Psnr. four TRK H . P Y iTT"?.'9 w m BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mcl TIMBER SALE, X 6C03. NOW There! will I nrfpred for sale al Public Aiirilmi al iKH.ii mi tint lid day or Man n, ll0, lii ihi urrion ut Hie f'urest Sur ivlr, Sinilher, B.C., the Licence X 6CU3, lo rul 9(11, lino lineal reel of Cedar l'ole and I'illnir nn an area eUiiated on Hell Lake, nit mile, auiiilitteM of llateltuii, i:a.slr dIMrtcl. Five (5) year will lie allowed fur removal or llinlier. I'mvlded Ilia I any one unalile to attend ho aurllon In person may miIuiiII a sealed tender In lie opened at Hie hour or auction ami Ireaieu a one Iml. Flintier iMi-lrtilars or the rjiler Korev ter, victoria. n.i: or ihhinci inreslcr, rrinee llupert, II.C. TIMBER SALE X 6838. Sealed Tender will be received hy the Mlnl.ner or l.and.i, at Victoria, not later man noon on ine sin nay or February, IfliS, ror the purchase or Licence X 08:18, to rut S,3fl,(iiin reet or Spruce, cedar anil Hemlock, on an area adjoining- l.m 1836, Selvvyn Inlet, oneen Charlotte ll.nuH Land district. Two (si) years will he allowed for re moval fit tlmlier. rurlher particular of the Chler Fores ter, Victoria, U.K., or District Forester, rriuce niiperi, .i.. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to P'irchaa Lana. In Skcena Land Instrlrt, Prince lluperl IK-i-i.riliiiir lllstMct, and situate on IMiinil in Skcena Itlver lliuneillatcl soiitli or S.i I v 1 1 s Island. TAKK MiTICK thai HoiiKlas S. Clarke or ituinany, ill... oiTiipatioii .salesman, iniriius to apply ror peiunssion m pur rliaie the rollowinir descrllied lands: Coinniencinir al a posl planted on Hie easterly end or the Island lyliitr Ilium ! lately south or salvus Isliind, said -take lielnR planted at the extreme east end or sain isiami, ami ronialiiinir all or said Island. Tills stake is planted Hill yards directly south or Salvus Slnlion and ron- lalns llie name or liourlns s. Clarke, and slaked liy audit Tliomas Mills, and con taininir 3ili) acres, more or less. rmrr.l.AS s. CI.AIIKE, Per .Vnent THOMAS MILLS. Paled January isili, J9J&. LAND ACT. Nolle or Intention to Apply to Laas Land j in i.aim Meconium- l.l-l.irt on llie or British coluinlila, adjoining Lot I tun. TAKK NOTICE that P.iririr Mills Limited or Vancouver, Hrlllsh Columhla, or-cupalion I'll In and Paiu-r Manuracliirers. ' Intends lo apply ror a lease or Ihe Ml in lowing descrilHil lands: i:oiiime(iiliiir at a Misl planted on lh southeast ipriier id Ihe laud ror which application rur lease Is lielnir made, tin nee north 43 den. east f,.fiiii Feet to is the sotiUieast corner or Lot tlfifl; Ihence linilll 47 iletr. 3fl' west 5S. reel In South-et rorner or Lot II nil; thence soullierly rollowlnr the lilRll tide line 7,nni) reet. more ur less, to the point or roininenee-meni, and contalnlnir seventy (Jiij acres more or less. of I'AClPIfl MILLS LIMITED (Name or Applicant lit mil) Paled January 9ih, 95. LAND ACT ! Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land' In Massetl Inlet, yueen i;harlotie Islands Land District, tlernrdlnir Plstrlcl of Prince llupert. II.C, and situate annul oue mile sou in of lloss Island, Masselt In-'let; and In -Yestalton nay, on llmher limit No I Take Notice that Euirene II. Simpson, or Masselt, n.C occupation Cannery lo Manairer, Intends to apply ror permission to lease the rollowinir desrrlned land Commencing at a post planted nn Ihe wesi tiy side or Yestalton llav; Ihence south ' clialns- thence east in chains, thence north ft chains; thence west in chains, and con-talnlna- IS acres, more nr less. EPOENF " SIMPnt. lo . . Name of Applicant Paten neeempo inth LAND ACT nf Nolle f Intention to Apply to Lai Land In Prince Rupert Land District, He-rnrdlnir District of prince llupert, and situate at Parnard Cove, princess Jioyal lo Island. B.C. Take .Notice that Snmervllle Cannery Company Limited, or Vancouver, B.C.. Intends in apply ror permission to lease the rollowinir desrrlned lands: Cnmmenclnir al the head or Barnard Cove, princess ftoyal Island; thence east rive (5) chains; thence nonh roriv ini .-h.iina. n,an.. west ten HO) chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence south alonr low water mark in point of commencement, and rnntalnlnir fifteen (It) acres, mnro or less. SOMF.nVILI.F. CA'VNEnY COMPANY LIMITED Name , or Applicant. . ... .-iiriuii, nrm. 'lieu iicri'inncr i7in. ta4. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. NOTICE Application for Orating Permit! for lh Seaeon 1B25. Applications for Hermits to triiTe live slmk on the Crown rane. wlltim each arailna- district or Ihe Province or Hrlllsh Coluinlila, musl lie. riled with the Instrlrt roresier ai craniirook, lorl c.eoiire kamloops, Nelson. Prince Itnnei-t. Van coiiver, Vernon and William Lake on or nerore Mann aisi, I0JB. Hlahk rorms iiion which to stilimll ap . Pllcalions mav tie Tibtalned from the Ills trlrl Foresters al the above named places, or iioni me iiepariineni or Latins ai Vic torla, It.C. 0. II. NAPr.N. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of l ands, Victoria, II.C. January fltli. logs. NOTICE. IN THE M TTEII OF AN APPLICATION Tor Ihe Issue or a rresli Certirirate of title for Lois ililriy (30) and Liu, niocK seven (7), sertinn rive (5) C.liy or Prince llupert, Map DiJ. SatisrarlorV proor of the loss, and de slriicllon or llie Certificate of title cover InirHlie almve lauds havinir lieen prmluced to me It Is mv mii-pilon to Issue, arier llie expiration of one monili from the first puniicanon nereor. a rresli Cerlirieale of Idle In" the name of Edward II. Pierre, ror the said land, which Certificate or title Is dated the Siilh June 1913, and Is nuniliered 30X3 l. 11. F. MACLEOD. Iterlslrar or Titles. Land rtculstry Ofrice, Prince llupert, ii.c. January anth. 1 o jr.. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Situate In the Skcena Vlnlinr nivlelnn nf the lianre 5, Coast District. Where located. South of Falls Creek, KItsum-kalum Lake, and adjnlnlnr Ihe Whistler on the East end -or it. Lawful hohlers, V. "Preston and p. Wilson; No. of Holders' Free Miners' Certificate, Treston 1170100, Wilson r.700IC. Take Notice that we, W. Treston, F.M.C. No. nTOinC. and Pavld Wilson. F.M.C, Nn. (17004C, Intend at llie end of sxtv days rrom ihe d.iin hereor In annlv to the viiilnir neroriter ror a c.eriincaie or Im provetnenls for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Oram or the almve claim and furthermore take nntj.