wmln TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hail, Ambulance with newly laid dancing flour for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For ratg, apply to Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV, NO, 21. P1MNCR JlUl'HHT, H.C., WEUNESDAY, FEMIUAHY i, l)2o. r..i.ru'. circu.iion 1T02. ttntt in PRICE FIVE CENTS. ARE Pk. PLANS ALL Work on New Begi ins in Clearing Actual ronslriiiiion of llu: new Millcrd ;iIiihmi cannery u .Scil Cove -will start about February 20 so llinl the plant iniiy lie re. ulv for operation when Kill net hilling season slmis 1111 June I'd. announced NV. .1. .Ii'f ftTMiii, niniiiiger of the ' lunl, lliis iimniing. Nlrrady work of Him ring awny fur Ilic plant is in ywgir Work on tin' wharf will In- Hit' first 1 1 and this will Ik1 followed hy the crctiinn of Hit niiiiii building. T'n' Mdlerd cannery will he similar in size lo thai of Ihe (1. ;:;:iji;:s l '-h Cold Storage Co. nt Tucks Inlet. It will lie the . (. nt plant known as a twu lint' cannery.. 'I the Millcrd i 11 1 1 :i 1 1 - has SNOWDRIFTS ON ! I RAILWAY CAUSE - Drifts Extend Intermittently For Forty Miles Between Kwln-itsa : and Amsbury SNOWPLOWS WORKING Oni Hundred Men Sent to Scene But Unable to Work and Return to City w vviti ills 1 1 oni U In :i I.': 1. 11 piled up on the Irnek Ill 1 points between Kwin-Nnishury. 11 distance of I: ry mlbs. the lornl ili- -i if die Canadian National Il.11v1.1r is experiencing I lie v i' up from snow 011 re-T111 iniiilile is neceiilualeil I'.v .:i (Miiiiiiiualinn of heavy .-iwulUs cold weather and li I 'wauls I'lii' .nwiiy fOiniauy has all i; :' eiui,inenl at the scene " V ' iiilile endeavoring In lie truck anil a 111 1 11 IV k iv (i ..v is being pushed '-'i.ali Yesterday about I (id Hi''! xenl out from here 111:1 il was rniiinl thai their ser-ir would he nf lillle use ow-Hi.r in 'lie nature of the work, so 'lii'V wii;-. sent bank. Il Was slllleil ill Die L'ellel'lll "l''''iiilendcnls ofrico o,lay dim 'lie Hutu, due from Ihe I'.asl 1:1 'I'fhiek this morning, eouhl "I"" in- expected in iiulil nNer "ii'lmglil Imilghl. The train. "'Iieiluh'il In leave rnr Hie Casl "I mlneli Ihis ariernoon, will '"" mill mil unlil tomorrow """IHllR al H,:iO. TAYLOR WRATHY OVER HIS BEER - Wants Humanlilng or Plaoes Whc-o II Is to be Sold as ho Rocommendod YAM'.OI Villi. Tel. - M.ivi.i' jiyl'M' ileelaied thai he declined: "'f respnnslhilily r curoi'dntf l"' 1 r regulations laid down ,,y Ailorney tipnei'iil Alanson, wlilfh he lenned "Iniprnclicalile. Hl"l niiwurkiihle." lie expressed ""'I'l'ise Mini the Koveriiiiient 1 l"iy inoie alieuliou In l''f'.uilineiitallons uT llu; elly 'nrilni' and himself and said: Sl' I'egulallnns will not ' wn hllmi pin, unlcMM Ihe, H'X'i's when. .,. jt )o 1)( su( "iuiniinied In some extent '.''"I'1'" will nut rare In palrouUe " U l' I'ecoiuniended Hie sale 1 luhareos 1111, 1 llulil li.nnl,,., 1... -11 . rn' miiim.". i". o'lowej, . iRING TO BUILD NEW CANNERY READY FOR BURNS' Cannery Two Weeks is going on taken aiiniiii'i' lease nr Hi is ear on I he rannery at Soincrville Island lull it has nut yet been ilcenlcd whether or nnl it will he operalcd. In any ease, the iiii-,.r . 11... ............... ..01 , 1 ... 'inn' 1.1 m' i'mii,m,iij 1 1 centred in I'rinee Itupcrt. Owing lo ineleiiieiil weather conditions, there has been- no 'elain ennuin;.- at tin' local ilanl since the first or the year. MEAT SCARCITY OWING TO SLIDE llesiiles gencrar ineon-bcinir "vcnieiice I'hal is caused in the city Ihrouah the lie-up on Hie Canadian .National Itailway line near Kwinilsa. a ni"al famine is impending here. There Is only a small iiianlily of meat , la tin' eily al Hie lnesonl lime heloiipiug lo I'. Hums 4 1:0.. I. III., and Ihis morning il had been spread out among I he various dealers. Al least Iwo rar-loads of packing house pi'ciliicts and meat are tied up on Hie lime fieihl al the other sale of the slide. RESIDENTS ARE KEEN FOR SEWERAGE SYSTEM Rosldonts on Seventh, Eighth and Ninth to Number of 71 I Signed Petition Itesidenls of Sexenlh. Kighlh vi .... v. s meveiv keenl inn, .1111111 in" - 1 11... ...... svsiein ii" .