PAGE TVfd Rich in Fragrance SALADA Two Distinct The Daily News .IMUNCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMA Views; On Protocol. ' Cannot Afford To Mike Plunge. II W22 has a flavor unsurpassed. Fresh, pure & satisfying. Try it. Black, Green or Mixed Blends. IMbTishe'd Every Ariernoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and .Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH ,'cincsday. Mar. ifi, 1925. A World's Leap In The Dark. On this page I an outline of Hie- 21 articles or the famous Protocol which Britain recently refused to accept. He-fore Hritaia's action ome or her writers had lieen urging I hill she refuse to become a party lo il. .1. L. Oarvin, the famous journalist, writing in the London Ohserver, said: ' This is the -astonishing scheme which has staggered faith in fieneva as now conducted, (irandoise, logical, and futile, the tiling is like a plan of the Abbe Sieves for the government of the world. "Arbilrnlion, Disarmament, and Security" become Messed words and sounding incantations' with no more relevance to fact than had "Liberie, Egalite, Frnternile" in the French Revolution. Every principle declared in theory is perverted lo I he opposite in practice. The ilortiri.fent is stamped all over by the military and Continental mentality of Paris and Prague. It ignores the conditions 1f the. 'English-speaking world, and bears no Iraire or the English-speaking mind. IHlerly overmatched, the British delegation was .a cipher in ,lhe decisions' which framed Ibis contrivance. It commits the British Empire at its own glaring peril and with a lion's share ui nothing but loans anil expense to the unlimited, task ot helping one half of Europe to. hold down the other' halt. We are invited to ei'iRaire beyond recall all we have and are in the egregious enterprise tit trying to crystallise unchangeably the status quo of It) ill and siereoiype lor evc UK' -S:fauies map oi r;iirope - (Mod judges difrer; qiialirietl doctors disagree. Amend menl is difficult; delay luckily inevitable. We nipsl all set our selves to think .it out. For ir we will not Ihiuk il right mil Willi thoroughness of mind and some patience with each oilier, Dot only wiJ there be Ho chance rr Ihis Protocol' as il unforIu: uatcly stands, but there may be no chance afterwards for a reconstructed pro Men or Mr a general agreement or any kind. There are tvo views. One regards the Protocol as a big, solid plan ir pence, enabling nil nations to know where they stand. The other view regards the scheme as a-world's leap in the dark Willi consequences abysmally -different from all that (leiievn desires. We are ourselves convinced, alter studying the new, Covenant forward and backwards again ami agaiuj thai ilie Protocol in practice would be fatal, either to the League or lo peace, but more probably to both. In nur judgment it -.spoils good principles by impracticable method; introduces some bad principles under specious names; mid represents a forced Interpretation or the original tJoveiinul straining the letter that killeth and Stirling the spirit thai was I he lire. Let us see on what plain counts this criticism is supported; - Absolutely Abolishes National Sovereignty. The Protocol absolutely abolishes nnlinnal sovereignty and seir-goveriitneut over the supreme issues of life and dealb, judgment and conscience; not lo speak .of Parliamenlarj- disposition of nur g Is as well as blood. The issues or peace and war won U! be taken out or the hand oT King and prliamenl. In circumstances impossible to foresee, we might be summoned to wage a war we (nought mad or had;, and a single vole hi Oen-eva could preveiil u-i from making (icare when we wished, how- ... ... .,1 a.. f. I 1 . . .i . . . . wi Miiuu ami ruinous; we4-migui uiiilK tlie prolongation 'Of con Hid. I his -menus the extinction dfl'ftHihnirutaiy IMVer'unii'lil and electoral control as regards (lie 'g'rnie!