BRP on the ALLEYS . ERIC SANDERSON _. spatoagte ae By GAYLE TALBOT bowling league met last FOREST HILLS, N.Y. (AP)—Professional ten- Pri nce Rupert Daily News night to draw up plans nis as a big money proposition is as dead as vaude-}>* for the 1952-53 season,| ville at the moment, and it is destined to remain so but while they were talk-| until either Frank Sedgman or Ken MeGregor, © ing’ the ladies already had} both, decide to Cast their lot with Jack Kramer on a taken to the alleys. world tour. ee T k vy is the only promoter! ™ nediate alte ) ba _ i Cup mi € it Syc D league, i th = soine te t harpen up| Who w to draw big If he turns pro now he w thei: n I y I — ma £ ier 11S W I weakel ex against Au issies Y y ists A f f Agnes Pierce - & Kr le na é ) een & . oP tiona I 1ampionshiy ing 1 that I ff the s¢ n with a neat 749 ; ; , ( vil i nd M itry, and Sedg Vik ram : i y = ote h time |! e doubly dam dhe one ea her vleam nyon i no hop Kramer wa m vi . - ss it ieas ybabl i te tor nd tl "age ) ielped de- Sedgman American r napp ade] 7 n pin ne ( Adela {cc 2 r > ” In “B’ Division, D, Pallant “Ive decided this much,” he wit +, Which) said. “In this game it’s either got to be something big or it’s not worth fooling with I 1 31 want to do it big or not at all, . ; ; ———————————— , \Iwa H t t result and you know as much as I do A Division — Lyons 4; An- about what Frank and Ken . ett G & Dibb.Print 0 intend to do I can whip Sedg a ) As to that, the only thin ; tal Stri “B” Division 4 Ce ‘ n Tax Bi Ru ‘ 1 R B - I et A, Ki vo dic bar ing essi nany Tl nan} non seas in This advertisement Is not publisiied or Gisplayed by the Liquoa 7 PM—B.C. P vs. Mil fentrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. an te Sana A - : ; ) H i a} Com out Joe« Be Bratton Wins 10-Rounder 150- A aes with BARRETT gy ASPHALT aerate When fay _, SHINGLES ~ Skinny” Girls! i c a £0 ev Will last for years e Go on over old roof ? Are fire-resistant OBJECTIVE $3500.00 GIVE GENEROUSLY ¢ Come in many styles RED SHIELD and colours ‘Ey , Wo SERVICES Approximate L516,.000 Canadians were mate- rially helped tast» year by the personal services of the Salvation Army th tis Maternity Homes General Hospitals Old Folks’ Homes J \ TO YOUR BARRETT DEALER Besides Asphalt Shingles, your Barrett Dealer has a complete line of roofing, insulation and weather-prooting materials, LOCAL APPEAL SEPT. 5-26th | THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED ; Tom Christie—Campaign Chair. 1045 West Pender Stree #d Gladding—Campaign Treas. : ag all oo ; Campaign Headquarters cameos * Reg'd Trade Mark G. PERCY TINKER & CO., LTD. BESNER BLOCK — PHONE 57 | Albert and McCaffery Ltd a « iy | if The Daily News Classified Ads Pay, Island City Builders Supplies [SPORTS ROUND-UP|°.: TAKE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS W YORK @ Brooklyn New Yorke Giants to 4% vict ver last night by sweeping a acer from Chicago , i-1 and 6-2 te while ame after the Giants ipped Pittsburgh Pirates ix 1 a 13-inning day game. hthan ders Johnny Ruther- d Karl Erskine pitched Dodgers to their two vie- 0 ore four-run uprising National St Turk Lown and Dttch he venth inning for Brooklyn Andy Pafko batted I of the Dodger ' niu ap i 7 Pc! YANKS WIN S piurge, clim e Collins’ two-run in- | etched their National ; "world ead over the hotly pur- y