turday June 27, 1925. xtra Special Wind-up Bargains For Saturday Evening, Monday and Tuesday in the Big Jewellery Sale A few lale shipment- have arrived and lliere are a few Mil hues Ml over whn-li we wish to Hear out. These, are miiv samples oi the nuiy genuine bargains we are offering. Cut Grape Design Glass Tumblers, doz. . . 95c Stainless Dinner Knives with while handle, cut to M, doz; for $390 5 Only, Big Ben Alarms $2.90 18 Only, S2.00 Alarm Clocks $1.20 Colored, all Silk Umbrellas, vulues up to $15.(10, different handles $7.80 21 Gillette Razors left going at 35c 15 Jewelled Waltham Men's Watches with screw gold filled .ease $19.60 10 Jewelled Girls' Wrist Watches with gold filled ease $8.90 . $5.00 Ebony Ma-Jongg Sets $1.95 XOTK Our only desire in Milling on this genuine dc is to reimburse 11.. NV. Cameron for the actual mome 11 ' u.lo our business at the lime the Hulger & Cameron i 'tiiership was formed. We have absolutely 110 desire to n -Kud the pnblie. Mr. Cameron is going east shortly 11J it 1.1 our earnest desire to meet all rinaneial obligations his connection. We have, therefore, cut our prices to lie arltiul co-l. and, in many rases far below eost, to thi end. mm rices "Reduced! FOR 15 DAYS ONLY June lo ,T 1 1 i v Xlh tin lusive 75c Records for 55c -)c Reduction in nil other records except the- lied Seals Thin means Dial you get four, records at the present price of three. An opportunity I" do some soiling up ou vour record slock. More records to select from thuu ou July Slh. DON'T Throw When eonlethplHtiiig Irmse or boat building get our null prioos ou vour lumber requirements. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY We are agents for the Prince Huperl Spruee Mills and nut ipiole you nltractive prices on their products: Cedar Timbers and Shiplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shiplap. Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564. Money Away! Night Phones 687 539 Gr. J301 Black 735 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 k Cameron Id. Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Local and Personal II. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. A real 50o Taxi Service. Urown Taxi. Phone 80. tf You'll like our joall Consumers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf L La Parisienno Beauty Shop, rourin si., I'liono 301. tf Auywheue. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. Phono 078. tf Hieh and poor can ride now. 50c. for a taxi to go anywhere. Urown Taxi. Phone 80. ti Moose Picnic Sunday. Hoafs leave Cow Hay from 0 a.m. Coffee, cream ami sugar supplied free.. ' 150 Are you a mixer? If so, mix wood with eoal. Heduce cost 50 per cent. Casey Cartage and Fuel Co. Phone 303. tf Hig Dominion Day dance al I lie Auditorium al U.30 p.m. Hood's orchestra. Refreshments. Admission, gentlemen $1.00, lames oOc, .Mrs. W. F.. Williams and fam ily are hooked lo sail on the Prince George tonight for Van couver, where they will take up their residence. The Children's FlajJ Parade. headed by the Kegiinenia! banil will start from the old Govern ment Huildings, Second Avenue, ou Dominion Day at It. 15 a.m. sharp. An unusual gale for this time of. year' blew all day yesterday , dropping towards evening and even then there were gusty periods. For some lime yesterday it was too. rough for the dredge lo operate! Tomorrow ' afternoon, being decoration the Adair Cars Chapter, I.O.D.ll. will decorate lie soldiers' graves al the eeine- lery and there vyill he a short ervice al "3 ii.m conducted by Key. Professor jShurtl. Hern-pickers wauled immediately for Terrace. Free house, wood, water and slove for sea son. , 5(lc per tralc: 10c bonus for good pickers. Free Iruck rules lo town and dances. Ap ply I'rizell's Limited. 150 John It. .Morsran. accompanied by '"his' daughter, arrived in town tfti the Venture last night from Surf 'InkM. Mr. Mofcan reports liic-rihcr iiiiim'.-iI inn .' iii-iiceerlinc sal isfa'clorilv wilb liTs romoam With thu demautl about llieXsmuc .... r.... ..... li...,. . Fisheries patrol plane OA, piloted by Flight Lieutenant Karl MacLeod, made a flight yesterday lo Wales Island wilb J F. Hutchinson' of the Dominion Fisheries aboard. The flight going look half an hour hut coming back, one hour and a quarter. A stiff southeast wind was blowing. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hlack wish to extend their sincere thanks lo the Cily Fire Department for l heir well rewarded efforts, and 10 all those who so ably assisted I lie firemen in the execution of their dulv at the Central Hotel fire yesterday. