| District Votes Leaves For Montreal end Brothers Wedding prominent young lawyer, left juntreal to attend the wedding of er Ian. He will spend a vacation cently appointed Lieutenant-Gov- \ia, and mother before returning Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Thursday, September 11, 1952 TCA} ian ning | i | v«: Timely Recipe Peach Conserve 3 medium oranges | | cit | 3 cups water umed | 1 6-0z. bottle maraschino ut at] cherries the 9 cups sugar i 8 cups peaches cut in smuil} cubes ‘| Slice orange thinly, then cut into cubes, Place in kettle, add} |; water and simmer until tender| ‘| but not soft, about 20 minutes. | ir.| Meanwhile, drain cherries, re-| I erving the juice, and cut cher- | |ries into quarters. To the cooked |oranges, add peaches, sugar and | | the juice from cherries and cook f | until thickened, about 20 min- | jutes. Add cherries and boil 5} ol minutes longer, Pour into ster- | Nick- |iized jars leaving at least ne|inch headspace. Cool slightly, | then pour a thin layer of melted | paraffin over the jam. Leave} until hardened, then add a sec-| ond layer of paraffin. ai |ODE Plans Sale, Knit For Britain the IODE resumed ek following summer recess, with for a bake sale at the end of the DAZaar, | 14] 7 apter of ip Mi parcels to Prince familie Mia IODE Regent Mrs. Norah} iSt-| Withers reported she presented framed picture of Queen Elizabeth II to the city council on behalf of all IODE members and a carved slate totem pele Prime Minister Louis St. th Laurent on his recent visit here lonated All IODE members will visit Prince Rupert museum on Sept I 17, it decided. Those not al- BRITAIN ready members of the museum tted association promised to pay o | their fee to aid in its operation Raffle winners were Evelyn Eggle, first prize, five pairs ny- od lions, with ticket 698. and Rose Morrow, second prize, three pairs nylons, with ticket 696. the Chaper's needy in England } Hospital Too Much Tuna Norway (CP) Record 14) | quantities of tuna fish this sumimer have strained cold stor- OSLO 14) age and transport facilities to the limit. The tuna were caught wish-/off the western Norway coast, ! 10 Pin | south of Bergen, and off the eling atinorthern Helgeland district pt. 14,| Most of the fishing is done with 216) ‘highly efficient purse-seiners. makes the difference ? P can look just about like another... but the ©S a world of difference! The secret of ‘aste-tempting mellowness is a master f fine Canadian Cheddar with thick, fresh y Chateau today for more flavorful cheese Uwiches, salads, snacks, is just one of DENS FINE CHEESES Ty these Borden Cheese favorites too! Boumert Cream . Cheese, zesty Canabec, tangy Sese, and Borden's 6 Cheese Spreads {in glasses). ,al conference of | Red Cross Society will be held in Couple Choose Unique Method to Travel— Reach City by Motor Bike, Camp Outside. Mr. and Mrs. F W. May’s}told of their jaunt. | daugter Joyce, amgy sp Pipsband, Both admitted they had never | Al Makovkin, promised “to visit! ridden on a motorcycle prior to} Prince Rupert this 4ummer and | buying the machine a month ago | chose a unique whyv‘of getting} and both were “a bit afraid of | here. | wild animals.” | Mrs “But,” said Mr. Makovkin, “we ;only saw a couple of porcupines |near Burns Lake and they didn’t Makovkin; whi works | the library at the University of BC., and her husband, a stu- dent, saved their money to buy | bother us,” ' mouneyele far tne Journey The trip north took three days Their gas and oil Spi: for the | ond nights. They expected to ar- trip from Vancouver’ was $6.37] if “ oy and before leaving*idver fast | ye at Shate banee 18 venceeret ‘delay, Fairview Road—sometime City Chosen | Mr. Makovkin is studying ar- For Red Cross | Army Reaches Conference 35 Per Cent The northern interior region- Of Objective the Canadian! wore than 35 percent of the inc. é a Salvation Army’s Red _ Shield one Rupert on Friday, Oc- aimpaign objective this year has been realized in five days of Stan Saville, president of the canvassing, the campaign com- Prince Rupert branch, in an- mittee announced today. Total amount collected to date is $1,214.75. Objective is $3,500. Yesterday's coliections of $460 is the biggest receipt of the cam- paign which began last Friday (See list of donors on page 4.) | nouncing the.venue of the meet- ing, said Col. C. A. Scott of Van- couver, commissioner of the So- ciety in B.C., will be