pa ok roun ini'.-ii IRISH CONCERT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus- ' jj I've tyvt- I'wnto THCY LIVE JlVT GREAT SUCCESS f HOME "bOENO oS M (COULD rO TCLLWC ' TWEts-T( OOWIS THttT CLOCKS niCE QUiET L--ff'MM -TMUJ HEiCHCiOR c. 'WW f.VE MINI 1 Unusually Pleasing Program at ) Westholme Theatre Last y 4 . Night 3sp ... J) The annual SI. Patrick's Pay concert in t.h Wrstlioline Thc.1-Iro uniler Hie direction of Charles llalnpno was an unusually pleasing event, every member having a frreal deal of merit. The talent was- all local inn exirenieiy wen chosen and the result was enjoy ahln Ihrouphout. Oiilslandins anions the per formers, vere MJss Nada .Tnhii. done, a recent arrival, and S. K. Campbell, an old favorilo. Jtolh were in e-xcellenl voice and sang vell. Miss .fnhtislone is a happy addition In the musical set of the oily. .Much credit is due In Profes sor II. A. Pryce for the excellenl performance nT Hie 'Prince Hn-perl; Anvaleur Orchestra, which pave several numbers', Oyer twenty JiislriiniculalUls look pari in I he performance, many oT llii-in liein' quite youlliful, yel their precision and execution were splendid and the whole effect most pleasing. This or- cliesira is iruini cnnuKli to perform aliuosl. anywhere. A nice effect was driven hy I he siiipfinjr nf nearly half u hun-rlred ffii'ls from Annunciation Catholic School who, under Hie direction of Charles tlaliifrno, sans several times. a The Weslholnie Orchestra, small in numbers hut excellent in (pinlily, played Hip openinp selnclinns. Tlie Irish Jip hy Ihree pirls. Misses Leah,' Ilnrslman and !rrcen Slrelford, was done well and the costumes were very prelly. The siiifrinfr nf Miss Catherine Jones is deserving of special mention in that the lady is ipiile ynuiiK and evidently unac-euMnnied In Hie stiiire and yel . tier, performance last nlKht .was excellent. Slio lias a fine voice and with more training and experience should lie heard Trom a preal deal In the future. In Ihe encore, however, she iliil inucl Letter. Tlie sailor's hornpipe vn danced hy Misses Helen M't'Caf- fery, Ileal rice Hunter and Jean Callbrealli with much spirit and slinrttrf excellent training. Vocal duels Jiy the old favorites, Messrs. Couture and Sali-niiriir were well received. The bndl black soup hy hoys of Annu-. ciafion School was well executed. Miss Marparel (lilchrjst ul I tin piano played effectively and her. efforts were tiudnuhlc'dly iippre-ciated. She lias a fine louch anil a familiarity wtylu lie iu-stnuneiH that prolines preal it ihihps for her. Mrs. J. J. Miildnon sanp we'll etui her popularity was evident. Most nf Hie neoompaiiiuieirts were played liy Miss Itlanclic Oucliu, am) this service, a most imftorliinl one, was effectively -nipt inos Hyinpalhelically carried out. This year, Mr..ltalapnn lias set a slandard for. HI. Patrick' Day events yhich sjiould have a podd effect on future affairs of the kind. AHer the evenl Father Me. nrnlli expressed ln Ihe press up precialnin of the effort of all Wlio had taken pari or in any way nided in (lie success of the event TAKE ACTION ON COMBINE Attorney-General Manson Way Institute Proceedings In Produce Cases VANCOUVKll, Mar. 18. Alio rncy fieneral JManson may in-slilulc jiroceedinps apaiusl'lhe nlleped comhinc for the dislri-luilioir (if fruit 'and vepelalilos. He favors federal action hul fall-inp t It al Ihe province may take the matter up. The commission ers report speakft of unsavory transactions in conneclion wilh Mutual (Vancouver.) Lid. Then were, secret