AGE SIX Spring is Here! Men's and Young Men's Spring I Suits very latest styles Prices $35.00 $38.50 $43.50 The Best Value in Town WEEK END SPECIAL Combination Special MEN'S ODD TROUSERS OR WORKING PANTS at 54.45 Pair. FREE I only, Flannel Shirt. See. our window display. This is a special of real merit especially for working men. Cash and Carry Grocery Specials From 9 a.m. Until 12 Noon THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. NOTK We place no restrictions with Ihese specials, nor is it necessary (o purchase any oilier article in order to secure them, Siiniuaid Seedless' Haislns, JO oz. package, '2 for ... . 25c Pure Plum Jam, 1 lb. tins, special 45c (Lini'rt 2 tins to each cusloiner) Malkin's Best Coffee, I lb. tins, special 60c Malkin's Hesl Tea, I lb. paekage, special . . 65c Snowflake I'aslry Flour, 10 lb.trae)s,,speciaL 60c Swnnsdown Cake Flour; per iackage, special . . . . .-. 40c ltlack Pepper, While Pepper, Cayenne, Cuinainon, Hurry Powder, ("linger, Cloves, Nutmeg,- Mace, Paprika. Tumeric, Allspice, Chili Powder, Paisley, Poultry Dressing, Mint, Thyme, Savory, Sage or Marjoram. Special at '. tins for 25c Canned Vegetable; Special Corn, Peas, He'.iiis or Tomatoes. 2's, straight '. 15c Snap Maud Cleanser, U tins for 35c Old DulcJi Cleanser, jut liti 10c ashing Soda, 8 lbs. for 25c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Rupert Fish" Fresh Froren All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. - Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. IliFINDS LARGEST SKELETON IN WHOLE WORLD Manitoba Scientist Digs up Dln- ousar in Africa Twenty Feet High Herds of Giant Reptiles Believed to Have Wandered' Over Country ! YVIXXIPKCi. Mar. 18. Professor . V. Cutler or the faculty or the University (r Manitoba, now leading a research expedition in Uritish Kasl Africa, lias found the largest dinpusar skeleton, according lo wurtt received in Winnipeg. I'ror. Culler scientific explorations are ilfcing -conducted tin behalf of the llrilisli museum, near Teiidaguru, OH miles north nf I.inili. in Africa, where. (5er- man scientists he To re the war round specimens' of skeletons of uipanlic pre-liisloric reptiles. Prof. Culler left Winnipeg about leu months aiio, going lirsl to England and sailing from there to Africa, lie had as liief assistant J. S. H. .leaky, a Kenya-born Cambridge Indent. vlp preceded him lo Africa to ' i a n 1 1 - Die transport and make, general arrangements for the expedition. Mr. .leaky has now returned lo Loudon with specimens, pholo- IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III the Mailer or Ut Administration Art: and in lliv Mailer or the Folate or Uiarle l.aver, liereased, Inics.tale. TAkK MiTlCL that by Order r III" Honor I'. Mi ll. Voiiiiv. made the 12th day d ivliruary, ltl?5, I a oppulnlud Administrator ir Ihu estate of tin' late :iiuilM l.aver, deeeaed, and all panic liavluir I'lainii atfaln'l the said estate an Iiereliy reiiulicd to rurnish same, pro ;ierly veriried In .ine. tin nr lieTnre 2M day or Mari'h. 1945, and all partleH In delited lo the Mid eMail' are required 1" im.v the aiiMiunt (it their Inile lileriiieM ! nit; rurthullli. MOItMAN A. WATT, ' Orririal AdnilnUtralurjk, , ITliH'c Ituperl, ll.i Paled this- Blst day tij February, IW41. i IN PROBATE. I IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter or the Adinitilitrall(iii Art, and In Hie Mutter nt the Estate or William Caiiiernn Sun. i'reaed. Intestate. TVhK MiTlnr thai l.y order ol 1 1 K Mi ll. Vuuiiir. made the ? I III diu i it I t liiuiii'i . A. Ii. ids.", I was .