(ytitir)iojeV' fiirw'fifrfl represreiiiative: institutions ,nv(. ,ilherto existed. The women's vote, for instance, would no longer have any real iuriiience on the choice between war and peace. Under the new system our destinies would be removed Mr from nur own management. The House id Common in n crisis would be the firih wheel lo Hie iiilerniilioiinl coiu'li. 'Die Foreign Office would be a secondary and subordinate institution not only in a crisis, but at all times. Under Article 1 1 especially, our Riulgel would have to be t'rnrned. taxes levied, "credits" given n iMphemism for lost loans in acconlance -witti a policy automatically decided abroad. jiltlghieiil of Ilie ciren"hilanres urging, wlielher the "t"o H , i. . i io mill wll.'l ll,,.- wlliitl III JltSI tr IIIIJIISI, le "I nil"!-, " iin.i - ci ( war or ifol. In our time supernalinnal sovereignly will never be ... . . i. i i i - ii I rn inferred lo I lie League, wnien wn imiMiiini ny im- 'if'!"" Covenant lo he an international nicdiuin or A'nlniiMc.V Co-O'cra-lion, ami til Ibis stage ran only JnvaK itself, by attempting an over-riding supremac). (Mneva nniM uskr not order. . Tim Mother or Parliaments ami those worlil-sprend legislatures, her offspring, will weigh ami U-iU. Our grave, (inescapable commitments, like Hit' JiisMrie guarantee or Itelginm or the pnssj-lili! guarantee or France, including Alsace-Lorraine, must, be simple, necessary, few: drlibernlely contracted and universally intelligible. ' The Peace Protocol Complete Outline of 21 Articles Included Under Famous Document Recently Rejected by Great Britain Telegraphic tie" palches give only a short outline of what "is contained in the 'Tamous protocol tif peace and security winch flreal Britain rejected at the recent session of the League or Nations and Which has given rise to a great .deal of discussion. A further .and more complete summary is HOV to hand and will prove interesting to thosj- who study world affair. It con Mills 21 artfcles, all or which are summarized in 1 lie following: .', main , -. Preamble The -objects,- are in ensure tue, maum-niun -uf general ipearc ami tin- security of nations whose existence, inde pendence or territories may be threatened." the basts of a mullial jrinfranlee by the sig- League's effort A for pacific sel- s our lleinent: or refusing to comply polic woibI lie pooled, our whole finance would be subject. with an arbitral or judicial de- 1 lie JUnmi'iI would have power fo rail upon this roulitrvlclsion lo place ril disposal its' nnvy, shipping, army, nir force; nnd likewise its financial anil commercial resources. We would be bound to make "provision or raw mncriuls and silpblies of every kind": or credits, transport and transit Mr all ami sundry; while preserving the safely of sea-communications in the itite'r-esl of any idlneked and threnleiu'd Hlnle. - As we said i.isl week, iMs quite certnin Ihnl there would lie an irresisiible lemplnlior'l lu throw upon Ibis counlry far more of (he burthen nnd the cost II ..II.-.. .......I.I I. . I 'ii i .. ... an agressor il il lias previously sidimillod to the League any question which another state lias imiinlnined to be solely mini oiuer pro ne woniii iisk: nun uiai various o tier na on w III, in iu ,i,.,h. i,n-i.,iinii,,n would bo encouraged U go lo war at our nxpensc. ' Knr instance, on the nueslion o( Asiatic mjigrnlion the lTniled Slates nr Australia or .Bnulh Afl'lefl llllrrlil tin '4IM.ntll,riA.l in iw lit V..H.! --II. ...Ill 1...I j. : . .. oiimuk on cm in win iiiiiiue any srii-goveriiiiig comiiiuuily, an nggressor" if they had tc-i'n IhC Kiiglish-speaking world lo plunge blindly into these im- pejled' Ilie Inlerrerence of the mensurable and bottomless engagements. Flatly, we rah u()Lenguo" in thai Issue- while longer .at torn it. niuntiy, we win never no it. Hie product ori.lnfwin nr China or (In Ilie fu-pooplc who know nothing or (he KrigliMi-speakiug world audi hire India having invoked the will drive Ilie whole or il oiil of the League if (hey lire Hot morc'League would