Ive. ,t,2!S- Ml ii ECIALS For This Week )FFER SOME REAL BARGAINS IlI'Mll . if-v III. lYour Supply lomy SB , . 40c . $1i10 . . . 20c ... 25c . . . 25c . . 25c . . 20c .. 30c From Store Fifth Ave. East hones 84 and 18. cadilly adcloth 85 c (Wi'll I V material . chibl- mlerwear - wide. vard - OFENGLAND STORE Phone 753. L S. TAIT OriTIST. Hgtrion Block, PE RUPERT, B. 0. k Hours, IU t. rhoa 688. Ivtnlngi Only Fr Appointment. Regis afe Rupert's Leading 'Rtstaurant. kery Unsurpassed hird Avenue. IDSAY'S 5e and Storage Phone 6. Warehousina. and Pl'iitini? Team or fr'tor Service. fund find Oravel l"ie In Piano and Allure Kiovlnn Wf IT AT! GOOD SEASON SAVAGE AT ALICE ARM Mining Prospects Look Better . Than They Have for Some Years says Government Official Prospects for mining devrlop-ini'iit in (the Alice Ann district look brighter I hi season lhan they have f(Tr 'some year Males Oeorge A. Young, road siijipi' hi-trndonf for Allin district, who arrived in the eiiy from the north last nit! III. The most imiiorlaul 'factor in again fiiiiiKinu into Hie lime-lighl Iho mineral wcul i li in Hie K i I -an 1 1 Itiver valley Inn been I In Torlr mine n'ear I he l)iilly Yarden on which a rich strike wiii made last rail. Dcwlnpmcir work in being carried iii! Iiy I lie llomrslukc Mining Co. ami I li riirllier it advances I he belter I lie showing seem to lie. 'J' TaViiner, superintendent nl nper-aliniis, came down In Alice Arm I hi week with a report I hat a ful l her five tool vein of good nre hail iieen cncmilllcrcd. Siime beautiful samples of 'high grade silver nre have Iieen taken nlT I he property. A reorganization of Hie Kspor-an.a mine, close In Alice Arm. i now in nroyress ami it is Hie in tention in nut a small mill nn me property ami pnssiiiiy a short tram In I lie railway graded The AlilinlNfiiril Logging Co. is resuming logging operalions at Alice Arm this season aKil al- I'l'aily ha enough lozs in the water i till the six million Tee) nriler il has received frnm Hie Prince lluiict sawmill. PRESENTATION MADE SMITHERS SCOUTMASTER T. G. Martin Recipient of Thanks from Trustees and Watch and Chain from Boys I SMITH Kits. Mar. IR. - The .Trustees nf Hie Smilhcrs' Hoy jSrouls, together with the boys who are members nf Ihe local ! I roup, gathered in Ihe Seoul Hall on Monday evening;. I len-iiler In T. H. Marl in. their regret : li a! tie has Iieen cnmpelled If ireiirii in scout master owin to ! Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Opera! in:: Hie only power cleaning ami piVssinff e(itipmeiit in the city. Service and workmanship im-surpaHsed.. A phono c.ull will hririR mir car. . 515 Cth Avo. W. Phone 8 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 JUU COCOA for 25c 'new slock) Washer and Dryer I ins no Wringer, tieoils notio. Won Hold Mi'ilul at hs, 0nelee KKliiliilinn over nil A'lit'l'ican uml Qannclinii Machines, cash ,.j,.0 $185i00, nsff S(,, terms. Kaien Hardware Co. 'WaT Borilen'iSl.CIiarlct KfaV Milk pur, rich, BkA T ftW rch, country milk SB BT AT Irom which mora BE BB BSBO tnanhalfthonatural BB BB H Bx water hat been re- BB BB BJ BM moved. Iia creamy AV Ha m richneta makea it H BH Iheldeal and econo aVJI BH TaV A rnical milk forevcry jm Bkv recipe. Order from ftV your f racer, Four aW BaW aV Wilt, tor Si. Cherlea Mf JH Kecipe Book Jar aWaV Tit Serf c Ca. limhtt afl YllllCOUVCJ " fH iieing iransleiTi'il in Hums Lake. J. M. Kirhy, Ihe chairman, on lielialf oT the Tnislces Ihaiikef! Mr. Martin for the excellent pn -?rc made during his lei'iii.in maser( and also drew al-lenfiou In Iiih willingness lo lid': his fellow eltizens whenever an ojiporliinily presented. Al Ihe conclusion of his remarks he presenled Mi. Marl in wilh an address signed Iiy all Ihe. Trustees as an appreciation of his good work.'x I'alrol leader .liggs (iralirtnion lielialf of the hoy then present ed their retiring scout master with a walcli and chain as a token nf appreciation of 1ii guidance ami I nil inn. Mr. Martin in a few well Hitucn words thanked those present for Hie farewell tendered him, ami then handed fiver lo .liggs (iiiiliam his witrraut am! iiadges. this step lining approved of Iiy the Trustees, who alllliori-ed Dial Jiggs act as Scnill-ina-ler uniil lurlher aclinn is t llkcl) . ST. PATRICK'S DAY IS CELEBRATED BY LADIES OF SMITHERS Shamrock Tea and Sale of Home Cooking In Catholic Hall Yesterday SMI TH Kits. Mar. IK. The Shamrock Tea and sale of Home cooking held hy the Catholic lilies' Aid in their hall on Tuesday. 