PAOP rcjmv ACTIVE TENNIS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus 'M coiiM HONf. . I oh: mother - TKit) ia ) ( it covr noo i 1 Jff ir He coteo home. 1 . J&mH T i-ut-x not a. ' SEASON COMING ffiM C ,r bHttL LET r A CkEAUTirOL DEi MOjTT CO ) LTt TONIGHT I'LUHAve. ' NCE IU OP , ( Good Attendance and Enthusiasm Featured Annual Meeting W. Crulkshank Re-elected ' President ' ' .luiliiir from Ihe good a I lend anre nml Ihe enthusiasm maiii fe.fd at lli annual meeting of Ihe Prince Ilunerl Tennis Clul nciii yesterday afternoon in. the cily council chamber, I here should be an active season al Ihe outdoor racket grains this Mini nicr. onieers for the year wo. hi elcclcd ax follows: President, W. Cruikshank (reelected). Viee-Presidcnl, H W. Maren telle. Secretary Treasurer) n. II. W Uarllcll. Kxeculive roniinillce (he above officers ami .Miss Caroline Mitchell '(re-elected) ami Miss (trace Curl in. Tournament commillce A. II Carmichael (chairman), Miss Caroline .Mitchell ami Miss (trace Curl in. II was decided Iji hold Ibe au-ntial hall on April 21 and Hit following committee was. named to carry oul Hip afTair: A. II. Car-mii'Jiai'l (chairman), W. Ilurpess. .1. W. Seoll,Wullcr I,. Mackenzie, It. II. W. Itarllell, K. W. Marcn-IpIIp, W. Ci;uiKshank, Miss (irare Curlin, Miss F.lamla Marsh, Mis-il Caroline Mitchell ami Mrs. S. I'. Mc. Mori lip. The Acropolis Hill courts ant M he iiainlcil ami repaired ami ml in firs I class shape for the season- which, it is anticipated, will open vpi soon. This, year Ihpre will probably he inlprcluli tournaments with tin C.X.ll. Tennis Cluh which has jusl Iippii orani.ed ami which proposes lo establish ils eourl in I lie railway yards. GIANTS OUT TO WIN PENNANT Pittsburgh Will Again be Chief Contenders Is Prophecy .KW YORK, Feb. 27. Un shaken confidence, hollered by a demonstrated ability to liil bai'il ami often, will carry Hie NewtYork iianls to another pen-nan't in the National League, their fifth straight, is the opinion of baseball observers. I'ittsburfli,( wilh a remodeled infudd and llrookiyri, with a teani of much the same calibre as last season's whicji xeijiainpd in Hie pananl fi;hl almost to the last thronh Ihe da.zliu? accompllslM ineiils of Dar.z' Vance, premiet pitcher,, are expected lo funilSli oppos'iiiim' in Hie race tUr "ffrsl pluce. , j TJie I'ipiles. through, a trade witli thCliicMtri Cub, this win' ter, have founded put, a youthful combination for Ihe inner defenses, with Neihuns at fir hasp, (iraulliam at Seeind, Wright at short and Traynor al uiirii. j lie iiiciuii siall ap pears lo be fully as si rone and ihe outfield remaiuH unchanged, Chicago Prospects II is entirely proiialile, ncetird iiiK to frdlowers of the naliortnl V'ame, that ibis same deal will make a contender of Ihe Cubsj wilh firimm al first and Ihe vPteran but able Maraliville al ... .... . ... seconu. ueiurn.oi ;iiariey jioi loeher, recogrnized a one of tin greatest shortstops in Hie league will,- sive ihe Chicagoans an cs cellenl infield and one thai should rank )i,ih in- balling average. Wilbur Cooper, a left handed pilclier, is expected lo add slrenglli in a coinparalively weak deparlmenl. Hrooklyn anticipates Ihe re In ni of J (ni my Jolmslon, an in fielder who suffered from an in jured knee;lasl,srasiii, and will lake Ihe field with about Ihe same, combination as carried a year ago. Hiilch Huether, once considered a great pilcher, has gone to IliP Jftc.Halors h'f Ike American league The Dodger should finish ho beller ihan last St. Louis and Cincinnati The 81. Louis Cardinal are ralher widely favored lo lead the M'cond division wlien the final results are assembled, wilh Cincinnati offering sin interesting liatlle for the place. . Manager Jack Hendricks has Jmporled u ouad of minor league, players in his efforts li bolster the Jlcds' ?' jj . ' ' . . . . , .! Lnwffute!jte-J w l ... ........ 