-AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES COR-RECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable in every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine ! leather goods, and a large. ' stock of umbrellas. j OUR MOTTO "Price and . quality." J Inspection Invited j Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist ' COMPENSATION IN MANITOBA jweckly Allowance bo Reduced for Men but for Children Increased Legislation lu amciiil Workmen's Compensation tion, will lie introduced hi' lite legislature al an early ilalr, lion. 11. W. Craig, attorney-general, indicated. Declaring Hie solution a most satisfactory fine, Mr. Craig slal-eil lliat it wouiil ensure a jicrioi ! of quietness in conneclion wills the various mailers drought up liolli by employers ami einploecs for several years lo come. I No Additional Burden The agreement, lie said, was based on the principle that no additional burden be laid on industry dy any change in the acl, hut a certain readjustment in deiiefils under the acl will lie recommended. The principal adjustment pro- Guessing SALE William De Mille Presents LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You have read about many sales, but this is a little different We have just finished our stock-taking and find llial we arc much overstocked in our LiNDKlWVKAIl DKPAllT-MF.NT. YVe can supply Ihe City of Prince HnpeiTs children ami adults with a garment each and u little lo spare. WELL, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? HERE IS THE ANSWER! We are going lo offer il al a ridiculously low price ami luni it into cash, A dollar in I lit? cash register is heller Mian I fit on (he shelf. We are going lo keep you guessing Regarding the Price hill Ave assure you il will he a good one. TiiruhiiU's Pure Wool UKKTKK Combinations. Ileg. o Sale ? Wulsoii's Pure Wool Conihiiialious. Meg. .$11.75 .. Sale? Watson's Milk and Wool Comhiiialioiis. Ileg. !ji(i.."0 Sale ? Penman's 1)5 Coinbinalions, Ileg. .5.5n Sale ? Penman's 71 Comhiiialioiis. Ileg. $2.7.1 Sale? Tnruhuir.s Pure Wool Vests and Hloorners. Ileg. '"" Sale ? Watson's Silk inid Wool Ycsls. Ileg. $a.5ll Sale? To find out the prices compare I lie ahnve wilh our windows And when you are in our store, walk over to our Underwear Dept. and guess approximately the number of garments we have. Write it down with your Namo. The nearest guess will get $10.00. Although von might not need il now. these prices will make you huy. Sale continues till February 10th. Also with the guessing sale, we arV offering Itein-iianls or Silks. Kress (ionds. Flannelette. Sheeling, While Cotton, (irey Cotton, Voile and Cretonnes at greatly reduced prices. Jabour Brothers, Ltd. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7th. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. 'The Fast Set 9 An adaptation fur the screen of Ihe brilliant singe success "Spring Cleaning." A pit-lure llial sels the pace for dranuisjr smart society ami tells the truth brilliantly aboiil husbands who lose their wives' Jove. The story of a husband's clever experiment to save bis wife from a crowd or sociely fast steppers Wives! Here's a pholo-play that shows you how lo make j'our husbands love you. Husbands! Mere's a film that shows you how to hold your wives. Superb oust. Betty Compson, Elliott Dexter, Adolphe Menjou, Edgar Norton, Fred Walton, Zasu Pitts ami others. FELIX COMEDY CARTOON. FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 35c and 10c THE COUGH OR COLD THAT SETTLES ON THE LUNGS IS HARD TO GET RID OF i These are the kind llial art- ilainrercu: Mia kind lh.it weaken the luiuc. tiw kind . tluil allow the (rrriiis of rulisuiiipliou to I gvi a riHiihidd In Hie fjslem. Mr. John K. Lulnff, Gulden Lake, Out act. I wrlp: "l.at year I liad a mid, and a based mi terms (if. ail agreement wI'Mi l- Mlrlt on my cliest. reached by . ho special commit tee lTX . appoinieu ny uie provmriai gov-,tiy a trhm, to try government lo review Uio stiua- DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP and when I had Liken a frv lnsc I be-Iran to reel that It was doing- inc rimmI, so I kept at It and Inside of a week 1 a relieved ut my troiihlo." 'Ir. WtmdV lias been i.n the marki-l fur the past SS year; you don't eerl- iiktiI when you buy It; put up only by The T. Milbiirn Co., Limited, Toronto, int. posed is a reduction in the milt imum weekly allowance made un der I lie act from I5 lo SlL'.oO. The saving effected dy this means will lie applied toward an additional allowance fur children under the act on a scale similar o that prevailing in Alberta. There will be no change in widows' allowances, however. A regard. dependent children, instead of the 97. 