be non-aggressor' Ihoiighlfnl, tin; Protocol mi I he point of I'nrlinmcnlnry sanction! In nny event. ! is ns 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ns TiiIiiiiL linmeii 'l imieriileil InsliMinnuil i ill ni-ni-i li hm ... ...hi , .. I .. ... ,,v, M ii im-ii rimed upon iiy me be niVopMd unless nmendfil lo the poihl or rerognisiug that (lie! Cninicil )n aP ngninst an ag-(ioverniiM'iils ami Parlinniehls nf the Urilish Kmpirc, like (liosci grisor nil signatories shnll en-tif the United .Stales, shall mniliMiu (heir absolute conthd of.oprnle "loyally nnd effectively (heir own supreme mnllers, Iheir just influence upnii Iho arfairs In measures of war to the degree of Ilie world, mid shall determine. in accordance with (heir own 1 allowed by their "geoigraphieul j position'- ami "particular sttlfa- lion as. regard. armaments." IJJis-crcive co-operation- shall in'1 carried out not only by the coilr junction of naval, military ami aerjal forces, but also "by means nalories of their security audi or facilities ami reciprocal ex- pnsspsslnns, arbitration is to be I change as regards the provision! enforced in all disputes ami ilis-jnf raw materials and supplies of) armament promoted. (every kind; opening ol credits: j Vi llMi. I Tim isrnnlril'ies ' li'fiiiwinirt :iil Itviiwil " Villi, fur- I make a binding agreement that i (her, the summoned signatories Hie Assembly and Council of the League shall have ' full power to wield the supreme international authority conferred. .No war, except as ordered. by tin' League "In case of resistance to acts of agression," or in other circumstances held by the League to be a grave threat to security. World CourJ, Supreme ;i flie jurisdiction of the World Court at The Hague made compulsory to an extent fliied shall "lakiVaR jnoasures in their power to preserve tlie safely (if , communications' by land and by sea of the altaeked or threaten-' ed slate." 12- -The Li'a.uue for (lie foregoing purpose shall elaborate in advance all the economic and financial arrangements for cooperative war. 13 The co-operation of naval, military, and air-forpes sli.ill tie similarly pre-determined In a do-1 binding rorm urcordiug to eoin-Ipeteul slalT-plans. Hut immedi- '. ( Frames procedure fnr the airly I In League declares war. nVaceful settlement of all dis- particular coniMnalions, like -pule .whatever; and for the co- France Lillle KnteiiJe Poland, ercion of any resisting Stale. etc., shall be enlilled to attack 5 The Hague Court may with their whole force "in ac-(iver-rule. or tin' League may eordaiiee willi any agreements otherwise rhalltMigc, (he. conten-: they may previously luive con-lion of any stale that a matter rhided." in disniie is solely within thai1 1 1 "The Council shall alone 'tale's domestic jurisdiction. neWfnipelenl to declare that the (J When and how the assem- npiniralMn nf sanctions shall bly may fiiediafe ami decide iii-'ceiTse aiid iiiunfal cliri'ditinns be stead of the Conned. j re-established." i During any process or pa-i in The cost r the League-eific settlement no disputant war "shall he horiie by the ag-slate shall increase its anna-jgressor .Stale uy In the extreme nicnls nor take an' measure orlKiuH rtf its Capacity.' "industrial or economic mohili-j Ifl Stale which have not sation." Any stAle judged by a! sighed the Pmlofo, and are not two-thirds majority of the Oniu-! members of the l.casrue, vdiall Cil lo have violated this pro-, he Mviled in emergency lo suli- vlsinh, may he derlnred outlawed; in-il lo the procedure, laid down itnd subject to war. War Preparations, A Any signatory slate may accuse any other stale of "pre paration for war." If (he charge is held by a two-third majority of the Council lo be well founded, the accused shalT be ordered lo discontinue preparation on' pain of outlawry ami coercive war as in- article'"?;', 0 disputed zones - like (he ntilneland may lie. dinHii(.irsed ami placed temporarily Kr prrr innhenfly' uinler thV sovereignty