Auniun al noon on the Sin day of Wirrh ivia. in iih ornre or in toresi super uxr. Smillirr. B.C.. tb Lin-lire CDS to rill OM.fluil lineal feet nr Odar Coles ana ruin on an area muaiea on tieu Lake, U mile. Miulhttrsi or llairltun, l'aiar rilsirirt. live (5j ear will he allowed for re movai or umiier. I'rlli'il I hit any one iinahle to atleml the annum in tf-rsnn may stitimlt a sealed lender In be oiierwrt al Um hour of auction mi trea en as one ma. further particulars or the rhlff Fnre- ler, tiriona. h.i;., sir niiiriri ixre.sier, rrtnre fuifiert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6838. Realm! Tender nlU be received bj the Minister or Land, at Victoria, not later than noon on the Bin nay or February, IBSS. rnr the rmrrhase of Licence X 8. to rut 5.2.10.(101) reel of Spruce, Cedar aixl llemliH-k, on an area adjoining- l.oi tsi. Selwyn Inlet, yiieen Charlotte island i.ann District. Tno years will be allowed for re moval or timner. Further partU-ulari of the Chief Fores ter, Vlriorla. B.C., or District Forester, Prince Hnpert, B.C. LAND ACT. Notlc of Inltntlon to Apply to Purcha una. In Skeena Land District, Prince Rupert lifi-onllna District, anil sluiate on Inland in Skeena Itiver Immediately s hi 1 11 or sums island. Take vuth k that Douglas S. Clarke or Kurnaliy. B.C.. ocruialion Salesman, intends to apply for permission to pur-rluv the rmiottin described lamls: Commenrina at a post planted on the raieriy end or ine island lyinir mxne-rilalely south or Salvus Island, said Mike ix'taur planted al the eitreme east end or siHt jsiand. and ronlaininir all or UM Island. This stake Is planted 400 yards oireriiy ssiiiin or saivu.s Manon and. contains the name of lioualas S. Clarke, and slaked by atent Thomas Mills, and con' laiuinr sow acres, more or less. DOI fiMS S. CLARKE, per Afent TIIoMVS MILLS. Paled January tlh, JBJ.V LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply U Laaia Land In Land Flecorrtlnr Dlstrlrt on the Coasi of British Columbia, adjoining- Loi llf.O. TAKE NOTICE that racfflc Mills Limited or Vancouver, British Columbia, oc- j rupalion I'ulp and paper Manufacturers. Intends to apply ror a lease or the fol-lowing- tlescribed land: Commencing at a post planted on tie' soiiibeast corner or the land for which application for lease is lielnir made; thence north 43 rieir. east fi.&no feet to I (he southeast corner 'of Lot llf.0; thence . north 4? tie. 36' wett SsS feet tn south-1 el corner of Lot IMA: thence southerlv rotlnwlnr the high tide line 7,000 reet. or less, to ihe point or commencement, and rontamlnR seventy (10) acres, more or less. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED (Name or Applicant in mil) Paled January 9ih. mgl. LAND ACT Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Loaa Land In Massett Inlet, yueen Charlotte Islands Land Iilstrlet. Beeordlnt District of Trlnce, nitperl. B.C., and situate about one mile south or Boss island. Massett In let, and in Yestalton Bay, on timber limn .10. .... Take otlce that Euirene H. Simpson. or Massett. B.C.. occupation Cannery Mnnarer, Intends to apply ror permission in lease tn rouowinr described lands, cnmmenrlnir at a post planted on the west stde or Yestalton Bay; thence south t. cnalnst thence east 10 chains, thence north i.rnains; menre west to chains, and con talhlnr IS acres, more or less, EL'GEAE II. SIMrSO.1, .ame or Applicn 0atet nereniliee nth oa LAND ACT Notlc of laUnllon t Apply to Lai Land In Prince Unpen Land District. Jie-cordlna; District or Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove, I'rlnccsj nova I Island. B.C. Take .Notice that Somervllle Cannery Company Limited, or Vancouver, B.C 'Intends to apply