1 p . AT . . ::r . .. . . " infield and nilchinjr ileparlincnl ind may produce the reason's surprise. I'hihtileiphia has reinforced ils cluh, yel seems In have made no material progress, although the cesulls cannot he definitely known unlil I lie major league season is under way. The Phil-lios, managed liy Arthur J'lelcii- SMITIIF.HK, Feb. 27. Smilhers won two hockey games this week against Ihe visilfng Hums lake learn. The visitors put. up a good game but the speed of .the tioine players was too much for Ihem. Tho first game played I Liesday night, just after the arrival of Hie boys ended 13 In 3 againsl tlieifi and Ihe second Wednesday night was 8 to 3 for Smilhers. Tlje score Jipwever,. d nol represenl the play as. Ihe games were hard fought aud Huns Lake led by Iheir old war horse Inn1-ton wa,s always in Hie play. Tin shooting of Ihe Smilhers boys was very strong and I bey always bad a man on hand 16 try .for .Hie rebound, most of the goals being made Dial way. The teams were: Hums Lake (i. Wood, goal; '.' IU Ashford, point; L. Itowal, cover;. -11 ?uyj.v,w$0B;. R. t!oiimions;' I. wTifgf if-K. Inieson, centre; A. li. Cossack, defence spare and C. L. Partridge, for ward, spare. Smilliers 1. Ilnskins, goal; A. Mutch, point; C. Warner, rover; I. finiham, r. wlngi'H. Haiisoii.'l. yvlug; K.MclvayJ cell I re; LJlaalie lefense spare and (i. HeuleiV;far ward spare. - " Afler the g-ame on Wednesiby nighl, Ihe visitors were" Ihe guests of the 'Smilliers Athletic ;iuli al a daufe loijd in Ihe town Ijall, and a few enjoyable hnui's were penl. . Arrangements are being, made. for another serie's of games willt Prince ficorge, ami the plana now ill for the locals playing in Prince (ieorgo on Sunday and Monday, with relurn games here nexl Friday and Saturday. As Hie Smilbers team are playing much belter Ihan in the. former games it is expected ilml Ihe coining malches will be about lb" lies! ibal have ever been pulled oil in the north. j Sport Chat Tommy Oibbons ulid Harry Wills, the Iwo outstanding con- lins, only accented i lie lerms of Mm priiiiioleis last wepk. The lioul, which will hp held in fine of New York's haseliall parks, will lie scheduled ft"" fifteen rounds and it if proposed lo match the winner-for a title bout with .lack Dempsey providing Ilie ''hampinu agrees (o fighl oiicp imye before reliriii.'. The Milk r, former tiianl shortsl.op, areil'und bonis are promoted by a expePlcd to fight in and oul ofj.Xew York newspaper. the cellar with I lie ! Ilraves of! Iloslon, managed by Have Itan- crofl. llanerofl sueeeeded lelcher as sJoirlslop for the iants. SMITHERS WON HOCKEY GAMES Beat Burns Lake Twice Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings A carnival iiic('ii couei is ing slaved at Ynmterhoof lo raise funds fur Hie, establishment of a peririanenl skating rink there. The c.oiilest -is beiny run by the Allilcli Association whose pro- Kfam is lo ke-p the rink open lenders for Ihe world s heavy- .. 7 1025 232 weighl championship, have ...... 8 181H 231 agrl'ed lo meet al the Milk Fundi Alex. Volume (V.) . 