pr,v. two nrs daily .frsv Weiln.'Silny. Fo;-. n - True Economy Report of Manager of Fair to "Bring me a. Association at Annual Meeting is not so much what you pay for an article as what you get in return. Shows Excellent Work was Done TEA The Daily News l'MlNCE HUPEUT - BMTISH COLU.MIHA B441 is incomparable in value. Try it today. Published Every Afterimnn, except Sunday, the Prinee llitpcrt Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. l'ULLKN, Managing Kdilbe. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery. ly mail or carrier, per mouth SI. Oil By mail In all pails of Hie Hrilish Empire and I lie Uniled Stales, in advance, per year '. $0.00 To nil other rnuiilries, in advance, per year sjt7.r0 Transient Display Advertising. 1.10 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Loeul Headers, per insertion ...2i"e per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2e. per word Legal Notices, each insertion ." I Re 'per agate lino Contract Rales on Wppliealion. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. daily Vernon IDWednesilay. Feb. I, 1925. Striking Out For Things That Are New. The person who always goes on the same old way becomes a. inosshack. The person who is always ahead looking out for something new is characterized as unstable, Nightly or perhaps a crank. The safe midway is where the money is made and the credit is given. VI we always admire the man who is willing to take a chance. That is, we admire him if he wins. If he fails we are apt to say "I told you so," or "t could have (old von that before he began." hddie (iiiest, the rhyming' philosopher, has something to .say about this, lie lakes the side of the man in the front rank sayiugi i - -. ' "The things that haven't been done before, those are tlx (lungs In try; Columbus dreamed of unknown shores at the nm of the far-flung sky; and his heart was bold and his faith wlis slroifg'as lie'vOnliireil in ilaiiger's new, and he paT'iK'no heed lo me jeering llirong or me fear of the doubting ' crew. The many will jollow llie beaten track, Willi guideposts on the way; they live and have lived for ages back with a chart for every day. .Simeoiie has told them it's safe lo go on the road he has trav cited o er, and all that they ever strive lo know are things that were known before. A few sjrike out, without map or cliarl, where never man has been; from the .beaten paths they drew apart to see whalt jio man had seen. There are deeds they hunger alone to do; though battered and bruised and sore, they blazed llie path for the many, who do nothing not done lie- lore. Hie tilings that haven I been dnnrj before are the'tasks worth while today; are you one of the floclv that follows, .or are you one Hint shall lead the way? Are you one of the timid souls thai quail at the jeers of a doubting crow, or dare you, whether you win or fail, strike out for a goal 'Mini's new?" Way Of Leader Is ' x Usually Difficult. - The in the vangiianl finds the (till person . ... . going . difficult. ; The moi- in me leiepnone is a ease in poml. Tins invention received no welcome from the business world. 11 was considered an interesting toy. Hell was even called aif imposter. The Times alluded pompously to it as "the latest American humbug;" and explained elaborately why speech could jiot lie sent ove.r a wire, because of the intermittent nature of the electric current. The Saturday Ileview said, even after it had advanced a considerable amount in America "It is inferior lo (lie well-established system of air lubes." 11 wis hailed everywhere-tis a siilijei-t of ridieule-- loiiiers-Hiriaw would be able to send their voices around . me iiaiuuiiiic globe. ' This 'was (j,e first or, r'ujicule phase., inpil ilted ,len years men came ine struggle ion efficiency till; lt?liii iil il y. -rtiiv' uo l U m-iiiiii woo us eieciricai uisiiirnances was done away with; un del-ground cables were substituted for overhead wires, instru mi-ins. swiiriiooiiriis nuu receivers were unproved: long dis- laure work oceanic possinje. this period lasted some ten and Mien came llie period of expansion, A famous Bourbon Whisky as noted for its antique maturity as for its purity and smoothness. Bourbon in fact and quality. bached BOTTLED IN BOND UNDER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION 'Awakens Old Memories" Old Crow BoukbonWhiskey years, A comprehensive Hoard iluriiiK IIm' rear lees Innk II In I slaltmienl of the lielivilies MUM was submitted by It. liiirade. carnival scenes and the like witli a wet weather revenue is not often recorded and I run-no! refrain