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. until tl.30 p.m. and ou oilier week days at 2, 3 and 0.15 p.m. I'lm last, boat home each day will leave Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holidny picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches. rowboals and canoes for siue and hire. PIIINCI". Ill'IFHT HOATIIOUSF Lookwiirbe&t' Y on Dominion Dav 2in11 im3 Shoe Polish lOill tahtcartofmur&lioti'. fS'Ys i 1 1 SMSf ' I II VATS THE DAILY ITEWB PAfl THMOT Commodore Cafe TOMORROW'S MENU J. Salads Combination Salad Soups Creamed Tomatoe; Clam Chowder Fish drilled .Salmon, Ilissolc Entrees drilled . Club Steak Hordo-laise; Chirken Pot Pie and Dumpling?; Haked. Stuffed Tomatoes; Green Pepper Omelette Cold Meats Sliced Chickeu, glaeed; Prime Hibs and Sliced Tomatoes; Ox Tongue, Polatoc Salad Roasts lloasl Squab Chicken. Stuffed; Prime Hibs HeeL Au Jus; Hoast Ham, Champagne, etc. Vegetables New Garden Peas; Slewed Tomatoes ; Xew Carrols; Steamed and Mashed Potatoes Sweets Deep Apple Pie; Hhiiharb Pie; Individual Trifle Pudding; Lemon, Raisin Pie, etc. Tea and Coffee I Church Notices i Baptist Church Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning service at 11. Subject, "Cardinal .Newman's Text." This will conclude the series on Ureal Men and Great Texts.,,, Kvening worship al 7.30., Subject, " A significant (Juesfion.SUfc 'Whose imfige and superscription hath il?'" Services yf iiujyesl and helpfulness. Arrange to be present. The July calendars will he on hand al the close of lite service, Presbyterian Church Morning worship al J 1 il'eloek. Subject, "Handicaps may help." Sunday school al 10 a.m. livening service at 7.30. Subject : "A day of strange things." Preacher, llev. E. W. Mackay. Lutheran Church Morning service ul 11 a.m. Children's Day sCrvjee. "The Children in the Temple" consisting of songs and recitations by the Sunday School and an address by the pastor. Evening service discontinued until September. The United Church Pastor, Hev. George G. Hacker. Deaconess, Miss Isabel Haddock. Morning service at II o'clock. Topic, ''Spying out the land." Sunday school is withdrawn for the tiumiuer months. Evening, service al 7.30. Topic, "Possessing lie land." 'Come and make the nalional Sunday services a success. PLAN TO DRIVE RATS FROM TACOMA BURROWS Force Calcium Cyanldo Under Ftoors and Foundations to Poison Vormin TACOMA, June 27. Plans are now being laid for a gas attack on the rals (hat are causing poullrynien of Western Washington a loss of thousands of dollars a year. The United Stales biological survey, I he experiment station of the Stale College of Agriculture and the poullrynien, through their association, are co operating ju the warfare. The method of attack will be to force calcium cyanide into the rat .burrows under building Honrs and foundations. The ttialcium cyanide, coming inlu contact wilit the moisture of the air. ...... iorms n.vurocyanic aeio gas. in! .. .)... ..r ...1. 1.1 1 mal can live. Several pupils from 'oulside points wiio. have been;, pursuing their studies al the locjiljfionven! returned to (heir hrtiilFs" today I for the sumimy vacation. Among I hose leaving ou Hie ! morning train were Miss Muriel Adams for Smilliers, Gladys' Keith for Francois Lake, Nora llohiiisou ami Ivy F.den for Prince George. Advertise iu the Datly. News. 1 He ere an dTH ere The entire Province of Prince Ed ward Island and adjacent islands have been leased for oil prospecting purposes to Henry L. Doherty & Company, according to an announcement by the concern. The lease has been tbkeh on option. Indications are that 1D25 will be one of the best tourist seasons ever experienced by Montreal. It is estimated that 750,000 people from all over the continent visited Montreal last year, while this year the number is placed at a million. It is understood that a contract has been let for the laying of, a submarine cable from Vancouver Island to Suva, Fiji Islands, by the Pacific Cable Board. This is part of the "All-red" cable and wireless route which is being established between British possessions the world over. In order to facilitate the work of the air force patrol radio stations are being erected at the Pas, Norway House, Victoria Beach, and Fort Osborne Barracks, Winnipeg. The stations will be completed shortly and 'iill have, it is stated, a radius of communication all over Canada. "Judging front the amount of sound business ' activity noticeable here, British Columbia is launching into an era of constructive development which augurs well for her future prosperity," comments Grant Hall, Vice-President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who .recently spent ten days on the Pacific Coast. "So long as the Canadian .Pacific Railway has a dollar left in its treasury, it will fight for the Ideals, uphold the faith and maintain the precious heritage of confederation," said E. W. Beatty, Chairman and President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, when addressing the Canadian Manufacturers' Association at their annual convention held at Hamilton recently. Eleven hundred pounds of speckled trout, gray trout and pik were the trophies taken back to New