La' I f ! I TV' 1925. KLIM Ear ChildrenozAges! INiwdered Wholo Milk, twin ft.e . Brand r tlM .if "".,k dairy coa, with only the wafer " in.n!i!?.i ynur doctor may drelra and lit I any way ' ! i hi I "I males II Idral for bublea and fcrowlnit M-fin -r whom tkh lull-cream milk of un.arylnit rhild"n, ni.ritvi la of paramount Importance. .mpdaru p. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED Toronto Wlmilpc Montreal gene Fire Extinguisher yet? Yc scHTIicm. f i ml or us. 9 III r: 1 1 1 1 Sold by Huperl Table Supply Co. 77ie New 1 i " 5 3 ALMON 'fellii yepr i- adorable Willi its tV'lTibii liiibirt'il lines -anil m i n i lie limclie. j Have Thorn in all tho Leading Colors and Designs P.O. Cox 327. Phone 27. TROLLERS Miiu'BI will ii. i mnii 1 1 i .-1 fnir lilii' 4 I i Vt' liiivc .i iii-w Hi i Salmon Hooks, mvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear uf all kind-. Ii : iiii k von will- 1 1 ml evT thing ou require ichors,-Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of u!l kinds,- Hull H Copper Paints, Galley Stoves ami Utensils. I I Ii llll' Illl.'ll VVC 1 1 . 1 il. . lust rver year ly !nv h ;i you girt yuur TORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. 'Near Post Office) WINTER Steamship Service U?JtCE buperT Jail from I rllMH llii'i I FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. ffctATTLE, iiiicniiiiliale puiuu rarh Irlrtay V.tiu a.m. STEWART anil ANVOX Wertiu iUy. 1 1 .00 p in. 1 niFurA' ''PRINCE JOHN" ! PRINCE RUPERT fortnlfjIHly for -UUVER, ,, QUEEN CHARLOTTE I6LANDS. PAKKENnra VDftiuo rnwr DDliPC nnnrDT lwiiliium!5NE80V' SATURDAY, .Vim i.m fur ITiiiin t.Hrtm. "nniPEO, an puim.s r.iist'rn uimihIu, IiiIiimI SIiiU. tTlrk.l "'-"- ALL OCkflN STtAWMIIK unset. k"M Office, 628 Third At., Prlnca Rupert PADIAN peine EDMONTON. Phone 260. n Mil urn mm i Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Dnitir.r!3 n.iA!W Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway I 'v March 6, 1G, 27 Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle -March 10, 20, 31. L. , S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE rouicdalc, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, rrJ- U Ierl Bav CampboM River, and Vancouver, cvcry Saturday, 11 a.m. . Agency for all Steamship Linos inio.iuui.u irnni- - f W. C. OnrUADn ni Un Street and 3rd Avenue, Princo Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.. LTD. "KS ''r""'e M'sporl. Ncouvir' utrTft u pI 8w,n,on Bay, and Alerl Bay, Tueaday, t P.m. INCOUVER 0X ai ' T0RIA' Al,r Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. yx! f.0RTEttARM' "EM"T, Sunday, 8 P.M. 1 o'MPSON and Naae Rlvar Cannarlai. Friday A.M. J. Barnaley, Agent. Prlnca Rupert, B.O. i Local and Personal U.C.' Uinlortakurs. l'hoiie 11. J.ailk's' Sjiorl Swi'aters Mrs ' liralilnjau's. You'll like our joall Coal Co. Phone 7. If At your nervine day and iiiglil. Arthur '1 axi. Phono 078. Stainl. noil l.lks Home. If II. I.. Tiny ley of Purl Clemenl sailed Ihhi riiahl on I he Caino- sun for Victoria. He exiieds In reluni north aboul the end of April. (ium Ht'iffert, iiresidenl or the KiiiienVi Mine.s Mil., wan a pas-xentfer an Mm Caiiioniin la;--.! ninhl from Slmvarl. He is re-KisiereiJ ni the Knox Hotel. Union .-(feaiiier Cauioxtin, Capl. I. A. liiidlay, southbound from I'oi'lland Canal ami the N'aa. liiver lo Vancouver, was in porl from :I5 lo l):i5 aH ig,t. lii'ore llrugffy, Ihe Alice Arm ini'irliaiil, who lias been in Hi" south for the iiahl several weeks, is I'vncelcil In return north towards lie end of I his month. The hif loyr earryifitf liaf-iro !liii:4umim has left Smiili's lnlel for Vaneouver afler having luadr ed one million feel of lows, mos!