from saying that here, as elsewhere, the willing .sacrifice of time and energy and experience was very great." Mr. Hunter acknowledged and assistance that liad itme from many sources, bolli local and outside. Ladies had! done .valuable work In various capacities such as on sub-committees, iiml in connection with the tea room, baby show, etc. The. board, .was fully .apprecia tive of their services. School tiullioi-ilies had done valuable work in their department of the Inhibition. Experience Gained "The experience framed lias been helpful and is of a constructive nallire," concluded Ihe report. ",Yoti .have had vigorous service- llie only kind that is worthy of you. Our governments are somewhat concerned over the numerous organizations of I Ids kind throughout the country. II is hardly necessary to remind von that such institutions exist under very powerful and determining laws. The survival of llie fittest is -the definition of thatj law. It is your privilege and duly to see that Hie Northern H.H. Agricultural & Industrial Associal ion continues lo lie mi educating, practical and potent factor in the development of nor thern and central Ui'ilish Col umbia. "In conclusion, permit me In say that while .your executive has been able to pilot the affairs of Hie association through with out any dericit. and while under more favorable weal tier conditions an unusually large surplus would. 'have remained, this latter condition Phe chief aim of.tfie board, of directors. Dis trict .exhibitions as. such differ s's'eiillrtll'''fiint pVfvale enter prise. ThcirNaim is rather to demonstrate our industries display our natural resources, In incite our people lo healthy competition, in liorl lo foster all lilies of industrial endeavor. Support of District "Ve have had many good ex-hilijlions, and the people of this lislriel are to be congratulated on Hie foresight displayed and on their growing .tendency to face Ihe tasks of development by showing a united front. It goes without saying that on reipiest yiuir ,oCfice could get on its files 4111 uuntislakeahle .expression of I Ids feeling just us speedily a. he mails could operate. "Our aim then is development ami the .medium, employed co operation not only among those interested locally, but among Hie citizens ami (Organizations throughout Ihe .country. "As .we understand It, Hie annual meeting Is chiefly for the delegation of executive authority for the coming year. II. has been 1 conspicuously noticeable during jlhe year Just ended thai where the most excellence was shown .was where special suh-enmtnit- This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tho Liquor their time ami experience. We Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia I need only refer you to th fin- nf tlit fair Mel). Hunler, managing director, in making his report at the annual iineeting of the Northern H.C. Agricultural k Industrial Associal wnicn was held last night. Active work in preparation for the Fair hail commenced in January and the result had been a, big and successful exhibition. From every ipiarler, the effort of , the ".board during Hie year hail been acclaimed a distinct success. The llltM prize I k stood out as n reminder of the cease- ' less collaboration of many cum-she'd effect of our exhibits. Hie peleul ctimmillccs. An outstanding- feature of life year's work, .was Hie further improvement of ihe Exhibition building. The exterior had been painted. interior alleralhins made and a conijilele new lighlr iuft system was installed removing an element of danger thai had' prevailed. .Great .Credit .Due lleferring to Hie rcspmisihili lies of Hie sports and -at tract ion carnival queen contest and band preparation and iirranncincul of Oish'le 'jioollis, the more com-furl able a of '.the lea rooms. II will lit' possible to build upon liis experience uud you are invited to .place upon your board those who are known lo work ' and wear well. Encouraging (Outlook "Your alienlioii is drawn lo the outlook iiiik for ior .I- ii... in.-.), lo say in'- least it is -most eiieiuuaging. II is not iinprobalile 1 1 : t L Western I . i ii : committees. Mr. Hunter's report ' ' is on me cm- .m "IM'm u-declared thai it was to Hie very I"1''0 deyclopmenl and to very real credit of those in charge) '-'lenity -assist in giving stimulus thai, in the face nf various dis-jand diroclion your .association appointments together with w ill bt. railed Uion lo exerl llseir broken weather ilurinjr ifie Fair Ins perhaps it lias never done he- .W'eek. that the associal ion's fi- fore." nances nail Jieen 'I'o .cover the nvi .weather program field sports, i i i 1 1 - kept nl ven I. head of a dry designed for trial and band WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE GIVEN BY ODDFELLOWS Benefit .Affair Well Attended In Boston -Hall Last .Night llelvveeii i'5(l and 300 persons at tended a benefit wliisl drive and dance which was ilield last night by the lleliekahs juni- Odd fellows in the lloslon Hall. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Winners at whist Iwere: Ladies' tirst. Mrs. II. J. Smith; ladies' second. Mrs. J. Parks; men's firsts I.. ('.. Kby; men's -second, W. Ilothui'll. The prize for tl" highest ladies' score at one table .went to 'Mrs. ,K. Iliilllierg. Raffles resulted as follows: f Fivo'iliillar gold piece won by Mrs.. jl". Ilniilter. Cut glass vase, donated by Mrs. I-.'. Ireland, won by Miss lleilbroner. Ite.freshiiieiils were served and dancing was llieii enjoyed, music being furnished, by. Miss St. Cyr's orchestra which donated its .services. A. It. IMiillips was master of ceremonies, I'. J. Soliyii. was 011 Ihe door and the committee consisted of Mrs. S. V. Cox (convener), Mrs. W'i .McLean, Mrs. .1. llmlilie. Mrs. YV. S. Hammond. Mrs. James Irvine, C. (i. .Minns, I'. J. Sidein, lieorge Leek, S. Y. Cox and a number nf others. BETTER BABIES' CONTEST VALUE Lives of at Least Two .Children Saved as Result of Doctors' Examinations. Speaking of Hie value of ihe Heller llabies' Coiilesl in con-iieei tori : AVijlf t jm" Vuiium) exhibition,- ('rank ;libb, chairman of Hie coiiiiilillj-e. in charge of thli' iepail.niei) ;,sliileil.: a! jllie annual meeiln'g of1 't'hl- X6?Miern It. Oj Agricultural and luduslriiil As- (l,sociMlion I11sl nigl1llh.1t Ihrnugh advice that had hee.n given by the examining doctors last year, lives of at leasf dwo babies had been saved. Mr. Dilih acknowledged Invaluable assistance that had been' given by Mr. Tremayne. Mr. Cade, Mr. L V. Kergiu, Mr. West, Mrs. DON'T LET YOUR BOWELS GET CONSTIPATED A free inntliin uf Uifl linwelt every liiy slmiilil ) tin) rule (if 'every ,w Wici anilres In pi-tri'i-l henllh, rctr .nine ihe lmwel lii'i'iiiiii' rnnntlpsleil and i-lnafieil ip. all Ihe iiilier nrRsiw or Ihe ImhIj- lm. ciiiiii- ilerniiiteil. Kttp Vour Bowali Rtgular by ,Ualng MILBURN'S LAXA-LIYER PILLS TlH'y will rleiir nwny nil llm rrrcte nnrt ihiIii.ooiis twitter whlrli hn eotlccio In I In- F.Vfiiin, a-ive '"" 'I'ee, easy nml iminial iiimII'iii if tint til i el 4 very il.iy. Marl tin- nluiriiMi liver wnrklnir, ami i-lvn lime and vitality lo llie wlmlo liiteminal tract. Mtlliiirn's l.ava-Mvrr Pills are ror sain nl all ilriiait ami dealer: put up mily h.V Tim T. Mllhuiii Co. I.lmlted, Tiininto, Onl. I ! T f-n-n 1 - . LiHHVlA. L KUF-Jii ;"" IJf- 1 mr- iaiyr.-ww-'amja iiwv -ii At tli ton .ra imii th rhla ml wnrlc nn flh nw train whlrfi ftnrrutrn between Xlmlfrvut an J WInnltwd UVt-r I unadlun iinea m if nouri 43 minute, uuiiy, iieiuw, comioriaPM nifHi wim m uwuiriiw rnnnitinH iimiijt nmra wun nuncurt. How would you like to be called upon to prepare a meal for 125 or mor people in a kitchen 21 feet long and. a little over 6 feet wide, in twhich four other than yourself were working, and in which all your stores and supplies were kept? You might consider it a fairly tall order, and yet day after day many men are doing this very same thing at least three times a day in the kitchens of the railway dining cars which render travelling hotel service across the continent. In addition to the space mentioned, the kitchen and dining room staff have only a pantry seven feet by six in which to work, yet who has not wondered at the seeming magjc with which the waiters produce at very short notice the choicest of foods and drinks, cooked and garnished to tempt the most dainty appetite and appease the most hungry? The key note of this remarkable service is, of course, system, and then training. Investigating, one finds that each class of food has its own refrigerator, and that each refrigerator and ice-well, each drawer and each of the innumerable lockers are so arranged as to permit of ready access with the minimum amount of lost motion. Everything has and is in its place, the sepcrate refrigerators being provided in order to avoid absorption of odors from the pungent variety of foodstuffs by those of a more delicate quality. The cooking is done on a broiler in the case of steaks, fish and ham, etc., or on the large coal range. Dairy products and fruits are stored in the pantry where silver, glass-ware and crockery is kept. The preparation of the menu card is done under the D'-rsonal supervision of the