-e that Anion under ineiireii liefore the Issuance of mirh rcrtl - "Xinnlrarev nr Nov.. t.n. nVMra: K. T Kennr. rem NOTICI OP CANCELLATION OF ItEtERVI NOTICE IS IIFBFBY hi VEX. thai the reserve covering Lnls nBJft to o5H, In rlusive, nanire S, Coast District, Is cancelled. OE'l. B, NADEN. PepntT Minister or Lands, pensriment of Lands, Victoria. B.C, Nottmbcr taib, tt. REtE.NtFE-f5 WHaT HAft A and IN Eft NOT COMMENTED ON Ottawa Paper Outlines What is Likely to Happen and Why lOllawa Ciliron.; Tim siippcIi of IIm Diiiiiiiiiiin lih'iiiicr iii Ttuiuilo lasl .Mnmlay unlaiiii-il iinlliiii vi'iy railical, tior is hiim'p iinv iiki'liliiiin oi my railical mi;isim Ih-iiik inli-n. Inci'il friini tin- iivitiiiiii'iiI siili; ill llll Clllllillir SI'SsiclM (1f i;fli;l- of iiipiiI. 'I he (oil icy of tin nM't'll- inoiil is iila inly lo L'h as far as Canailian inililic iiiininii jst ri'.'nly In iiiovi' roi'wai'il. I'nlil IIkto is i.i , ...I, .1 ....l:i i ii.t..i.: .. im. nn i-ii 1 1 1 ii .i i iiiiiikiii Hip ciuiiiliy, IIiimh will lie no iiiiirp ailvanccil lejslalicm. 'I'Iip iivfi'iiiiiiMil of llie i-oiitilry lipiiiy cairicil nn reasonably in .tfporilanci! willi l,ilni'al i'Xht iciici's. II is iisoIpss lo try lo;v. .m. isoii. of Slowarl ; j. li liioVi. vory far alica.l of lln IpvdI Dickson ami V. (). Wallace ol jiolilical iiilellijji'iico in par- liallicnl Difference In Policy Al Hip same I inn-,. l.iliiM'al policy h (Jilferpnl froin l.onscr-valivo, lo Hie pxlonl thai l,ilnr-itllsiii is conslanlly si-okiii Tor oi!orliinilii's In i'u forwanl.wliil lie alfiliiiln nf (.onsi-rvalisiii is ri'sisl Di-nnrcssivc- t'liangp unlit il js foiroil to niaki I ho move Hip prpssiirp oT jiulilic opinion., 'l lie I.ilioral li-aili'i' is inin'c rospoiisivc lli.'in llio. ('onsi'i'val iv the ilcsirp of liar roinrminil) for .social progress. II is apparently the inloiitioii the governnienl to ask parlia ment In give more consideration the revision of railway freight ales, than lo tariff revision, in Hie coming session. This con- Iruelive policy slioulil cniumem! ilfel In most Canailiiin people. Tariff an; Incubus In many respects, Ihe tariff is in incubus. It is an nlislacle to .anndian liade. II is also a lax, is Premier King pouHcM our in loroiilo, "ami when it is levied on the insli'iimenls of proiluj-liuri I eonslilules a liurdi'ii In be lornii hy indiislry, a lnirden which makes ils presence felt a! each stage of Ihe inaiiiifiieluriiiK anii nisiriiiiiiiiiir pi ess and n hiirilen lo he carried ullimalely hy Hut consumers." II is called prolecliou, Iml the larilV is a very iiurelialile melliod of prnlc.-lioii fur Canadian, in 'MslryV'.as fifty ycnis ;of trial .lias ileiiiruvMraled. ., ,itn uiiilt JU people of Canada, including' '(lie finanehil conlr tilers and prac- lieul operalius of indiislry, kniev how lo give h country ellVclivt1 prolecliou, no gnvc mmim! can do much through minor changes it) Ihe tariff; When the path o heller limes is haired in one direelioh, Ihi Liberal leader's policy is hi look for progress along anolhcV pal Ii Some progress can be made lo wards Irade improvemenl in Can ada Ihrnught lhi proposed re vision of railyay freight rales. Colonization Progress could be made, Ion along the lines of a bruad-vis loncil plan of cnlnniztilion, not only In bring in more llrilish migrauls, bill In establish theln in reasonable security, nn the road lo prosperous