2 Prince Rupert Daily y News vendent yr t to t ild ‘ ot ‘Prit ce Rupen Member of Canadian P 1iit Bur 1 culations Published by The Prince Rupert Daily } Limited MAGOR, President H i. 2s Vice-President Department » Ottawa, West Coast Si hipping Problem cee 4 i, tragic less of the Canadian Pacifie’s luxury ruise i Princes athle on, pose another us problem for west coast shipping. “Bei since the war the coast has felt a growing caused by the di appearance through old ave now disastery:of mips whic have served out regularly 4nd usefully for many years \s far as it Is financially possible, the shipping anies have made replacements with the result at British Columbia w has some Of the finest tal 1 But to build a ship 4 A tiree times he world as much as it with the result that the ney represent an investment nillion dollars apiece our waters Aithoust, their financial returns are healthy, cannot be expected to pay for themselves for ral years, and meantime the old timers con e to fall into disuse at a rate faster than the lern additions can take up the slack. Unless the federal government makes the un- move Of Stibsidizing a big ship-building pro- am, the solution appears to be that a much eapér class of ship will have to be introduced to ir coastal passenger traffic For B.C. maritime dwellers who are proud of ships which visit their ports, and for the travel- who have heard of or experienced the high tandard of our shipping service, such a step would decidedly unattractive. But it is becoming neces- To lo a degree it might also be uneconomical as the quality of a s! up would also. mean juction in its life expectancy. This aspect could t minimized, nowever, by effecting the bulk of the present elaborate furnishings instead in the vess iction in ings in and engines, Another solution might be the introduction of maller passenger-cargo ships of simple design. | While these would be e on heavily travel- transportation pro- . 4 ff" . a 28 Ting vides an i tal ar the ffic. there is led routes where autom ertainly a need for such 1 sers to serve e more . . olated points. It is in eg conceivabl rhle yrofita e that they could be.put between Vancouver and h cruise and utility ships. Much of the pleasure of a west coast cruise lies service Prince eet as bot + he stop-offs at remote little ports which are ite unlike anything most tourists have ever seen efore. An example of this was provided by the ntly retired Princess Maquinna whose meand- ring trip up the west coast of Vancouver Island as always popular with the traveller on holiday. Whatever the solution, we are glad not to have the problem of financing it. but are just as confi- that a practical answer can be found. Women Drape Justice Statue, Protest Murderers Reprieve LONDON (Reuters)—-The statue of Justice vhich erowns Old Bayley, London’s central criminal yurt, was swathed with a black shroud during the). night in protest against the reprieve of a deranged | hild murderer The 92-foot statue stands 200 Yeer-old Linda Bowyer was feet above street level. The dome Strangled of tee walla was wasently re-| The mother of Linda Bowyer gilded and the séaffolding re-| broke into tears on hearing the mained news ‘ : ine : : ye, it stood, The government last night an- oat nn Gee a iat that nets an Boe aaaaee te he is insane. A spokesman said i . i grantec (0 sir David Maxwell Fyfe, the John BStraffen, convicted child a ; c trangler. He had been scheduled hobve ea acted ar a to be hanged Bept. 4 fen’s plea for mercy partly W \ sha i sy, | Cause Broadmoor authorities fomen clamberéd. up the were also to blame in letting him caffolding and draped a large | escape. piece of black cloth over the > rec statue. A woman with arms out- The PeeRMARRAN wee sent to the Queen and its acceptance tretched holding in one hand ,~ aword and th the other thal” considered automatic. alances of justice The statue differs from others ae ie a of its type only in that Justce ‘ “wr ta ade the com wears no blindfold. When it was eS aes e erected in 1907 the city fathers The Home Office ordered the contended that justice is not reprieve after Straffen, 22, had! pling been denied two pleas for appeal! He will serve a life sentence. The shrouding of the statue reflects controversy over the Home Office move. Straffen| rica (P—Recommendation that murdered the girl during a brief| motorcyclists in South Africa escape from Broadmoor Lumatic|should be compelled by law to Asylum, where he was sent last| wear crash helmets was made spring after being found men- by the national road safety or- Dangerous Speed tally unfit to be tried for the| ganization. The group reported murder of two other little girls. a serious increase in the acci- His death sentence was pro-|dent and fatality rate due to claimed in Old Bailey last|the dangers of the modern month, three months after five- | motorcycle |For that matter, having been nit hon ie : JOHANNESBURGH, South Af- ray... Reflects and Reminisces As | Rose Withdraws Divorce Suit, See it Pays Eleanor BY NEW YORK. .