2 02 231 charily boulx in New York nextyDr. West (V.) 1 227 227 summer, fiibbous agreed lo the! It. .lelicli 'H..i ... 8 1701 221 malch some time ago but Wills.1 K. pierce '(i.) .... H 1717 218 through hs manager Paddy Mul- J. Walsh (V.) 3 055 218 Stop Falling Hair! Money Back II U Deesn't The big problem with scalp specialists is to get the public to form a consistent habit of taking care of their hair. Van Ess liquid Scalp Massage comet in a patented bouJe with a special rubber application attached. The method of application is easyand. cleanly. The applicator feeda the treatment through rubber ntprjoa direct to ttorctrt of the hair. One minute 1 day with Van Lu la auffiewnt. Stope falling kur. curei dandruU. urowi uw bur. We give you poaiUvt SlWay guarantee. onMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. J. llillman (C.) 0. ItiUagno (II. I'. I). Brown (S.) . J. Andrews (V. O. Hlylhe (CI.) . It. Morgan (',.) O. Wansh ((Ij, 4. I'leniiust (V. 3 r.50 217 8 1720 21 G 8 IdHl 210 2 US 2(18 2 411 200 8 10.15 20 S 8 1.V.M uy 1 157 157 Second Division Uen Self (IMt.j, ... .. 1 150 150 I. Weir (.) t T. (V.) . 1 F. Xieinan (H.I.) , . 5 5 0. Howe (IUM 5 5 W. Stewart .. 1 1 W. .1. Nelson (0.) I. Heesle- (fi.l I. Itrown (S.) . K. Ablridjre U.IK) I. Andrews (S-.) fill the end f this seasitn; pur-j.M. Andrews (S.A.) chase the lumber used al lheHr. West. (V.l ... rink, have the ground levelled and ready for flooding next season. II is expected lo have it A. Donald (ir.l. .1. llillman (C.) 0. IHythMO,) , 150 150 150 150 712 1 18 738 118 51)0 118 8 1173 l'i7 ) 1300 i t 5 !) 1301 115 8 1113 113 8 1112 113 i) 1281) 113 1) 1282 1 12 0 850 1 12 0 837 1 10 4 558 HO open at least a month earlier' Habe Fortin (H..I) 9 1218 131) than it was this year. Those en-i-L Maclean (Q.) ... 0 833 13!) rolled in Ihe carnival conies" S. Siigu (fi.l in 1380 138 ire: .Marjorie Palersoii, Kmmie, M. .Macl.aclilau (S.A. ) 8 1101 138 Violet Hay, F.velyn Suiedley. Nora Andros, Una Campbell. Louise Ii)lrfi4t ,i t bo 'staged. Iteri Self is working on the lalchl for Hie cily Ibis season. lb fill, the gaps caused in the ranks of local diamond slar.s' bj: Ihe) departures from the cily since las' Fall. He expects that he may have something definite lo an nounce in a. very shorl lime. In view of the indications thai Ihere is la be a good deal of industrial development here Ibis summer, it is. e.p.ecipd Jluij jt will not lillicull lo attract good talent to Ibe cily. Hen is taking time by Ihe forelock, and already, il is uudei'slooil, has some good play-i-rs in line, Three of Ibe game in Ibe second division billiard tournament last 'night between the Can Vidian FJsh Xi Cold Storage, and tirollo were played, Ihe firolU obtaining 120 poinJs lo Ibe Cold Storage 112. The individual scores were as follows: I. May (Cohl.Sloragp) l'i W .1, Nelson firi)llo 150. :s, Darlon, 120; S. Sugat I5J1, 'A. S:'M!aIeX''l5(rfrMcD(mgal 120. (lames of II. Pnrr vs. .1. Hees-ley and .1. Hulger vs. M. Slepb-ens are yel to be played. BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division. Oatnes. TtL Av. A. Donald 'H.P. . . 1 250 250 W. Stewart ;fi.; ... ! 250 250 S-Sit. .lebson (V.' ... 8 11)81 248 W. .1. Nelnon (O.) .. 2 . 485 213 (i. Mclltnnyle (H.P.' 8 11127 211 A. A. F.assoij (1J.P.) 8 11)21 210 Co. MeMnrdie (V.) 8 18D7 237 F. Slep.bens (H.P.) . 