veluilos and all sorts of complications. Ah showinar how hiisincss was condurled, 11 car load'of eanla- loupcs- from Ihe. Associated (rowers of Vernon -wiih received hy the Jluliml al Vancouver on Sept. II, They were-ltnnd- ud Johhers on consipninenl, and nfler Ihe latter had deducled I! per cent commission, the Van couver house received K'li.l.ftZ for Ihe car. Mutual (Vancou-1 vcr; I. ill., however, accounieu in the i rowers al $1 i.t.Ci'.i and even! form that ainounl deducled ils! repular Jirokeraae. , Dcalinp wilh shiiuiMMils of loinaliie from Victoria I lie following proceduri' was used. Muliial, Winnipeg, took orders ul hill wn-i'tl onlei's lo Victoria' nl W.7.r, noiilyins; ic oria lo i'Xjtress to Ihe purchase' hut to invoice Ihe Mutual. Wiii- nipep. On reci'ipl of invoices from Victoria at 'Jti, Molual, 'iiiT nijiep. would invoice the pui'-cha-ers al iM.i'a and rciiiTl Vic-- j loria s.'l.TG less III-, cents a crate-.; Victoria is helieved In have made, further reducl ion before re -J inrllinp lo Ihe prowi-r. Anotlion charpe, I'm- which in-j veslipalion showed Ihere was ah- solulely mi disliui'Meuienl. was "i j cents a case "earlape a c coin-j modily rale" al Vancouver. i WRONGFUL SEIZURE CASE BEFORE JUDGE ! YOUNG COUNTY COURT - i Tlie County liiiurt case nil Charles .loliuanseu vs. Jolm! Shirley el el, in which wronpfulj seizure hy the -UierilT is alleped. j was lo have come up I his irtorn- nip lielore .ludvre YouiiK lull f was adjourned hecause Ihe plain-I i IT, who is a fi.-dicriuan, was not in the city. The case arises out of furniture valued at 105 having Jieen seized from Hose Hoirman hy the heritr on a landlord's warraii' for hack rent of jireiniscs on Third Avenue. The furniture was taken from a house in C(rmox Avenue ami the plaintiff claims that it was his property and was not supposed lo have heen in (he Third Avenue house, at any lime. Associated wilh Ihe sheriff in Ihe defence arc Orde Hell of Vancouver," owners of Ihe Third Avenue house, and M. M. Slephnns, apenl. V. K. Fisher has Ihe case for Ihe plainlifT while Ihe defence i in Hie hands of Milton (lon.ales. ST. PATRICK'S TEA PRESBYTERIAN LADIES Interesting Event Yesterday Af ternoon in the Church Hall Realized Nice Sum The Ladies' Aid socielv of Hie Preshylerian Church were re- sjioiisime lor a prelly evenl yes terday afternnon in Ihe Church Hall, the occasion heinp a lea lo (clerical c HI. Palrick'-s Day. The decorations of Ihe roonl were in keepinp wil'i Ihe occasion, shamrocks heitiff used in the scheme 150 cJsFar back aslcan J iTimnibcrfidim was tJw best BAKER'S COCOA is better because it is made ot better beans by a better process and has a better flavor than other kinds. MM IN CAN A OA BY WdlerBaker&CaLMted CMAeumco i7so . Monlreal.Canada Doithesler.Mass, boomit or cnoict mum sent ma- and Hie lea tallies heinp centred with (all'odils. The puests were ' received hy Airs. J. (freer, president of Ihe socieiy, who made an ' ellieienl hostess. The arraiipeinenl nf Hi-lea room was in the hands of Mrs. William Millar. -Mrs. Muti ny. fc.i and .virs. .1. w . .McKiiiicy had charpe of the le'a urns while servinp in ihe lea- room A wr- MrS. Alex. I'fnnie, Mrs. II. f)d-aurno, Alrs.0U. Thoinson, Mrs. H. M. Little, Mrs. It. .1. I). Smith. Mrs. K. A. Mann, Mrs. .1. Lee. and Mrs. Harry WiHford. The lahle of sewiup was ar- rtmpeil hy Mrn. Sum Mrtusey, Mr. U'ilson .Murray, Mrs., (ieorpe Itorie. Home cookinp was in cluirp. of Mis. I). .Mcl). Ilunler mid Mrs. .1. (i. Sleen. Mrs. .1. Siiupson was cashier. Vocal ecclinn were (riven hy Mrs. .Inrvis McLeod and Mrs. Jl. 13. ('rn.r rtnd piano jtoloso hy Mrs. I'orTilei' and Mr. Harlow. ;Thi' whole eyciit was iniwd successful and ihe sum of ky was uelled as a result. WIRELESS REPORT , S a.m. iHcny ISLANH Cloudy, calm. haroineliir. I(l.