Yankees ns i American ttle 4 Hollywood 0 amento rained out i 8 ‘Brooks Drub C ubs Dow to Stretch Lead r in the ninth WLL— Lewiston 2, Victoria 11; hea New Yakima 0, Tri-City 4; Wenatchee to breeze to a/0, Salem 1; Spokane 4, Vancou- the Browns ver 3 zeynolds held St, Louis ts and fanned 13 bat- shutting Browns Stockholm (CP forts after the first) coins ol rae deny, piaced on he mar cet ip Sep’ runs in the eighth inning | ay larger vo more in the ninth sewed POFRrRIS ol Kin game for the Yanks j other lave ¢ Louis 3, Phila-| incinnall 6 Boston | i ete it it 10) 3. Cleveland 5 4 i, Chicago 6 the most economical enamel d 0, San Fran 1 Diego 3: Oak- toa IMPORTANT ANCHORAGE | g Kong, at the mouth of! Le athe, the Canton River, is the largest anchorage between Shanz-| made os . hai and Indo-China they wre ahaa 69 NEW COINS ~ aye Swedish Getat Adolf, n& oof objects i from lakes and woods. PLEXTBLE 50les ada * to your foot Te @aSy on thes recor VES! Be Sure To Seed Our Fine Selection g TOWELS, F ACE TEA TOWELS, DSH cl : POT HOLDERS any MITTS, Tae Where Your Diaes ane Litt 3) AY, Kg Ty nae | PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 12 to 15 INCLUSIVE Strawberry Jam Pure, Malkin’s Best, 4-Ib tin 9/¢ Strawberries Malkin’s Best, Choice, 15-02. Toilet Tissue ~~ Honey Liquid, Beckist, 16-oz Pork & Beans Syrup Rogers, 2's CANNED FISH rg rere 38¢ Rreaeuiek tin 3 or BOC a aa so, Meat 25¢ CANNED VEGETABLES ie ang aged hg tin 19¢ pints beck sex tote 2 tor dOC ras ak ore Oo 2 ee Matkin'es Best, Choiee, 1i-0n eC FRUIT JUICES PINEAPPLE JUICE Libby’s Hawaiin 9 29¢ 2C-07 for GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Malkin’s Best 20-62 gal 2 for 27c ORANGE JUICE Gold, 20-02 17¢ BLENDED JUICE 2 i 29¢ Deen South, 20-07 Are you Having trouble with those school lunches? Try the INDEPEND- ENT FOOD STORES FOR SOME NEW IDEAS. MIDWAY Malkin’s Best, In Tomato Sauce, 15-oz. Peanut Butter Malkin’s Best, Ice Box Jar, 16-02 3/¢c Mayonnaise Best Foods, 16-oz. Sweet Mixed Pickles: tives: 16-0: FANCY BISCUITS CARAMEL WAFERS 29c Grey Dunne, '.'s CHOCOLATE 39c Baby Mallows, Westons, 10-0z DEVILS FOOD Sic Squares, Cello CANNED FRUITS APRICOTS 23¢ Malkin’s Best, choice, 15-07 PINEAPPLE 33c Sliced, Libby's 20-07 PEACHES ‘o's or sliced, Aylmer, Choice, 15-0, a. 45¢ PEARS, Bartlett, Fancy, Aylmer, 15-072. 25¢ 15-02. REMEMBER OUR HOME DELIVERY and PHONE ORDER SERVICE “SKEENA | Rupeft GROCERY | GROCERY | and. Phone 659 Mie eres 381 or 5982] 7 INDEPENDENT FOOD STOR! “THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE” OXO CUBES, large . OLIVE OIL, Pure Ital. Sasso $01 §.0.5. Pot Cleaners . .. lh 4 for 5c TERO SOAP, 1-07, sn wom BLEACH, Perfex, 64-07. 3 for 39¢ OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Tin..... 13¢ CORN STARCH, Canada ls... Prune Plums per case Peaches, 3V 5 rer ene Bartlett Pears Fancy, per box Compare Our Fresh Vegetable LYONS Fine Foods | GROW 21 | 250;Red 465 Think of us when you think of QUALITY and 10W For QUALITY and LOW PRICE ARF OUR MAIN THOLE WHEN WE THINK OF YOU. We feature pleasing service, plus quality brands that make and keep yous isfied customer. Are You Planning Any Canning >. Yes, It’s canning season Keep the healthy glow of mer through the winter by doing your conning — Dew’ t fail to take adva these specials and save on © this year. $) D&S Phone 656 Phone