-ly cedar,-laken ouJ hy haml ktrf-ifcrs al Smilh's Inlctj Passfiiirers sailing last uitrlil fur Vancouver on the (etnier Camosun iiududeil E, Jlanjon, V. S. I'isher, A. I'linub', i. If. Wfs!. Mrs. .1. (iray, II. I.. Tingley, W. I), aiiec, II. Harris uiut,.i. lianK-uian. . t i'...V.H. -leainer Prince ifeorire. Cnpl. Hurry .Nedden, fronl Van- eiMiver and wuyjMirrs, is thie lo arrive on lime al 3 o'clock this afternoon. ftrr p.-isaenifcr - Hs iiii'ludes iXt iicrs-iis who will go east from here by train. Provincial Constable It. A. Heaven arrivtid in the city from Am.vmx last nighl huvinx niisMf- i ihIv l.umri PnlHieiri sviin avMI u- pear, Itcfore Judjjf Yan fur eleelion on a charg-e of indecent assault for which ' lie lius .been cnmmilUul for trial. .1. II. Illake, metdiaoical sujer- inlenilcot for tin; forestry ic-purlmenl, armed in the eily on I lie Priuee fifHirjrf Ibis nfluf noon from Victoria, lite business is in connect ion with Hie gasolinr cruiser lieing built at the diw .luck for the department and be will be here several day. YV. T. Jugo of (JtMHiitlam, iro-viucial orianlzer for,tlie I.oyA? iiraue I. od e. is saillirk toniRhl on the Prinre (!etr?rr3 for Anyos alter haviuir spent tjie past iiuple -o.' days in tlw city, l.asl nilil he mel a, number of niein-liers of I he looal Ornuge Lodge al the home of Mrs. MrKobhie. Knglish Hill. YV. (5. Ilainitun of Storks' HanhVnre has urlderlnkeit lo or ganize a Hoys -.Nnviil Unmade in I lie cily for Iwiys between Ihe .ijtes of I-.' anil 17 in fionueelion with tlit ltnynl .Cnnadiaii Volun-lecr Naval Heserve. Apiliealiins may be made lo naval liead- iiiarlers in Ihe Hays. Ituibling on Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fri- lays. r INOUNCEIflENTS 4 Kui'hls of Pythias whist drive and dance, March L'J. Musical eveuiiiLr in llanlitil IJIiureh, Maroh 15, to 8 n.m. v If Catholic Spring Sale, afler- hiiniii of April '(), Mclropnlc. Hall followed by social evening. Weekly Cinderella Dance, Saturday niKlil. Klks Home. fiOc. U.e raicant Irouml Sawij htirla(hari -en thickn hrou about thaanliral i nSlh ol tho saw. lhu.'N , noktnrbindinf inthekerlK, mdouidi. CretcentOrind- is an excluiiva Simonilt -vlura. -,:-nDS CANADA SAW Co. LIMITFn VwtkWf MO.Mnfil. . lMt.n u B Crott Cut, s THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE 1 WkA m Bjp arm u M M I Sb m i i ii r- i it mu i ii uinrouvtr. I H KILLS HIES. MOTHS lfAri...Are S3ACHSS.FLEAS JBLEUGS.ANTS Scientific Industrial Keacarch Jiwtltute. Will not 'tain. Pleasant odor. larmloss to huziana and animala. Your Grocer or Druggis t Mrs. OeolTrey Whitehead, for merly of this ejiy, since moving to' Itevelsloke, has licip active in Ihe organisation of t i-t (iuides in thai town. A. .1. 'I'. Taylor, former head of the Taylor Kngiiieeriiig Co. which openiMil al Alice Arm iiml now manager if tin' Vieuers- Couihuslion Co,, Of Canada, is on i trip to Ihe coasl from Mont real. Last week he iidili-essed Ihe lnslilute of I'.li'cii'ical Kn- gineers in Vancouver. TOSSED COINS TO DECIDE ON COSTS Other Instances of Tossinq Order to Settle Disputes NAKEDNESS ALLOWED in LONDON, Mar. 18. - In Ho i.liancery (;ourl on I tiurstiay a com wart tossed lo ileciilf wlicl her plniutilis should have as osls 300 (lioadsi or 100 lulls), ami tails won. II is a pnit'odure unuiia! in a court of ju slice, bul on oilier occasions Die iimmrtiulily of the soiuninu coin has been found useful. 