in (ni "Aggressors," against whom all oilier signatories sliall eiimhiue are those who violate the Protocol by resorting lo hostilities or Infringing the rides laid down Mr a demilitarised .one like the niiineland; or Increasing nrmainenls during the Touches B.C. (b! "Domestic ueslfnns" 111 the rvelil of hostilities break- ing out, no stale shall be deemed ! and resort to hostilities against a signatory Jslale, lhe' shall be subject to the full force of League war. ('this extraordinary article could be invoked against the United Sfales, (ler-mitiiy, or IMssia tagainsl nny of them separately, or ngiililst . till three at onec. The, "Monrne I loclMne" respect ed iln Artlrtb I of the fioVeiinui, Js -Ignoied by Article 10 of Ilie PfoMcoh) l7-f;An Inleriialional; Conference, jail'' SjiiM. iiiprnbejjs nrliot, being' 'invited; shall meet at (iciievn to eonsider a prepared "general program fnr the reiluc lion and limitation or armaments." 1H The voles of parlies lo a dispute shall not lie counted when reckoning unaninlily or Ilie necessary majorily. Ill- The Covenant shall hold Pass It around alter every mcaL Oive the family the benefit of its old to digestion. Qeans teeth too. Keep It alwnv.i n the house, m ) 0 Costs little -helps much " t WRIGLEYS good exceot a expressly modified by the Protocol. 20 "Any dispute as In the interpretation of the present Protocol sliall be submitted lo the Permanent Court or International .lust ice." 21 The Protocol shall not route into force until a plan Mi Ilie reduction oT aruiauienls li.i-neeu adopted by the, Conference 'oiilemplaled in Article 17 : and if, .vithin slirh priod as the sum loiiference shall fix, the ailopfd dan tor the reduction or arum nenls lias not been carried oui tie Prolocal sliall be null ami old'. WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAQE TAK1-: NOTICK Ihnl MhihU Tlnilwr C.n i.liiilti'd, wlinf aiMn- l 70S Carl f I iiilliliiK, Vmii-nnvi'i'. ll. i;., will apply r i llrciirr iii take unit uw .ion wnlili- Iff ,or fnnil. nnd in slnic ?!l. arre-fi'' f wnlrr out tit stream known Ai liter, whirl! flow Kniilhrrly mil drum inn M.nrll Inlet, ahom one and ilf nines rmtefly from lluiklry i.i; Tile morare-diim fie lorald he niillel nr Mn Lake or at a tnl iiw I he Mid nutlet, to be; determined J. W. Seboonover, WATER NOTICE. one ltn. h H t 1 v rr niirvev have been made. The ranaru.v ir Ilie rirnlr In be rrealed l alioui . i.M. arre-reet, ami ll will flood ahont I.Silll afre or land. The ier Will be livened the utre.'hn at a tnlnl almui ! lolatloii of I he ftorare-dam, nainelv.i lie nutlet nf Aln Lake, and will be ued I or power and inilmlrlnl pnrpuseii upon I he land rterribed a l.m US? or on Lot j IU. Tht mnirp wa rxT'ieil on tin-1 .round on the J?lh day nf February,! Ui.'. A rnnv of ltil nnllee and an anlill atlon pnriia'nl therein and In the "W alef it. lt." win be riled In the nrriee of ne water Iteeorner at I'rlnee llmvort. 'hjertliinj In the appllrntlnn may he lied with I lie tali) W'aier Iteenrrier nr .vljn Ilie r.oniptrnller or Water lllfhtK. arllainenl ltiiltdin. Vlemi-ia, lt.., vithin til rt y day arter the firm appear ne or thl holier In it lurni newnpaper Die d.1ie nr Die rirsl pnbllrHlloii or lhl lotlre 14 Monday, Marrh . lOf.i. AlASSf.TT TIMI1KII f.O. . I.TH AJplleanl USE ANO STORAQE . TAKE NuTliif: Ihnl the l.nin ier .nnl. Limited, whose aMri,- i- r.' 'tnhil.ird Hank Itidar.. Vaneniiver, It.i.. .v 1 1 1 apply Tor a lli-enre o tnke anil ue .'So mini reel per mtoiiiI alid In ulcih' .'ill. fin arre fi el nr water mil mr lau, Skim lull', and Aln Luke, and Aln Itlver, wldeli low.s lumlherly ami drains Into M;i-eti ulet, thnniKh Inlll.ln lleservt' An. ft. The torate.dnm wMII he Imialed Hi or near tin .iillel or Aln Ijike. The rapiielty or the .-enervolr lo be ereated Is about :,ii.iino iere feel, aiiiMt will ThiOiI about Ho lie Iflermlneilj arten Id land. The waier will illlel-led mini ihe slie.illi at a kii ii or near the sloram--dani, and will b, ised ror IndiiKtrlal tower purHise upon ihe ind (eerlhed a raft or Indian Iipmtvr . n. Thw noiiee wa posted on ihe irroiind on tie 4 til day nr Marih. 