ii . 1 -("' ' I: LICENSE ' 105. f.-.iriiP',T THE DAILY NEWB PAGE FIVE NMtNT kCJ'lndpDmdmi Owner nn AWe .tiLICTION ron 1 ..w. u VI I1UUOUII . .i riven '.:... "n t IwrrM ii..iiriuil i. mil iiw hi "n"ln" UK- i-ll'ior (o.roi ,. alf-n 'Z..J..., i.i nrrmlMMi -v..... imi iimr 2, it BUI"" '"'""'J- """-.;:,.- one (1). l'rtnrtl ., Tun deweHcil In the imi' .:. ... im nn- or rriniv -in "'7.r ' , r.Ir the tale a nonilMTl'tl ' '....T nmi "ii itw P-?!l.rv ' rASLEY. V ,: i. MB,.a....i. i"! . . -.mmii- i innnR ACT. OF APPLICATION FOR BEER a it) 4-n St iftUt! H' S r n tbal nn the .... . t in1 miiM'rm iiitii , r . ----- . . i. .4. - : .ii'ihii ''.!.l. "I II, hi-rail. vmit. I... 4 r..r 4I44f'pi H Bl lit1 fonwr l - in ihi ;J.y tr 1 . .t....i ma I ..I ",- ... thlrtrf' . ' i ' ii . 7p,i 11 . . ,.,., ioiiiuI II til ft A(- in v I i' '"-i' u , i iss .in.! ifristry or-cnti'i luipert and lb ii nf beer by r iir .nm hnlllr fr mil-' .In in . .44. is n. B.C.. till till IKTEn BI.ACk'. rw.f mm dunmr uf ntral llulrl, UH'lliint ...piiv i inunD pt I 11 L. 1 1 1 talWV1 ---- Lictn hpn-li vii Itial on tl- r ..- 14. ,1 4A Ill4ll4f4llirn444j inr uqiiiir i.umrni if ; 1 I I" pr'llll4MI ni li uk- fcinittn t : i';r i 1 1 nr I'rliicr n uih iiiliiniMa. lit: (If i! i l "i iiHir- i : .'ii . in iiiuck M lull I, IIP i I. CU c i in rrtt- jn Hi : -iti-il In ili Un I l 1 i 4!lll.. ,i ". n. . tiu f.ih Ml:.-. ASS, m nos. Jlamr 1 mil l.'Wr if .Nf- J'.inli!" HnlPl. Iinil'litt FOR SEER i n tint on tin-i v Its. illxlpr-lril.Ml v i iqimr r.nitlrol t -Itp-'i ui friuli.i Hf I. linn lnvmn m til tlx roriifr r it Afniiit In llw i IP " ' 1'iiii'tnrp tit . i tiu lind. dpsrrlli-na iwi'ivi- tn , Siviitin i iw I" - i iri'iirilinr In nl ttif i liy of C .lir-ffl '.is:i. fur OtP I In llf WI i .in inp pppniii4M. ii.' iiu ioih ?Pfl. an-nrdlnr lo a it) lliinr.ll.. It ih. '" 11 tin l.llt nf I'rliw-. lil lM-lt, IT.iUni'i' nf :ii,iu llie iMmK dp. U IS ,i,( fr, k thirtr iIiipp f I'rini-p llniM-rt, n 'lip - , r . I. "r eian II I .... I 4. ' . : 1 111141 III II.. 4 - . . . '" b ;Ip r .1. .v ' .rniiiillijll ui ini' "I I' f .,... 14 ... . ii' ii p,..' '' n' n"i m .IK and A. nsilKlt. M.....ia-1-o. and lrnrltni avoy IIO.Pl. Annllranl. i-lVUUH ACT. OF apsi I....... i i,r'"Jn FOR BEER ''p. that nn Dtp II II ih .i t . , . . i i .r i" ' "a in riiiiit. ' ii. n ' !!,M!n H"' iniid- dp- 4 Mllll : tl,. 4V . ill tu..L."' "IH'P lllllu-rt I mill ''"iiil.a r, ',. SJ"". I'rovlnre nf "f b lb .... "ppr by 1." 'I" t.r..i .ul r,'r ' ' and Manarer, Abnlieant t MguOR ACT. OF 11 1...... . i jri.T.L'WN FOR BFTP nf ..... "? wn Hint nn il,. i nrxt III imu LL'i "I'l'lV 114 Ik.. .. ' " "Hill II lli"n. "lunr Control II tir l. " "I'l'l-l 111 lata.ttild.k, ion i, .. '"Mil llir kn..a. in, i.i ... " a .""""ii i:i.,.i..: i l l-ort i iu4 .. iii- ininiiiii. rt .... .. "." . ' lllllllliln .. .""I I I'l iiluii ' ' . . 