-( l ii !'! uiiniillMrmor or ine esime or w llliau ' ami roll Sim. dereased. and ill parller ii.iv inir iiiiiiir. nirainst tnr Hani rntale so iiereliy required to ruriiish snuie, pro' wrly veriried lo me, on or berore lie day or Alareh. A.I). IVii, and all iniile-i indebletl to the eMale are reiiii'(."l lo pay the amount (,r their ludebledue lo me rorlliwlth. .NOII.MA.N A. WAT1. orririal Administrator. I'rlnee Unpen, l.C. Paled I hi: 9ZU day or February, U:. . IN PROBATE. IN THE 6UPREME COURT OF. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mattel or the Administration Act: and In the Matter or the Fsiale or Jean l.aiur. liciTiiseil, Intestate. TAKE MU 111. L I tit t by Order of III Honor F. .Men. Yiniiiir. made the 12th dav or February, A.I). 10r.. I was appointed AduiinlKlralor or the estate of Hie la e i Jean l.uncr, deceased, and all parties lia-I Iiik i latin anaiust the said estate are j hereby required lo rurnish same to me. ! properly veriried, on nr he Tore the Slsl I day nr Marrh. lUi.i. and all parlies in-i debled to the said estate are required In pay the amount or Un it' Indebtedness t" me i c nil v. i in. . NrillM.W A. WATT. ' orrielal ArtinlnHlrator. I'rlnee liupert, ll.C. Dated this gist day or rebruary. ll2:. IN PROBATc. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ii: the Matter or tin: Aduiltilstratloii Act; and III the Mailer or the F.stale or II. J. lien-liett, pi-reused. Intestate. TAKK NOTIt;F. that by Order of His Honor F. Mill. Yotiuir, maili' I he IS! Hi day or February. Itisri, I was atipoluieil Ad luiulstrator or the estate or the late II. J. lietinett. dereased, mid all parties luiv- inir elaims uiraliist the said estate are . hereby recinired to rurnish same to me, prnierly veriried. on or berore the "1st 'day or Marrh. 10Sf". and all parlies in- ilehlcd to I lie said eslale are required lo ' pay lite ainoiml or their ludehiediivsa In I me rorihwllh. 1 OIlMA A. WATT, I orrielal Administrator Paled this tilHt day of February, I dir. SPRING STOCK OF CURTAIN MATERIALS Just Arrived! Nets, Marquisettes, Madras, Cretonnes IN NEW DESIGNS. Season's LatostDres8 Goods IRISH WOVEN LINEN 35 Inchos wide. See Our Window for Engraved Oriental Brassware. GEO. D. TITE 3rd Avenue. The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 THE DAILY NEW 3 Wednesduy DON'T LET YOUR BOWELS GET CONSTIPATED A free motion ,r the Imwrls i'it.v ilay uliuiiiil In' the riilu uf i-U'ry ono wlm spin's lo pt'ircit health. Tor once Hie liuwcH lii'i-nine fuiisllpaliMl ami rlnKK'l up. all lhi other urKiiif if I'm.' I""'.'' lMJ' i-tiino tlci-angeil. Kp Your Bowel Regular by Using MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Tllt-y will rlrar au.u all 11"' crrete and Mil.tiui(iiis inutti-r Mh h It; -i ctillecletl in iim uviitiii trt i i rr..i. mv mill natural motion or tin lenvelii every day. Mart Hit' i)ltiKirlsli liver working, ami give tour and vitality to the whole lulesttnal tract. Millnitti- l.u.a-l.iver