production The government's problem is In raisn the necessary financial credit In curry mil n new ilaliou al l P0"O nnllnv nf nr C.oloill.illloil .,.t.,,Ull,.., I ! should be. possible lo secure Ihe. IO-Operal ion of llie lll llisll gov ommenl in finding Ihe money I in;u,Cfi b,wcr M,m" nl pro 'JeclS. A const ruclivo policy of colon 1alion, coupled wilh general re vision of freighl rales, would give Premier King rt subslanlial plalfnrm on which lo appeal In (he electorate litis year, if il is considered neco.ary lo secure I TOLb OU THib hCW RULING -THE FROMT DOOK WILUBE LOCKED AT IMIONICHT tr voo are. rserr THEN TOO'Ll-. CET IN! renewed vote of confidem-i in Mir ! Liberal administration. STEWART I'Iip Slowurl Hoaril of Trailr- i" pi'liliiiiiinv: lln proviiii'i.'tl kov- Ipriiiiiciil ami asking Mm ni-ni- cralion of lln Vaiicotivcr, Vic toria ami I'riiicp lliin-rl lloariU of I'raili' lowanls nhliiiiiiii a mail Ih'Iwci'ii Slcwarl ami 'I'i'Ic-'i-aiilt Crei'k, a ilistnmi or I7r inilivs. Tin' J"roii (iioup, al tin1 I lie Salmon hasin, rpcoiilly lioinli'.l liy Neil .Mclonali anj Cliarlns II. I.aki-. In l), 0. Woslon, liiis heen laki'n nvi'v liy lln ..Vorllilainl Mining' Co., ,ii., nf vaiicoii vi r. TIip ilircctiirs oT llio rccrnlly incoi ioi ali'il iNii lcr lil;ili .M in -inn :., I. I'l., ami Clay I'mli't mil I'iiiiuI Kin. i ,ir lt,.l..i.. II Vict (ilia, ahd Lieut. Col. .Monlj. .afiiberl ami l.ieul. Col. Foster, of Vancouver, Harry Thomey, formerly fore man nf Ihe Duuwell Mine, has been appointed to a similar posi tion wilh Ihe Victoria Mines- Ltd. Krnest Mine, allorney of llyder. was married on .laniiary 10 in hicagn, to .Miss Itopolhy llrown of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs Kino expeel In arrive Hi llyder i In i til April I, lo lake up their siilence. ALICE ARM There, was a large al Icnilanc an inleresling dance which was held in the Coliseum Hall tsl Wednesday night to cele- irale Ihe birthdays of Mrs. Al. alconer, tieort'e Young nm II. lluller. The, nrcheslra cnlnpris- ed Mrs. T. W. I'alconer, Mrs. J. aidlaw, C. Ilillchinson, l.nrne alconer ami II. (I. Cordon. Ainonx local "people who have bought shares in Ihe Kilsaull lliver Mining ami development Co., recently Incorporated bv I'.lmet' Ness, nre Art lleandin. I.l Williainson. .1. Slri.inliech. I'.d.i Peterson, A. Serbicli, T. W. Fal- oner, Al. Falconer, Sieve hu ms S Winslrnm, li. Turbill. P.'hal,:. U'fv l. line, .1. Ilanna iml D, iljie. Ik'velopmeiii work vim Ifie. I'liinpuhjr'A nniperty 1ft I i H' i i n i ii r 1 irci''ns 'ii'uVn-"m 'h I lolly, Varden railway and pack open. Iliirry Owep bus relilnied from Vaiieiiiivcr. vvln'rn be spent two nii'iii)hs' viickIIoii. 'I)"ick Sullivan, ninneer miner nid prospi-elfir, has returned lo ivvil .Ifler Mil iibsem'e of about two years. Hob .Mcdiiinis, who was slruc!; in llie eye by a hockey puck, Which bi-oke his glasses, has losl Ihe sight of one eye. 