1 W hen iir 190 Lori) .shlown and J,urd Fnruliiiiu sei'ured an cipmt iinmber of Votes us representn-live peers for It'etaml, the Clerk il I'tti'liainents losscil Tor it, as reipiircil by the tif the Union. and the lot fell It) Lord Ashlowu. Again, it is only a few years since lb' immemorial breach b tween Hie three branches of Hie Clan Macdoiialil v-fis healed mi ilrc'-UnderstMlidiiicf that when a:i .uesl ion of prfccjeiice arost? I he mailer should he settled by loss if coin. Kvcu mailers of life and dealb have brou sol I led in this manner. A New York jury, trying the case of a Irnmwav driver Who bad run over a girl, tossed up for Ihe verdict. The judge, however, heard of il, ami they were severe ly fined. Hut perhaps Ihe nd.lesl all uses of -the spun coin was when the Marechal d'Ksiree., and Ihe Abbe Desstul tossed Up o deride who was lo have the honor of heinu considered Ho father of Ihe rir-l son of Ninon de IT.nrlos. BUT NOT HYGIENIC Commissar for Peoples' Health Takes Opooslto View to Soviet PltAiiUK, Mar. IK. A report from Moscow lells of an amus ing mil iniert'sMiig rxpcrimi'ui. made by eisrhl meifibers of Ihe Communist Youth Movement four youths and four girls these yolllig people, so Ihe slory goes, recently ajiptwred tn Ihe si reels of Moscow in broad daylight in Ihe cosiume of Adam and Kve, merely wearing ' Idoiid- : i-i' I sashes hearing the bold legend: "Away wilh,. . Sliamo." Naturally, Hie appearance of ihe young oeoole caused a. g-jf eat deal of excitement among' Die general public, and when I hey itiadvised-ly tried to hoard a Ir. linear there was a scene, and I lie poliei' were rulli'd in. Il was iliscoveretj.: boweve.r, that the "revolul iouarius rif naked culture" had a, full' written permissitoi from Die .Moscow Soviet to appear in this manner, llul' the 'Commissar for- peoples' Health, Semaseliko, does not look wilh a kindly eye oil such extravagances, and declares that il is by no means hygienic lo wander about the main 'Streets fiT u capital 1 1 1 1 1-1 I Advertise in tho Daily News. t.rir: pfH, f , . j The Man in the Moon PAYS: A VISITOR met a I'rince ltupert citizen the other day and inquired: "Do you know where the ll'osl Office is?" "Cio there every day.' was the reply, as be step- hied briskly olf down 'l'liml Ave. Now the vsitor is wondering il it is wise lo ask fool questions. 'I'll 1 other flay a nurse adver-lised for a position mid said salary was a secondary consideration. W hat has been puzzling me ever since was what was the primary consideration? NOW that St. Patrick's Day i over and properly celebraled lei us try lo get back to norma', once more. While they, have beeji ..having terrible weather conditions in the Kasl for this season of the year, we have been enjoying a salubrious climate ami imssibh should send a message of commiseration lo lie prairie folks at their ill fortune. Now all to gether, let us conuuiscraluJ IT seems abou. lime some statistician flgurtvs out how much the rain is worth to Prince ituepil. IN Alberta Kiev sometimes nCar Ihe wolves howl. Here everybody seems lo play wolf oc casionally. I'HOM the movies dial "ll.c and sonic (own have true. you And when al .night she went To have a bil of a boiil, She tagged (ill lo Like hall player lo You will know this doubt. learn woman always pays of I lie men around cause lo wish il was There once was a girl named St. Pal Who sure was a bil of a blal. She wore in her frock A bit of shamrock And green stuff covered her hal. a man ran, girl I've on' If a man rnubl be arrested every I idle he stole a kiss, .lake says the jails would be full of the ery best citizens. l Ten Years Ago j j in Prince Kuperl I March 18, 