Wooatriana AW A, A t- mx zt, ius.'. page 1H1! OAtLT HRWB ?a!uriay. June " -i - ttrvee Can von J"XS1 Cedar Breaks ...thi.N.w fiJr Nothing like it on earth. Few have been there the trip was too hard. But now you can see it in perfect comfort ' via Union Pacific sleeping cart, motor tours over good roads', good living accommodations. Low Summer fares. Personally escorted all-erpense tours. Side trip to Kaibab Forest and-North ' Rim Qrand Canyon. Send for Frc Book illustrated in natural colors. It will help you plan the most satisfying vacation of your life. Union Paclflo System 1405 4th Ave. and Union Station Seattle, Washington Ask For Blue : Ribbon Tea and Blue Ribbon Baking Powder ' After all they are the best" V iur firorcr. John L. Christie Sales Agent Prince Rupert Summer Dresses DU VOISE, BROADCLOTHS, FRENCH CREPE and TUOI SILK at "Demers" House of Quality Phone VI P.O .Box 327 One cannot burn llie" candle at both ends You wouldn't light a candle at both ends and expect it to hint very long. Ami you can't attend your many duties, as wife and mother, then pile on washday labor, and expect tn keep yourself fresh nnd vigorous. Why not let us take, enro of washday loll and trouble? One of" our many services will fit nelly both your needs and your purse. And you can ' keep the homo fires burning without burning Iho candle at both end. Canadian steam Laundry Phono 8. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team of Motbr 8orvb:e Goaf, Sand and Gravel We 8peolallza In Piano and furniture Moving ' flpjs&" Doings of the Moaquito Fleet which ia the fMMf l IstS 'rc, otS,ri2Z. "'V prsPery wMul I I i mill mi iMiiin i tut Tir 'I'll beautiful summer weather has permitted ( naulirals l.i not info a real summer season stride along I lie waterfront this week. Tlierr has hor'n much "slapd.ibbinn" or paint brushes and boats arriving in port are stopping over In lake advantage of I ho excellent, .opportunity for pulling on copper and decorative coverings in this line. Limited, of Victoria, H.C., occupation. Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following de scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted al the northwest corner of Lot timnti r.r'nhnm - Island. Hrillsh flntomliin... about one. -and a half miles east of Massett Lighthouse Scrub, Minnie W, l)..T., add Yiile, In Wed II., K.C.'s Serenaded If Hie Knights of Columbus parly from San Francisco did not have time to play a baseball same with the locals, on (heir return from Alaska aboard. J he J'rincess Louise on Wednesday afternoon, the disappointment was more flian compensated for by juiais oi me seining neei are Hie aprjenranre nf'K. Sabonrin, pracucauy reauy lo make ineir jj. .sloria and (iilli illis Coiilure. initial jump of the season wliiln!w10 gaVe vocal selections in me ironers are pumng in long bonnr of the visitors. Prince hours on (he trolling grounds iltuperl will doublless go down in I he salmon nin al Hippo Island: the annuls of sn KmiteUnn bis has improved greatly during lhefory a the cify of sOng and sun-past week while the run in Ihe, shine ami the local warbler are Dundas Island district is picking. (0 he congralulatcd upon their up well. i progressive spirit in advertising the pearl of the Pacific so siren-, ha been the good prices offered U,o their faces und the well for Canadian fares, which mi merited applause accorded the some cases have exceeded the local sdngsters was positive. American catches bv a cent forjI)ronf of tlie appreciation of the. ilioth first and second class fish, visitors. The weather on Ihe deep sea Iflshing grounds, has been all lhat could be. desired and full advantage bas been taken of It. The waterfront machine shops are fairly busy on cannery work and belaid boat overhauls while I lie local shipyards are fully oc cupied. Arrivals Arrivals Include : I may have col tlie sines oi; ius this this week week Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land ac cording District of Prince Hu- nert. and situate about one and a i.nif miles east of Massett l.itrbilimise at Ihe mouth of Mas sell Inlet, Orahain Island, Hrit- isfi (Uitiimhia. TAKK