotel, llieL . iuihj members joined Hie Can-,F . adian Authors' -Association atTKLM. HX INKKA K I McDotigall added one each before' the period closed and left the Caljics with a two goal lead at half time. In Hie second period, with the4'Olt Cullies playing down hill and the wind in their fnvor, they did not have much to fear from the Cold Storage. Alex. .Mitchell- and Williseroft were responsible fnr two tallies more and Die game ended with the Callies on the long end of a 5 to 1 score. Tom Jones gave efficient, service as referee, while hoe Clap- prrmn ami sain .Magec acteii as linesmen. Sport Chat Owing to the Sons of Canada elebralion here on July i , next Wednesday, .and the excursion lo Ketchikan almost immediately following il, there will be a dis- uption in the coiitiuualion of league football and L'Hsehall diedules. There are tin football games scheduled for Ihle week. I'lie fisl half of the league ser 's has now been completed and the second half will be issued in few days. The baseball sched ule has been so badly disrupted hrough poor weather and one thing ami another that there will probably have lo be some e-isjops made in it. In any ase,.afler next week fans' will 'ttliit iluwn again to the local league competitions which, so far. as hapehall ,al least is, con erneI, :flh(iudi:!rove yerV 'ijliler sMligv.fromj JhU oh. 1 1 i"; I , Robert I.. Canncfax of New York, three cushion billiard hampion, lias been suspended by Hie National Three Cushion Milliard league for one year as a i'miiII of his conduct in u re cut game with Willie Hoppe of liiicago. Gamiefax, after losing to the balk Hue billiard title mliler, slashed the cloth on Ihe billiard table with a pocket knife causing Hoppe lo refuse locon tiuue the match. The siispeus ion means that Canncfax will not be iligilile to play in the league next season. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. McKuy, Port Simpson; .1. Lewis, W. Fuirn, A. R. Thorn son, J. Ilrnvn, W. Bloom, G. I lluir, R. D. Kendrick, F. H. Hhci paid, (I. P. Fisher, J. P. Hra.l ford, M. L. Plienls, R. Agnew lames Oliver, Vancouver, Mr and' iMrs. Muckfe, Sicamous; P. KuJJaday, New Wcstiiilnsli'r J. R. M organ, JHrs. K. Jl. Palm bom. Surf .inlet: W. S. Todd Lsk; V. A. Parker, Kdinonlon John llalvarson, Soheml, Wn Mabel Castle, Kngland; Thompson, Tclkwu; J. L. J.llllc, Ottawa; J. Conk, Terruce; W. Parsons, Kdinonlon; T. A. f5andl-siin, Ilaysport; W. V. Illnns, Ilalmoral; Members of University Wanted For Sale For Rent i'ANTKD. Htilchcr wnnled, Mussullem Grocery. tf FOR SALE SAI.K. Trolling t,oal. lenglli 31 feel, breadth tr N. 0 inches, dep I foot fi inclie, 12-15 h.D. N. Si S. eiigin). Snap for cash. Phone (Jren tai, or write P.O. Box 350 Daily News. .155 DO yuu want In sell, Irade or buy anything in furniture or household effects? II will pay you to consult us. Prince 1 1 it pert Kxclinugc. Phone 05-'. tf FOR SALP.. We have several new listing on houses nl real values. Special price on good cottage at Salt Lakes. McCatfery Gibbons, Ltd. FOR SALK for cash. , gaMtoal "Let's Go." Can he seen at Dry Dock. .Apply lo Ilnrry Smith, 1)28 Hays Cove Grrnlo. I'lione Red 2C7. Oil .LK Cheap. Ten acrea of good strawberry land,' situated one half miles from Terrace, B.C. For .particulars write M. J. llalpln, Kimberley, B.C. it FOR SAI.K. Commercial Hotel, Prince Rupert, furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens & Co., LliL . tl FOR SAI.K. fiipiare kitchen table, chest of drawers, small Wilton rug. Phone Black 70(5. 