7 104H 235 O. fi. P. P. Tinker Tinker (Y.) (Y.) F. K. Pyle Pyle (V.'i (V.i ... W. Milehell (H.P.; W. Murray (C.I Snell, Charlnlle Finney, Muriells. Macdouald (S.A Sterle, Vina filover, Laura .Maig- rel, Myille Mitchell, Mildred llus- ell, Mollie Moore, Sadie- V. Campbell, .lean 0. Hdslrom, lun ula Silver and llrace Mcintosh. Hallotling eloes tonight and the ipieen will be crowned at inid- nighl in the course of a grand 9 122.3 130 7 !)55 130 8 1070 135 O. .Mallet (1LP.) .. 2 207 131 J. May- (C.S.) ...-.10 1333 133 ,1. Allaiu (S..V.) .... 8 1002 133 K. Fenelon (V.) ... 9 1100 130 O. P. Tinker (V.) .. 3 391 130 1. Fleming (V., ... 2 200 130 C. L. Youngman(V. 7 899 128 S. Dartou (C.S.I....10 12,53 125 M. Lamii (C. .,.... in 1213 l5l D. McAuley ((V ..10 12U 121 (I. Wearnioulli (V.) 0 715 124 fi. Kelspy (0.S .. 0 738 123 W. Wllliserofl 4C.) 9 1082 120 S. L. Warrior 'V.) . 8 959 120 I. Hulger (G.SJ ..17 812 120 D. McLean. .'(!.);.. 7 821 117 II. Parr' (tt.S.i ,... 7 820 1 17 .1. Mef)ougall ((i. .. 3 315 115 A. Hales (C.S. v . . . 8 8n 1 12 M. Stephens (fi.O .. 2 210 105 V. Anderson (C.).. 1 82 82 V H. Jarman 'O. 1 09 fl MEN'S TOlsT Knights of Pythias, Elks and Moose Were Winners of Last Nl"ht's Games in Ihe men's seel ion of Ibe Fraternal Wbisl Le.agu I (i si night resulted as follows: Kliigbls of Pythias 7, SI. Andrews 2. F.Iks 7, Oddfellows 2. Moose 5,. Sous of Canada 1. . I.eagiiei.landiiijr, labiate is as hi ,Li ifki F.Iks 12 1 12 K. Of C. 10 5 II) ( s. or c 9 0 i) SI. Andrew's 9 7 1) S. or II 8 7 8 tUdfellows 7 9 7 0. W. V. A 7 9 7 Moose 7 9 7 L. O. 1 5 II 5 K. of P. Ill 1 DELEGATE TO BOYS' . PARLIAMENT REPORTS Jaok Stephens 'Tells of Work Done at Victoria on Recent Visit In a clear rut and forceful ad dress Jack Stephens last nighl gave an account of his steward ship as member for Ihls district al Ihe Hoys' Parliament in Vic toria jusl iifler Christmas. He was chosen here by Ibe Tuxis and Trail Hangers to represent thorn and last niighl he nicMiis eon sliluenls ami told Mi em if what lie had ilone. Jack slressed Ihe fact Hint Ibis was nol a mock parliament bill Ibal real business was car ried m by the members.'' A cnb I tie.! of nine was formed of which he bewtnm minister of munici palities. 23 Districts HrilMi Columbia is divided in- Wanted ForlSale ForiRent FOH PLAIN Hlack 237. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. FOUND FOUND. Hunch of keys, on sleel ring on Fourth Ave. West. Owner can have same by iden- FOl'ND. Hunch of keys on ring, including one C.X.R. swilcb key. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUM). Pair of child's brown woollen mills. Apply Daily News offiee. FOUND. Pair child's fur trimmed tid mills. Apply Daily News oflice. FOUND Opal brooch. Appl; Daily News oflice. FOUND. Posi ollice key. App. Daily News ollice. MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNi:il "Oh Haby" al your see kice day or nighl. Comfort Safety; Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lamldy. Phones Hlack .115 or 131. C0LUM3IA RECORDS NFW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trols. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists, ('all in ami hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue were represented. On aocnunt. of Ihe increase in the movement the number of districts is being increased by nighl, four of which are jn Vancouver. Tho ydcr Ttii,.rnpr,senlalives ai' .Ji)USi?..iiiilt.rFt,.li .Hangers -of ,munfc' aood' In' the Dominion. The member in,ust be a member of Ibe Tuxis organiza tion from 10 to 21 years of age. He nuisl mil be addicted lo Ihe isc- of tobacco, Hipior, or drugs, ind must have a certificate of clean living. The Parliament decided on re- emphasiing