Fishing A. I), (lillies,. of C.N. express fame, is also duo a word of praise for the eflieient manner, in which he controlled the holidayi tratlic during the slay of the visHing brethren. Car afler car was piled up with happy visitors and despatched to tlio.'cphl slor-age plant and other points of interest where the visitors were ably enlrrlalned. Although A.D. American Kasiern Point, Atlas.jpanls singod witli passing mud-Senator Hainier, Cora, .lune, guards there was not a single Tahoma, Hilda, Ford, Foremost, loasually reported. Valorous. Sumner. Ileliance lloval. I.iluya, North, henlinel, Oona, I'lallery, NJaoml, National, I ramus and Tyee. Davie Milne, an obi timer ir the halibut fishing, and acting secretary of the been Sea Fish- V - f Canadian Muirneag. flilison. rrman s union wniie j. ii. Nuba, Livingstone. Kaien. Maude.jMeagbcr was on holidays, is laid Fanny ., White Lily. II. i It., -". up in ine iiospu.ii won a . M. Christopher, elma, nsner, Swing'. Mali, Sea Maid. Prosperity A., Verna, X. & S., Atli, S.A., LAND ACT attack of asthma and hrpnchltl?. Skinner Alex Holmes i? lo ! 1. ...... . ! .1. .... 1.1 n . 1 1 ! in irnrL- executed upon his power boat K.-pirit al the Suga yards. Yacht .Club Aotlvltles On Sunday last the sunshine put the match to the opening of the summer season for the ania-leur skippers and only oik boat remained at tlie float for the en- lire day. It is said on good au thorily the (any boat was the xotick that HanearaiHruce and tliat llc sKipper anu & Packing Company! chiel engineer were indisposed, From early Sunday morning tin til late in tho evening boalswcre I leaving the floats and quite-a number of them 'for the first run. of the season. The speed boat Echo, skippered and owned by Capl, Mack, has been nut through lier paces' at !lhe hands of her new owner and HI Ihe mouth of Massed Inlet,! its now a case of "walch 'my 0 rah am Island. Hrilish Columbia: thence northerly five chains, more or less to low wafer mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains: I hence soulherly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, moro or less, lo point of commencement, nrid containing eighly acres, A, less. per K- ''. Simpson, Aigoni. Daled .Tune 10th, t'JSS. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notlca of Application for Beer License Xnlice 1 hereby given lhat on tho I lib day of June next, the undersigned intends in apply to n.n i.inunr Control Hoard for licence in respeel lo premises being part of the building known as Hudson Hay Hotel, Telegraph Creek, H.C. upon Iho lands described as Lois 3 ami , hlock 2 map "75, I'rinco nui'nt i. . .i.ii.;.. rvSoiitlAl tn- Hie' l'ro-1 iM.-in t-- llegisiraiiun vitice of Hrilish Columbia, for the; sale or beer by tho glass or by open bollle- ror consumption on the premises. Dated this 20th day of May, 1925, KMC- McGF.F.H, Lessee, Applicant. TIMBER SALE X6464 Sealed Tenders will he recei smoke." ved by tho Miliisler of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on the ninelh (Olh) day or July, i '?, for the ourch'asc of ILAN'OAIIA FtStflXrt & PAe-KIXfi iLiconce XtjilU, to cut 50,000 CO. LTD., Applicant. ' fPOt 0f Spruce, ami 32,000 JacK- ninn ties on an area situated. on the south shore of Francois Lake. Opposite Colly mount, llnnge I, Coast District. Three (3 years will bo allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, H.C., or District Forester, al Pl-incc Ily pert. H'.O. . illlliW nimiiniiiiri Si (Willllllilillilii use 1 MONO SAWS o. Machine KNives They stay sharp longer. yiwaiivn fOKONto. it. joitx, M l. 9 i The coastal cruiser I.eirish, i skippered by ler owner Thor. I.Inhirsnn, whs oul with a lrtre ! parly last week end on a fishiiiR jlrip ami crtpf tired some speckled iheaulifis. ' The cruiser V.Vpiero, owned liy I A. Macdnnald, has .br.t; piven her finishing touches ir anticipation lof a Ioiur summer cruise. She' Hooks resplendent in a coat rrf (while and jrreen paint t rimmed f 'with a f inn; rod line. I The power itoat Shawallans, I skippered by Stan Taylor, was oul with a party last week end when some, excellent fishing was arcnmpHshedjMihd Sunbeam M., Hour Slork's boat, also indulged in a jiiscatorial exploit wit Ii much success. . flo assistant Thompson. Hnjoys a bit of relaxation, the Whiff man heard of the horrihh' death of an obi sailor in Winchester, Kngland, in fhe year 17I(. It seems that Ihe obi fellow .was fond of a glass of brer at frequent intervals but his income would only permit of him taking small glasses at a sitting. The fact f hat her could not afford fo tak? big glasses of the beverage so undermined his hoalMi that he up. and. died villi a p or constitution. 