1915. The SI. Patrick's conccrl in the West holme Theatre las; night was as usual successful both from the standpoint of en tertainment, provided and the ir.e of the .audience that enjoy ed It. Those taking pari in Ihe program included the West- holme Orchestra, Principal .I. C. I Irmly, Mr. Kvnns, .Mrs. Srnli. Miss .Muriel Palrnore. .I. Iloche, Mrs. Chisholm, Mr. Duffy. Mrs. . rudy, Mrs. Ilenimell, Seeanl Kddy, Miss Nauinan, lY. II. Forth! and Mr. Oram. The sailing yaidit Adventuress, known here through visils maih in the, past to the port, picked up a floating mine olf Ihe Ooldeu Date al San l-'rancisco. The discovery caused a seusaliou. Coiiseipieul on tip' derision oT Hie legislature lo split Prince Ituperl district in two creating Ihe new riding oT Oiniueca, Ihe boundaries in the north arc being redefined. The eastern boundary of Prince Huperl district will be al Kilwanga. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Moiley Shier, Waller L'. Trump, tiraliam Mncdnualil and J. C. Highain, Vnucouvcr; II. A. Ilea-ven, Anyo.v; (I. A. Youn', Alice Arm; II. K. litddJicrg, Seallle; .1 McLachlan and O. A. La Molhc, Victoria; Mrs. C. P. l'inkle, Pacific. Central .J. W. Thorn, I'. Duggan and K. P. Ollerson. C.N. 11. Did Dad Walk Baby? leathers would not have lo walk the floor vo ol ten with restless babies if mothers insisted ou using linby ' Own So.ip for baby's balli. This sonp cleanses and refreshes find prevents skin irritations and scalding which so often cause bad rp'ghts. Ami baby smells so sweet after a good rub wilh" the aromatic latherof llaby 's Own -Soap. "Dtat Jot you ana Bahy too" t-ii Only 10c in individual cartons. i'Cee theTIistortc 1 . JLV tl-VY 1 ZM. ICC on your voyage nTO 12uroDe To residents of North America no river in the world embraces such wealth of historic romance as the mighty St Lawrence. Up its treat watera, the brave pioneers of New France, travelled cn their voyages of discovery and aettlerhentT-the renowned Jacques Cartier to found the city of Montreal, nine ' hundred miles from the tea; the courageous La Salle on his long journey to the Mississippi; the callant Champlain to, found Quebec; the devout Recollet Fathers on their missions to the Indians. Travelling on the St. Lawrence Route to Europe one starts at Montreal and tor two or three days the beauties and historic features of the river pass before one in entrancing panorama. To view them adds immeasurably to the pleasure of the overseas voyage. ' As k your local steamship agenf for particulars and sailing dates, or nrite to THE CUNARI) STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 622 1 1 ASTINCS STREET, W., VANCOUVER CUNAPD ANCHOR- DONALDSON CANADIAN SERVICES 2V y A 1 ONLY WOOD CRIB Drop side, ivory inanicl finish nml decorative panels al head and foot, ami mnltre- wilh utiimal design licking, $22.50 IRON AND STEEL CRIBS Dolh sides drop, while enamel finish. $13.50 and $26.10 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 Better Health Improved Absolute Appearance Satisfaction Hy replacing broken down mid niissiSjg Icelh you insure HLTTKIt .MASTICATION. Heller Musticalion insures HKTTKIl NUTHITION. Heller Nutrilion insures UBTTBIl IllUrril, nnd Heller Health insures u UKTTKU and HAP IMF. 1 1 LIFE. Dr. H Smith Block. Phono 575 ,. Alexander DtNFlSr Hours 9 to 6 Evening by Appointment " FAMED TrEJlRJC LONDON 11 ill The' Git) you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 Pe Bottle. The Gin for you is "II. & U." This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Dritish Columbia. '1 wT il MM- ' . I J - .... f oT iMMI