VINT in ing wax. Ii vnii llu h;i 'dialing rliurgt'. iwers every Tuesday, Rope Weaving every Friday from 1 to 6 p.m. HERMEN! . ni r First Aid Kit ami -cc llmi it is rum- .tunc of llit' things on should hive on LI I! pin to seu: ADHESIVE PLASTER JES EPSOM SALTS BORACIC ACID b TOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK ' .. IV -oii 'l Kil von will nl-ii ;nwd SHAVING SOAP BLADES SHAVING BRUSH TOOTE PASTE TOOTH BRUSH riMin ii olid lie mi re el ri T!'iirg s. :.-l.irliou. RMES LTD. eer Druggists The Rexall Store e Phone 82 and 200 a Tide Book for 1925. They are Fres. Phone 123 I "9 Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern iners, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ICTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. '''it is equipped In handle all kinds or RSNE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4U and 385 flock. Phono 109 K Local and Personal j B H H.C. Undertakers, l'lione it. llayners, Undertakers. 1'liune 351 You'll like our :oull Consum ers Coal Co. Phone. 7. If Tonight! Chinese jilay in Fullness Theatre, at 7. So, fur Hit benefit xif llu: hospital. Steamer Anyox it disrhargiui-' :J0ll Ion. uf coal at I lie Cold Storage dork anil will probably gel away today. Mis. (i. A. Woodland, Waldron Aparlnieiils, will I'm at home lo morrow and on llu: first Thur day in Hit inonlli thcrenflrr. Al die annual meeting of the Northern II. C. Agricultural and Industrial Association last uiglil. Ihe reliring president, Joe (Ireer, referred lo Hie generous support I hid had been given the I'.t-' 1 I 'x Ii i In I ion by the public generally. He voced Ihe -appreciation of Hie board lo Hie mayor ami rily council, cily engineer, sup-eriiilendeul or llliilies. iress and others, who had given Iheir as sislauce so freely. Al a lueelliiu of Ihe St. drew's Society last nighl, ralixetueuls were made Tor February SO. Baby's restless nights might be avoided Scalded skin and other skin troubles arc common causes of restlessness, and olten' could be avoided by careful bathing witli Haby's Own Soap. Its friiRrnnt tntlier rlrimws mid lirnl llabv'a nkin, and prepares for restful ttleep. " its! or you an J Baby Inn" . pi'eseulalion al Ihe evening service in Hie I'ysbylerian Minrch ncxl Sunday of the memorial window Tor members of Ihe Society who were killed in Ihe (ireal War which has'beeu erected in Hie new church. The. window will be formally presented by Thomas MrClymnnl, president oT Ihe soeiely, and llev. Dr. II. It. (Irani will receive II on lie-half of I In church. ANNOUNCEMENTS l.d. Ii. i;. Children. Fancy IVess Hall, February 0. Klks' Smoker, I'eliruary 10. (i.W.Y.A. Annual Hall, 2. C.X.Il. Kmployes' Annual lla)l, February 17. lllks' Annual Novell) dance, wastJw best BAKER'S COCOA is better because it is made of better beans by a better process and has a better flavor than other kinds. HAM IN CANADA BY WalterBaker&CaUmlted 1IA6U SMC0 1 100 ' MonlrealCanada DorcheslecMas. Booui or choicc Kum un rntt Mrs. Ircsses, (iiahlman's for liouse If. A charge againsl Toni Adair of having liiuor uiilawrully in his possession ' tin business premises was dismissed in the i-ily police court this morning. faKHT HAS BALANCE Good Management Reflected Financial Statement at Annual Meeting. in Itecejpls of Ihe Fair Hoard for the year ll'i totalled $11, IKr.05 and expenditure was I0,- (.'."('i. leaving a balance on the year's operations of 132. (15, as against a balance on hand oT ti;i0.88 al the beginning of Hut year, accoiilin lo Hie annual financial statement presented to Hie general meeting of Hie Northern It. C. Agricultural and Industrial Association which was held last night. Ill making certain explanations in connection with Ihe financial report, Frank libh, honorary secretary of - Ihe Fair lloaqd. slaled Ihe balance oil baud al the beginning of. ID J I was sl30.