-'K: feiuperaliire. .'l.'t: sea smoolh: K ii. m. spoke steamer (ii'iffeo lowinp tlivers OGDENS LIVERPOOL 9 f3 C yly13 jjlilf n dale Cr5 miles finm TftCftrfi'! -niulhliounil; ti:;n p.m. wproke steamer Cnfuostih on I soulli-fiouiid. DKAM TUP.H ImiINT. - t'.lear. calm; Jiaroiueler, .'in. nil; letnper-Mlure, sea smooth. IULI. HAHllOK. Cloudy, aim. liarcuiM'Nr :t(.:'5; leinper-.1 1 ore 3i; sua smooth. Ill 1,1. IIAIIIIOH. Cloudy, calm. iaroinelr, !l().r; tempera I urn. ii'; sea siiioolh. Moon DKillV ISLAND. Cloudy, ialin; haroineler, ;l:'.'t; temper-uliire. i.'l; sua smooth: 1 0:3') a.m. spyke steamer H.'W. Ilaxler loadinp al PerfMson Hay. I KA I TIlHU rfl.XT. GlHiidy. lipid southeast wind: liaromeler. .10.115; tenipei'alMre, l.'; sea smoolh. lit I.L UAUnoU Clmidy. lijrh' south wind; haromeler, .'10:i2: leinpenilure,' 47; 8 a.m. spoke tup Lome aheani Safety Cove 'iiiuml for Cumshewa; 9:45 a.m. spoke steamer Camosun aheuin Klemlii soulhhouLid. STEWART The jwivernuitftit caterpillar tractor, under lift direction at ttoad Foreman HlB'ry Soovil, wnH Imsy on Mi nrtlin Doar llivPr road last week with the res 11 1 1 ' 1 1 it t it is now in-excellent shape Tor heavy liauliiMk aw far as Hitler Creek road, house. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hanks have returned to Vancouver. Mr. (and Mr, Avil.iiam INrin have arrived here coin Hfye Mr. Irwin will lake chaipe of ie Indeperidenee Mine. The Stewart Tennis. (Huh has lecled cdlieers for the as follows: President. W. -.1. Crawford, vice-presidonl. W. .1. W'il-on; secr-elnry treasurer, .1. 1'. Scarlet): Mrs. Craw-rord, .Mrs. Marvin and .Mrs. Scovil. MOOSE LADIES ARE WHIST CHAMPIONS Defeated Daughters and Maids of England by 5 to 4 In Playoff Last Evening In. Ihe tiltty-off al lh Metro. pule Hull fust nicliil, Ihe Aloonik Ltriilie- dercfdeil lire lalt)thly'H liird iMniils of Diialand hy 5 In V, hits winning lh( cham;pionfthii rf the Ladies Section of the 'ralernnl Whist Leapne. Later he AInose Ladies will meet Ihe -'.Iks, chainiion- of, the Men's Section, for 1 1 1 . - city ehainjiion- ship. Sport Chat Nepolialions are ltll under way wilh a view lo liavinp peat au-siar Imwkellmll liinm p norlli to Kelrhikan and it is Imp ed to send Hie s(uud away on 111 text Kleamer. There apparently was some, iniHunderslandinK at Ketchikan as lo the terms wauled iy the locals which il in Imped o adjust hy correKfroiidonee. II is eslimaled that It will lakf Komethlnp like foO In financn Ihr I Hp hul Hint does not neces arily mean Dial Ketchikan will he required lo make n puarnnln lo that ctfeirl. 11 i In he honed that nueecH will attend the efforts heinp pu forward this year by the Fai Hoard and allilel ic-orpanizal ion' lo have considerable itniirrtve tnenls elTecled al Hie Aeropoli Hill sporlM prminils. The dele pation "P.'ieiirnhejfore the cih 'hum n .ii'MHiav II IK in receivei encoiiraeinuiii from such re Wanted For Sale For Rent H?5 nv Int x rrTO?r "Scivce Imc DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ( 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than T.Oc W MIX Kb NVANTKM. Itelialile men in each town and city lo care for house .to Iiouhc iliHtrihtiliup, sainp-linr and sitxn lackiuu husines-. (iood pay; nice outdoor work: no sellinp; write ipiiekly lell-inp