IT I I 11 Ml 'AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Friday, Febmar Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. . WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and ,practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Buy Your Fresh Meats and Smoked Fish from ECONOMY STORE Smoked Hlark Coil. Hi. 20c Finnic Iladitie. per Hi... 20c Kippers. piT I J 15c Put Itoasl Heef, H 15c Ilriskcl Href, per lit. .. 10c IIuIUmI Hill lliiasl. pri- 111. 25o Sirlniii Sleak. pit Hi. .. 30o T-bine Sleak. per Hi. . . 30c SIioiiMc!' lloasl Pork. Hi. 25c l.i'f? lloail I'nrk, per ll. 35c I.oiti Piirk. per Hi. . . . 35c Purk Sausage, per Hi. 30c Heef Sausage, per Hi... 20c llutiiuurper. per lb. .... 15c Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East Phones 84 and 18. Mothers ! We have kiiI ipialily NAVY SERGE BLOOMERS, 10 tci 10 years Al per Pair S4.25 NAVY BLUE SERGE SKIRTS, PLAITED r.amisulu Tup, 10 lo It years, al $4.25 ..Smart Httfliiel Dresden . . C lo 1 i years Demers P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 VsMHnnMsMNHsMMaTaHaVHMHnaV Canadian A Modern Dental Service At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 BATTALION IS Launarv and Dry Cleaners 0ieraliug the only power cleaning ami pressing eiiiipinenl in Hie city. Service, ami workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. 515 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 A GOOD HOST Entertains Vlsitlnq Instructors on Eve of Their Doparturo for South Complimentary hi -Serjeant Major Yminfrmau ami Sci-klmiiI Musseli, who have lieen here for I lie pasi few weeks giving- in tt ruction lo memliers of Hi North H.G. Ilcpimciil, a smokiin concert, was sltisreil , ill Ihe ar mory lasl nislil under (lie direc lion of scrj.'canls of I lie liadalion. Tlinri' was a large attendance of all ranks and Oapl. (1. P. Tinkei oceufiird die eliair. .Sergeant .Major Wrijrlil, Davlys and Orderly Itoom Seiceant Krnest Uiiwin were in charge. Till! program included scter. lions by (lie regimental luuid. solos and community sinjjinjr. There were also exhibition lioul lielween It. II. Skinner and Didu (iurvieh and (ieorpe Howe. Ghie' Pelly Oflirer Kencli, 11. 0. V. N. It. pave an exhibition of swori swinging- Hefrcshmrnls am smokes were served jn abund ance. I Miring I lie course of Hie even ing, sergeant .Major loungiiiar responded siiilalily fii the honor I bat had been done him and Scr eam llussell. He also madi LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purcha Lind In Skeena land District. ,nT ITiin 4uiert ,l(iTiii(liiiif District, auI 4,roxiiiiaieiy one. aim one nan nines mis r salvus .station, on Salvus island, ikevn. IIIHT. Tate Police that Iliidoir l.arsson. u lid Larlelon St..' Huriuby. oeriiiiallu. I.oitm r. Intends to aptily for m-niiiisioi lu purrliae tbcvfolluwiinr cti-scrllxtl land? Loiiilnenrlnr at a itosl Mauled at tl.