7 he-fact is recorded oil deceased's headstone ip The halibut landings we in uously. To say that Ihe. visilorskWirichesler graveyard, according heavy during Ihe first part of,w,.,lt wlth jy W0uld perhaps he Ihe week hul have fallen .nlTipUuing their enjoyment a little somewhaf towards Ihe end. A0o strongly, hut stitlice to' say feature of the sales Oils woekjMic registration of sat isfjfelion A Horrible Death On Thursday morning commodore Such Canadian schooners taken up on the Ward ways for painfins and overhaul this week include the Oonali, Selma. Heaver Cove, Kolre and Cao? Spear. The Heaver Cove has recently been sold to Japanese interests. Bob Goes Swimming hiJT) Thomas sweating in the sun mops his brow and says "Let's see, think I'll take the And so across" the bay he goes With lots of speed and Iiltle clothes, . 1 Arriving on the oilier side He niakfs a dash for Sail Lake tide. No soul In sight, he's all .alone, "Hy gadl I've left "my .lanl.en Jiome." " He doesn't, give U -darn the brute, He's .still v got on his birthday suit. And like a porpoise' in the sea Th skipper of the twenty throe Cap. Swanson says "1 was Hob s vacation." Boat Launched . The new halibut boat, built for Capl. .Inhn' Wicks on the Me Lean ways, was launched on the high tide early on' Thursday morning. The giirdy is yet lo be installed and. Ihe gear got ready Trial trips of Ihe new boat will be run over the week end. The keel of the Havmoller 40 fool halibut boat will be laid next week at the McLean yards. The tufehrial Tldo flip and Cumshewa of the Ceorgto HUshby lowing flee! are to he taken ."lip' on Ihe McLean ways for general overhaul. , The Canadian schooner Serf Maid, Cftpt. Candowv-which Is engaged on halibut research work -ler Prof. W. 1 Thompson' Irelirrrrerf fr-nin tlie HeCatO Slrftils on voiinesuay ami marM-ieo 5,000 pounds of halibut caught on Ihe trip. The Canadian schooner Scrub brought in the first tagged halibut on Thursday' morning, the fish having been caught in Hecate Straits. Hie, Vancouver tugboat H.F.M. on Monday towed the Vancouver Dredging & Salvage. Co.'s dredg ing scow to Hastings Arm near Stewart, where il will lie used iit the- securing of gravel for Iho elevator supers! ruclure. :. - . . m I For Lasting Service Two things account for the popularity of Barrett Sheath-l'nKsr their uniformly high quality, arid their low cost ,per year of service. Barrett Tarred Sheathings are unexcelled for siding, for lining under roofs and floors for all purposes demanding a rugged, wind-proof sheathing that is proof against rot, mildew and vermin Barrett Dry Sheathing are equally satisfactory for use wherever a tarred sheathing Is not required. bridge. Stewart Sleel, of Irouv boneldmving fame, recently sold his boat to Capt. Simpson and accompanied the latter orf the trip south to spend fhe summer months trouf fishing, and prospecting. Slewarf lias purchased a 38 foot boat, powered witli a IG h.p. Imperial engine and will tour, tlie coast in 'millionaire style. Tlie coastal freighter ItolSerl W. Merrick, of Vancouver, .land- Kxclaims "Fin faiily on the bunriPd -'' barrels of nine, ion ions He ..r n.. irt.i r ill m mut rr nun. Ul Kit ill t , i ii' ' bei for tlie Alberl-McCalTery in terests last week end. fireer Heallie & lou'glas, the local contracting firm, have re cently returned from Lowe Inlet where they have been creeling a! large warehouse for Ihe cannery al thai point. Charlie -Miller is busy install ing his engine in a new trolling boat at the Akerberg-Thomsor: dock. Steve Ridley, skipper of the power boat Katie, is