'SI. Patricks May. was a most pleasant a Hair, and those i' charge are 6 he congralulal eil on I lifir elinris in inane u such a success. The weather was ideal and i here was it .good attendance of pairous for the lea room mid IiimiIIi. Mrs. .). A. Macdonald was convenor or rouimtiice m rnarge ni Ihe event and was assisted Iiy Mrs. II. Thompson as oversee! nl' the Home-cniuVinjr, hnolh, itml Mrs. .1. CnrrMfi. lnlt ami JIrs. T. Munloji in charge nl the lei room, with several of the older Sunday school girls acting as Winters. SOCIETY STORY IS SHOWING TONIGHT A society story showing life among the .New York rich rind Ihe power of wealth is "For ISale." the pii'lurc thai is to he teen here tonight al Ihe W'esl-liolme Theatre. Il is replele wilh powerful and even tragical situations which nl times seem overwhelming. The final oul-eome is odd, ipiile dilfereut rroin the ordinary. DRY Bird Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60o Per SacK I HydeTransfer 139 Setotid Avenue. Phone E80. Night or Day. WI BUY BOTTLES. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE NEW MISSIONARY WELCOMED TO NAAS RIVER BY NATIVES Splendid Music at Communion Service at Greenville Indian Church Hii:i:.Vir.I.i:, Mar. 18. During Hie wilder Ihe (Irrenville (Jlioir has dime excellent work, keeping inlerest in :lho Sunday services ly their riingiii and nralorial work. On Sunday, .March K, they we-cnnlej their new inisslnnary, the Hev. A. .1. W'rfgJit, Who liehl com-inuliioii service in' (he ninniiiig, ahmil .'10 communicants participating, and in the evening a full choral service was held, the (choir rendering two nnlhems. ( Nearer .My find (o Thee" and l "The Messiah's Coming.'' The, organist. I'red McKay, lias Irain-j ed Hie choir lo do pnnil work. ! Their newly iii'ioinled ron-Iduclor. Charles .Mii.Veil, i also a clever violinist anil a inusiciaiij jof gi'-eal merit. The singing, wax in credit lo any choir, and wnsl much appreciated iy the large jrongrealiou iissenihled. This is Mr. WrighTx first visit to (this point since takiiiK charge) at Kincnlilli in .N'ovemlier. SUNSHINE CLAIMS TOBEMVELOPED Jack Pederson and Harry How-j son Head New Stewart Syndicate The Sunshine group or claims in Ihe (ilaeier '.reek section or the Portland Canal district, whirh was hoinled last fall hy .lack Pederson, is to he developed Ihis season hy a syndicate organized hy Mr. I'edersou and Harry llowson. The nropcrly is one of the hest khtnVu in the dislricl, and saiuples of the ore wilh Ihcir native silver' and argeitlilc, are amoiig the "show specimens" nf the ramp. The properly consists of four cairns adjoining the I,. i I.. Ilaeier Creek mine on Ihe east. A considerahle amount oT development has already Iieen done on Ihe properly hy the original owners. iodfrey Anderson and l-'red Young oT Siewarl. and the ("iran-iiy Consolidated Company, which had il under lioink Tor a shor: lime three years ago. SMITHERS There was horn at the llulkley Valley District Hospital on Tues day, March I", a sou to Mr. ami Mrs. Krnie Kami. Miss Middleloarriveil in lown oil Sunday from llousloii and is the guest of Mrs. .1. P. Provincial Cnnslahle A. 1'air- hairn of 'I'elkwa ' is spending 'i rew days in lown as chief of I lie local force during Hie absence of Corporal V. .1. Servinv T. (S. Martin pT Ihe T'oh'sfry depart iiienl Jeff for lliirns I.ake on Tiiesifaj- morning, where lie is lakjiig over- Hie position of Hanger for thai district. Miss Helen (Irani relurneil lo town on Sunday -after a Visit with her parents al lla.elfon. Miss (Irani is taking chariv of (he lloyer lioine during Ihe alisenci of the owners who are on a I rip In Kasle.ru Canada. ALICE ARM The Alice Arm I.altose Mining Co., I.ld., or which Mr. V. ' I Ki'rgin of Prince liupert is pre sidonl and