1 . blni k roriv- Day mountain close to bmithers Have Number of Good Prospects VlVntli u.r Si'rie of Articles on Mining in HMkley Valley, Iweil imi Smilhers Hoard if Trade report' Wlini J. F. , lliilhif purchased a number nr. mineral claim imi lliidsoy Hay Momilaiii ami caused a sensational flurry in (lie mining industry of this district, wliirh was later declined It. collapse suddenly owing to the sudden hnldovu of the Fcd-eral Company, he did not secure all the good prospects Some of the propertivs were not desired and others could not ,V secured. Among the latter was the Victory Min,. victory mine Adjoining 1 1n Mntnie mi tlio north js Hie Victory (.roup, own-, ed liy Donald C. Sini'"i. This hanl-workinir jirospeelor has, silifrJP-dtallileil, ilevrloped 'iii have hecii discoereil in LAND ACT. Notlct el Inttnt.on to Applr to PirchM Und. In -kipiu Lund li-iri.-l. Irlnr lliiTt .n-rnnllnit OUlrli'l, and siluale on iKliintl in skifiia lllver liiiimtliatH)' mmiiIi ..r Salu TAki .notice that Uniirla" S. Clarke ur mirnaliy. Il.r.., nrnipaumi SalmiiaH. Inl. lu apply fur rintlon 14 ur-ihe lite Pill.. win nVwrlhiil land: jiiiuiM-nriii ai a Mit iilmnrd un lit i-iklci-ly mmI f IhP lland rvlwr Imnrc-itiau'l) m.uiIi ut .-.aim- Ulaml. Mid rlakp trliit plaiiiixl al Hip i-itrriiM- i-al end or .1.4 I.UnJ M..y ......4......... - 1 1 ... 1 .4 I.J ... ... I --444 1-444 4 4... MIHf 1 I Ul IIK S ll( I4.J '".f?''1 '"if lhitHl. Tlil i-UtvP i i.Uniml 41M1 yanl r0RTO.'. aiiil Manairpr t llmal llouL. Apit.lratil, hhilht l in. inn nn-r API .CATION LICENSE. X W W ' 1 n W . FOR BEER ,' r -n tl.it nn Hip i E t Mil niidprnlirnpil :.i I tqimi i;itntml ' " ' 1 ! mnlM , '-f Ir iiimir kimwn n a hut t hup, in rt ?tii-ri, "mvitire nf i ttip land dr-. " ' 11 and roiirlpfr I .'Pi'tlmi Iliu4 i i dlrwily Miiith nr salvuii Slam.n and n-laliiii tin- iiamr IKiuilaa S. Clarkr. and maknl l ir'nl TlKmia Mills, ami run-lalnlnr :imi arrt. more nr le. IMM nl.AS S. CLAnkE, I'rr A rent THOMAS MILLS. Dated January l?ih. !. COAST LAND DISTRICT. REGARDING DISTRICT OF COAST. TAkE NOTICE thai parinr Mill. Llm-Hod, nf VaiuMiiivrr, llrlllh (Uiliimlila, I'ulp and l'aiur Maimrariurpm, Iiiuik.b lo apply for a W-aw nf llir (nllnwlnr dporrlbnl landit. in i.ihki riKtrlrt. liana s. In Hip IT'iUnre r Unti-h i niimilil... and lwinr a walrr In I nil I hp U'-t i(1p nr C.mih III lit. nmiv Mirtli'iiUrl.v U' "rilK-rt an f"l- ifumixniinr al a (xiat rvlantfd nn Mrh IhIp Utu on IhP pI jImii-p nr i nii-ln Inkl diiain Miuthprljr ilniir miik Sim rt. fmni thp mmihpaot pnriipr r l-l 1 1 S3, cna.t DMrlrl, Itanirp S; IIipiipo north (SriPF.r... a dlnlaiiri' nr ,&no ft., liinr or Iihi in itm ntluat i-nriipr r Watpr Uit tlx: ilipiwf nnrib Crtcr.SC'W. l.n iHibprnl ; for t hp aalp nr O" MUOh Inmiiilary or said ualrr I" I 1160. tla II f: T l I- llw tllpl ImiIIh tM-l l: M l. me iiiii4-4-i .,m.ilir IT . . ! riiMwr nr aald M kit 1 nun. 1 AO - llii lllcnrp .irp ml rollowlna 0 Ilia :n Ii' ,-t, b.c. MP NY IIVITEO. n- Manarrr. AnnltPani UCENSEN rR BEE" t n that on lh 11 ir midpmlriMil i;.e l.lqimr Cnntrnl , ii... "'. "' 1 pri'iiilp thl r.ih i Ibp blah 01p Hop hMitbrrly a dl.tam-e i.r 4,41 . a, .nM ... I.. - I.. Ilia lu.lnl nf i-niiiinpiirriiipnt. rirtiUinlnx TO arrp nmrp or Ip.