25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Itond Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8t MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL. XV., 'NO, 150. ney lleigiiH nnrscmaiu. tlemeul if a libel action arisingi ;oiil or a.'-vlaleinehl in "The Hook' regarding A. II. Macdonald, correspondent of llie Ladies' Home .lout-pal, which Imd a sensational article concerning conditions nl the Hustings" Slre.et Ilitior store here it appears has been made. ' .11 was announced when the case Avast called In Ihe iipereine Courl yesterday that J. Cowper, .eijilor of Ihal weekly now incoipiyuled with The Tribune, had agreed lo pay Macdonald $500. LOGGING CAMPS ARE BURNED Oil Assistant Forest Rangar Lost Life When Trying to Hescuo Residents VANCOt'VKll, Juno 27. Oliver . Clark, assistant forest ranger, was burned lo tleulh" In a bush fire al Port Neville in ul templing lo rescue the residents of Han son's Logging Camp. All escaped except Clark, but, Ihe- camp Is re ported (o hao been wiped out. The Dollar Lumber Company's plant nt Horn Lake, 'Vancouver Island, was burned together with a quantity of limber;; The loss amounts to about SiSjOqo 4 Verily Norton, slur witness for I lie crown and self-roufes- l!-il number of the parly that kidnapped the Chinaman, look the I stand. .Norton, when questioned by ilie crown prosecutor, told oT those whom he claimed visited the Chinaman when he was confined in llie 25lh Avenue house, declaring thai Police Commis- ! sinner McDonald and Chief of ! Police Mnrdoek or I'ouil irey had two occasions thai lie kipw of visited the house and In telling of duction, Norton said: "W'e found our way lo the basement oT Hie house in Shaughhessy Heights at the home where Wong was employed and went righl to the Chinaman' room. We broke down Ihe door buf could not llml him, when we heard him call from llie basemen! door ami seized him, tied him and brought l,iin In Hie house on Twelfth Aveune." Mrs. Alice Donnelly, an pin- f lloliinsoii. the detec tive, nicked out from the eleven i.iw i i.e. I ncrsoiis tliose whom she said hi'l visited llobiuson ... ifi.llnwiiiL' Hie a leaed alnlucilon. .tMAii r.ii, dune - . .. . ASK ' Wlllllll '-vi.. nicked out Police Commissioner McDonald, Police Clner Mur.locK and Police Sergeant Kirkliam, Mrs. Strailon anil Patterson. She did not see M. It. Jackson, special Investigator or the murder case for the attorney general's depart nienl, when she rival pointed In (hose she had seen in Itobin-son's olllce but Inter pointed lo Jackson. ELKS TO ASSEMBLE mm bun:.' at, 'ft H A M 1 1, TON, Onl .'. litufl. S. -lMS-, -33&R ARIJA MF.NT I William Ilium Miii v Lai.mirk. Inrl weekly paper. Iial lakiiii t. V 1 " . ... .. . . I frfu uu iintdeiitified man. allpicturcs .if Wong. .Norton jujeg- (foreigners, were fMihd murder- cd. 1 . .. . ... . i .. . i' 1- I.I ............ .. I. ... I ......1 Mm-- ' I 4:1 111 n km-l-ln reel 11 1 1.1 rl III l II 1 i IM jiHiiiaiiiH.-! ll-iu lie ' .mi.-.. -trrd-. . I li&.jtkMter ha uig been SI rat ton, former siM-reliiry of Hie! - teninheir in wnir a lifsaV'Ii.tt-u i&cniiisn .-oneries ami w. rann- Business completed aiier an ineul "J isou,- istfn,-president president of of llie the association,; association,! Nlaht Session During Tin polio -belfjW;tio erlmr was roiumiitci! Thursday after- liioon If is kjibwn tlmt liquor was sluMiitrronsuuied on llie premises and that a ipiarrel had Marled, but the police haw made I no arrests yet or located the in- (m Hi men I used n (he killing. COWPERPAYS . $500 LIBEL Action by Macdonald Against "The Hook'" Is Settled Out of Court 'ufar lhv11honie.lhe night: i t.i . 'rTc. v.... i llie uninese was hiuuuiipcu, "'WTi. ton swore. , t' , u. the actual all- PORTLAND ON TWELFTH POUTI.AND, Ore.., June : i.'.r.i.iiii will hold Purl laud T one solid week, from July 7. ror ! to im ul.en lie stxiy-nrst maun . .. . ... i .... i i lodge reunion of Keiievoieiii ami I i,.,.he Order of Uks will ie in-ill in lids city. .More than 30 special Irains have been arranged lo bring ilelenales and flub members r..,.. all nails of the country,' ,,,! Iliousaiids are expected lo come b.v automobile ami by boal. There will lie nanus, iirumcuips m.i ilrill leaiiis, and many of me I...I....- lime nrraiiged to send their delegations in special uui- form?. M rs.York or hHo Till rd Ave W was fined $50.00 in. the Police Court this morning ror allowing drunkenne8 on her. premises. AUSTRALIAN TRADE TREATY IS PASSED OTTAWA, June 27. . The Australian trade treaty giving special concessions lo lli.il country on goods export ed from Ausralia into Canada, which was passed recently by the House of Commons, has itTjw passed J be Senate ami needs only the signature of the Ooxernor Oenera! to makugll' law. 