- wiHihttot corner of Lot 4803, salvu- stand: tlietiee Miiitlrjeslirly. appro' matrly nun yard; tlienre northerly up liroxiiiiairiy run yarn; theme iHirttiuesi erly ai'pnn Una lily 8(10 yard; tlieim MuitlMTly sou yard, tu jmliit nr betrinniiiK Linprisinir an mat ikiiiioii or saivu isiaini ih!1 or Lot )U3 and containing 3U acres, wore or lea. THOMAS MILLS .Mti-nt Tor ; nt iMii," unssm. LAND ACT Notlct ot Intention to Apply lo Laaaa Lano in entire unpen ijiui timiriri, lie iiirdliiir District or I'rlm-e Hmwrt, and fit iitc at iiamard Cove, I'llnresJ nuyai inland. II I'.. Take .Vdlce tlial Sninervllle Caiiiier imiiaiiy Limited, of Vancouver, U.C., In lends tu apply for e.niilslon In lease tin fullowlnir doerltx'd land: OunimiKint H the head of Iiarnard Cove, I'rlneej-lloyal Island; thence five (I) rhaln-llM-nre norlli fnrly Mil" ih.hns;. tlienri-west ten (10' rlinui". more or li. In luv naier mark; thriirc ouih alonr low wale nark i: pnhu of roiniiienrcrnent, am eonlainlnir flfleen (IS aere, more o less. so.vtnvii i r. (Mrnv COMPANY I.IMITEI Name of Appllranl V. J. Jefferson. Afrtii! n.lled fieeendrf-e Th. (OH Sunrise Specials M0USSELINE Hon I judge lliis Silk ly, the price because il's worth much more. 30 inches Swiss Monsse-line for liresses or Hlouscs. One lmll only. Very Special, per yard $1.25 WEST OF ENGLAND STORE Smith Dlock DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, BOc Per Sacp HydeTransfer 13S'Svond Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. Wt BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. These Cubes are Real .'Oiiiplimenlary remarks as lo tin wink being carried out by ll:c itegimenl. FUNERAL JODAY 'rcdcrlck S. Galo of Swanson Bay Was Laid to Rest in Fair-view Cemetery The funeral of I lie lute l'rcd-rick S. (laic of Swanson Hay vluise ileal li occurred io Hi .'rince Huierl (ieneral llospila his week, look place this afttv-ni'oii at 2.30, from the H.Li. Ln lerlakeis' Parlors In I'airvici Icmelery. Archdeacon (5. A. Mi- jllicialiijt,'. The pallliearers wer. layor S. M. Newton, !. 1. 1'inii r, .1. Howe and W. li. Hughes. BUF..ED TO DEATH I.I.V'TI.AW, Sask., IVli. 27. - . he four year old twin daughter. f Mrs. Holierl Matthews wer nirned to death yeslerday diiriu; be brief absence of Iheir lnolhe. .vbcii the hoiiie was destroyed. LAND ACT lotlci of Intention to Apply lo Lsass Lano in Maxell unci, v.Mici-11 uiariixi. IiihI Laml IH-lrul. itcinrilniK UHlrii I I'rinre llcil-eri. ILL., and MliiaD: Ik lie mile ouulli of Hun Island. Maell In el, and In YesUltun bay, uu timuer linn . Take iNntiee that hinrvne II. BIIhh. r Matsetl, li.i:., irriiiatiuu Laimei. Manaiier, inleii'l lu apply fur teriiiisij lei Ue tlie rollowliix Uesertbeil Imiu-'.niiiini'iHiiiir al a nl lanlel mi tliw i ide uf Verlalliiii Hay; llHiice xjiilti liami; llM ine imi in rhuni", IIh ikb nort. i-Iuiihs; Iheiicv cm lu rlian, and run .almiig Itp icies. mure or lex. EL'UE.MC II, S1MPSOS, Aaine of Attyui'ari lllel perendiee MIQl 'Vjtt LAND ACT. Xotlc of InWntlon to Apply to Lsass Land in Meeiia Land ll-iriil, lieronniir oi-irlct uf l-ritiet- ItiiiierL and uttuate a itruilmalely luo mile!) Koiillieast Juncliuii if Hie skeena and nr.-la 1 1 III vers on llir Skeena lllver. Take iVidlee that Oeure Trlzzell. n: erlnrc IltilNTt. ILL., iireiipatlull nierrliaiit inicndo l apply for periiiixsloii tu luc tin fnllowliiif doMTilicd land: L'oniinpiirina; at a ixut planted on Uf -oulli fide uf Skeena lllver. Ilienee south tveM i rh.ilns; I hence southeast Id rhami; hence norilieat o rhains; ttienre norm ueft tu chains alons; the bank of the skeena lllier to the point or commence-uf nt, and containing IS acres, more ot less. i ' CEUnCF. O. FMZ7.ELI.. arne Of p)llcanl. Inteil Lininrr aih. mr. LAND ACT. ill Skeena I and IlHIrlrt of rrlnee JmjH-ri In'cordliiv lUMrlrt. TAkK' MiTICE that lieorire Utile, m rcrnce, ll.i:., (Tiipnl,in lumberman, an" i: L. M. clsrirey, of Terrace. ILL., oreii-nation Inndieriiiaii. ItiIcihI to apply Tui Iieniiljisiun to Hirrhn.e the follow low dc rrllied land', for industrial File: Lmiiiiieiieinic al a t,-t planted at mntl' end of Island situated near month or KJ I -riimkalliini ntver anil llnir near vest bank or sold river: thenca followlnir "horc llm aniitid Island to point of rommciirelnniil containing if acres, more or lcs. OEOIiliE LITTLE and CLAIME L. M. CimiEY. IPtdlesnl. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III th' Matter of tlie Administration Art; and In I he Matter of the Estate ot William Cameron Sim. Iiere.iseil. Intestate. TlkE NOTICE that by order or, Ills Honor K. Mr II Vonnir. Inaile I he JIID day of February. A.H. 105. I was apixnnlcd dmlnMrator or Hie estate or William Lhiiiituii sim. deceased, and all parties hnvlnir claims airalnsl the said estate are ierci reonlred to furnish name, properly verified to me, on w before Ihe illi da.v uf March, A.p. 18:.. and all parlies Indebted lo the eslale are required lo wy Ihe amount nr Iheir Indebledness to me forthwith. MlllM N A. WATT, orririal Administrator, Cl lore llupcll. ILL. Hated Ibe :ih day of February. IViS Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hslgerson Bloot, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Orfloo Hours, U . Phons t. Open Evsnlngs Only Fr BpMlal Appointment. St. Regis Cafe ?rlnce Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. Money Savers Because Though small in bulk, they are very high in food value concentrated, pure; rich nourishment from the best prime beef, with no waste. OXO Cube add variety to your cooking and enable you to use (ood which might otherwUe be waited. To new diihea they add the finishing touch to old onei they give new Hie and taatinett, tran. forming "Left-overa" into appetizing delicacies. Try OXO Cubes in soups, sauces, gravies, stews, hash, meat-pies, paste ior sandwiches, or for beef tea and other hoi drinks. OXO Cubet in tins of 4 154. and in tint of 10 30c. The Great Beef Economy TOLLGATE PROPOSED TO PAY FOR NEW ROAD Victoria Picturesque Resort to be Ma do Ava. table for Visitors YIOTOIIIA, Feb. 27. -- One means of paying fur the road riom Victoria lo Hie Hulchart tiardens al Itretilwood is lo ereei a loll gale al which noii-resi-Icnts wuubl have to pay on Iheir vay lo visiting Hie famous report. 'I'lie road lo Ibal place is it present in bad citndiliou and vianicli people objecl to payinu he cost of reliuililing il. Victoria ily is willing to pay part of Jhe osl and Hie Provincial tiovern-nenl is being iuuiorluned to do i hare. Failing all olhcr inelhod he tollgatc is sugesti-d. PRESIDENT EBERT OF GERMANY PASSES CRISIS AND BETTER HKIll.l.N". Feb. -'7. l'residen? '.Iierl. who has been i-r: I ti-ally ill nun perlonilis following an iperaliou for appendieiiis. lia- uiccessfully passeil the crisis ind is exoecled lo recover.. LIP READING USED BY DEW PEOPLE Club In Toronto Formed to, Give Instruction to Those One of liiose coinpat.tlivcly little know it' oi au iat mil s whieb are iloftip' f-'iiiid service in Ibis city is ihe -Toronto Lip-lleadiiiK Miib, which ti i u i -t lo make life easier fur those suffering from a lack of or indifferent hearing. says the Toronto (ilobe. This club was orkatiizcd fixe ears at'o, and al preseul has a paid- up membership of about eighty. Tliroiivli "1 hi Kenerosily of Hie board of education liii-readin insli trclion ;js'?'iveh in Ihe Wei-leslcy- I'liblic, School every Mon day aflrrtiikm ;imf every Thursday eveiitr.'