-i. DM I II January tub. (OfS -Cinc MILLS LIMITED, lly JAMES II. I.AWSON. Ail4atit Socrplary, III! .atand.ird Hank llulldlnr. sio lliln sum-pi. Wpm. Vanrnnvpr H GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER MiTICK l brp')v irtveii thai on tb Jib dnv or Mari'L npt Hip lniilPnlFiKHl intPiids in a.tjMy in Urn Linuur Control Unnru fr a jl.ime in i-omippi to n-inisi Im-iiik pari or thp biilbbnr knowi a I'rlniT lmiM-rt lloipl, -Mlonlcil al Ibi' rnr-n-r nf sn'ond Avpiiiip and Sixth Slrwl, In l!i Cliy nr IMitirp tliiH'rt. CrnvliiPP nr lirllWi CmIimiiIiIi. iihui llm land dp siTlbPil n l.ntv thlrlpi'ii (t and foiirti-pn (t(, In ll'oik I'lcvi'il (II,. Section our '1). Ill the niv or ITlm lliipprl. anord-.na In a rffWIrrPd man ftr plan rtppmlii'd in th Land liptrimry orrirp at th Clly nr Prlni-p lini rt and iniinbiTPd . Tar VIip ap of Imi-r by Hip arlasa or by the n"l bnitlp for iMinounptlon on lb prrmlp. Iixtlo ai rniirp iiuppit, B.r., thi eih day or February, lfif. I'lUNl K Itt l'KIIT HOTEL C I Ml' A. NY, LIMITEIl. Prr: II II. nnrlii'Mcr. ManaFPr, (ppliraiit GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF AePLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. WiTICR H hiTPbv arlven that nn II Jth ibiy nr Marrb next. Hip iindprlriiil IniPiidx lo apply to he l.liur Control Hoard Tor a limiro In 1'cnpi'rl of premise bi'luif imrl nl tbe tmlMlnir known a The llarsporl Hotel. tOiiatrd In Hie lawn or HaVMHirl, B.C.. upon Ibe buid ileaerlbed n l.nn rilivvihree (13' and firty-four (SI), In II loek eleven (II). aeeonlmit to a reiflmered map fb-pnulted In Hip land llealalry Orrire, at llie Clly or Prlnee liupert. inr llie sale or liet-r by Ibe ! or by tlie njn'ii jKitlte ror eii.iimllo m Hie prf-tulseK. HXTI O at HaVKport, n.C tbl ttlh day or I'elirnary, t W t . (MIIS.) M. A. ni'l'tl, Owner and Manarrr or Hays-porl Hotel, Atipiiranl NOTICE la hereby itlven Hint on nr I lifter Die tvih iliiv or Marrll neil, Ibe ..- ' nS RhllUll .... n I HI..I....I......I . .....I., im Ilia I Iflllnr u ininri i.iii ii mil -iiu in nii ii in" ii .7 "r ii an ,i ; . ."'f drv orrirl ? "'""'llPd In (Uiiilnil uniira ror a lleen-e In reei- nr "fl. und I..,,, "'In. Cy nrf Premlea lirtii mill nf the bullitlnr known ' r Ift "X lb ii,. .1,..,. "'il " '"'I, for the as Oiirni, Unlit situate on Ijit . Mall) 'ruirrTr.'-M X .' ibi, ,li nd'KnJaer Clenienia HnlPl. AppllciRt, GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF .APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. Ktt'eet. Miu.il Ooeen rhiiilnlle liUniH, In Ibe .provlnee or HrltMl Columbia, tor ine nie nr tieer by Hie Fiima or n.v i" oiN-n ixiiiie ror ponsuinplniti on nw prr- INI1II4. Haled llil- tnih day or February, I OSR Mils m. i. nii.n.. Owner, Appllcaut drift sh.iws Hie Ilfferenl i.arls of the six tdainvswa,, a,av. fvoin (n lie ..I i.,... eonipnsiiiK he jxn.u,,. The aI z., ,,,,,, M ,,. ,,., strike f mnsl or ll.ein. Is nearly zill(. o3 )(.,. C(Ul diieclly np and down (he monn-l iusi ,..,..;,., (,f )(.f. w.l?) lai..i.le. Mlver and lead values UlUu , , SllUIIl , wUcU pCNliinnnale, !,ul R. and .inc ,((. lim. .