-88 as compared with s iu:i.:i( He year before so thai the 1 112 i I board had slarled out wilh aboul 3T(' less of a surplus lhau Hie board preceding. The provincial grant, which was decreasin;-' every year, had been f'205 or $10 less in 11121, but the Civic grant (1,500 J was r00 more, due to Hie sympathetic interest las year's council had lakeu in Ihe work or Ihe hoard and Ihe splendid co-operalion received from individual members of the council, particularly In represenla-lives on Ihe Fair Hoard. Tolnl receipts for 11121' had been $171.12 less than 1023, due lo Ihe camitnk: queen conies! having brought in I.37H more the year previous hill paid admissions al Hie gale in l!2i had increased by iSill.'o conslilnl ill's' a silent lesliinony lo llu or tfuniiNilion work rurried on Ihrougluiul Ihe year by l. .Meli lluiiler, Hie .iiiauagaiug director Mxpendilurcs in ID'.M had been J 707. 13 less lhau Ihe year preceding, in spile of lli" fact thai ifH72.i')2 had been si eul iii permanent repairs lo llu building. The sum -of. I, (11 3. 1 8 had heen paid oul jn pri.e money, litis being 378.00 more than in IV23 and representing 500 or ('.00 more entries in Ihe vnriom classes.' The sum of 2.7."0 had been stieul on spnrls and al-Iraclions including $000 for I In1 Kilmuuil band ami $500 on lb' Ketchikan excursion lo Ihe cily. Concluding his remarks. .Mi'. 1 i 1 1 1 1 expressed Ihe belief thai. Judging from Ihe balance sheet. 1021 could safely be described as a year oT progress. There was a failh-healer of Deal Wlunsaid, "Alllinugh paid isn't real, ' If I sit nil a pin Ami il punctures my skin, 1 dislike what I fancy I reel." I ary 4, 1925. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TBREI rn to Make LAMP SHADES, DAINTY FAVORS, DECORATIONS MOULD WEAVE ATTRACTIVE BASKETS With Crepe Paper Rope. Itakcl. Vases. Trnys, ami Lamp- arc ca.y and Incxpi'usivo lit make. :AE BROS. LTD. xing Sleep With "Our Special" mmons Unit $40.00 complete c Watnnl Sli'i-I lied, iioii-siigsiiif,' coil spring ""' fell mallrcss. 's Home Furnishings land 1st Street BianNational Railways Prince Rupert KDGCK SHIPYARD P. KENNY - DENTIST ''' 'OIir III 111 v lll'liee fill lleill:il Work lire y I' 'IIHONAI. ATTKNTION. Tin work i , uiiiuii delay. Appointments nre made and My Tees always have heen nuulerale. It will r GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST Al Hie iiicoiiinf of Ihe school board lal night Ihe trustees were urged In visit llu; chool oflen ami Ihis was agreed Auelion sale of .salved malerial from S.S. Kennccolt tomorrow. February 5, al 2.30 p.m., at Provincial ioeriimenl Wharf. Ite-eeiver uf Wrecks. Knlerlaiiimeiil, Including com-Hly idaylel, at lloolli ijehoo. audilnrium, February 1 1 ami J. al H ii. m. Tickets of all school htldren. A good laugh assur ed. I. II. I). II. Children's annual lam-v Dress Hall in Ihe Klks' Home on Friday, February (i from 7.:t0 lo J 2. Children 5 Or peciaiors .inc. i ancy circus op- tionul. All cliildreii welcome. Cant. .1. II. (iillali. of spil, who h:is lieeii a palii-nl in I lie local liospllal for llie oast week, was discharged from Hi iosliliilion yeslerday, and is rcg islercil al the Prince Ilupcr hotel. Louis (loss, charged in the cily police court Ihis morning will having liipmr uiilaw'iilly in his possession al the Purl Clement dull premises,. was fined r0 in I Hi- idly police court Ihis uioru- uii.'. Passengers sailing for Van- .oiixer on Ihe . 'lh(n sleamer'di'iia Ias included W I. I.evirs, S. I.. ,Unl, Mrs., Agiies l.oekharl. II., II. Miller. I.. Ilos. wiek, II. S. Wallace, (i. Hopkins W. II. Itlake and Mrs. 1). Killas. 1 Ml IT . 1 1 back as! am imicmbcr Bakers MUCH MONEY DONATED TO EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS PURPOSES Name of University Changed In Order to bo Able to Use Bequest A shnr' lime ago. J. H. Duke, of New Jersey, a well known Lulled stales millionaire, set aside property valued at i0.