.' No charge is made upon any afflicted one for this IcnchiiiiK. ami Ihe iuslnichiis and ansistiints frive (heir services frei of rhavtse. In aiblilion there is a Midi uiuht in the Y.W.H.A. eauh Monday. Al present the of. ficitils ate drawing alleiiliou to their work in Hie hope oj obtain-in? help from persons who are willing to talk, so that those en-sriU'cd in studying , lip reading may have as varied an experience as possible. II has been noticft-alile (hat lite same students continue their attendance al Ihe club wilh unfailing regularity, recog-tiizing as they io Hie fuel thai this science is lireaking Hie great silence in their lives. I. II. Hlake, inecliaiiical engineer ror the Forest Hrancli, relumed lo Victoria on the Prince Huperl Ibis iiioriTitit' after liiivinx spent a collide of days in the city. Advertise in I lie ?aily Xcw PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, February 27 llish t:C a.m. -Ml. I fl. 10:111 p.m. I H.I " Low lo: 12 a.m. i.7 " l:5l p.m. 5.0 " Saturday, February 28 Hlah ..... r:(M5 n.m. 111. I fl. 17:37 p.m. K'.r. " Low 1 1 :.'tfi a.m. 5:7 " V3j3C p.m. 7.3 " Sunday. March 1 IliL'h ...... 5:5I a.m. I8.0 fl. 1 8:3 1 p.m. 1 5.2 " Low "-.ill p.m. 0.7 " Monday, March 2 lli'h 0:IK a.m. I7.I fl 20:02 p.tu. ll.i " Low 0:23 a.m. . " 13:30 p.m. 7.1 " SOCIETY WOMAN IS NOW BANKER IN LARGE INSTITUTION I i illnfortunato In Marriarje Sho Turns, to Fvlnanco.asa' Pro- j " Fesslon i NKW YOUK, Feh. 27.J Tlie re- inaikable rise in finance of Mrs. William l.aimbeer is Ihe chief topic of discussion by .evvoii;! ociety. From a sociely woman who had never done a stroke of work asi wase earner until fwelvi -years ago, .slo-.!iail ad- Minced I; a posilioiriJtL Ihe Xa-' lional City Hank oFXew'WV., where 'slie will Ik; Head of Ihe Womcirs Hanking Deparliuent in charge of all business "done by Hie hank with women. Mrs. I.aiinbeer assumed a Iiiih- iness career after her 'husband, a Wall Street broker, was killed in! an automobile accident on Long! Island and the responsibility ofj caring for her three children was i thrust upon her. -She began in :i ; position a little above that of r ' clerkship and steadily advanced lo Hie rank of executive in thrji first billion dollar commercial mnk in the I'.S. A popular debutante as Xat- iialic Scltenck, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Spot -wood I). Sehcnrk. of Xevv York and .Newport. Mrs. I.aiinbeer bad mail v suitors, but her first marriage 'was Willi Cap- lain Charles (ilen Collins, who served wilh the IJriljsh arniv in the Sudan and Hoer Wars. They were married jn .Monlcrry, Calif., and spent their honeymoon in Honolulu. They separated later ind Mrs. Collins obtained a di vorce. A child was born ! Mils marriage. Captain Collins later had dir ricully wilh Ihe law. lie last fi'.Mireil in newspaper dispatches in I'.Ua when he was acipiilled of! charges of a gem swindle in lliiinbay, India. Mrs. I.aiinbeer is Ihe first wo- man lo heroine ail oliicer o I lie National City Hank. Her rise has broken cenliiry-uld tradition oT a conservative bank. NOTICE. I.N TIIF. MATTLII OF A!X AITI.ILATIoN fur the Issue of a rresb Lerliricale ol title rur Lids llilrl '30) and thirty um 4 3 1 1. block