-nnnected hy a We also fre.,ne.d. Ileside open!Wiwll M ,,,ailf am , cnU ami str.pp.ng. tunnels have;f(lVj.r , . .,Vajl ,ir heen . IrHen on tlnve of H.o AlU f w- frm X. 2 ,u,.-leads, llimiiih mnsl of Hie workiM,.i has lten rml un Nn. J vein on I he Victory claim. This Jias been established ,y means of open cnls and four drift tunnel for a distance of 1.50H feel in length, ininerilza-Ihtn liiiviiis IIiioihkIioiiI. Tlie hitrlii'sl altitude eslahlislied is Hlfiiil feet Hbove the lowest that of No,- I tunnel. The Iriri tunnels have a total lenstl. of Aer 250 feet and Ihrousliont the whole cii:IIi or all or tliem ore is show'inp. eice)d for t part of No. I tunnel. llecenl work ha been elderly on No. 2 tunnel where a cross-cut from the main Mr. Simpson is an ullra-canny Scot wlfo bus rejected a number or very templing urfers for his properly. Coronado The Coronado Oroup of crowiu tr ra ii I (d claims, cool rolled by 11. oral years ajro. King Tut South of the Uuthie Oeorpe Charllon carried on some development last summer for himself and co-oxvners on Ibe iliiniiiiiny: Hint (.roup, two claim" adjoining the epper end II II M-l... .....ir. The Amiens Oroup (four for the past Ixvo years with en rouragittg results. Pacific. Oroup of Ixvo claims, owned by llolhrook and llnxx-att.1 These adjoin tlie Henderson on its lower end and may have .oinething of value on Ihem. Not much work has yet been done, lliuiwh the claims have now been located Tor sixteen years. Alice Croup of Alex. S. Millar and associates. Short tunnels have Keen driven on Ibe vein hut values are not yet proxen. Oroundhog Croup of three, claims, owned hy Alex. S. Millar and pari tiers. There is n promising hnxing on lheseA. Peler Xielson'i claim located by himself and parlners in 1023. Mr. Xielson Is a hanl-wdrklng and determined pro'perlor who Is doing a Int. of work In prove up his properly. AH of these have been greally handicapped-by lack of finances for development, each having to rely on his oxvn very (limited resources. With more work done pome of these may show sur prisingly good values. Silver and lead ate the chief minerals of value found In most of them. ODD NAMES IN POSTAL GUIDE Colorful Collection with Saints, Indian Places and Noted . Men Featured OTTAWA, Feb. 2.7. ,e names of Canadian piuM oMIce.i r-'iven in the Hiuiual Pnsliil (iuide make up air inliresliny and colorful collection of word. The iiiosl( atieieut cifies (if the Orient and main- of llie fiiniims T t i r. H t jellies' hav iWir Nninlerii;i-i in the twenty-five feel in (vidlh, iniiier-l," Canada , , and " V are 2n" ' listed in '' 1 ' 03 0.'i0 nlicl all way aoros,, and '"'""V i,r" ,',,,"",," ''"" ' wi.lenin as i. ,.,, ,,..wn. On , on., wnil Mii.ui' .. ""'' "r "sinlr" raiifr.iiK f,i II I I il .