at Iho Aker- iierg-Tliomson dock putting in a Frisbie engine. Upon comple- lion of tlie work Cap will fish for the Sonimervilfe eannery. Capt. Peter Vane is repairing Hie clutch and rudder on. his fishing boat. Trying the Impossible W. fl. Walford, Ihe boat build er, is a great believer in Ihe old adage "there is nothing impossible iinon this earth." Just to prove lo Ihe world what a true saying il .is he has purchased an. old type "kicker" engine in fact lo look al it one would surmise that it was used on the Sea .of fialilee in Iho time of King Herod and has vowed he will make it work if its the last (hing he does, and doubtless It Will KO. I iicujiprouuciivi; uuuia fie"''?ias alrea'dvspent on this misplaced piece of machinery speaks well t,or his . pugnacious-ness and Ihe engineer s worthy of belter things. The big idea seems fo lie lo put the engine on the slern of a canoe and throw away the paddles. Afler serious study we have come lo where 000 halibut wore lagged, (ho momentuous conclusion Mini to put the paddles on the slern of tho canoe and throw away the engine would be conducive o.f better results HER FACE WAS COVERED WITH PIMPLES SHE GOT RID OF THEM BY USING IBURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Caplallt DOfl IClf arrived Ml,, T. Hunter, n.tt. No. 8, London. in port this week from tho lllppo0nt., wfUes: wtt tn recommend fslnfrd trol Iltitr crOUrtds W I liJBuniiH-K uioou uiui-ra iu in unicn irferlnif from pimples or my olher , i. l.... Ie of salmon.' . 32,fmO pounds spring , b1enris(lM. Mm ,w yfars tgQ i Cap ropons that Ihe salinoftjwa, gwady troubled with pimple nd rtin In' (hat district was good when he left on the homeward trip. Chance- In -Port The power boat Chance, for merly owned and skippered by Stewart Sleel, arrived in port from Anyox last week with lief sores breaking out On my race, and could iret no relief until, finally, a friend recom mended me to take B.B.B. This 1 did, and t am no rlad to nay that your remedy ha given me the desirable re u(M, and t now' have a nice smooth, clear Mdn, a It has eliminated all tho Impuri ties from my blood. Oct B.B.n. fchen yori ask for It; It tms beert on' the market for the past 4C years: put up only by the T. Mllburn new owner Capt. Simpson on the co Limited, Toronto, Ont, SHEATHINGS We recommend Barrett Sneathings. We know that ' they're 100 right always give satisfactory service. ' There is a Barrett Sheathing and a Barrett Roofing to meet every building requirement Come in and talk it over. I I (I S. E. PARKER, LTD., Jobbers. I" PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. IB - I WHEN TEACHER I "Kept you in" Hemember when you were a Utile girl and how you felt when, teacher kept you in "after school" on a bright, spring afternoon? And isnU it the same, when washing keeps you in the house now1 that spring is here? Our Family Washing Service will do your washing thoroughly -and iron all your flat work, with complete satisfaction. Let our' representative explain to you this I)c Luxe Laundry Service for people who are Only satisfied with the best. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 Canadian Nktional Railways Pf ince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P'. 20,000 ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoers, Machinists, Blollermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc I ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38? SALMON TROLLERS Before outfitting it will pay you to inspect our line glf Trolling Oear. We have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. lit our stock you will find cverytliing you roiuire-r-Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marino Hardware of all kinds, Hull and -Copper Paints; Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it's for the boat we have it. Hoats are1 lost every year by fire have you got youp Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell them. Call and see us STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to. Frjziell Butcher Shop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor Advertise in "The Daily News" in s5K 1