-."' w over geiiinK . 1 . 1 .1 .ti,,.. iii III!' WHICH III'.'. '' """" 11 .lii.L. In II. It. i .. 1 11 .'.r 11... P..I r Mouse, at llooll, .school aud.lor-savs Ilo.iweek who canvassed the names. lo raise nioney ll.nl .iir- Iheji""" on they had 71 mimes evervoue lax payers. . I'"" and II." Itoard will ,. rob- '. r i.i, in. 1 1 ..I., 1.. .. ....riisnls to si'-n I Him ,.ii ij ii." What thev are asking is for 11. . ,.. , i..i.i uhieli a eoiumuiiiij i.im "j-- 1 I" I.,., n.li.i in I lie event ually can ..r 11. e general sewera e system eily. UNNAMED MAN KILLED IN LOGGINUCCIDENT No Particulars Given In Wireless Message Received by Pollco From Hawkosbury Island The provincial police have I....... ini-nri I I Iml a man was killed on Monday in Owen's Log ging camp mi llawkesbury Island. The man's inline H"t given and no particulars are forthcoming. Ihe news having 1 1 sent in by wireless. Steps are being taken by the police to Invesllgale. ORME IS NEW CHAIRMAN OF SCHOOL BOARD Estimates Considered at First Melting of Year Held Last Night. BOOTH SCHOOL WORRY. Need of More Playgrounds Emphasized by Principals and Considered. I'.. II. tlrme is Ihe new chairman of the schoolhuard. He .was appointed at the firl meeting of the year held la -1 ni'-'lil in the eily hall. Most oT Ihe lime of the ineelin was devoid! lo a discussion of M' esimale for Ihe year, which totalled 72.-112, exclusive of reiiairs lo the building, the amouuL of which is ye I lo be decided on. Ilxliaoiilinaiv expenditures in 'lulling an ntnuunl Tor a new playshe,! were aUo passed. 't he miiii of tii(i was set aside rnr Ihe domeslie science tltyjiaH-ini'iil for supplies and to purchase three new sewing mach ines, which are badfy needed by Ihe pupils. , Kxiensive rr'nAfr will .have to be made Ihis year at llooltr, llor-deii tupl King Kdward' schoors, A Idler rroin the jfinilor of IHr-deu SJfi'l sehool lohl of repairs uefiieii 10 mii ronr 01 inai nuiiii- ng and other impt'ovemeuls. Tlie condition of Ihe vvalls'al Ihe lloolh school was discussed and in connection with this a eonsiillalioh will be held wilh Archilecl t'ox, who is exiiected in 1 lii- eily siinrtiy aim who nas 'iffered his serviees wilhuul cos! in that I'i'specl. I'nlit this consultation has been held il will tie impossible lo tell what the estimate for repairs will be. The school, library is lo ge" boiler treatment this year. An encyclopedia Is to lie purchased lor Ihe Huh iSclmol and al-the oilier schools inure books will tie provided fur Ihe Use of tin pupils. .1. ('.. Ilrady spoke lo Ihe lloan on Ihe need fur more play grounds and Principal llarlness also eiuidiasi.ed Ihe same lliin:; particularly in connection w ill Ihe I tooth School. The matter will be taken 1111 willi the .eily will, a, view In improveiuenls. Hie iiieslh.ii of providing . , , Piano for r Ihe N-al t.ove school 1 ,. eaine up for discussion mil i1 , . . , ,, , . was pniulcd out thai an enter laiinnent was being put on nexl ably .supplement Hm amount so raised in order that a piano may be purchased, The eulerlaiii- in 1 is neoiii in nine' ' " .ums ,. . . , 1 . .. ... .... "" ii 1 , is now hi in" iiu.t n .'il. ll eousisis 01 a uumor oils hi av in vviiicn a nuiuuer 01 local young people are Inking part. The sum of -fXiMi was set asidr for Iransporlalion of pupils from Ihe oullylug sei'llons of the oily The estimates will be couiplet ed al Ihe regular meeting of Ihe board. Deporting 011 behalf of Ihe building ami grounds (oininillr of which he was chairman lasl year, Fred Seadden reported Hie annual air meeting Ian nigh! an examination of the building had been made lately and minor leaks had 'been found in the roof. President flree pointed out thai Ihis was an an mint eouilillon which was lo he expected. ABBATOIR; Here is one 11' Hie few