'this i,-bein;,' given lo-ihiy. "V " The treaty Jet lias In lie HoplciJ by the Atislralian parliament before il become effective. OTTAWA, June 27. The House of Commons completed the business of the session at 430 this morning and parliament was prorogued at eleven o'clock by the administrator, acting In the absence of the Governor General. Supplementary estimates, which had been brought down recently but held back by the press of othnr business, were passed during the night amounting In all to nearly one hundred million dollars. CONVICTIONS ARE Canadian PROROGUES Which Estimates Passed ARE QUASHED Home Bank Directors Will Free Under Decision of Appeal Court flo TORONTO, June -7. Con viclions registered against Hie directors oT Hie Home Hank by fudge (joafsworlli under. Ihe Hank Act proceedings, instituted following Hie failure of the bank in August, tusa, were quasneu bv llie fir! appellate division of the .Supreme Court ot Ontario in Hie Jiidgmeni handed down this niorniiiiJ. FISH ARRIVALS There was only a fair amount of fish offering al llie K.xeliang this morning and llie price was alioul llie same as during the last few days. American WUard 50,000 lo the Canadian l'ish iV Cold 'Storage Co. M 11.30 and 0. HOse Spit 11,000 to Uoyal at 12.30c and 0.80c Tramp 15,000 To bold Slorag al II. lino and .70e. Inez II. 0,000 to Cold, Slorag at 1 1, Olio and 0.50c. Kayusu 5,000; In ,0.01(1 Storage ill 12c. and 630. PRINCE RUPERT t-. Northern and Central British CoIumbiaVrVewspaper I'juxci: nuPEiriy h.c, sat'l hdaY; jl sf! 27, 1025. Governor General is Arriving H VMtcrday't Circulation 1621 4 ere at Four Rested at Kaien for few hours Following Long : Ride Down Skeena Canyon 8lrt ) 544 IjOSTON GRILL .Largo Upstair Dining Mali, with nrwly laid (datoelng floor for hire. Suitable Sot dances, banquets and wedding parties. For ratis, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVK CEJiTd. WONG FOON SING ABMTON CASE IS ON GOVERNOR GENERAL ARRIVING HERE THIS AFTERNOON AT FOUR O'CLOCK Sensational Evidence Given in Wong Foon Sing Abduction Case in the Point Grey Police Court One of party tells how Chinaman was seized and of those who visited the bungalow prison VA.NCOl'YKH, June 27. Many uiiatioii developed in llie ij'oint (ircy police court al tin- night Mansion of, the irsltrmti;i rv lieanng of ekvun persons charged willi the abduction of Wen;,' si oou Sing, IJie Chinese hoiiseboy, who is facing a murder iliarge hi coiiiieelion wjlli (lie death of Janet South; the Shangh- MURDEREDAT HAMILTON'ONT. Two Men and a woman Found tn Apartment With Skulls Crushed In GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA Tug Rammed by F.P.R. Liner and Nine Men Drowned Just Outside Harbor of Quebec Last Night (JUI'.UVAj, June 27. Nine men were drowned when the lug Ocean King whs rammed by the Canadian Pacific liner Mar- loch ofr the harbor last night. On Hie way lo assist the Marloch to enter llie Jiuibor, the lug was struck amidships ami almost cut in two by llie impact and began lo sink immediately. Vvhen the iiirushiug waters reached Hie boilers, they ex ploded and there was a swirl of water and' (tie lug uiiJ crew disappeared. ? The lug was owlied by tin; St. John Drydodi Company hTid commanded by Capt. -A. K. Slovens of St. John, New Mriin.swick. WAR VETERANS fl!iK V FOR CONSCRiPTION CASE WAR DECLARED 1 OTTAWA, June 27. A resolution urging llie Dominion Parliament lo y consider legislation lo It' miiliilie llie whole iiiiu.it service in the even! of a declaration of war, was adopted by the Oreal War Veterans convention here , yeslcrday aHernoon. OAK BAY EXPERIMENT I ON REVERTED LANDS Comment of NewsDaper on Re sult of Scheme Recently Adooted There Victoria Colonist) t he company known as Oak Hay Lands Limited is lo be con-J ar'alulated upon having revived! interest in real estate values. realty situation by showing the inspiration of home . truths through intensive advertising. It lias made an appeal to civic pat riotism, lo the people's belief in lliefr own resources, and it lias been juslified to the full in its faith.