150 FOR "VSALK. Launch "Netno, fully, Millppeil. See Prince Rup pi-rWacIit Club. i&i FOUND FOUND, Ladies' semi-gnunllet fawli glove. Owner can oblnlo suiiie upon identifying ami tiaying Jnr this advertisement. at Da 1 1 y Newa olllee. FOUND. Mooscheart pin. Ap Dly Daily News ollice. BOARD BOARD and Room, or board only 413 Fifth Avenue Kast. Phono Red 707. of California Glee Club. Central I., G. Coles, Vancouver; W. Campbell, Kdmnulnn; L. Garfi, C.N.R.; A. Boyle, C.N. It.; Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Ileminiugs, city. rv PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, June 27 lllgli 4:52 a.m. J7.0 ft 18:00 p.m. 1(5.8 " Low II :.J3 a.m. 5.1 " luodayj June 28 High 5:0. a.m. 1(5.0 ft 10:01 p.m. 1(5.8 " Low ...... OtOS a.m. 8.7 " 5.8 Monday, June 29 High ...... 7 102 15.2 ft. MS5(5 p.m. 17.) " Low 1:01. a.m. 8.(5 " 13:16 p.m. 0.0 " room Apartment furnished 30.00 2 room apurlmeul, furnished (healed 3().l)0 0 room house .Ti.oo I -room house $:'O.UO Collage at Sail Lakes. .MnCatTery Gibbons, Ltd. Tf) RKNT. Furnished moms. Hih and eolil water. Centrilly looaled. Rantnnnhlit renin. Norfobl Iloom,. Fulton Street. Phone Black 320. tf FOR RF.NT.--Furnished lulinm. keeping suite. I i U Sixth Ave. lias!. J'lmne Blue 278. If FOR RKNT. - Large roomy apartment down town. Apply Stork' Hardware 150 FOR RKNT. Clapp apartment Wetenhaver Bros. tf BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICKS OF KAS I HOPK 4-CVCLU Marine Kugines 4-II.P. without clutch $185.00 4-II.P. I cylinder MI) 2(50.00 ft-ll.p. I cylinder HI) 8-H.P. I cylinder HD 8-11 P. 2 cylinder .MD 10-H.P. t evliiiiler LI) SHEDDON TAXI 134 150.00 750.0p 150.00 175.00 All the above except the first include the Famous Joes IU-verco Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. Tile best that money can buy. Kasthope Bros., 1717 (ieorgl.i St. W. Vancouver, B.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. Anywhere at An) time. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. . Rales: 50c for I or 2 passenger?. 25o fur each additional passenger. PHONE 134 TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call GeorKe, Paul or Gust) Speciul 0 and 7 passenger Stude. bakers jtl your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across Iron) Kmpross Hold. PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. Box 15M Prince Rupert, H.C. Service and Satisfaction Gunnanlecd. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage. Furniture Moving. If vou want anything sent for, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Box 009. BEAUTY PARLOR Vogue Beauty Parlor Public Rest Room for Ladies. Mrs. Loyo Slei.hens' Block. Thlnl Ave. Over McCatTerv A Gibbon 1M PHONE 36. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. Wo Buy. Sell and Kx chaiiHO New und Secondhand Goods. QUO. PAPADUPULIS. 8:i0 Third Ave. Phone KEITH'S CAFE. Wheif in Stewart, visit Knilh 8 Cafe in King Kdward Hotel now re-modelled. Up-lo-dato Dining Room and Lunch Cuutiler BOB KEITH - Manager MfclM Mil r nMi r mm H cu f if EDITORS VISIT THE PRAIRIES '... i - u Cr.t Bnlii rlifkw "V1 "jt "f- ( 2 7 HEART TROUBLE SHORTNESS OF BREATH I Mrs. On. K. Bowman, Morrlsliurj, Out., . . , . . , . writes:--"I am writing: you a few lines Entertained at Winnipeg by Cltyl(J lel ,.0lJ kl(0W f Iny ,1B.rlenre wltll ana Auinor s Association NJiDuru'a Heart and Nerve run. two WINMPKU, June 27. Mpih-bers of Hie (Jruiliic Arts Guild, an nranizalion of weekly newspaper publishers from all stales of the union bordering on Canada are gal hered in Winnipeg for their two day convention which opened at the Tort Garry hotel yesterday. 