'I'hls was iseerained ill an, examination at. Ihe Anyox following Ihe accident. TONNAGE AT ANYOX. llie ioiiii immnge or1 nre Imndleil al Anyox from the Hid den Creek mine fnr llie monlb of .Iniiiiury up In llie 27th was 87. HU2 Ions. Of Ibis 5).oo5 Ions wejl In the smeller iind Ihe re- iniiinuer io ihe eoiicenlriilor. HOTEL ANRIVAL8 rVInc Rupert J. 11. OilllilH, Slindspll; T. Dirk, Vanemver; Miss I), Cavnn-ngb, Anynx. Central 1), K. lilre, Anyox, m TO TWELVE IOTTAClr . Wffi HT0 T SSllL-jH I M home. or , wont rf Effflfe 1 !lfrrfl -L 1 C 925 by Int'l Feature Semite Inc. -gJjPU iyf 11 1 jlyl Cel Britain ri Alt rewrvtd. r ' it Sport Chat Wallet' .lohnsnii, famous pitching ace of Hip Washington American (.eagtiers, would father be a star on Ihe liaeia diamond Ihaii jit vaudeville or Ihe Itiovies. According lo a story going llie rounds in Kaslcrn baseball circles, Waller has liirned down an offer o'r :i,iino a week lo appear in vaudeville for twelve week. In addition it is said Ihat .lolui-soiii was wauled In participate in the moving pictures. Whild llie pin purled olfer would give lohiison as much as he receives from Clark (iiillilli in three sea sons, the big leaguer refused to coiisidi'i il, il is said. Johnson is spending Ihe winter in California al a summer resort olf Hie soiilht-rii coast. 'I'hls story is said lo have emanated fr'oin there. Tred I'lillnn, former aspiran' o the crown of- heavyweight champion, along will others, has been charged in l.os Angeles with conspiracy In violate I hn Cali fornia boxing laws. Tlie charges were hroiight following a match between Fulton and Tony Fuenle, so failed "champion of Mexico," which. Fuenle won liy a knockout in short ordei add afler which jl was charged that (fit fight vv'a.s a "frame-up." Inves-ligators claim that they obtained evidence confirming Ihe opinion of many who .witnessed the bout Ihat FiiIIoii "laid down" to Fuenle falling to the floor after being slrilck. by a light punch from Ihe Mexic.'iu fighter. FiiIIoii is said In have mlmillcil re ceiving ?Ci,nnn for the fight Which is said lo have been a vio lation of (he law. Fueute is alsc charged. The line-u(i in the senior bil liard league tournament tomor row nighl is as follows; lion Urnwn ((irolln) vs. (len. Mcllinoylc (P.Il.H.l'.) C. Waiigb vs. C. Ilalaguo; .1. Ilillmaii v. F. Slephens; M, Pierce vs. Art I'.asson; It. Morgan vs. II. .lolich. The sc'-rdule of games in Ihe Alice Al ,, Hockey League was bi-oiigbt to a close last week Willi all three leaius, Tigers, Wildcasl and Hears, on level- fooling wilh foilr vvitsAaiid foiir looses each. ;'o' ili-cbi:jtli .ebrthipioiishlp vvas ib.-1i'-i (jsj Id imiy afpiilier;: ser- fieiiVof gfiml's Ibis week: 'I lump played in Ihe league last week resulted as follows: Hears Tigers 2; Tigers .1, Wildcats (I; Hears ft, Tigers 2. SWIMMING BATHS THE CITY OF OTTAWA A eorrespondeni of the Ollawa Cilieii writing in that paper frf llie conduct of Hie public Iml lis in Ihat cily nys "Surely Ollawa does mil enler into the bathing business .with (he Inlenlion of making money to help pay part of the civic e.x penses of iiilniinislralion at Ihe cily hall. In these two 'edifices the cily has a valuable asset con diieive In the health of ils eili zens. There is no exercise Hint more fully develops all parts of the body and makes for belter manhood ami wiiinaiihond than swimming, find nothing can de velop grace more than diving inese iwo miiiinngs sinnd as moniiineiits lo the foresight of Ihe city fathers who founded them and we hope will lung ;.