K. II. Mortimer secretary, plans lo ship (ire Ihis year from Its . property seven utiles tip Hot Dully Ynrden Hail win- froth here. A tunnel 450 feel in lenglli is fn he driven .1. M. Morrison has been itppoinl- d side stock selling agent. Il is undrrslooir thai a provin cial pnllOe constable will arrive liere itboiri April I l be slalion- ed in Hie lown fur tfic siuiihier. Kd. Skiiglnnd lias returned to Alice Arm iifler hnviiig Iieen eur- ployed fnt5 several mould's ill fir iolskeisb mine near Ahynx. JacJ; McDonald 'has returned lo Alice Arm afler spending Ihe wlliK-r on Vanctnlvrf Islnml, The Alice Arm Tenuis Club It costs you seven out of every ten dollars to live ECONOMIC experts tell us that it costs the average family about 70 per cent of its total income to buy food, clothing, household utilities and all the multitude of little things that keep a family comfortable and happy. Seven dollars out of every ten and that doesn't include rent, luxuries or entertainment. Think what a job it is to spend this large proportion of your income wisely and well. To get the biggest and best possible value from every one of those, seven dollars! The clever woman goes to the advertisements of her daily paper for help. There she finds a directory of buying and selling. She learns about the offerings of merchants and manufacturers. She compares values. She weighs quality and price. She takes this opportunity of judging and selecting almost everything she needs to feed, clothe, amuse, instruct and generally bring Up her family. Do you read the advertisements? You will find them willing and able to serve you in the daily business of purchase. Advertisements are guardians of your pocket-book read them carefully lias elected ollicers for Ihe yeai as follows: President . Al I al l-oner; vice-jiresiileui. Miss II Crawford: secretary treasurer. A. D. Yorke. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES V Wednesday, March 18 High 7:-'? a.m. I7.7 ft. 20:83 p.m. in. I " Low. I :hi! a.m. .U " p.m: "i.5 " Thursday, March 19 High : .5 a.m. I7.8 ft. 22:0K p.m. If.5 " Low 2:33 a.m. .? " I5:tl p.m. -LU " Friday, March 20 High l":0l a.m. IS.fi ft. 23:07 p.m. 1 7.7 " Low 3:r.ft a. in. 8.3 " I (V: tC p.m. 3.'.) " Saturday, March 21 High II :r a.m. I!.3 ri. 23:50 p.m. IK.U " Low ...... 6:03 a.m. 7.0 " 17:4- p.m. M.O " THE COUGH OR COLD THAT SETTLES ON THE LUNGS IS HARD TO GET RID OF ThAsi' arc tlio kind thai aio ilinnropmis the kind thill wi'iikni I In- liiliK.s, II if kind th.il hIIdw the iri'iiiiH nf I'liiisiiiiinllnii to yet a rnolliold In I ho eyslom. .Mr. Jfllm K. I.iilorr, (inldon !.ak. nnt, which:--"Last Year I tmd A mid. nnd a milltll wlilcli Hi-diH'il in llrk nil hy clrostl l irliMl dirfcrfiit iircimrallnns. Imt tlicy ditl tot himmii tn liMi me any. I waf advised dy a friend, in try DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP and when I tmd taken a few dnncs I lie- ai! to feel that II wan dnlnit me iphmI, nn I kent at It and IiihIiIh nf a week I va relieved tif iny tniiililc." r. Wnnd's" lias lii-en en tlio innrkct tnr tliu imst 38 years; vnu ilmfi Mperl ineiit when you liny It; mt up only l The T. Alilliiirn Co.. Limited, Toronto j 1 Ont, Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. C01 BlacIC 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 Family Shoe Store See our Window for MEN'S NEW SPRING SHOES AND OXFORDS Special This Week. .Men's and Young Men's good ipialily. Hrown (Jalf, Welted Klines Tor only $5.85 Phone 357. Third Ave. RAW FURS If you want lo lie paid highest possible CASH prices for your HAW I'l l US, forward them lo R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Head nrfico: It.S.ll. llldg.. 1:1-51 Louise SI., Winnipeg. Man. Ks't. I.SS:i. Incorporated l!)20 Another Portland Canal Opportunity The first Treasury Issue of Hie Poiier-ldaho Mining Co.. Lid., is now offered the public al Uoc per share. This is Ihe only oilier shipping -mine besides Ihe Premier in Ihe Pofllniid Canal llislricl. Ore shipped last year more lhan pnid developmcill work. For full infortunium apply-1- H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers. Victoria.