-0011.000 for educational, charitable, and religious purposes, and or this amount $0,000,(100 was lo go lo Trinity College, Durham, N.C., on condition that i' changed ils name lo Duke University. The' Hoard of Trustee met on December 2'J, ami decided to change Ihe name ami pockel the $0,000,000. The new University will also receive 32 pep ceni. of Ihe income' from Ihe property: 22 tier cent, will go In the main tenance of hospitals, JO per cent. lo Ihe support uf orphans, both while and colored, III per cent. lo build and maintain Miurchc in North Carolina, 2 per cent will go lo support .superannuated preachers and Hie widows and orphans of deceased prvachers. and t i per cent, will go lo Hirer other educational institutions. one of (hem colored. Practical!)' all of Ibis money is to he spent in North and South Carolina. Many Endowments The Central Christian Advocate lakes occasion In mention thai (ieiirge Kastmaii. Hie kodak manufacturer, has given away $58,00(1,00(1; Mlllon S. Jlcrshey has given away $00.(1(111,000 lo found a home for orphan boys. Henry lluulinglou has given $l5.li0(i.iiu(l to round and endow a library; Hie Allinau fortune ot 30, 000. lino goes lo the fiuearls; 'he University oT Chicago lias iicnefilcd largely from Ihe Itocke- feller gifls. and $135 ( of Mr. Ilockefeller's money has gonf lo Ihe (ieneral education Hoard and another su.nno,000 has goni to the Laura Spellinan Hocke- reller Memorial to "belter the 'ondilion of women ami eliildr throughout Ihe world." Colleges Too Colleges have been largely en doweil by privale generosity; Harvard bus $Cii,O()U,nu0; Yale. 35,70(i,nui; jjhicago, $32.25 i,-umi; ami .Stanford" ha $27,270,-(i(i(i. I luring Ihe past ten years il is reckoned that private gift! of this character have totalled $2,00(1.0110,(11111. Whether we eanj approve or not of all (he giHs, al least they do seem to testify in! eloquent fashion lo Ihe fact thai wealthy men today are coming lol recognize thai Iheir wealth is really a trust for Ihe good of lhc people. j CANADIAN MILLER IS 148 MILES OUT BOUND FOR RUPERT C.d.M.M. freighter Canadian Miller reported her position Ihis lifternoon 118 miles from Prince lluperl bound in. The local 'office lias not been advised of Ihe approach of the vessel and no arrangements have ycl been made for the semling.out of a dlot. Advertise in Iho Daily News A NEW FLAVOR The double richness of St. Charles, as compared with ordinary milk, gives n new and delicious flavor not only to cakes but lo all recipes and dishes that call for milk. Write for free Recioo Book. 7hc TJ3eydsn Cajirmlid i Vancouver. At the end of washday how old do you feel? ..And a few years of this tiring toil will mike you actually ts old In appetrtnc as on day's work now makes you feet Keep your youth by using our Thrif.T-service. Its cost is very slight, yet your tntire bund!, will b washed carefully, the flat work will be ironed, and just the wearing apparel left fof you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or hang on the Una. May we send for your bundle next washday t 5c Per Pound, Plus 1c Per Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. StnJit: "RupeYt Fish Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. -Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. .Miimii in i i SAVACE Washer and Dryer Has no Wringer, needs none. Won (Sold Medal nt Inst (Quebec Inhibition over all American and Canadian Machines. Cash Price SI 85.00; nlso sold on term. Kaien Hardware Co. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Rupert Marine Products Ltd. FAMED Trade M LONDON 111 11 The Gin you will k for again - the standard of purity for, over 160 years. $3.25 Pee Bottle. The Gin for you is "II. & U." Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 This advertisement Is .not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ..Jl3