111.,. A eonv id Hils iioliee and an upplli-allmi piir-u.ini herein and lo Ihe "Vvillrr Alt, IJH," wlll be riled In Iln- orriep nr Ilie Waler Meeohler at Prince llupert. ohjerlloiif tn lm may he riled with the suld Waler lli'i-order or Willi Ilie Coniptroller ir Waler iinht, parllamenl liuildinit. Vletorla, n.r... wllhln llilrly dnv- art.r the rirt nppeiiranee or iliu notice in a loeal neweaper. The dale or lite rirl or. this nollee is Marrh :i lim.'i. i:XAHIA.N l.t'MHKII YARIiS. Limited, Applleanl. nv n. r:. rti, seereiarv. NOTICE. IN TIIK MATTFFI OF AN APrt.lflAtlON fnr Ihe, tsuiie or a rrenh Cerliriente nf "i'. '"' Jhlriy (30) and thirtvone 'SI , llloik erMi OL Serlton rive' (Si, '.Ity of I'rlnre llnperl. Map 9?3 siiilKfaeiriry pinor or the limn and rte. Uriii'tlnn nr the Cerlirirate nf tlili- rover-Inr I he alHivp land- tutrltiir been pmdiieed lo rtie It H my tnientinrr tn ue, arter the ejplrallon or one month renin Ihe rirH pn illeauoh hereor, A rrenh Ceriirienle nr title In the name nr Kdward II, Pierce f!'. 'J10 .M,rt lnn'1- wl,,r'' r.r-rtirirat. or till Is dined ihe 3l)lh June 1013. and la numbered 38R3 I. H, F. MAC.LKOn. , . Ileirlatrar nf Tltlea. Land Iterlstry nrflee. Prince llupert, n.r.. limiiner mih loya LAND ACT. j In Fkeena Land nHtrlrt nf Trlnce liniieri lieenrdlnir luatrlrt. NpTIClTTiiM-flenrae Little, nf T. Terin.e n r.., ncriipntinn lumberman, and ! 'llrirey, nr Terrace. Ii.i:., neni-pailon iimheruiiin, Intend to apply for K.r.T 'V1'."'- V' r'",fi'e me rminwiiiit n- fcrllM-d lands, ror Industrial site- f.nmmeiiclnr at u post planted at smith end nr UMnd sllunte.l near I on Ii c,r Kl" ..mkllm niver and lylnir near wU m K " J' Wri ,,1"n'" '"linwln shore in wmiJin.J"!'' ,n '",lnt r,f """"'nremeiit, enntalnlnir r. acre., mnrn or less IFOIICF I.1TTI.F. and CLAIItK I, M. niflilKY, AppMcatui. I - If youVe had Had what? That first Taste What then? You're one of the elect ! You know what the most delicious of all bars of solid milk chocolate taste like. Yes, but which one do you mean ? Well, here's its picture 5c & 10c FISHERMEN! Look over your rust Aid Kit nnd se pi etc. Here are some ol Ihe things, you Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY - ii. board be (ore you put to sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIO ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK For vour I'ersounl Kit von wii 1 c- RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH IMy your supplies from us and he vsr- r salisfaciion. ORMES LTD. Pioneer DruoqlSts The Rexall Store 4 i. Irakis Third Avenue Prrone3 82 anfMO Ask for a Tide Book for 1925. They are Free. Ruilding Vatera LUMBER - Dirriciisiou. Hluplnp and Kiin-hut s,i '' 'jjljl Lath. .Mouldings. Oak. Kir and M.iki:. Veneers. .Sash and Hours. Cedent, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keen Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos ro ducts, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Ing Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Horn the Famous NANAlMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD, Phones 116 and 564 Phone I W DENTIST PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTISTRY ' rr i Ii ii in! in It n ml n innllnn trtml I Im tl'.i 1 1 1 .'V ' 1 ' ' 9 fl" iiuii'i 1 1 noun. im 1 1 1 ii 1 1 v i nut til work tuny be. when you come tu my nf mt h benefil.or such service nnd receive ileuMn "'i I GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. , He' ll';l; LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzed Hiilchcr Shf,P from Ihe Kmpress Hotel We enrry a fuir lino or tntC? CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDID SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION New Spring HATS BROCK . . . BILTMORE BILTMORE Phone Green 85. $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 STEVE KING ,