@--Showman and : columnist Billy, Rose yesterday withdrew his divorce action ‘ ; DO f against his, wife, Eleanor Holm ; wt Ore Y vee poll and said he :Was ready to pay Allow foi four more m nth : nd that famils i can a@ain take on an air of re Spectability with a brand new license market ‘This is the fifth in & special LOS ANGELES.—In pre: Britons are t : the Ore am ger tea ration. Thi the | forth by Ge rald Heard in pood. Personally we enik uy » Satie sae , n t ming. It Vateh ings) to prove that eat > of assistance whe struggling With getting wp. Pre Sumably, the ream and sugar BLESSED BE TEA are réal, itter of fact, the evi uld be multiplied man i over. It could rought much closer to us A scientist says that in a feW | home in Canada more thousand yéars human toes A few months ago The Vai 2 sO , to assum is reasonable to yuver Suh put Jack Webste should have disappeared ne of its best, ‘most hard wi f course be greativ mis ; leaded down-to-earth peport n the job of checking 1: {f mystery sky ships seen Vancouver The = resuli precisely the same as re FIRST FOR EACH ported at length in Heard book: That is, reliable witness< reported seeing aircraft strange design moving at speed vastly in excess of norm plane heir separate repo: hecked, rechecked and fitted togethe! remain The toe is such @ dainty to have sticking ut from iadys snoe When Prime Minister St. Laur ent had occasion Oo moto! the course of his visit to Prince Rupert, Douglas Frizzell had th honor* and pleasure of driving Forty-two years ago, when Prime ‘ ip?y u s 1 Mi Friazell's eae she tel Been When I was in Ottawa a fev J. Frigzeii pioneer business mah weeks ago the papers fron! and community builder, had the | Paged Numerous eye-and-ea: same happy responsibility. He witness reports of ai strange took the n Minister on focket-plane which zoomed drives around and about the new/|@¢cross Ontario in almost t! city of the west, an experience | ‘Winkling of an eye. The Mini in which Sir Wilfred evinced a/ tet Of Defence was just too 1: decided interest ‘onic in his comments. I figure! ee ee he knew more than he told + * + IT SEEMS to me that the evi dence that the sky-ships are real is overwhelming. The rea myster is whether they are US secret weapons or whether they are craft from some _ othe planet Gerald Heard thinks tney are It was at Lena Point in Fav- irite Channel, just off Sheltet Isiand and not far north of Juneau that the Princess Kath- leen sank. Jarvis McLeod, recent ly back from a Sojourn in that city knows the territory well through the gold rush, there are “a ont ‘ ris conth | craft fr > planet Mars and lfew regions from Yukon south |°f@ft from the plane live is not familiar with or can-|' his book [8 ANOTHER not recall WORLD WATCHING? he bri! liantly sets forth the reason why he thinks this way Hi Canada, during the first! shows that no human beings yar months of 1952, a total of | could urvive the enormous 24,834 bathtubs were manufact- speeds at which these craft ured. That brings us to the end travel. More especially, he ar of April. Why negleet May, Jane,| gues that no creature with an July and August—when we do\atomy like our own could sur alj of our sweating vive the sudden accelerations of ‘speed and the sudden 90 degte+ Some times you hear of an in- | PTAs that reliable witnesses able optimist, but rarely if | Mave shown that some of these ever actually see one. Yet, on a Craft have made Saturday forenoon, not long ago,| | Even Seott Nearing, who ts Third Avenwwe, there was ob-|One Of the most hard-headed served a gentleman shakine-the men I have ever met, has ac door-handles of a bank cepted the evidence as conclu- ini sive. In his World Events maga- zine for ummer 1952 he ways JUST DEBATING flatly Legalization of jotteries; which There are objects in the ait runs pretty handy to the frish | over southwestern United State Sweep Stake was debated at | which did not originate in thi the Canadian Bar Association! U.S.A., the NSSR or any other convention in Vancouver last | point on the planet earth week. Lawyers can and do de He says there is a definite bate. But that’ does not mean/|connection between the atomic anything ever comes of it! explosions and the space-ship visits He stresses the fact that the R De ied visitors eem friendly and not eport Deni hostile . * + + Canucks May ANOTHER hard-headed observ- e! who believes that th leave Korea mystery ships are real is Frank Edwards, who broadcasts five nights a week from Washing ton, D.C. His talks are sponsored by the American Federation of Labor—which, like Edwards himself is ahything but a! crackpot organization. Edwards repeatedly gives factual reports about the flying saucers which for some reason seem to | American troops, said the re-/nored by the regular new port, are receiving the “most- | services favored-nation” treatment Mm a final article in this series In Ottawa, a spokésman for|I will give my own conclusions the External Affairs Department | and try to answer the riddle said the reports were “without| Are they real, and if so, where foundation |are they coming from? Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (Incorporating Foster & Barrett-Lennard) —Chartered Accountants— LONDON @—The Daily Ex- press features in a dispatch from its Washington correspondent reporting that Canada is con idering withdrawal of her forces from Japan unless they are ac- corded the same treatment as the United States troops VANCOUVER EDMONTON CALGARY {| MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG FREDRICTON HAMILTON ST. JOHN'S (NFLD) MONCTON SAINT JOHN (N.B) Announce the opening of an office at 144 GEORGE ST., PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. DAVID E. FENTON, CA. RESIDENT MANAGER lst September, 1952 P.O. BOX 1319 Telephone 420-R-2 Price George, BC. @ FLYING SAUCERS REAL? whatever alimoay was fixed by the state supreme court She was granted a separation decree, bringing|;down the cur- at tain on Rese’s courtroom drama Ou articles pegan The separation decree war bool ; Another World! grantea on : ids of beth . . abandonment cruelty — on Une * ships seen since the basis that ‘Rose's ‘divorce action against his wife and his | failure to prove charges of adul of evi a which is set Red Cross Seeks tery was “inhuman and nanan | treatment.” Missing Persons e Prince Rupert ae of ee Wins adian Red Cr asked to try 10 local | Victory in ought are Mr . Test Election : Reo ' "| WASHINGTON ® — Republi can Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, | controversial storm-centre of the United States presidential cam paign, yesterday Won a smash Happy Horses LONDON (CP)—Amoneg horses with the harvest thi tember are three that have Pal which he said endorsed his Com munist-In-government drive ate returns showed MeCarthy _ Phe horses were pojted 332,883 votes against 13 yu his chief opponent, Len which has Schmitt, whe declared Wiscon new homes for them on sin voters “will recall their sup- port of McCarthy with shame bage cal in London { eouncH to an ani- 436 for fare ociety Rogers Majestic Combination RADIO PHONOGRAPH R-281 @ 106 Tubes @ %-Speed Ultramatic Changer @ Marine Band 6 6 Period Design in Walnut or Mahegany Standard and Shert Wave SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL oxy 099-00 COMBINATION AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 644 Box 1279 To The Citizens Of Prince Rupert This Thursday is election day. I feel certain that it is going fo be a very important day for every citizen of our city We have two important matters to vote on, the TELEPHONE BYLAW and the ELECTION OF AN ALDER- MAN. I would like to the importance of a large turp- of voter Li there is a good percentage tress Of votes cast, the you will all remem- a new telephone system from the very “start, The proposed site for the exchange | rot to my tiking, but; neverthele I will vote “YES” ON bonds will sell more readily. I am sure ber that [ have been in favor of THE TELEPHONE BYLAW. To my mind the election of an alderman is equally important and I will vote for Ray McLean for the following reason Politics hould not be brought into a fair civie adininistration. A working council, I believe, should not consist of & majority from any one group or association, but should consist of men or women truly representative of ALL the peopk As your elected representative | would urge you all to onsideration to the forgoing remarks VOTE ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 H. S. WHALEN, Mayor TO THE ELECTORS On the 11th of September, you, the Ratepayers will be asked to choose a representative to act for you on the City Council. I have put my name forth for this office, as | think that it is time more people took an active interest in the administrat on of City Affairs. It is my conviction that a Civic representa- tive should have no political affiliations. 1 am a free agent. My views are liberal. | solicit your support on Electi that you exercise your right as o ME Duties tim ‘GET OUT AND VOTE Raymond A. Mewkeoan. people. I mentioned less than three,hours after it , ing primary election victory! Wow Celebrating UMBRELLAS Ladies’ 10-rib umbrellas jin plain on : 1 OMY ij feta and clear plastic covey ing : Good Assortment of Colors NIGHTGOWN, Heavy weight Tri-cot Knit Rayon Nig & haose from Pink, Blue and Maize Sizes ) M | SLIPS Ladies’ Rayon Crepe fancy Slips styles. Lace trim top and bottom White only Sizes 32 to 46 ‘PANTIES Ladies’ Briefs style panties Tri-Cot Knit Rayon. White Good heqy ; Pink Blue andl 2 pr. tor Sizes S-M-L' NYLONS First Quality, 51 gauge, 15 Denier Sid Hose in New Fall Shades 3 pr. for j CORDUROY JACKET American Crompton Corduroy wa Jackets with Tie Belt. Red, Green, Ruston Sizes 12 to 18 PAJAMAS Ladies’ Rayon Pajamas. Butcher Boy sty Cash with colored Satin stripe Orchid, Come ee Our assortment of Be Ski Caps ining ronge. Pure Wools and Water Repellant tain Cloth. Quilted Lining Sizes 62 to 7% SPECIAL BOYS’ SHIRTS Sante rize d Bre ad loth sport in Blue and White only Sizes 8 to 16 years BACH. -.<.2 nage MEN'S SLACKS Clocks Smartly cut blend Gabardine 210 lors zipper closing Good rang of col Sizes 29 to 44 PAIR NYLON SOCK F Men’s 100 percent Crimpset Nylo a made by Holeproof Guoronte Wine, Powder, Grey, Green and Nov Sizes 1O to 11% PAIR HANDKERCHIE MEN‘S LARGE SIZE 5 wt White Lawn Colored Borders, Lawn 3 fo ; White Linen