acvwi (7. Section rite (' Lily or Prince ltii-rl. Map Sallrarlory pnior of the lo-s and dc slrurtiuii or Ihe Irrtiricate of title rovef-Inir Ihe atxve lanils bavlnp- tx-en produced 1h lue li is my Intention lu Issue, arier the expiration of one iihhiIIi from Ihe flrt pubMcalloii licreof, a fresh Lcrtlflrale of title In Ihe name or Kdward II. 1'ierrc for the said land, wblrli t'rrtiflcatc ol lllle Is dated Ihe 3Ulli June 18LI. and Is iHimberel 3tfl I. II. F. MsClKon. Iteirlstiar of Titles, land Iteirlslry Ufrice, prince llupcrt. ILL. tannari' Join IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III the Mailer or the Administration Act: ami III Ihe Mailer or Ihe Folate of Cbarlc Later. Oeceaxil, lnteale. TlkL .MiTll.F. that bv Onler or III Honor F. Mill. Vonnir. made Ihe llli day or Fibrnary, llJ.".. I was appointed Administrator of Ihe estate or the laie Lhailcs l over. ( ami all parlies jbaviiijr claims airainl the said estate art linn'iF,, niuiitii lu iitriuii rsue-, r.i perly veririisl to Iih-. mi or Itcrorc l: day id March, IVii. anil all parlies indebted to Ihe said estate are rcipilrcd lo pay Urn amount of llwlr liideblcliiess ti me foi III Willi. MiltVIW A. WATT, Adminlslralor. I'rlnee llnierl. II .' . Ino it Oils j I t ila v of February. I Hi ', IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In Ibe Mailer or lit- Administration Act. and III the Matter or IIm- L.lale or V. Wakl inolo, teccaed. Intestate. TAKI MiTILi: that by order or Ills Honor. F. Melt, Vouiiy. made the l;th da or February, Vi. I was appolnlcd Ad liilnl-lralor of the elae of the lale Y. Waklmoto, deceased, and all parlies biivtmr claims atralnst the said estate are hereby required to Fu nil -Il same, pro M'rly veriried In mr. on or befnre st day or March. I !... and all parties In dcbled to Ihe said eslale are required to pay Ihe amount or their Indebledness lo me forthwith. MHIVIVX A. WATT. Official AdmlnMrator. ITliM-e llnierl. ILL. Paled this st day or February. v 3 - . I0' WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matineo, 3 p.m. "THE WHITE MOTH" The French llte.itie on screen! A i t ion of Hie I'm isiiin pl.t house uf lod.n i , liiiul Ihe scenes finin Hie Tall of the i in i . TJie scnsulioiinl romance of a Parisian -the glamour of nighl lite in the City ol 1, Hal ties, Arlisles 1'ftl) l.eanlifnl ilan-ing y tier Latin ami u slufy d umlyiiig love II, t of Ihe iuiliiiirUils, a re hut a few of Ihe m Dial go to make ii lhi gorgeous, speel.i. one that will liiiig.ieinaiu in I In- niPniorv I' inniaiice where iriU are high wlicie Come nieel Ihe While Moth daiu ing i !" g city in the world. Dislingiu-heil casL Specialty Dance Spider and Moth, by Barbara La Marr and Charles de Roche MACK SENNETT COM E1Y -"SMILE, PLEASE." Admission 50c and 25c. Spring is Phone 645. Here!! LADIES OF PRINCE RUPERT i ill a I'e , ii 1 1 rd i Spring and Summer HATS i . We have just received a.lac-'e Inpmc lUCMiilin shades iiin! -lyb See out w i , We have also n rcivrd o la;ge sTuiip iiml House ri'ses. the prii-e ni whnh w piinhuser. JABOUR BROS., LTD. 7th St. and 3rd Ae. GET IT klfoi -GROCERS PHONE 586 ' BULK COCOA a ln. for 25c uev ' spa 3 Diningroom Suites at a Bargain 8 Piece Hardwood Suite 8 Piece Fumed Oak Suite 9 Piece Hardwood Suite 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher I WTTITilsgrtlin IBiWrMaaTi $100.00 $120.00 $130.00 phon 20