I'llli aiis fur Kali' at all dniir(rlsn and dealer;, put up utily uy The T. Milburu Co. Limited. Torontu, "nl uraphs mill Iho story nT (he re-sulls lo ilitle. Prof. Culler's parly took up tht exploration work ol" Hie Cier- iiiitu si'iftitisls, iiml nii'iiiliers or the group are of Hie opinion that the field of reseaifh at l.imli has only heen touched hy earlier efforts. Millions Years Old Tlie dinosaur- skeleton is ie- liexeil lo he he (wren eight and leu million years old. II had a prohahle height of twenty feel and an estimated length oT eiahly feel. A shoulder Idade, tin? largest hope " so far unearthed, measured- 7S iuelies across, and .needed sixteen'' men lo lift it. A femur measuring 05 inches and a tihia ."i inches are among thr other hones reclaimed. The pi'MM-nce of 1 In giant reptiles at Hie spot at Tendaguru is attributed lo drowning. The subsoil i soft, clay. In long forgotten litres, I'rof. duller helieves, these giants Vamereil in herds along Hie sea coast. Now and a git in one would -step into clay loo yieldhir-' for such a large animal, slntinuij siuwthf r-(jj ? l!tMtf dealh. ' I'rof. (Uilli'irieftire; he undertook Hie expedition was laboratory assistant a't-the ecological branch of the Manitoba University, lie firsL came into pro minence llirriiiuti his discoveries of fossil xritehrae in the ted Itiver Valley. 1SK BUFFALO FOR' PARK IN MANITOBA WINMI'Kti. Mar. IX Application for the c slnhfishuif nl Aboiil fid was rcali.eil til n lea and sale of home cooking held yesterday itftei iioou by the! Xiy I .ml ics of the iAIooselieiirt hegion in lhe lied Cross lull.. iMrs. I'tedl I! II : MAX HEILBRONERS Jewellery Sale police are to'arrliiiig for two. companions of John llusscll. On vears of iwe, who was found ilcad; in his hotel room yesterday. II; is alleged that a wild parly was! staged in I lie room tlu previous night. Itiis:ell was apparently j .-.truck mi Hie head with Mich force as lo cause fracture of Hie skull. PERUVIAN TOWN IS JNUNDATED Torrential Rains Dostroy Tru-Jillo and 11,000 Inhabitants: Fly to Hills LIMA, l'cru. Mar. 18. Iladio advices report thai Trujillo, a town with a population of II,-000, was completely destroyed by inundations following torrential rains. The inhabitants, it is staled, flew 'to the surrounding hills. REASSURANCE i of a buffalo park in Manitoba,' " wish you could iiksuic me." cither directly under the con-'uid a nervous old lady, ap-Irol of the NnlioitttH'wkv (4fim jusoaehiug lloiifUittniiJiLjiu ex-1 mission or by the gift nl" an cursion boat, "thai the vessel' embryo herd lo an organization would be able lo come surely (lint would open a park, is be- iim,iiglt a storm." ing Muighl by (lie Old Timer 'Lady." proudly itscr(cd Hie and Lord .Selkirk Associations. Jjrrixzled skipiier, "(his idd mi ft A pclitiou lins beeiL prepared iia ,.. HUf,, Uirough so iiiiiiiy fur submission lo (he redernl siunus thai hair her timbers .is authorities al Ollawu. The in-. unj'inteil." leresled organizHtioiis are asking for the ciiricessioii as a slep I own if I a plan aiming at the p'reserval imi uf hislorical features of the woslern plains. MOOSE LADIES TAKE FORTY DOLLARS AT THEIR TEA AND SALE S run-Hi Civil NOTICE. An i'iiliilliilllill Oil' FtirVnt II.iiiki.t-. will lit- Imlil