( in Ihe development of Tienllhy I'itirensiiip m oiinvv.i. . . in. t iieuiiii u mi nappiness in a cnnimnnily are not. expressible In terms nf dollars' nnd cenls." Adyerliso In the Dally News. . - Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED Al1 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than L BILLIARD TOURNAMENT Callles Beat War Veterans in Last Night's Play The ('.allies beat the (ileal War Veleraiis in last night's .second division billiard tournament, the aggregate score being litis to 0.11) in their favor. Individual scores were as follows: II. McAulay ((lalliesi, Oil; Dr. .1. A. West ((treat War Veterans i, 15(1. .1. Mel.cnti, I tin; S. I.. Warrior, ISM. M. M. I.aiilh, 150; 1'.. I'enelou, ir,. W. I-:. Williscrofl, 1.111; 0. L. Yoiitigman,: 7i. W. Murray, IV.); II. I Wear- IIHHllll, Kill. League standing In dale is as follows: (iames Total Aver. I'. It. II. I'. 7 fill i 7u2 flroltn 7 4Xi) fill 8 SI. Andrew's 7 1815 f.MH (I. W. V. A. . a 5175 fill (.allies ... ., 11)82 Ci2.1 Cold Storage 121 Id lil) I BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division (allies. Til. Av. ol. MeMordie V. i'i 1501) 250 Sgl. .Jebsoil 'V.- ... (i 1500 250 J. llillninn (C.) ... I 250 '250 W. Stewarrl iri. ': , . I 250 250 Donald (M.P.. .. I 250 250 A. A. Kasson (H.P.; (i 1 ll'i2 211 F. Slephens (H.P.5 . 5 1217 21.1 W.J.Nelson (Ci .. 2 185 213 !. Mcllmoyle (,.) C, I127,2.'I8 Mex. Volume (V.) . 2 102 231 II, .lellch (II. P. i ... Il 1379 230 Dr. West (V.) .... 1 227 227 F. Pyle (V. C, 1318 225 P. Tinker V.) . . 5 1 125 225 I.. Pearce ((i.) .... C. 1332 222 Hnlagno Mt.P.) . 0 1320 221 I. Wnlsh (V.) 3 fi55 218 I). Urnwn ((i.j 0 12d7 211 H. Morgan ((!.) ... (I 1250 20i) (1. Illylhe ((.) .... 2 411 20f. (1. Winigh Ml.) i... i 1211) 203 Fleming (V.) ..I 157 157 Second Division f. Ileesl.ey iTi.i .... 7 1050 150 Jlillmim (i.) ... 1 i'i 00' 150 I'. 7ieinaii-'n.P.. .'. 1 (oo..lOii h WeirU' :.V'.ii 1 ho 150 . Donald fH.P.) .. 5D5 nn .1. Urnwn (S.A.'i .. 885 118 W. .1. Nelson Ml.) . 738 118 D. Howe (M.P.) .... 738 118 W. Slcwarl (',.) .. 112 117 Dr. West (V.) .... 1132 112 .1. Andrews (S.A.) .. . 9H2 112 M. Andrews (S.A.) . 815 lil F. Ahlrhlge (IU.) . 813 lit S. Suga t(i.) 083 110 Ci. Itlytbe (CI.) 558 110 S. Maedonald fS.A.) 080 13(1 Ilabe Fort in (H.p.) 018 135 W Murray fC.) .. C71 135 .1. Maclean en.) . . . 511 13 H. Mallei (H.p.) .. 2 207 131 W. Milchell (H.p.) . 7 023 132 II. WeArnionlh fV.) 5 OOn 132 M.MiicI.achlan fS.) 5 051 130 O. P. Tinker (V.) .. 3 301 130 .1. Fleming I V.) . , . 2 200 J 30 M. I.ii mh fC.) 8 1027 128 1'.. Fenelon (V.i ... 8 1021 128 .1. May fC.S.) 7 807 128 1. Allan (S.Ai .... 0 702 127 O. Kelsey (c.R.) ,. 0 5 037 127 U. MeAiiley CO.) .. 8 1010 120 H, I., Yoiiiigman (V,i ( 710 125 S. (larlnii (C.R.) ... 7 871 121 I. Ilulger (C.S.I 711 121 I Warrior (V ) 050 120 W. Williscrofl (C.) 827 118 d. rrI,e,n) r., ... 821 117 II. Parr 'C,S,i fi55 111 M. Stephens (CJ.) ,'t 210 105 A. Tlales (C.S. ... 502 100 .1. Mc.Doiignll '0.).. I W. Anderson (G.) . . 1 W. II, Jarman (G.) t 89 89 82 82 CO CO NVANTKM. An active appnt hy , ,.1.1 It. i II an win uiuuiiniitut liaiiituiuil p0(. CaiU-j i.iiit iiinui tiiiri? uiiiiii(iii jir lUUlliyj t lw f i I w nt Ifi'if t nn 1 1 1 1 t il a ttil ..... . . . ... uruays. ivi-iiJ iiisuici. a spieiiuiii opeiiiti'j From thd'su nn an rin-iHi-iii; suo-smaii. vp- j, . .l li.. noli onll.. V .... 