among the speakers. It will be the first time Prince Rupert has held the conference Majority of branches in the re- gion are on the Canadian Na- tional Railways line between Prince George and this city which eliminates any serious transportation problem. Mr. Saville said the meeting place has not yet been decided but would be announced later she \ity wh Keeping qua y gerator op’ d even © : id sweet fo er yn the fr ‘ atisfie jonget Don't be § Oo 7 a rer Carnati¢ ger You save when you buy the big thrifty gellon jug instead of smaller bottles. TO FIT 40OR5 material-hand cut a average wear latest stvle. LIMITED Ve CHARLIE ROBERTS Box 638 : n the depend © ¥ a can ‘ spat keeps longet: a nation. Carnation N n you use e kept for ned cans of C kitchen rests d wit ~ KEEPS: | MAKE THI sure t you. | — co >> + Ee | 85.) i). t —_——— 4 | 4 SA Lee ; Th MORE PEOPLE IN CANADA USE CARNATION Umm my, cit ti) BECAUSE YOU WEAR SIZE See Our. Cancelled SAMPLE SHOES These are all made from highest quality combining comfort Lines reqularly priced to $14.95 wane sr omx DO.9D PAMILY SHOE STORE chitecture at UIB.C. and has! three more years to go. The couple. live in the trailer camp | at U.B.C Asked how they liked the roads, Mr. Makovkin said “they weren't too bad, but the best gravel section was fsa Smith- ers to Prince Runert.’ fhe couple bought a small! one-cylinder English type motor- cycle. They ate in restaurants along the way and except for one night in an auto court made camp by ‘the roadside. SABY’S CRY {iS NOT ALWAYS TEMPER DISTINGUISH between your baby's ery of pain andcry of temper. The “pain cry” should have instant attention, For the feverish dis- tress due to gas on stomach or bowels or those common digestive upsets, give Baby’s Own Tablets at once. As one Toronto Mother reports she finds they work every time, “I am the mother of nine children, three of them prize babies, and Baby’s Own Tablets bave been my only medicine in raising them to the healthy children they now are. As soon as my children became a little feverish I at once gave them Baby's Own Tablets and in a very short time the fever disappeared and the | children were norma! again.” | Equally effective for constipation, upset stomach, teething troubles and other minor ailments of babies. Quickly effective. Sweet. tasting. No “sleepy” stuff—no dulling effect. Sickness often strikes in the night. Get @ package today at drug stores. Money back if you are not satisfied. 30¢. arnation hav 1 : rnation pantry shelf © day after day: ‘ prove t anything 5 7 DAY TEST. weck use yf your preset ation, ea Cae” 4 will gatisty Carnation nt prana. we are just one squ ve US ’ »¢ bran hat NO other bP oe \ 9/ nd lasted to give above with Phone 357 COMPARE THESE | VALUES ! BLOUSES We invite you to our store this week end to see our large selection of the Newest Fall Blouses in Nylons, Orlons, Allura ell, etc 7.98 t0 9.95 UMBRELLAS Ladies’ Hollywood style Umbrellas. Solid 16-rib frame. Smart plaid At Pooular Prices. Cc. sy ar mzes: 142 10 £U NYLONS Ladies! See these lovely sheer 5] gauge, 15 denier Nylon Hose. First Quality in all the smartest fall shodes patterns Sizes 9 to 11 19 SPECIAL 95 PAIR : 2 ZACH . : zee CHENILLE BEDSPREADS a Our best quality closely tufted Chenille oi Bedspreads (No cotton back showing) in the Newest Fall Patterns. White with multi- color motifs. See these for value! 1295 Se SPORT JACKETS Men’s genuine Harris Tweeds and Domestic Tweed Jackets in a wide range of patterns at Popular Prices. Double Bed Size. EACH BOYS SHIRTS Rayon Gabardine Sport Shirts for boys. Well made: generous sizes. Ideal for School Wear. cw” "DIB S 3. 1499 50 to 35.00 MEN'S NAVAL COATS Single Breasted fly front Naval style Coats for the fall and winter season. Belted with Batiste (rubber) interlining Satin lined in two aualities. Made by Crown Waterproof and Croydon. Sizes 36 to 44 3.95 ond 4].00 PILLOWS Sterilized Feather Pillows. Large size; good quality: down proof covering. Limited Quantity. 2.59 TARTAN. KILTS Authentic Tartan Kilts in Gordon, Margaret Rose, MacKenzie and, Black Watch plaids. Wrap around style with pin. i 7 95 SPECIAL Sizes 12 to 20. ewe Grogan we FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Kingcot or Cheh qualities. Heaviest Flan- nelette Blankets available. Soft and warm for Fall and Winter. White with pink, blue, yellow or green borders. 25 PAIR 95 pair dize 70 x 90 Size 80 x 90