photographs of Paavu Niiniii, great I'iiniisli runner am) breaker uf world's records in action, It show-; how lie carries his lody lo win so many races. Building of AbEatoir Awaits Action of Railway Company in Laying Out Tracks says Manager .lusl as soon as Ihe Hauadinu National It.iilways have ile- finilely decided on trackage facilities lii tie put in, I. Hums n (Jo. I. Id. will iiruceeil willi the Hay ncciinling In a statement made Ihis morning by It. Iv Moore, local manager of the company. iml everything is in readmess tions. Ail official uf Ihe railway lime from Winnipeg to lay out the trackage. He left Winnipeg rcenllv but is understood to have gone to Yancotiver. The Kilsun Coal (.0. ami the onsunicrs (mal Co. are also; awaiting Hie decision as to the laying out of the Hacks before I proceeding with the building oT coal storage facilities at Cow Hay. 150 HALIBUT BOATS LEAVING SEATTLE FOR FISHING BANKS SF.ATTI.K. Feb. I. W il hi n a shorl time iimre than I .'il' halibut boats will leave hen- Tor Alas- kail waler lo start fish- Iuk. The season opens on niidiiighl oT February 15. DIPHTHERIA AT NOME TREATED SKA'I Tl.t'., Feb. i. Diphtheria epidemic, which has been raging in Nome is under control. Twenty-nine eases have been Irealed wilh a vorliou of Ihe antli-loxin which arrived from Senana by dog team relays. The Hold Storage plant will have' Jusl one fishing boat mil on the independent lay Ihis year, lhi Sitka, wilh Hie same skipper as last year. I'., N. It. Steamer Prince Hu-perl, Capl. D. Donald, is due lo arrive from the south on time al M o'clock this afternoon. AWAITING erection of Ihe aballoir al Low Plans are out for Ihe slriiclii.e for the actual building opera company is expeclcd here al any SWANSON BAY CARRYING ON Word received from recent ar rivals from Swanson Hay was lo Ihe effect I lint the employees, al Swanson nay all iiait nonce 10 leave al the end of January. Further advices today Indicate, however, II. at the mill is still runniiiK and carrying on us usual. Al present the mill is being operated by Hie receiver. CHARTER PRINCESS LOUISE FOR TOUR California Knights of Columbus lo Mako a Trip up This Coast SAN FltA.W.ISCO, Feb, I. - California H icil No. 8H0 of tli Knights of Columbus is charier ing the P.. P. It. sleamer Princess Louise to convey the members of the council Ihrouuh Ihe famed inland passage lo Prince Huper ami Alaska lo the hind of Ihe midnight sun, next summer (ram! Knight Dan Maher is in charge oT Ihe outing which will lake seventeen days. A special train will convey the passengers from CaUToi-nia lo Seattle ami will meet them 011 their return so that no time may he lost. The 1 011 1 ill i vo plans provide Ihat the parly leaves hero Jurn i'J and arrives back 011 June 2 or 30. The cost of the round trip is sel at uboul $2fl2 for each Derson. ACTION OF NEW DIRECTORS OF FAIR BOARD! Annual Meeting of Northern B. C. Agricultural Association Last Night. The annual meeting of the Northern It. (J. Agricultural and Industrial Association 'look place last night in Hie city cuiincil P chamber, President Joe (ireer in Hie chair. Klfi-linn of nine directors fur Ihe year who will serve in addition to Aid. Ilrowu and Aid. Perry, icjuesenliiig Ihe eily council, and n.aiia.riug direclor I). Mel). Until it. resulted in the following being chosen: Frank l)ibb, Iten Seir, I'red Seadden, l)an Jabuur, NY. D. Yauee, V. II !slierinau .lr S. 1. Macdiinahl. lohu Itulger ainf A. II. Plant. The last mentioned was elected afire having been tico, on Hip first ballot with Hr. F. P. Kenny llliers nominated fur Ihe ilireu- "orale were l'red Hcnuing, t.Seo Kerr. V. J. Kirkpalriek and II. t,v Deiuionieo. rresmeni .lot' ( ireer declined to have his name put before the meeting. (Jeoi'gi:' Itorle was rjiusen aud itor for the Association . . A vole of thanks wh pussed lo the retiring president and board of director. .Members of the Association preseni al 1 lie meeting were: Joe lireer, Frank