- What it lias dune, more In order lhal llie doveriior tienerai Lord Hyng may have nf real eslale in the Oak in opportunity to rest following his long journey, the special iiav Munieloalily. is lo promote train on winch lie is travelling slopped at Kaien this afternoon .. lKiitdinu' camnaign. Many just nfler one oclock and will move again in time to reach homes will be erected on Ihe lots Prince Huperl at four as scheduled. nmeliaseil mn'i through that llie (ioveruor was given a great reception al llazellnu medium .there is certain to yesterday. The whole town hirned .out to welcome him. arise, a new feeling of optimism rches, Imd been creeled in his honor and the whole countryside m u,t. value of home ownership was en ieie. , : Pl'lie Oak Hay Lands Limited His Kxcellency enjoyed the trip - - ! adopted a courageous course. It down llie ftkeemi ery nnieii. i ne CUCDUrDn MAT TIIIITV ean-ied out its camnaigu in the Ira n rave ei s 11W V n oner o utiui liuiu nui UUIU1I give him and .Lady Hyng and the oilier members of The party an opportunity to enjoy Hie, scene. llie parly )caves,.for the south loniglil at six -o'clock alter spending two hours in life city. INFANT CHILD DIES horlly afterwards! quitted William D. Shepherd of murdering his foster son Wil Ham N. McCliulock. The infant child -of Mr. amj Mr. ami Mrs. (I. A. Hunter and Mrs. CI. Ciccone was admitted lo son Hillv left this morning for a llie hospital last night -and died two weeks holiday at Lake Kalh. lyn atnl T'elkwa. Two Men Lose Lives in Big Fire Which Destroyed Quesnel Stores to the Value of aSout $100,000 .0- QUKSNKL, June 27. John Krickson, trapper, aged : FINAL PASSAGE ELEVATOR VOTE Total Sum Now Appropriated is 51 ,335, COO For Prince Rupert Improvement OTTAWA, June 27 The late afternoon .silling if tliejlousc oT ominous yesterday was occupjttH in consideration pf tluViesliinafcs. Among the items yolcd in the supplementary estimates Uas a sum of. .(iK5,V00Junlliei-. cpu-- -struction of the Priiice Ilffpevr! elevator. Tliis makes a total of $1,333, -000 for the elevator, the .sum of .$150.00(1 having been voted last year and 500.n) in the main estimates lo which there, was such determined opposition. FISHING POOR V. SKEENA RIVER What it has really done is to Qate ettterday Played Havoc create tiplinusm in llie local With Fleet For Time But No Fatalities Fishing in the Skeena Hiver is reported to be very poor only about eleven fish to thc; boat coining in. C 'ft ' Yesterday the big gale played havoc with the fleet atiil some thair Ihe actual sale "of over 100 of (1( ioats ftuirul it difficult to race oT much criticism intending MURDERING McCLINTOCK ! ''rJr :.,,,.B !1,mrse u III View. M uai is lias uiuinu- nlished is well worth while. II CHICAfiO, June 27. After live .as iri(.,i n,,, burden of revetted hours deliberations the jury ae- uujs j (R. Oak Hay Municipal- DK5HY 8 a.m. ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm: wind S.K.. light, Har. 31" .08: at 7 p.m. spoke the S.S. lug Lome, south end Hanks Island, bound Captains Cove. HULL IIAIIHOH. Cloudy. reach .shelter. The tugs were out lookinig after Iheni and no falali- ties are .reported. WIPED OUT ALL Hie OF SETTLEMENT Only Five Houses and School left In Monahan, Washington, After Big Fire SKATTLK, June ! (which started from A fire, i cigarette ily, and il lias sliown tnai, tiy n , ,,,,, wash ,.00lll of lil0 urtj10i properly organize.! campaign, jUllim.r (;0 savv,ii ul Mon eoniioem e can iu nsn.nu i" ., .,. ves en av. hornet a ill a real eslate values. dozen homes ami the sch6of In nt I 1 in mill I fitilltillirr lint IfWtl n v MM I IIIO ."lllllUII 111. Kllllll I til of half a million dollars. One calm; barometer 30.0 i; sea h.C. Silver sniooiii.f 7:;m a.m. spoke mo (iranby Caniosun Alert Hay- norllibouinl.niuellon, 8 p.jn. spoke lltu s.s. Itacliellio silver Crest abeam Hull Harbor south bouud. surf Inlet ;ill, 8 p.m. spoke llie tug Cape Sco.lt, Duuwcll hundred persons are lioineless as a result. and .lack biniisler, old lime telegrapher and trailer and of later bound Hardy Hay, IPreniier years a cook, who; came into the Cariboo in 1881, lust their Noon --TcriuiiuiM' lives in u firo IhiifMlay iiiglil which deslroye.l eight business DIOHY ISLAND Cloudy, south L. and L. estalilisliments. causing a lojS of $100,000. east wind; barometer 30:0; n'uyvii?w II, is believed that. Ihe fire slurted in a lodging house as n temperature, CO, Indian result "of the .upsetting of akerosihe lamp. HULL HAHHOIl. Cloudy, iuirus TwiMjiqrsorisin adtlilion to the (wo who lost their lives, wind, southwest; barometer 30.- lltuclton STOCK MARKET ycro injured til (tgliting the fins. 0?t tetiiferaturc CO. I IMly Alaska Hid. Asked lt.oo : 1 5.00 ,ot AW .00 'I; 2.20 .30 - .30 : .'00 .01 oo" yi .07 L30 " 'iji s . ' ?!! .07.V ol