- . . ' NMUHII1K III llie elites Ill r .'.I.i. v.. 1 "-"" V Vails , is a guild rade nf milling re years. In all. ten mineral.,! 01,. i(( w-mi Hirer feel if on. nn Ihe KxceNior, Mines, Canuck. the Mill of ,t. .liihii. X. j. and Saull Sle. Atarje, lo lln ijMv crossroad-, sf.ations Uf rural (Jue- lll5. Aulhors and poetis claim many nominal honors in Canada. Here are some of (lie names of tlM places hearini,' the names ot writers: Kipling, Ontario; Kin-lake. Ontario; liyrorf'lsl.mil. (Jue-1"; Itrowiiinjr, : Saskatchewan ; litiskin, M.C.; liickens, Ontario; Ilronle, Ontario; .Shukespeare, Ontario; M or ley, Alberta; Tol-slui. .Manitoba; .Millnn lli-ihts, Ontario; and .eull, 1 Mimas and lrinkwaler, all iiKaskateliewan. The names of ('auadian writers are ued for sitme places, for example: Connor Crrefc, Alia ; Par ser, Onlario; amlTimpmuii, .as- .i. .wcimiineii in Mewarl, was ..,,. ,,.., id e lhrou,-l,o,, I u3 1 n,U a o. stiver-lead properly cloe ( ll.,vwi.sl , ,.lV(. rfntf (lf 0)lillliMtl len.lerson. fr.n, which somej,,,,,, ttWrosktim ror .exa.o,.le, lh --n"1 " "l'l'll 'v- 'following .eommui.ilie.s re lo lie found in Saskalebewltii: Forward, Sucr'es, Ciiiies!, and adjoining Ihem, is the KiiiKj Cities of th,- ol, world with Tut Oroup. located by MilS;iu counterparts in Canada are llolhers in 1U2J. limine lJ'2i Khartum, Out., Khedive, Sask.; Ibe owners carried on an ap- Cairo, Out.; Troy, Out.; Alex-(S.esive program of develop-;anilria, U.C.: Helhes.la, Out.; menl until loppe. by lack iiriAlhens. Out; Iteiilah, X.H.; and furllier finanves. The main I j,h uji X.S. shovyiutr is f siher.lead ore inj soine of the uiiri'siial: miineRi a vein tnieij io nve iih-i hi wi.iiii. ,,,v: leinperunw Vale, X.M.; A forty -fixe fool- shan opens up rempcranc Ville, Oat.; Spuzzuiii, an ore-body assaying across six Kraser Vallev. H.C.: SkookUm- inches $200 per Ion. all ... willies, . ;lcbuck, ll.C.; Sea 1or Cove X.lt.; 1 I II A - aim miiii'i-uii.imoii aieurs t jvn,.,,,,,.,., Sask.; Hmeka. X.S. acniss me remaimier or llie lean. , .n,iomy. X.S.; (iaiiv; Hunch, the vein is proven ror a Icnslli ;riboo; Xiylilinale. Alia; Color r.OOll feel by open, cuts, this ,ll;4t a, j(, naV- ,.c. i Mian, and a short ilrift Tunnel, . . . though ore is not encountered at fJITRIlij DIMV TAAT nil noints where work has been nUItlAil D1LLI UUAl done. . Humming Bird j IS THAT KIND OF FAN William Allan White's Newspaper Castigates Person Who Steals Bible for Puzzles K.MIH)HIA, Kan., Feb. 27. The II III" iii-inu-rsirii. i in- in. mi . . I'.mporia Oaelte, ,..