all ahoul yonrsolf. ACT .MlVV. AilviM'tisinp inanaper, L'O-.'l Cortland Wreel, Chirapo. Illinois. YOI'AU Lady wanted foe suii-!crilioi work in Prince Itu-p?rl and- dislrtcl. Peruianenl work and pood (ommiMHions for pood saleswoman. Apply 1 lux -. I'aiiy News otlice. titt WAKTMI), Six rirsl class house carpen4ers Tor Claxlon cannery. Apply Mux -'.'15 Imily KeWs. (18 liKNKKAL McT-vanl wanted. Mr. lk'Mimr, 303 l-ourfh Avenue KbmI. . tr FINANCIAL MflSKY lo Win 11 (in imuroveH rmit" estate? or for limldinp purposes. JlrCalTery A Uihhons. Ltd. 71 FOR SALE Full SALE Olt TH.AJiK. Fipht horse-power Caille Perfecliot! marine engine wilb elul(hfNd auto-sparkcr, all in first - class condilion. Very HI lie ucd. Cash .ftfr.OO or would trade 1 for piano of I'ipial value. Apply Scales, Unci ley Hay. 0(1 liNF.HAI. Klore for sale ii. pioneer (lixlrirl. ' Hxclnsive territory. -.'.00l will handle, wilh low rent for six rooinei! hotc and s)lre. Or hiiildiup could e houtrht reitHonahly. Apply Hox fAU, Itailv News office.' C7 BOARD HOAIH). The Inlander, filth. Second Avenue. lhone KI7. jlOAIlh. Table hnarilers, liome cookinp. Phone Hed 707. t' LOST ,OST.- Hiinflli of keyn on rini; 'I'linmlay (tveiiing. I'indcr plione SftJL FOUND V'OUMI). - Hunch of keys on rinp. iiiclinlinp one C.N. It. switch key. Apply daily News olllee. FOUND. Pair of child's brown woollen tiitltH. Apply daily News ofllee. FOUNd. Pair. child's fur trim med kid mills. Apply daily News nflle.c. FOUNd. -Pin. nllino key. App daily News ofllc.n. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTT.d.- A iiarlner lo lake an acljve inleresl in a Inrip es-lahlished business. I'.xeelleii' prospects for inakinp money. For full particulurH write Hox 2:14 daily News, I'rinue Itu-perl, lt.n. marks as were passed hy ril tuners who will douhlless do al. I hey (win to further the in-ojeci for removal ul' the 1 k levellinp of Ihe prouuds inn, erecrion or 11 pi-himI Miami. The proposition advanced lo ulliiu alely pay for the work I nun .er enliipc of pale ri.c.Ms Xvouh seem to- he 11 fair ermityli nne.. lire Uiief IK II. M -1 . . 1 , u 1 , 1 js eonrincd lo his bed with severe .illack of iiiflueua. He i .i,. ' ' t-i belter rm rti in . life- 1 1 'i 3- 8 COLUMBIA RECORDS NKVY Process Ciilumloa Hecurds -- no scralchinp. I'ineKl re-prodm-l ions of latest fox Trots. Soups and Instrumental music hy world famed, artists. Call in and hnar them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "(Hi Itahy" al your service dh'y or night. Cinnfnrt Kafely--(loiirley. If il' n water Iriji call Laurie Larohly. Phones r7(l or t.'M. TAXI 592 TUP. UKPKNDA1H.K TAXI. Inj and Niphl service. fouforl and Courfesy is mv mollo. PHONE 502 CONRAD LEE Stand: llichmond IIooiiih. I TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Uall fieorge, Paul or (iusl-Prompt Service and Conitori day or Nitf'.t Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrosd from EmnnHn Holm FURNITURE VK handle the FAWCFTT puaranteed nopper bearinu Steel Itunpes and all prade of hiph prnile furniture we ex-chanpe. ?RINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers ) FURNITURE. Npw and Secondhand FurnL ure Store. We Uuy. Sell and Lx change New and Seonndhain (roods. QtO. PAPADOPULIS, (t.19 Third Ave. PhTn VtB. GENERAL BLACKSMITH .vory descriplion of HlnckftmHli work done, lloat work a apec-inlily. I'romiu allenlioii and moderate prices. A Trial Solicited. J. M. WALKER Neur Khockley's Planing Mill. TIMBER SALE X 0928. Hnalcri Tciiilcrs will Im n Ivml Ity thf MllilMler nf I.iikIh, ii Vletorlti. ii'il 1:1 1 cr iIuhi niHn n tlie 4ml il.i ur April, lr, Kir tl)6 iiui clusi' ul l.lri-liw X (lUlOt. Id ul I, sibn. linn rni-l nf cellar, IIHlilnrR, KalHnni una Hirni'i nil 1111 urea kUiikIi'II hi fttc north lh ire of Nn.viMsri . Inlft, -imnfrr 1, Ciwl IjiiiiI IHslrlrl. Twii ( yiars will I artuwfst for rc-nmVdl ut ilmlicr. Piirliicr imrliciri,irn of llic Clilcr fur icr. Vli'lorm. II. C. ur Ulttrlct I'nrMiIri'. rlncc HniM-rt. Il.c. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECR LICENSE MiTICi: M hereliy irlvru that mi Ihe 4tli ilny fir April in-vi ilio flKiicil luli'iiil in'uiii.v in tin- 1 . c 1 1 1 11 i.iinmir iioanl fur: t tlitMiHi' In reft i, iirrmiM-it Ih'Ihv! imri ur tlie liillliiiir known 11 . Hid I'lii'l Cli'lnentM llnl. nlluniHl ut I'nrl Clciiii'nl. (Jin-Mi chiirlollc Ii-IiiiiiIb, I'nivlnfr ur llrltliti lUilnnilila iipiin Hip luiiiln ilMrrlUI'd as nvr (r, i, hhirk ridty-fdiir . U'4i. iiIhIIvIhIiiii r l ot Hi'vi'ii liiinilicil 11 ml forlyull m), yncrii Clmrlnllc hlnlrlel. H.i:., 11 hIimwii mi 11 inKlHli'icd map nr 11 hn iIiiiihIIi( in tlie I.iiikI IK'nUlry or tlie nt 1 1 Clly nf I'riiu'c lin rrl ami nniiilM'rcil ki-ju, rnr Ihe. imlr nf liwr v the jrli" nr liy lln npoii Imllli- mr rull-tinnntlmi nil I hp ihcIiiIhch. I1ATKII nl Prince llnpcrl, II. C., IliM lllr flay nf March, 1 liif.v II. I.. TINOLI'V, owner, Appllpniil. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION APPLICATION FOn DEER LICENSE. NOTICK Ik lij-rr-liy mvrn that nn nr urier uie i win nay nr Marrh next. lllli iMiii.'rniHin'ii iiiTi'liri! In 'innlv In ilm I ifiiKii1 iimitiii iMMirn ,i(ii- a in'cnm in rcuperi nr preinlmK liclriw pari nr ihe liiillillnir known h i.nieen'i llninl, Hlnmte on l.f.t n. Main sircei. faii'tr. fiKeen Clmrloiie HIhikH. In Ihe prnvinee or llrltlsh Coliimhla. fnr the salf nr Peer hv the ta nr liy the open ln.iiie rnr eiin-iiiiipllon nn rn-i' inlMe llap'it IIP- I'lih i.nv of rehmnrv insr, mils, ai, I.. rilJNN, Owner, Applicant. ArtJeL. ; host bJ MAIUCrS For the East Monday '. ; 'r- mild urda.s -,, i in , From the Earn Moinla .. Friday.-. ,. io Vancouver TucHduys Mail - Saturday.. Fridays, C.P.U. M i ... From Vancouver Sunday J.I Veilnesii,-! -Thurd;is - C.f'.ll. M To Anyox, Alice Arm, .Jlor ant Premier WediH-Mi r Junda - From Anyox. Alice and Premier ... J Tuesday- Fridav. To Port Simpson and Ntaill Points Son.)..'. T I From Port SiniDorf'sWl. River Point- -"' ' 1 Tin-'l.f - 7 To Alaslsa Po - ' ' March ' From Alaska Po.ntv-March I n i fo Ouecn Cha. U.uc uand.f:i Mar. h . From OuctMl Ct iirfBtSfl Points Man ii VI COX C0LLEi.ripfl I'M irui,lMII Ml Ave 41 Ii Ave Mtth Ave Hi. ,1 lib Ave A Ave I I bl Ave . .V uth Ave, A Ave. Hit Ave. A na- Circle 81 h Ave. A 1: .lh Ave. A M l-ro. io. 1' I'rov. (ov U.T.I'. Wlni' nd Ave. A ird Avn. A ;rd AvV A ' V J'. TAkK MH I' 1 lied, r Viiim mill I'aiM-r . Inr a team' 1.1 lanilH, in 1 ";i 1 I'liivlliir nr II"1 wincr let en 11,1 hi. more pin i' lnws: i.iiniiiM'iiiiii-llilc line un 11 Intel (Ibiani - rrnm Hie - CiUIKt IllilH' I 4tlK.r:.. 11 ill 1 ItHK, In II"' - l.dt I imi; ii" ' Ihe sniilli ! i a (llNlnni'i' "' cnriH'r nr ianl Ihe hlRji mi' 7, nun ri.. ii ' mininrneciiii'ii1 nr lerni. OATfifi Jioj' 11 1 1 1 :m ..-rt LftWO ACT. Notlet of Intern I -nil .5 In Bkemia 1 liemriliii' Inland in HOIIIh "I TAKK V'H nf- Illinium. 1 Intenil" In H' rliiute the I"1' r.ijiiiiiielii'iin (t"i'ly 'i"' "' ilia'ttily ("in"' lirfiiK plain idt iHl.iii'l '" I'lanil. 'I'ln illreelly -"nn. tains the 11. nn-nnVeil In 1 talnlnx :in" 1 Dali'it Jan":