superintendent and a full Mex. Mcltae, Mrs. (i. A. Hiinier Mrs. .1. I.. ,ee. Mrs. Hfanee. Mrs. iiarlon and olhers, and moved a .ote of thanks lo them, winch viis earned with enthusiasm. T V A uch a nature. -HI i.cji i cars rtgo j In Prince Rupert 1 February 4, 1916. .luilre Yountr has Iciiilervd bis resignation as a member of Hie Prince HUiierl (ieneral Hospital Hoard. Following llie siireslion ii'inp publicly made flint Ihe loanl liad ih'ireiieriiteil into a iidilical machine, he slides that t is inijiossilile for him to he ilraed into a ronlrnversv of An appriipriation of jjsiiti.nmi made by the provincial irnvcrn-fiieiit for" llm piirpose-of nltract-inw immigration in Hrilish Col-unibia is crilieized - by .lacl I'lnce, M.I', for .N'aiiaiino. 'Tlie' atitiuai' ' lneeling 0f Hie Presbyterian r.luireli was held last evcuinsr, llev. II. It. (irant presidiii.'. The report of the iioard of nuimiRcrs was read bv lieortre H. Ninlen, that of the Ladies' Aid by Mrs. Sinrhdr nml Mrs. M. ,). .Mcltae, the Sunday school , report by .1. M. Car-michael 'while It. 'MeFarlane reported for Hip boys' brigade. .1. II. Thompson ami Thomas Me-I'lymonl were elected lo the Iioard of niiinnsfers. The Man in the Moon i PYS: 'I'll Mill-: is liope for Opportunity. He knocks hut once 'in every man's life, nreonlinu; lo tradition. IlKHAUSK a few people .made money out of huyinu- .wheal, s no reason ftial everyone should buy wheat, lie original, MOHI-: people gel rirh ,y ie five per cent inlerel route than hy Hie IiIkIi speed enmble. I.OMKIXn ror a liuslntud is a ffame played hv lioili h,m.,i ,i MiHrrifi Wiuncn "inn ,(, ' ii ii u i set of bills of fare covering all meals to be the run, are handed to the steward and chti. i t out a requisition fcr the necessary quar , ;f basing their estimate on the average tra ari t stuffs are checked and examined as to qul Chef personally as they are placed in the t into the receptacles provided. Kverythi:: i t' r for the preparation of the meal. Tbere I- great deal ol work to be done beiore Ihe ' c made. Stock has to be prepared for soup, pedtrvt! cleaned, garnitures cut, vegetables cut ard r: i .hi-.-. f'k.r.iu. Ih.r .u..u h rinn- - tlUIIKB. 1 lie .uci oral IIIB.C Ttl J IN1I1( (IV. nhoarl lmt U.-UI tint, nermit ttiA nrnArnti."n x i items as require to be prepared is ordered. A . j . . . ir . i t. 1 1 . ... a ,1 .. . lUOtmuilM unu iucii inuiK as luuii ami 'kl ' - must be prepared only as ordered. As to tne division or amies, .me prcpar-i; aiirM. mi'L-s all rnaatii. frva and lm..; ail r V generally supervises the worlc of the kit .-hea :f I cook makes all pastry, puddings. ca;;v, rr eoffee; third cook peels all vegutaiiiu rd i second cook with the other worki founh " r utility man and does the washing of t. ' I I'aits. i lie luili vuui., cuuic-iiiui': wn-u t-ruta Iir?nr4 IiiiHpp ami npunitrM K: r1' ?! ' . . - t L : . .1 .-' I . : ..I I .. I. .. - . . urmiKni, vik i nisuiTiBiuiiui mw priii.jn of meals iust as quickly as passengers csa r them, and Verv often one kitchen stall iht ' I I'acific dining car st rvic will tura out nearly C3 tn the course of one day. . . WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVIC mm am wm m m a m 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT -aiH frnin .rlnr hnper! FOR VANCOUVER, VICTO SEATTLE, liiteniieiiiiiie pniiii earn rruuy y.uii am. For 8TEWART and NrOX THE 8.8. "PRINCE JOHN" ! PRINCE VANCOUVER, via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . . V. ilii: -'f, O RUPERT fortnlglil1! DlccmnrD tdiimi I riur PBINrr MlirERT SIONOAV, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.iiO pin fur ITOW iiti::e - winniriu, an puliilt hll H Q l.arHina, J. linen siaie". AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Tlckat Offlca, 528 Third vt., P.rlnca Ruptrt. rtionl 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C Coast Servi ce Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MAHY It., ir. 1.1-11 111 1 1 .. .1 CLnfiuuIlU. rur rvcixiiinun, vvrangeil, uuneau anu oR"i . January 12, 26 February 3i For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle ,7 .hnnoru 9 in rri! February '3 ' Kill I IIUI J mmf . W V w - Q H DDllurCCO DCATDIC.r For B-itedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Owi' Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, u couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Ao-uy for all Steamship Line Full Informatiori fnun W. C. ORRHARD. nnral flaent R.lflr of 11. C: ...1 J J D.lnra niltOtl- ' GET IT AT! yZ HIGH CLft -GROCER PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOn DANCES AND SOCIALS