'Number of Canadian publishers, members of Hie organization are alten'dinj, I lie C.W.N.A. convention now meeting: in t)ie iujy so the meetings of each aro taking op somewhat of an international tinpe. . years ago I Iwcame very (Hiorly with my heart ard nerves anil whenever I look the least little bit of exercise my lieart would start lu Jump and Ylutter. I could ixl walk jip-suir without liavinir to sit down ' and rest benre was half-way up, on account of ny nrralli liiTornlnit su short. I cemmrruttd Uklnfr MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS GALLIES WON AT FOOTBALL Beat Cold Storage Team by a Score of Five Goals to 1 A fair crowd of football fans willies n tiie Cullies will from the Odd Sloruge lnt night by a ftcm-i' of 5 U 1. In the opening period the Catties played up hill and against a strong wind which seemed only to lent thoir ability ami .endurance powers, for at no stuige in this period. did the Cold Storage prove to be serious DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c tVANTKB WILL purchase IoIm or acreage I'OH III'.NT in any part of Florida distriol from owner. Furnish complete loealioil tud desifripliou of property, logether with price and terms. Answer llox MR, laily News olllee. I.ADY wants to rent large tin furnished room. iive parlieit lars lu "A. II. S." c.o Daily News olllee. 102 ( XUHSJiS or young ladies wantiup a rest home, with good lioard, apply P.O. Hox 80, Terrace, H.C. ISO TO JRENT rounds FURNITURE KOSPITAl And 1imiii,, pairs i r ,, lemUil in writer, ti , pfctun- fr , , COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Pr . no m ij prodm i mi. -Trots. Ser ... mn sir ! lail in a I Yv Ftirnitni. . TOM BALLANGER Phone Bin. i. . k PRINCE RUP.ERT KUSIC JTORt, I ti -r V,. BEDDING OUT PLASTt Plants il,.v . for yi. hi , M IwddinK ..ii-ally nn-li-'.i1 -relied ui gools. Store Ph.. i . GreenluMi" McCarthys. Be Coinf i Fify Wins Fresh p! FIREWOOOk it r. I NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTtJ TI0N ACT R.S.C. Chapter 115- TH F. i . S ) i! IM)MPANN 1,1 1 u ) tiolice Ilia i 7 of the -" : the Mini-i- Oltavs'B ii'" DUlrirl i(. -Reglsr I" pcrlffll I'l l" derripli"n plans ot I . ' Mi? of ft"'1- ftl tdruelure- i proposed i" '' Fraser Ilrm-ii 1 ' Province .1 1' Water Ll tiumii. I'jiflsl 1)1-1 ni-' AN I) I'AKI the I'xpiruti"! from Ihe d.ii' ration of Hn-dian l-'islinii: will, under S. A,. I nnolv I Nolic' i V'lH Public iork- !l Clly of Oliawi Ihe said sii'' 1 1 leave lo eon! ' wharf on pl' pile founilaii DATI.D ; Ibis 241 h iv ! ' : the s!8lh uildcrsigneit iji (he Liiiuoi ";- licence in '''-i" )...lmr llllll i'l 1 1 merely known . Parlor, silu:H' prinee Rti'"'' lands desenlii 1 15, Block Nf"'"1 Map NiimJ"'' 11 I ,.n,l Ill'J-l-H.l1 1 l, !,. nf I)! Il I I lii iiiu" Ihn .sale of "r I"1'"' iy .open oil tlm preiinsi' "i DATI'I) Hii- K " JOSI I'H 1'! III' M .II'1 , ' i tl i a I t n. , tail l I" KlSlllS l'' ' . . nil ! I A ',.5(1 ovTrWnt liquor : Notice of Application f" , Licence - i. I'l' 1 .itiii1"- in an it"-' i S3- .mm I ,.. MI'M'.