1 iiy no .i, 'ii i ijr .u'wj inure. j. FOIl 1'I.AIN SFWIMi, phone Hl.-u-k 2.'I7. Prices reasonable. WANTKD. - Maid, for general help. Phone (Ireen 10:'. I'D TO RENT FOR lll'.NT. Singer Sewing Prom ViptJu.fl Machines. Phone Itluc 389. If Sundays i Tiii ilajt ,. t-QK salt. ; Ve, :r. :; IMMOUTAI.ITY CF.HTAIN. The, i-'-""' life after dealh .-iml a ( II world . beyond is shown in'To A"0. '"M Swedenborg's it real work on and Prtflif, "Heaven and Hell." Oyer lun xvp''ll') pages. tf illy z.r cenls pos- - ii paid. II. O. Law. 180 Fuel,.! From An"; f Aim Tiii-ioiIi. W rremwr-f 1 " Tuesday I Ott SAM;. .New house, 0 rooms Frifl.v J bath ami panlry. 138 Hlb Ave 'To Port Slmpw J W. nn corner liiA IVrni.s nr- I Points- ranged. Wrfle Hd.v 230, Daily .News for particular!. IfjFrom Port Siyl MlMivi'i-iuiii . , , nucr i v"iiw-! ri ii.ii i i in, nr sun, ji nn room- . ... ing house - -.'1 rooms to el $50 a mouth, McCalfery ft (iibbons. 3.1 BOARD ItOAHl). The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 1 37. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SAI.F..- A 28 fool trol ling hoal, filled wilh 0 h.p, Vivian engine will be aelioiied ul Prince lluperl. boal house, where boat may be viewed, at 3 p.m. on Monday, February 9. 3? ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written uii Halance. sheets, financial statements and income lax returns prepared liy expert accountants. Hales reasonable. Write P.O. Hox 835. tf TAXI Taxi 67. Phone (.Call George, Paul or Ousl Prompt Service and Comforl, Day or Nis'.t Stnnd: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Mcoker Elork, Mr. rrom tfrmir ss Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furrii- lure Store. We Ituv. Sell and Fx. change New and Secondhand, o "ricj-l,', r OltO. PAPADOPULIS, 835) Third Ave. Phono tn AUCTIONEERS IT Will nay you lo ennmill us l when you desiro lo sell or purchase furniture, or anv article. PIUNCR MUPF.IVT F,X-CHANOK, Auctioneers. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE February C- .llinior guine. Hulls vs. fleglment. Sons of Canada vs. Colls. 0 Ladies' game, . Oollo vs. Itegimenl. .'.Iks vs. pons or Camilla. 13 Junior gnme. oils vs. (Irollo, f.olls vs. F.lks. Id- -I.ndies' game. Cults vs. Itegimenl. Sons nf Canada vs. Colls, 50 .Inn lor game. Orollo vs. Itegimenl. Ulk3 vs. Sons of Canada. iiiaiL To VanoouuM. Tuexdayfe., Miuul Saturdays rnruru. : . t Fridays- i C 1.H. 4 V A Dlu.. DAlnlu I ..' To Alaska January I. From Alaska n '.It: "" 1 To Queen Chariot.! la n i From QuV CM Points' .Ii.t..i:. nraiiBin A! ' 1st Ave X f if " r.lh Ave. .M'11 8th Ave st llth Ave. A Sher Ave 1 1 hi Ave.K "T' Olh Ave. A Hay f Ave. Olh Ave- Hfr.( Circle Rih Ave .Ucto' 5th Ave, k mm Run finv BMP'' pnv finv. 'li (l T P Wharf 2 Ave. 3rd Ave. & Fill ird v w "1 .. .... . i-i.irtlW 1 none In Skcona ! ntipcn ii; ;,i rriiivs" 'him ni'T. u.,hiiii"l to piir-'niiv il.- fii 1101111"!! !!.' millini l 4' I Mnnd: in-.i' ',. ft nmlciv ki.v ; rir 1 . - , npn roxtinnii ,n, Mill inni . . in 1 crc, mom w None ( -!:irff iipdvlitmlcl' , , 1 !,f Ihe SKr.'in Fkccn Bivjr: .Ml' Take Noll V rrinci. mn", to "M . .. Ciinnicnri"',.; noil Hi 'I'""' " wot rli"1'." Ii ( W.M, ,ft c nil"' n.ctit, ami l"n" . , Icm. (jpiaf,,. ItK " piled .!i"r t CNCIU-1"' MOTICK ; '"iji 1 i....civc cover.. illf t ranri."' trlrl. I