nl Imnih Ijihi' mi Mar-ill :il-l. Ili'-'S. Aiplli'uliiiii will in: n-ci'lvi'il nr In iiihiii of Manii i'ltli lij lint In-tnri lnnnicr. i.uiirl lliiiii-i', I'm mu lliin-ii. rnmi winiiii iiiiiilimtiiiii riiriim mul rmi urliriiiiir Inuy ln iililnliii'il. Iim:. m ini.! Ciiiuliiliili'H mum In' lirltiuli huIiJi'I'Ik. I mil iin.n- 1 Ii.iii Turly yrur ul into. r i i ilcnl in ItrllOli Onliiinlilu rnr ut l-iisl hih yiiiir, nr bixxl I'liururttir mill iliAHuli I I'liiiillllini, wltli mhiiH i'Xiiirii'iii'f mul ruinllliir Willi IIM- iirui'lii'iil Willi' nr Inir liiiilnT i-roisliiir. siirvi'tinK umi iiriili'i'ilnii. wllh kiinwInilKi' ur till' 1 1 il lit Art IliKt ill) 1 1' In iilKiinu.i' WnrK, mul Imtiill)' ini'ii. Tin- i;.iiiiiliialinii Is In I'MnlilMi mi ' I I'llltllili' IIH Tnr tin- iii'M yi'ur fnnn wlili-li ii I l ti 1 1 Iiid-i I a will In' iniiili' tii rmiiri'iv nri' ri'ituiri'd. oiio rmiir H ri'iiiri'il iiinn W. II. .Murl.VVKK. Seryli'i' (niiiiiiniiiii"r, VlrlnrU, Ii. (;. Sciiilden unit Mrs. I'd. Ungrr land act. ' were in charge of the ten (aides;! Mrs. Air. Christiansen and Mrs. " "L;-d"pn., rurcn... 1. Larsen presided over the home. . , j;,.., . ,. cooking; Mrs. Charles W'liatmau : iiirt lU'ioniinif pmirici. mul iiitmiti ,n , ... , i iilM'riiiiiiiiiii'iy nun unil mi? Iiilir nil i'i Wi'HI was al the citudy (able, and , nr smvim auiimt. on saivm iinii,i. swi.mi. Mrs. Whalnuin Sr. was cashier, i "' ... f 'I'lierc were two raffles, drawings I curinimi si., iiiirimtiy, iiiTiiimiiiin r,... ...l.i..i. i.. I .. ..!,.,. i ""kk'-i. iiiii'ius in tiiiy inr itiiiihioii row Mrs. oiiii ii Yin inn. 1'ini i.'inwi- in IHIITIIIIM' .Oil' rnllllWIIIIT (H'KI'rllllMl lllllll s arieruiiou at the lionu of W'lialuiaii! WOMAN AFRAID TO EAT ANYTHING "I was afraid lo eul because I always had stomach' trouble afterwards. Since taking Adlerika I caii'cat and Teel fine." (signed i Mrs. A. Howard. OS 11 spoonrul Adlerika removes (iAS and -often brings surprising relief to the sloinarli. Slops (lull full, lilnat-ed feeling. Heiiioves old wasle mailer from iiilesiines and makes you feel happy and cheerful, r.xcellenl for obstinate constipation. O r in e s Lid., I)rui;gisls.4, wu.' AdverUso in the Daily News. l.iilllllil'lll'llilr nl a ih.sI ii liinli.,1 m n. Kiiiitliwi'Bt rnriicr nr l.nt 48113, Kulvii iKlanil; Uii'iH'i) Hiiiitli-Ai'Kti'il.v, ni'iini.xl' iimti'ly himi yiiid; tliiMicc imrllii'ily ti-jinixliiiHti'ly Him j'HHlii; tlinnrn iinrlliwi'Nt-erly h ir.,x imn ,- y hiiu yiinl4; llioiii-f Hiuitliiirly Huo jiirtN, n xilnt nr liiiirlniiliiir niiiiirlwiiif nil Unit porllnn oT SiiIviih IhIxiiiI wi'Ht or l.nt H(ia mill niiHalninif 3110 ai ri'ii, innro or !. THOMAS MILLS Aifi'iit rr ailpiiL" LAI18SON. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BFMTI8H COLUMBIA Iiiiil 'r "f l"u A""ll"l,,ll'll,llJi' Act: In tin) .Mutter nr the Kutule nf v Wukl- ..1!".'.'"'