-.i William Allen ,i ... .... ,. s iiiwms' is ii a vein xx Inch the . : .' ii. Hwners claim to lie. a continuation of the Henderson lead. This is shown up on the surface Hy sexeral open cuts and ore assaying 5o to .0 per ton in silver iiii.l I.,. I lmt liniMl fittmi! tip. tii.:i-.' . . . i I .HHHHHHHBHHIHHHHHHHIIH. of I he most yuIikmI luniks of CONAN DOYLE OPENS 'library a dictionary, a con-) icordanre, and a Itible. Vx'hile lias frequently voiced opposition lo llie cross-word puzzle craze '"' 'ns-xx-ord addicts veloomenl has nol in oceeded xery far as yet. Other Claims for Ibe theft. The Oazelle, in announcing tin1 loss of IJic books anvs : Other claims on this part of, ... .vho .vilI ,. Hud-ion May .Mountain on wliicli iiona.y js eiilerprisliit' and there the owners uui smaii scaie u.- jH ,ll(1,f. frtP ,,., . man who will xelopment xxork in I0:M include: s)ial a ,.0.M.dam.,. js. a hair- jhung and breeze-shaken sinner elaims. or It. h. Oale. A vein es. ,w( js dancing on the sulphur l.'ihlished for 10110 feel on the surface liy open cuts ami de- ous fume or a four-letter xvord t meaning Ottawa, Kan. Hul a velnped by a short tunnel shows Ummm ,,nlv wlf, wi eilhn ' I"""1 " iuaa.-.-.. 'wtltk ,r Wilh Ibe llible for no inches or ore. 'nobler reason than lo jel aid in John Watt's claims near the ifM,,v,njr ,.,.ossworil ,lUZ,,.s ia a Victory Mr. all is -Mine. iVn,.mnil w,M.,.t. 1is ,.ail,s w.,.n,, carer.il prospector who has been , .,..,.,,..., ...... ,.u dex eloping a group or elaims . . . helxveen a five-let ler word meaning civef ' cat and a fighting xvord meaning a number of things. BILIOUS AND SICK HEADACHES ARE CAUSED BY CONSTIPATION Onep you allow ynnr bowel to heroine mnslliiiOeil ymi will lipeoine troubled with billoiet and Kirk heiutarhe, and for relief yoll must bel your liver to remove tbe poliniimi hlln Hint H rlrrulalinr In the blood and upsetllnir Hie entire biliary .ays-tern. For t lit- p'pn, there l no other remedy lo eual MILBURN'S r LAXA-LJYER PILLS Mr. L. 0. .Netlienolt, ft. 11. Nn. I, Crliuii, Onl., writes: "I awruUy lioiibleil with eoustlpiiUnii. and Kirk and lillknH bradaehet aeeonipniiled Willi eevere vniniiinir epetu which made in very mlseruble. 1 irled ilirrerent remedlea, wllliwit relter, but slure Uklnir l.axa- Uver I'llls ibe lieadarbea and ron"tiiuton have disappeared, ami I nm xerV Htnnkrui ror what tliey bnvn diuie lot nt." For wile at all dinarlM ud dealera: put up only liy Tbe T Mllburii Co., Llm-tied, Toronto, Ont, The Universal Radio TWIST of the wrist and the radio fan covers miles. A simple turn of the dial and he gets a bit of jazz here, a lecture there and perhaps a vaudeville act somewhere else. Hundreds of things are continually being broadcasted for his amusement and edification. But radio, or no, don't Jorget the many things jully as interesting and Jar more Vital to you are being broadcasted daily in this paper for your personal benefit. ' Your messages always come clear. The condition' of the air doesn't concern you. From the depths of your own armchair you listen in on the doings of the World. You know what is going on everywhere, almost as events happen Turn to the advertising columns and you are transported to the grocers, the clothiers, the music shop. You visit the factory of a manufacturer or talk with the maker of a new household appliance that will save you