Ihe Three C's: clean living, clean speech and athletics. II also urged extension of community conclave fop liiler-cliurch sports. Sex Education In Ihe mailer of sex education. J.fle boys slressed the point I I1.1t ignorance of Ibe. fundamental fads of life were Ibe cause of many mistakes and urged llial mis ne laugui in senoois py a ipialilieil medical man as h.ld been done in Onlario wilh suc- cns. II was also decided lo add journalisilc bailee for Ihe writ ing of essays for publicjillon. . CLEAN RECORD MANILA. Feb. 27. The. su prenie rnurl of Ibe Philippine Islands started the new year with a clean docket, a record which the courl claims has perhaps never been equalled before by a similar body under the American Hag. The courl is composed of nine member), live Americans ami four I illnmos. when ibe lo 23 districts and 21 of these bench i full. ROOFING SF.WINfi, phon-' "KLICKODD" Coating. The best Prices reasonable. TO RENT ROOM TO RF.NT in comfortable home. Hreakfast if desired. Apply 330 Fourlh Avenue I'ast. ROOM to Jteni in comfortable home. Apply 711 Third Ave. 7U BOARD coating for shingle, iron pr paper roofs. II preserve Ihe roof and slops the leaks. Also good for brick, concrelo or stone walls. Cheapest ami best. ICslimales given. P.O. Hox 1 1 1. Phone 19. RADIOl RADIO! AUK you inleresled in Iladio pets or parls? I can save you money. 2 lube sets complete with aerial, phones and batteries, installed, $55. Phone lied 707. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call fieorge, Paul or Oust' Prompt Service and Conilon Day or Nig'.t Stand: .IOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Purni-ure Store. We Huy. Sell and I'.x- chkiige New and Secondhand fioods. GtO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Pbone 4fl. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you lo consult us when you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PltLNCE ItUPEItT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM SltualA Id the Rkrriu Mining DIvIMon r ihe Hum 6. CoaM nutrirt. Whirr luratcd. Smith of Falll r.rrrk. K'luum- kalum I.akr, and adjoining the WMsller n me tin nr 11. Lawrui ruuoera. W. Trfton and D. Wllann; Ma. of lloU1r Kree Miners" Crrtincite, Trenton 670I0C, wnon 6:noic. Take ollre tin I we. w. Trrnton, f.h.c o. 67(ir, and David Wllaon, F.M.C dar frrmi the dale hereof to apply to tliJrltll Ave. & Hays t.;0e Mining neroraer ror a iruriraiB or im-prnvernenu Tor the purpose of obtaining a Crown dram of the above rlaim and furthermore take noiire that Arllon under sec. US of the Mineral Art must be com-menrrd before the luance of anrh rertl- rii-ale or Improvement!. Paled Dili 30th day of Nov., ISM. W. F. TUFSTON. ind DD WILSON, onnera. I? T Kennv. rent IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. lo llic Matter tit the Admliiialratlun Act; ami In Ihe Mailer lit the F.ttale of Morrii Anton reterfen. Iierraoed. InteHale. TAkK MiTli i: that h.v order or III) llmKr F. Melt. Voiinv. nude tlie loth day nr February. A ll. 1S, I vtat appulntrd tdmlnllrat6r or ihe etnte or Mnrrl Anton vterxen, dot-caned, :id all iiarllra h'arlnir rlalm aralim the aald e.Mile are hereby rwilri'd to fnrnUli name, iru-M-ily veriried In me oil or liefore tlie lllh day or Mi nil. A.n. IHts. ami all parties Indebted tu Urn enlate arn re-quired in pay the amount of their In-ileblednea fr me fnrihwlth. MlltMN A. WATT, orrirlal Adininlstrator, I'rlnre ltiiiert, H.C. Dated Ihe lllh day or February. ll IN PRORATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Matter or tlie Aduilnlntrntlnn Act: and In Ihe Waiter of the FMate- of Henry Alexander lieynoldD, iierraaral. Intestate. TAkF MiTll'i: that by order of Ilia Honor F. Mrll. Yoiinir. made Uw totli day or February, A.P. lUJ.'i, I wa apinilnted Adiiilntmralor of- Ihe elle nf Henry Alexander ItevnoldK. leieaerl. and all nartlen havlna- rlalnn atralml the ald eatalfl art iiereuy reniiiriii to rurnlxh Kame, properly verified in nu on or before the llth day of Mari'll. 1 Q!, and all paroea indiiiied to the entate ate required In pay the amount or their In-deblednea In ine, foi'ilmlih. VOIIMVN A. WATT, orrirlal AdiijIiililrutOr. I'rlnre liupert, H.C Pated the llth day or rcbrnary. IBir IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Mailer or the Administration 'Art and tn the Mailer or the Estate or II. J. lien licit. Iiocenwit. Inteitnie TAkK MITICF that liv Onloe i,r Ilia llnmir r. Mrll. Vnunr, made the lih ilnv nf February, ioi:., . appointed Ad-nilniatratnr nr the estate nr tlie late II, J, lloiuietl. dereaed, and all parties hav-Inr rlalma the aahl eUalc ar. wrewy reouiren lo ril.rnlsll uruue to me, Articlei Lost ami Found, &c MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Vcd::n t 1 , urdays, closes al 1 p ni. From the East-. Mondays, V ' Fridayi, due v i t ... To Vancouver Tuesdays Mall close at t 15 ft Saturdays . Fridays, .. 8 y C.P.It. Fehruarv t From Vancouver Sundays Wednesdays Thursdays C.P.It. February Rler Points Circle 8th Ave. & Cotton St 5th Ave. A Mcilridc S' Pro. Oov..Hldgs. Prov. Gov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf ind Ave. A 2nd Sf Ird Ave. A Fu) jn S erl v A 'V - Pealed Tender. v. ill nun-let I'crener i"t ' Ihe lllh day or uat purrhae or l.lii'iii' weal uluire or Ma--' It ' Mte lland lltl ' Imard feet nf spm lock Sawlor. , ., . v.111 fc 1 one (l year tnnval of timber. Further parlli'iilar- f ler. Vleloria, "i Hi. rnnre liupert. B.1 . PI 1 To Anyox, Alice Arm, Slmn and Premier Wednesdays ft I Sundays ... 7 ) From Anyox, Alice Arm, SUm.1 and Premier Tuesdays . 1 Fridays To Port Simpson and Naas Riw Points Thursday" ' ' From Port Simpson and Kaa r. .... . II taiuruays To Queen Charlotte Island Point February I- From Queen Charlotte Itli Points rehrunrv 1 1 re ' 3 B3X COLLECII0K PM M irauain A Atlin Ave. :$ ' 4l Ave. A Kigli'h K tth Ave. ft Fulton 51 T-.5 W 8U1 Ave. & Thomi so.) st i v lllh Ave. ASlierbr mc Ave -J " 1 1 hi Ave. A Conrad s 2t Oth Ave, A Hays 1 ve Ave s il ' -.9 r5 Hi' 1 TIMBER SALE XG103. if TIMBER SALE X 6923. ( Seated Ti lldei-s I I Mlnimer of Land", at ihan noon 011 the nth ' for the purrhaxe or rut I,II.(IUU net Hal.atu and Sprm'e the norlli allow "i N l 8. Coa.l Land il-l' ' Two (9) yen'" " ': inoval of limber. nirlher paiiHime ler, Vletoria. n.' I'rlnee liupert. M.i i TIMBER SALE X.ttl1; There; will he .rf-c lie Auriloii, al in--' March. Utfft. In the Jiuncer, llaii'llnii, U ' Pi rut f tin.tinu liiDl) " and Ha.iKIO Uellilnik " Lot IS7( ami adl UnrHe of llaelliili. ' 71 Thiin (Si sear- properly verlfleil. on or before Mm iUl tnnval of tliuucr oar or niarrn. invr, anil i i,fii,. i debleil tit ihe said estate are required Pi pay Ihe anvrtinl nf their litdebiedneaa to ine forthwith, NORMA! A WATT, . .. rrrlnl AdinlnlHralnr. r, .u, Dated tfiit mm day or February, tttt, Provided any one ; III! :,;ihl t! aiirllnii in person mi1 . lender t be 0enel al i" linn and treated a: ' Further piirtleulai ., ., ler. Vleloria, H.r ' t'lluce liupert, U.c