ror permission to lease the following descrllird landsi Commenelna at; the head or Barnard Cove, rrlncess lioyal island: thence east rive (5) chains: thence north rnrty (40t chains; tlience west len I0) chains, more or less, to low wairr mark; thence south alone low water -mark to point or nimmenrement. and containing; fifteen (15) acres, more or less. SOMEflVILLE CANMERY COMPANY LIMITED Name or Applicant. W. J. lerrerson, A(tent. Dated December I7lh. j9H. - ' DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. NOTICE Application for Orailno. Parmlta for tn Baaaon 1928. Applications ror permits to araze live . nock on the Crown ratine wilhln each araiinir district or the Province of British Columbia, must lie riled nllh the Dlsirict I orester at CranbriHik. Fort Onrav, Kaniksiiis, .Nelson, I'rlme liupert, Vancouver. Vermm and Williams Lake on or before March 31st, 10J3. Blank rorms upon which to submit ap. plicallons may lie obtained from Hie District Foresters at the above, named place, or, from the Department of Lands at Victoria. B.C. 0. fl. NsDF.N. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department or Lands, victoria, it.c. January 0th. 1095; NOTICE. IN THE VVTTEII OF AN APPIICATION ror Ihe Issue of a rresli Cerliricatn of title ror Lola Ibirly J0 and thirty-one (31), iiiock seven 7. secllun rive (5i, i.iiv ot rrince niipert. Map sallsraciory proor of the loss and de striictloti of Ihe Cerliricate of title rover. inr the above lands havlnir teen produced to me it Is my intention in Issue, after ihe expiration or one month from the first piibllrallon hereof, a rresh Certificate of title in the name or Kilward II. Pierre. ror Ihe said land, which Cerliricate of line is rt.ilcd the join June 1913, and Is Olllliuereii jipj . II. F. MsCl.EOD, Iteirlsirar of Titles Land Beirlstry nrrice. J'rlnee liupert, B.C. January amii. ms. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Fltuale in the Skeena Mlnlnir Division of the IlanRe s. Coast District, Where located. South or Falls Creek. Kltsum kalum Lake, and adjnlnlnir Ihe Whistler on ine r.ast ctia or it, i.awiui noioers. W. Treston and D. Wilson: No. or Holders Free Miners' Certmrate, Treston 870 IOC. wnson H70ii4i;. Take .Notice that we. W. Treston, F.MX, no. r.70inc. and navid wiison. f.m.i: Nn. A70fl4C. Intend at the end of Hty days from the dale herenr to apply to the Mlnlna Recorder for a Certlflrate of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining a Crown (Irani of the above claim and rnrthermore take noit.-w that Aetlon under See. 85 of the Mineral Act must be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate nf Improvements. Dated Ibis snih day or Nov., ltd, W. F. TRFSTON, and DAVID Wll.RON, Owners. K. T Ifennr. ren NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OP RESERVE NOTIlX IS HEREBY rtlVE.N, that the reserve eoverinv its es to bo, in elusive, Ranire. 5, Coast District. I ran celled. OF.o. n. NADEN, Denntr Minister of Lands. Denariment or Lands, Vlrtnrla. B.C. November Itltt. tH, rnal!" TRAINING FOR FOOTBALL Pointers Given Making Saves (Hy "Amly" Ducat, Manager ir Kulliiini Ctiih. ; (lleprinted rnim "CireeiiiH'k llcralil" Years agti 1 iilayeil in a village learn. One of nnr nuisler was nol a horn fiii)ll;illcr. llallier Ihe ii'verse. Afler one falal error our enrageil caplain liiriieil In (his tin fa rt 11 nut o ami slioiil-ed vindielively ".Next malch, jiiung 'Knry, you're going to ke'ep Tli'i- altiliule (owanls tin goal keeper still persists in small leanis. A man not strong enough for strenuous work in the field is put hack hetween the posts. . Yel Ihe margin of viclnry in - - - first-class matches works out al I from win is s