. "''mteil. lulcHtutt'. ll.mi M"n'"v: U"" l,v, '"(Iit nr Ills llnniir r I. Mill. iiiuijf. Hum,.. t10 inu ()1V nr i bi iiiiry. Hiss. 1 wan upiiuli le Au'- "if"1' ,,r i'lt t v li " e hitc Y. Wuklniniu, ii,.,-,.nt.,i. h,1(j 7,ni'i "ivIiik nicilunt tli muIi! oKtale arc inri'liy iiiiiitrcd 1., rurnlali ,,,",,? .,. Iii-rly veriried In t... mi nr ,ero,V illt ( ay nr Marrh. mas, mid nil ur lea in lei.lei in II,.. mini lat,. ,. A , ,"tl ",, Ine rI!r;i1wiihml I" NOIIMAN A. WATT Orrielal AiliiilnNtrator We are forced to move in ton days and are anxious to reduce our tre stock as the space in our temporary location in the West of England store Smi!lleBlou, will be very limited. Block, GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. We offer-you the greatest values In High Class Jewellery ever put on this city. Call and look over our stock. You are under no obligation. Economy is no hardship where such wonderful bargains prevail. n0w i opportunity to buy Cut Glass Silver and Brassware. 11 w What we want to drive home is this THIS SALE IS ABSOLUTELY GENUINE THERE IS NO CAM0JFLACE Wo are the oldest established Jewellery store in the city and wo arc not qaitf The prices on all goods are marked in ph In figures as is always our custom originally checked from the invoice'. You can thus Fee for yourself Just whaUh' regular price of each article Is on the pr ce tag. This will give you an Idea of ih price reduction. Come In and choose what you require while the selection is tit best. Satisfaction guaranteed as usual. " Diamond Specialist Max Heilbroner FOUND IN ROOM WITH HIS SKULL FRACTURED Wild Party at Seattle Ends In Death For One of Members SKA TTLK, Mitr. IK. The Diamond Specialist WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, at 7 and 9 "For Sh A page nl real tile. A pholu pi., modern auction Itloi k. Just ;t in , of I in lay arc sold lo Hie highest hnl'. -frankly culled slnxery- today ij is Hit- - . and social position. i'alher uiid an ! lit (ers, (he eligible, ro ll nu n nf sociriv ihepli'tt of Hurrying well, girl arc I i - idc. Ilveryonc should see I his lari in modern slavery cloaked in Hip gio-no Superb dresses mid sellini,', Kvclb All slur cusl. (ihiire Wind-'or, Adulp'n M Kllis. Toll 'Marshall, John la(ri k. M c noliN, llhi istine Mayo antl ollicrs. AUBREY STAR COMEDY "POLLY V00." TOPICS OF THE DAY. . 35c and lh n i tvt i.; i n:i cinauian national auwayi Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Ennlrwers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmithi, PM makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo hundle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F aotxq igllia BIG oe Sale for Ten Days Only From Thursday, March 12 to Saturday, March Mere arc five lols of Shoe which ! arc offering Ihaiii al a price which n ipiick. Lot No. 1 7f. Pairs Ladies' Slipper-$(l.(t(l lo fjirl.r(). Halt- Price . . Lot No. 25(1 ilijirs Children's Million sizes fro 111 H lo S. Ilegular !j!:i.." Lot No. 3 L"i I'airs Ladles' 'Sirup Hlui diuiii heel. Miigular I.0. H.i Lot No. 4 0(1 Pairs Ladies' Huedc SH and high liecl, in black, brown aim a ulnr ifS.ot). Sale Price Lot No. 5 Pairs Misses mid lhV Sl1"1' I" K' tin) I' Hi' s,if r , I'll,'' , Sln-I""':i . illlll' W . (tegular v 1.75. Snle Price . 1(1r' These are bargain prices and are cut tu ri,i possible. Wilh every purchase rroi r('" ' wv ' 1iulies' Sliocs, apart from the above iiieiiuoa''' give rree a pair'or Ladies' Silk llnsc U " 1,1 .sii'1 worlh $1.75. Anil wilh every purchase 01 ri ,y from our regular slock we will' ahsolnH'i of caslunure hose. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Jabour Bros., Lt Corner Third and Seventh.