5(1 rati; as at pre-i'ii. a monthly allowance of I2 a month will he made for tin first chilil, .fin for the second, x'J for Hie third and 8 for the 'mirth, and others. Demands Ignored The employees' demand that lie amount of compensation for olid disahilily he increased from lid 2-3 iter cent, of (lie average aruings to 75 per cent.; and the employers' demand that il lie deceased lo 55 per cenl.. were not icleil upon al lite meeting. The f U-.'l rale being permitted lo 'land dy agreement. The one a day contribution from workmen, lo cover cost of medical aid, also was excluded in Hie :iual arrangement. The coin-mil lee decided against fixing a Maximum to be paid under the i-l. The agreement came unexpect edly, but proved satisfactory lo all parties represented. I SMOKE ELIMINATED' 1 FROM COAL FIRES Glasgow Scientist Solves Difficult Problem After Years of Experiment , OI,AS(iOW, red. i. A Olas gow scientist has achieved a! simple and effective solution of lie problem which is very much lo the fore al lite moment the' -moke nuiAinec. Al a demonstratioit held in his home in Itridgeton, Charles M.: Maenamara, M.A., II.Sc., C.K., j satisfied a committee of experts! nun II. M. Office or Works or 'he efficiency of bis device for he nlimiualiou of smoke in do-, nestic and industrial consump,' lion. His invention has been adopted by the Commissioner of Works. ! It seems peculiarly appropri--priale that Ibis achievement! should fall to the credit of a llasgow man. 41 i on record that fully fourteen thousand Ions oT soul Tall in the municipal urea, am) is responsible for the incalculable barm, lo lieu till, to buildings, mid lo plant life. Following Ihe failure of Professor I'.nke, Hie (iernuiii en gineer hi have his idea patented by Ihe llrilisb Patent Office in 1 i 1 . Mr. Maenamara coii-j cent rated upon Ihe problem. ,he itiiiia ut lit.. lli,tiiTtr ti'nu Qllr vested dy Hie simple paraffin! lamp. lien a pat-nom lamp Is liKbled. and before the globe is PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. NOTICi; IS IIKuKllY OIVK.N thai a Court of llcvisioii and Appeal under the provisions or lite 'Taxation Act" and Amendments thereof ami "Public Schools Act" respecting the assessment toll for Ihe Prince Mu-pcrt Assessment District for the year MIL'S, will be held aP the Provincial Assessor's Ofrice in the Court House Hiiihling, Prince lttipert, U.O.; on Saturday, the I'NIli day or February, III 2 5, at '.' o'clock in the airiernoon. Haled at Prince lluucil. IJ.C i February UnL. iwiz. I .IOIIN DYIUIAYN. I .lodge of Ihe Court of Revision j and Appeal. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday Frbru Pre-Inventory Days are money saving events for our patrons All oddments and broken assortments are offered at very low prices to effect a speedy clean up. The limited number of lines mentioned below are but a few of the many reductions in all departments Boys' Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose Sizes O'i lo 1 1 14. Ileg. ?l.25. 95c Heavy Boys Mackinaws Pure Wool Finest materials. To clear Service $5.45 adjusted, there ait- dense fumes, but immediately the globe is adjusted Hie fumes disappear. A Simple Expedient Mr, Mucnamara realised the possibility of adapting this principle to coalfires. Hut the ap- plicalion of the theory proved a difficult proposition, and il was only after exhaustive and expensive experiment! lbat .Mr. .Mac-nainara evolved bis device, which is now being, taken up by government unTchil anil large firms, F.laborallng Hie principle or the parafrin.laiiip, the Inveulor iiilroduced liilo tin; back of Hie fireplace a series of funicular bricks of .special desjtfn. The lubes give. access lo a cumbps-lion chamber, and, by a system of air draughts from underneath Hie grate, and Hie employment or the hot gases, the smoke is consumed, and only I bo harmless gases, which it is not possible, to eliminate, escaped into Uie Children's All Wool Boys, strong Pullover Suits W,rk Shirts Caidinnt. Dark Saxe- , Khaki .,,, ,,. , (.a.nel, im l'ides I ,.ie, Tu ,lliU. Mills uml (ap. hi.cs 2 (o o $3.95 85c atmosphere. ' The Hit, except HiroiiHli Hie combustion chamber, is detached from the flue, and Ibis accounts Tor a realure in the device which will appeal lo housewives. There is a complete absence of the common nuisance, "blow down." Big Edinburgh Bakery In addition to being endorsed Iry'tl filer rroni the Ofrice of Works, the invention is to be introduced into the ruriiaces and ovens oT .M'Vitic ami Price's biscuit fat-lory, on lh( recoiiuneu-dalion or Sir Alexander (Irani, who was very much impressed with the idea. HELPED THEMSELVES Cockney molorlls, riding neat a funic orchard, stopped the car. got out. climbed the wall ami giilliered hair a k or apples. To rdmplclc the "joke" they slowed down as they went by the farmhouse, and culled mil i ii, owner Y helped ourielu-S IcJ BOYS' WEAR at clean up prices Mackinaws, Overcoats, UnJerwear, Hose, Boots, etc. at Reduced Prices Boys' Leather Gauntlet Gloves Willi Star mi cuff. Ileg. $l.rU. Special $1.00 jour apples. Thought we'd toll 3 Hi." "Oh, lhal's all right." the farmer called back. "I helped myself lo your tools while yuu wen; in Ihe orchard." I CO-OPERATION-IN ; RELIGION TRIED KKYSTONK, Neb.. Feb. I. Co-! operation ami felilous lolera-j lion are receiving a thorough lest in a little church here where both Itonuin Catholics ami Protestants worship. In mm end or (lie edifice is the Catholic altar Opposile Is Ihe pulpit Tor Pro-leslant services. Seats are ar-raiiKCil like those of a railroad coach so that the backs race either cud or, the building, Reversal or Ihe benches Hills changes the church from one ile-nomimillon In the oilier as desired. The church seals about 75 per-on -. Boys' Fleece-Lined Shirls and Drawers Iteg. Pile. Per gurn... 55c Combinations llegular l.ro Tu $1.10 Children's Oliver Twist Suits Nially made i:i S; pal tern. Ileg li.(Mi S rial $4.45 JUWHHjE sale Announcement Watch this space in to-morrow's paper for the greatest turnover sale ever attempted in Prince Rupert This Sale will be linked up with our window displays and we will guarantee the values advertised with the most unusual and startling offer See Tomorrow's Issue of the Daily News The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. Satisfaction Felt Hats at less than cost Demers Phone 27 P.O. Bo