Dibb, D. Midi. Hunter, Fred Seadden, l. Jabuur. oh 11 Ilulger, J. Kirkpalriek, (li'orge Kerr, II. N. Deluionlcu, J. abour, A. D. Planl, V. II. Slier- man Jr., (i. A. Hunter and NV. J. Itaymond. FUNERAL OF LATE PETER JUDGE WAS HELD THIS MORNING The funeral uf the late Peter Juile took place at !0.:U this morning from Hie chapel of llay- ner Urns. Undertakers lo Fairs-' iew Cemetery. Hew Archdeacon A. Hix officiated and there was a good assemblage of friends of Ihe deceased present. I he pallbearers were I.. Peter- sou, A. i.aiivvuliuilcr, 11. vvan- 011, ll. naves, p.. v uis (,iiii 11. Ciiuipbell. ! lowers were sent by the Lniiifshoreiueu's Fninu, Itoberl llaiiua, Mr. aud Mrs. F. Itrochu, NV. i:. ltailey; Hubert McMillan, and "A Friend." WIRELESS REPORT (8 a.m.) Pigby , Island Cloudy, calm barometer, 20.10; lomperaturr, 17; sea smooth Dead Tree Point Snowiusr, ilm: baromeler, 2V..13; temper-"1 alure. 10; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Overcast, strong southeast wind; baromeler, 2U.35 temperature, 10; moderate swell: p.m. spoke sleamer Canadian Observer. 25 miles from Oceu.it Falls, bound tor Astoria; 8 p.m.1 poke steamer Prince I Hi perl! abeam Namii niu'thbouiiil; H p. 111 poke steamer (Iriffeo lowing barge (iranco, Anyox for laeoma 15 miles from Taeoma. (Noon) Digby Island- Snowing, calm; baromeler, 2U.;tl; temperature. 30; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Sleet, calm; barpineter, 2U.l7; temperature, 32; sea .smooth. Hull llarbor--Overcast. slroupinf coining to an agreement on a southeast wind; baromeoler, 2'J. 27; temperature, H; moderate swells 11 a.m. spoke steamer Cardena off Ivory Island, RAILWAY T0 SHIP MORE Another Boat Expected to Alter nate With Prosperity In Coming Here ll is planned at an early date lo increase shipments uf nalla- linni concentrates through this " . from the Salt Chuck mine it Alaska to the trviiiKton inciter in New Jersey. For sev eral months, these shipments have been canting through hero il Ihe average rale of about thirty Ions a week on Ihe power boat Prosperity. Increasing of Ihe shipments may mean the obtaining of a new boat for Hie bringing of the ore here to be hipped Has I -on the Canadian National Hallway. The Salt Chuck mine is owned hy J. I). Chilberir. well known Seattle financier. I be ore is worth something liko $ .00 per fun. The Prosperity was in during the ninlit with another shipment, he arrived shortly before midnight ami returned north at noon today. FED CHILDREN CROUD GLASS Death of Children In Manitoba Said Due to Food LOS AN(ii:i.i:s, Feb. 4. NVhen members uf the Plait family refused "l eat a mixture of pasto sulphuric acid offered by Alsa Thompson lo Ihe seven year old hoarder, she became angered and slashed the wrists of the Piatt child with a razor. Alsa lohl the police. She later fed the twin sisters ground glass causing their death, when Ihe family resided at Dauphin, Manitoba. Winnipeg officials say there was nothing to wS'irrant the suspicion thai Ihe death of Hie Thompson twins was not due lo pneumonia. ARREST MADE MURDER CASE Taxloab Case Sunday In Which Victoria Woman Was Victim SF.NTTI.K, Feb. . lilmer Maiiheart, 10 years of age, a carpenter, wauled In connection with the murder of Mrs. Minify, 20 eurs of age. of Victoria, in a laxicab here Sunday, has been llTl'Sll'd. BOAT OWNERS WILL MEET FISHERMEN Hoped That Agreement Will be Reached at Joint Conference to be Held This Evening Al a meeting uf Ihe Canadian llalibul Fishing Vessel Owners' Association held in Hie city police court last night. Ihe proposed agreemenl between the boat owners ami fishermen wits discussed in detail and it was decided lo hohl a conference. with members of the Deep Sea Fishermen's I'ulou in their halt lonlghl when the whole matter will be threshed out in tho liope few outstanding points. There was a large attendance at Hie meeting last night which was presided over hy Dan Larsen, president of the association.