work. And remember, too, that merchants and manufacturers who put their advertisements in this paper are progressive and dependable. THEY MUST GIVE GOOD VALUE. They know that advertising, by increasing the number of their sales, enables them to lower prices and give you more for your money. The advertisements are broadcasted for you Listen in BOOKSHOP IN LONDON Will Sett Nothing There but Psychic Literature and to be Distributing House LONDON, Feb. 27. Sir Arthur Oman Doyle nol only xxrites books nowadays, but he sells Ihem. Sir Arthur has opened a bookshop across tbe street Trom Westminster Aldwy and has taken oxer .active management of Ibe slock, which consists entirely or psychS? rllefatlire. Xot even the "Sherlock Holmes" best sellers xvill he slocked. The shoo has been called the "Psychic Hookshop and Library " and xvill be .used principally a a distributing house Tor pamphlets and books dealing with spiritualism. WHERE PLANES FLY BELOW SEA LEVEL l.OSr ANOF.l.F-S l'''h. 27. The lonely wastes of Death Valley, end or the trail for a legion of hardy cinisraol.s in the days of gold and the grave of many an adventurer even today, recently witnessed the turning of a page iii tin? history of aviutinr. xvhen three Hockfiebl Field, San Diego, aVialors, under command of Col. Harry" Oraham( piloted their planes over the valley 205 feel below sea level. At lime the planes traveled long distances about 10 reef above Ibe ground, al a speed of 100 miles an hour. IMPORTANT JOKE Teacher Why are you an Into? Pupil Fill her ,wanj.eil mo ul ''" ligmo. - Teacher Wnuiilu I someone else have done Pupil No; he was 'siVittg rnr' a rpanking. CANADIAN PACiriC WINTER Steamship Service 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT nail from Prlore IU perl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, inleruiedlate Mlnta each Friday t.uu a.m. For STEWART and ANY0X THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" leavaa PRINCE VANCOUVER., via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. . .. Wednesday, 11.00 pjn. RUPERT fortnlghtlf lor PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, 8ATURDAV, 5.00 p.m. for Prince Geurfe, EOHOItTON. WINNIPEG, an point Eastern Canada, United State. AOENCV ALL OCEAN 8TEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlca, 528 Third Am, Prlnca Rupart. Phon 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagyvay February 23. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle February 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, .11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Satllnra rroin Prince Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaaaon Bay, ana Alart Bay, Tuaaaay, S PJ. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. Fee ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. Far ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Canntrlaa, Friday A.M. 123 2nd imo. t. Baraalay, Agent Prince Rupert, B.Cx Advertise in "The Daily News"