slnall , one goal. Ilecauso of this, llieiyu ran cover il comnlotplv In goal keeper is one of Ihe most playing at homo. influential men on Ihe field, lie only has lo keep nut I wo alls inai siiouid properly have gone through, and he reverses Ihe re- ult of the mutch. The lallest ntm on your side might well he (rained for work in goal, strength, however, must co with his heiphl. A strong punch or a Iuiir goal kick al critical times make a vast difference to Ihe slale of Ihe game. Activity in "diving" and jumping Is needed. Ability for "concen. Irating on the game must, he ac. rnmpanied hy a complete, free, dom, fron, "nere." . final kicks must never he !efl lo Ihe hacks. They have enough to do without taking on the goalies' re.iMinsitiililiM. Ilfird kicking nut takes more nut oV.a . i ,1 t m ; man man no enn oi riinmnp. You cannot decide a goal keeper's merit hy Ihe brilliant saves he nntkes, A first cIbfs ttoal keeper depends for success on pulling himself Into positions that make brilliant dives nn. necessary, fonie of the finest goal keeper.s rarely seem, (o do anything sensational at all. Sneeliilnrs are not. a ivavs sin ?ood as they lliink Ihey are at picking out Ihe best goal keep ers, dive me a man who saves Ihe goal before il is kicked rather lhan one who springs as Ihey do in story hooks .up inln Ihe lop leri-liann rnrner anil relieves a, dazzling ,hall. Robbing the Forwards Thousands of goals are saved by brisk custodians who gel mil and slop the forward before he shoots. This is a good way when yon know bow lo do it. WhicMi is the proper lime In inn iiu; , , j 'v ,v Mlacking forwards when ing pursued by defenders are seldom able to keep the ball close to their feel. II is uuicker to kick it through the defence lhan it Is lo dribble it up. There fore, an oncoming forward will al times be considerably farther away from Ihe ball than he, woiii.i Hke lo In", nits is your opportunity In dush nut. Clot to your man. That is Ihe secret of snreessfnl dashes. Don't hesilale or he will think he has bealen you. Hun In him fief (be ball. You won I always succeed, of course. Sometimes the forward reaches the ball first. No hnrm is done, however, provideil you are close In him. The closer you are Ihe less margin you leave him for a shot. iour dash mil, loo, if made with delerminaUon, Is almdst certain to rherk his speed. Your hacks, are presented with an opportunity of renewing the "combat. A bold rush frequenlly bluffs, a nervous forward inlo shooting ynnis uernre lie should. Mind, do not recommend running nut cxeepl as a last resort. Stopping Wing Shots Mien a forward must, shoot from Ihe wing, never run out The risk is completely unneevs snry. Tim porlion nf tlm goal mouth open lo receive a shot Keep your eye on your own backs. It is from their positions Ihnl vou judge whether a wing lorwifrd will centre or bo compelled lo lake the shot himself. The bct people o watch nearly always are your own defenders. How they meet the attack gives you Ihe surest Indication of how Ihe ball will come through. Kxlremely big men in goal have a peculiar effect on opposing forwards. I remember a goal keeper who weighed 22 stone. Forwards sonic) inv lost their nerve altogether when called on lo shoot at him. Ills bulk dominated Ihe situation. Many young goal keepers do not allow (he body lo "five" enough when flopping a fast shot. 