York recently by seven members of the Caughnawaga Hunting and Fishing Club, private preserves near Montreal, after a two-week stay on the fishing grounds. The catch included a 19-lb. gray trout and the average weight worked out at around eight pounds. Frank W. Ashby, secretary of the Australian Manufacturers' Association, visiting here recently, said the impression in Australia was that Canada was the back door to the North Pole. People in the Antipodes think that Herschell Island and Baffin's Bay are linked up municipally with Montreal and Winnipeg, he said.. He was surprised to find the Dominion had a delightful climate and cities more modern than those in Australia. What is stated to be the biggest log jam in sixty years recently occurred on the Montreal River in. a gorge through which the river flowi into Lake Temiskaming. 300,000 logs were piled up to a height of 80 feet with a width of 250 yards, choking the river for 300 yards down at the point where the jam took place. An army of 100 men, working night and day for three days, at last succeeded in breaVing the jam with dynamite. A three-week tour of Cancda by teachers and their friends, under the auspices of Dean S. Laird, of Mac-donald College, will leave Toronto July 20 on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The party will travel by train to Vancouver and Victoria, and will return by way of Southern British Columbia, across t'jo northern end of tha Prairie Provinces and by boat from Fort William ca3t. Stops will b? made at all the Kind. points oi ii..e.cst. The fire department had' a call to 5th Ave and Colton al 11. SO this morning to extinguish! a grass fire. There was no dam-j age. 1 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS -Moose Pic-nic June 28. . ... .1 ii.w.VA. picnic duly 19. II 1 i leishman Clothes A Real Business Asset Many an opportunity Is lost to a deserving business man because he Is carelessly dressed. lie labors under av decided handicap. lie pays the price, of many a good suit of clothes in lost opportunities. One of the best Investments you can make Is in a suit of LEISHMAN CLOTHES. They make you look successful and most people accept you at your own valuation, Leishman Clothes give you unusual service because they are unusual in QUALITY, design, workmanship and style. Made to Measure or Ready for Service BRYANT & 217 Sixth St. Kindlewood Fruit WE PAY EXPRESS Why pay a big price for berries from the south when you can get berries KINDLEWOOD BRAND from Hie growers at Terrace. We have decided lo ship direct to the consumer and therefore save the middleman's profit. du get the advantage in price as well as in gelling your fruit 'straight from the farm to your home. Strawberries $3.25 Blk, Currants 2.80 Red Currants 2.75 White 2.75 Raspberries - 3.25 Black Berries 3.25 Sour Cherries 3.50 Summer, Fall and Winter Apples . . .... . . 2.50 All prices include delivery to your nearest station. Club with your neighbor and get berries fresh every day. All our berries are guaranteed lo be oT hiigliest quality and pickedN fresh every day. 'the only way we can, do this at this price is STIUCTLY CASH WITH OIUHIIt. Make cheques and money orders payable at par to, H. A. SW'AIN", Terrace. ORMES LIMITED Something New for H10 Children MAN IN THE MOON LOLLIPOPS A pure, high-class Candy in a new form. Kach 10o A Ileal Harxaiu in VACUUM BOTTLES. We bought litis lot very, cheap. On sale at each 55c If GREER, LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. WE PAY EXPRESS We are not new at growing berries. We have been shipping for years, and must of you know tlie famous KINDLEWOOD FRUIT so you are taking no chances when orderinig from us. If you want to HiiV0 money on fruit this year send your ordeV in early, as all orders will he filled in rotation. Hoal shipments excepted. RINEX A guaranteed relief in cases of Head Colds, Hay Fever, etc. Your money back if not satisfied with results. Per boltle ... ....... $1.00 FREE ENLARGEMENT Hring your films and negatives in, for us to develop and print. Save tlie coupons in the envelopes and iget a free enlargement. M M I ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store 3rd Ave. and 6th SL Phone 82 and 200 - - " I COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from Prince Rupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermeiliale purls, Monday, uj i.OO p.m., and Wednesday uud Saturday, ut 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, p.m. f For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, 1.00 p.in, S.S. Prince John Jor Queen Charlotte Islands uud Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tteepl Sunday 11.30 ajn. fur Prime. George. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG., U pom is Eairn cmiada, Uultid States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Otflca, 62S Third A, Prlnc Rupart. Phona ISO. if I) if :4