'Ihey stand rigidly in a "lel-iiie-like-a-soblier-fair' attitude. This is very bad. Stiff standing slops your getting quickly lo Ihe ball. Should Ihe hall hit you, painful consequences ensue. Whichever pari of your body re ceives the impact must give, Just lis a cricketer's hands give when be brings off a calch. Wail with all your weigh! I brown forward. Sland reasonably flat on your feet, hut thrust your weight forward as though you were standing on tip-toe. llend your knees. A henl pair of knees enable Vou lo spring in the air or "gel down in the hasp, tiienl" without an instant's lies. ilnlion. Low Balls Hardest The mosl difficult shots to Jop are those along Ihe ground. Crouch rather lhan kneel lo litem, (let your hands out and oiF elbows '.ni.vir Ihe pil of your sloniacli. ..Move into the. way of Si hall 'an.r Ititiit' l'ii 'yoiiFc liiuid:l tion'l. kneel. Itememiier you have n dispose of Ihe hall iminedi- nlely. While you keep on your feet and lake it in your hands or arms, you ciin' clear al once. W'ind sometimes produces n ))jg swervei' The worst part of the ball's swerve comes in the last few yards of Hie flight. Vhereforeilon't Jump forwnrd. Wnl,ch nnd wail. While you keep your gaze gliied on the ball you can I miss il, no mailer how much it swerves. Turn Ihe ball round Ihe posts if yon can'l collar II. Fast drives al shoulder height must always he caught if possible. Sport Chat ) H llenny Leonanl, the ligblweighl boxing ciiainpion, has retired and they are lalkin? about eliio- iualion fiifhls lo select it sue cessnr. Jack Dempsey has jusl announced thai he loo is retiring and will Iry married life again. The fight fans believe that llenny Leonard means il for he has nol been very well of laic but Ihey shake their heails in unbelief al 'anything (hat Dempsey may say in that line. Public opinion will probably force the heavyweight chnmpion inlo fighting al least onco again be- oul fiKhiinfr. (leorge fioulding, Ihe Vancou ver walker, who has 'announced his permanent retirement follow-ins his collapse in Xev York re.. renlly, just went lo the well unci In often, (inulding at HI is uol the physically equipped specimen he was in 1012 when he estab lished world's records which havi since stood all tests. Physiciaiif examined (iouMin and waruec him not to com pel p. He intends therefore, he says loVest in bei1. for two or lliree days then star for Vancouver again via Toronto He .should be back on I lie c.nas in about a fortnight's time iinulding is a member of tin Vancouver . Oyro Club,. The ft real War Veterans and Callie ineel tonight fn a second ilivisinu billiard league tournament the teams being lined up as follows: . . Ir. .1. Ai: West (Orcul War Velerans) . I). MeAulay (CaU lies.) S. .. Warrior vs. J. .McLean. K. Fenelon vs. M. M, I.amb. G. I.. Youngiiian vs. W. K. Williscrofl. II. F. Weannnutli vs. W. Mur ray. CR1BBAGE GAMES Elks, Dry Dock, War Veterans, and Sons of Canada Winners Grihhage LeaRue games played last night resulted as follows: Klks, IS; M rot In, 12. Dry I lock, 17; Hegiiuenl. 10. Urea1 War Veterans; Hi; Loyal liranxe I.odjre, II, Sons of Canada, lf; Moose, 1 1 The league slaiiiliiir lo dale i is follows: L. O. J , F.Iks SI. Andrew's Dry Dock fl. W. V. A. HegiiiieiiL . ..,..,... Vlnose ..' Sons of iCiniVda !Cvi folio : W. .1 3 L. I I I I I o 4 3 Colls, 28; Klks, 'J. firollo, 30; Colls, 38. Maple l-afs, S, ftil's, 8. I'ls 3 3 I M " ii LAST NIGHT Elks Beat Colts In Senior Lea- cue; Colts Win Over Qrotto; Gil's Defeat Maplo Leafs The Klks defeated Hip Colls hv a score of IP (o 28 In last night's Senior League basket hall game and onco again share Ihe leader ship of thai' league with Ihe Sons of Canada. II was an easy vic lnry 'for Ihe Iodic men who were full value for their win. Alex Mitchell refereed and the teams Wanted For Sale For Rent i rutin lolls Maple id's Tilly Colls '.!' Tuesday. I jtAGE four jnv mr t :ctvs. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus TIMBER SALE, X6603. TlMTe mil he nttemt for tale al Curdle Hrrr pNon? wcet Topw -sever roRcn- rf ) 7 , 1 v" 1 v fnr fnr Iip Jip rclires. rclires. II II is is nrHlv tirHly wll wi'lllT rrrr'- ' ' i." - j inulf I'sliuiil, - bowi'vrr, thai. if jliiMiiisiy really iloi! ri'tiff. Tom- iiiiv flilili.tiiu V.-ill In., elfiilil In Ilia Importance of Goal-keeper is Emphasized and ! "''" " . . L lis mil piiIiIIoi In tin IiimI is a iiiosllon irtioii which runs .ire ifivli lot I anil it is mil cxiirlcil, if ho iloos grol il without Wiii-fart'. Dial he will holil il lmn wilh- II ii DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c took the floor as follows: Colls -W. Mitchell. 11. I riz- zell, W. Wralhall. 1. (iun-it-li am! I!. Zclterinan. F.lks-rYV. Laiubie, I). Balfour, M. lluilenich, K. Smith and A Phillips. Intermediate League The Inleriuediale League game was si closely contested alTair with the (irollo giving (he Colls a si iff run all the way allbouKh Ihey lost by 38 In 30. At half timv, the Colls were leading 10 In II. Hy virile of their vie-l-ory, the Colls are now bill onr full game behind the tunurcoii-isls who are still leading the league. Mike lluilenich refereed and the players were: firollo W. Cray, V. Meagher. O. Hill, W. Cavalier and I), liur-vich. Klks A. Phillips, D. Frizzell. H. Smilh, ft. Shentnn, C. Glapp and W. Wralhall. Ladles' League The (iil's were able lo wrest mother victory from Ihe Maple Le,afs in, a Ladies' League malch wfiich was featured by Ihe scare eily of scoring, due lo effective checking. The (ally wirs 8 lo S. Mike lluilenich and Alex Mitchell refereed. Maple Leafs Miss Margnrnfj (irahaiu. .Miss Myra lliirvcy. Miss Lillian Lowe, Miss Julia lial.liT- one, Miss .Marguerite ftirsey and Miss Laura Frizzell. (iil's Miss Willa Dyer. Jliss M. Long, Miss Annie Morrison, Miss Catherine Harvey, .Miss Car oline Mitchell, Miss l.eona Parker and Misn Marjorie Lancaster. League .standings to dale fol low: Senior League V. L. Sons of Canada .. K ( Iks 8 1 Colts : 2 10 ' Intermediate League Ileginient 3 4 II Ladles' Leaguo Leafs f 3 3 ft Junior League Tims ft 3 v : 3 ft'. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. I'ls. Hi lft I 18' 10 12 li 12 ft D10HY ISLAND. Cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 2'.!.-C.8; temperature, 38: sea smooth. DKAD THKR POINT.-- Cloudy, calm; barometer, 20. ill; temper- alure, 31 ; sea smooth. HULL IIAItnOJl. Overcast, calm; barometer, 20.IS; temper ature, .18; 'moderate swell; 7.30 p.m. spoke steamer Cnmostiu lit Itivcrs Inlet southbound. Noon DIOHY ISLAND. Part cloudy light southeast wind; baromeler, .u.ji; leniperaiure sea smooth, DKAD THKH POINT. Cloudy, lighl soiillienst wind; baromeler, U'J.ftS; leniperaiure, 3H; sea smoolh. ' HULL IIAIUlOn. Overcast, calm; iiarnmelrr,; i,.,,,,,,.,, alure, tl; moderate swell. a loner rrom Louis Forkrud coinpliilning that Inailenuale icmporary walks had been mil down on roads where grading was m progress and requesting inai, wiien I lie work on l.levenlli Avenue where he resides Is tin dertnken, a safe walk be provid ed was receivpii at last nighl's meeung or I lie city council nnrl referred lo the Honed of NN nrks lor report. WANTKB WAXTKIL- An active agent by an old established Canadian Life Insurance Company for the city of I'rince Hnpert and dislricl. A splendid openine for an energetic salesman. Apply Mux 22'.), Ilaily News olllce. Fftlt PLAIN SFAVINli, phone lllack 2.17. Prices reasonable. If WANTKH. Maid, for general help. Phone (ireen 1112. 2S TO RENT TO HHXT. House,, four rooms, 731 Fraser Street. Apply William Deiiholm, I'rovinisial lltiibling. . If FOR ItK.NT. Machines. Singer Sewins I'hone IHuc 38'J. If FOR SALE FOH SALF.. Hoat S5 foot by 12 fl. (i in. beam, draft G feel, SO h.p. only 10 months old. Suitable for lowing, freighting or purse seining. Hoat ,18 Toot tiy II ft. beali, draft S feel, 10 h.p. ft year's old. Suitable for freighting or cannery tender. Apply J. Fie!'!, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. P.O. Ilox 81. tf FOH SALH. New bouse, (1 rooms bath and pantry. 138 Kill Ave. W. on corner lot. Terms arranged. Wrile Ilox 230, Daily-News for particulars. It 1'nilNH'L'Hl-: for sale, and room ing house 21 rooms to let. ?50 a month. McCatfery & (iiiibous. .13 BOARD HOAHD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. AUCTION SALE Nl'CTION S.fiE. A 28 fool trol ling boat, fitted wilh' ft h.p. Vivian engine will -be aclinned al Prince Hnpert boat house, where boat may be viewed, at 3 p. in. on Monday. February 9. 32 ACCOUNTANCY HOQKS wrillen tip Halancc sbpfits, financial statements and Income tnx returns prepared by expert accountants. Hales reasonable. NVrite P.O. Ilox 8.15. If DRESSMAKING MHS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker, Federal block. Dressmaking, alterations, suiU nnd coats. First class work. Heasonahle prices. Phone Htark 410. t TAXI . Taxi 67 Phono (Call Oeorgo, Paul or (lust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nl'.t Stand: nOSS DROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clonk, Across from Emnross Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. turo Store.. NVo Uuy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Odods. QtO. PAPADOPULIS, 3P Third Ave. Phone . AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when you desire In sell or purchase, furniture, or any article. PIUNCH Ill'PFHT KX-CHANOR, Auctioneers. Advertise In tho Dally News. a i ."racial Lost in- Found, d MAIL SCIpLE For the East Monday- NN I ' urdays. cl rr. i From the East MondiiN-. NV Fridays, i; To Vancouver- Tuesdays- - Mad :, J ,:- Saturdays Saturday-- a n Fridays. i C.P.H. .Li' ;:t From Vancouer-i- Sundays J Tuesdays v a ' Vedncsil;y-i Thursday- C.P.H. .1.. To Anyox, Alice Arm, U and. Premier NN'edlisi;i Sundays From Anyox, Alice Arm, Slel and I- ridays ' To Port Slmpsoo. aod Naall Points Tliiirsif:iv fl From - Port Slrn" n' 1 River Points Saturdays t To Alaska Polnts.r- January 1 . From Alaska pplnta- Januarv 10 ' To Queen Charlotte :j'sand hi .lanuarv I i From Queen fchsirfolte tol Points January 15 n njiunis num.-" "i" nr Snlvtls Sl.itl'-n i 1 FIX COLLE rl0 iir,aen A A'' " I s Ave A Fi-rtlh txve. A Fi "i nivr. Tkf Mcittre ll Jt Q1 4113 Carlrinn st 'Hi t.nKir, Inlrnils '' ! lo pnrrlmsr thr r.n i Cjirnijlrnilnir l ntithvviist rtii-nr 1 r Islilliili thPttrK - i' iimlrly Son yurd- ' npnroxlnuii't.v sun sun vnrii. ii i" ii rrlslntr ill ihin wpsi nr 1.01 sn acre, irmrfi nr I''. i SI Sib Ave A Thnnai 8t. 1 1 Hi ve .1 PherV Ave I tbl Ave. A Cnrrr'P lilh Ave. A Hay.f Ave Oth Ave. A- Hay? C f ( Circle 8lh Ave. CoMotv SI 5lh Ave. A Melli ;d( S' Pro. ftov. Hides Prov. Oov. NVtm: ' O.T.P. NVharf 2nd Ave. A 2nd SI 3rd Ave. & Ful sn S 1rH v ' LAND ACT w "l Nolle or InUntlon to Apo'j LBna In Skrnn I rtml UJ' fliiprrt llrrnrilliiif i Til' M. Af it ' tu n ' LAND ACT. Nolle or Inttnllon to'Appl In UL-urn I Bllfl III" ' .. LiiS ' irlrt or I'rlni'o nimi- 1 m prnlrnatily twn ti..' ' , . ' nr the Ski'cnn ami ' RkPonn lilver. ... r 'n Tlkfl iStrttee It'ill " j Prlnrn Iliiii'rl, II. ' Intends ti rll.v .. Hip rullnwlnt- 'Ii'-'-rUHl. , Cmiiincnrlnir l HQ ' soiitti sldn or SVfis Z west 5 rlnlns: llirii-i' ' , thenre iKirlhonst r' , ' west 10 rhnln nl'nr m , Skeonii Illver I" tin ' i ini'tit, and fiml.ilnln I nmi'd imnmrv sill. " OTICK IS IlEnfHT -v rrsrirve rnvcrlnir 1. 't ' irlct, in ranceiiiMi. n n B sri'; nrniitv 'lln..'1 Lands penurl"1"11' Virion, n.c 10th Decrmbrff l