February 3, 1925. earn to Make PF1ETTY LAMP SHADES, DAINTY FAVORS, ( . ! Ill LEARN TO MOULD AND PAINT i With Sealing Wax. I ; jeli ydu llns fasiinaliiig I f cliargi'. fir miMAT ami ANVOX V7T WEAVE ATTRACTIVE A BASKETS With Crcpo Paper Rope. nakcl., Vases. Trnys, .lid, .: m s arc easy ami inexpensive. li make. Iax anil Flowers every Tuesday, Rope Weaving every rriuoj iiuiii I lu u i McRAE BROS. LTD. oaxm g Sleep With "Our Special" Simmons Unit $40.00 complete iiiiml Steel Hid, iion-s.igging roil spring ril ltiiilliT-s. iarrie's Home Furnishings ru Avenue . and 1st Street. WINTEI1 l.1 "PRINCE JOHN" leaiea PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly 'or - . tn, yvttn VnAHlUIIB. IBLAI-IUII. PASSENCER TRAIN'S LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT C",u?iIvWt0Nt8Ov SATUROAV, A.00 Mil. fi ! ITilire Uiumi), EDMONTON. ""-iu, ai (iiiniir uii iro uium, tniir-ti nir. Anrftiw . i rmwmmM aTr.u.inn , ikr !l Tlelitt Office, B28 Third Aft Prince Rupert. pUON STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. rf? VNr ouuiuKS irniil I I Hire ivarri. ,,, "uwtR. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bar, and Alrt Day, Tuaxley, 6 PM. -'"",n. viutoria. Alart Bar, and Swanaon Bar, Salurdar, 10 A.M. , r! r lHt' A,-,CE "M. STEWART, 8indar. S P.M. 2nd . oimroun ana inane war cannariee, frma n.m. V "ilvcrlit'r... , Phone 123 km STEAMSHIP SERVICE 1 ' I $. PRINCE RUPERT -ail flnlll I'rlln'M lllin FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, "HIE, i.ilrHiii'ilinla nilul9 rarli r rulay V.du 111. Wi'ilni'niliy, 1 1 .no p in. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Cost Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PniNCESS MARY I for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 2Cj February 0, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattlo- January 2, 10, 30; February 13, 27 S.V PRINCESS BEATRICE. f tt'itedato, Swanson Bay, East Bella Sella, Ocoai ru, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van. couver, every Saturday 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Llr. Full information from LC ,rt' r f 4tf S reel and 3rd Avenim. P-ltie Rut.v. J. Barneley, Ag.nl. p rlnee Rupert, B O SPECIAL SELECTED Cl l CANADIAN RYE "WHISKY C ' '" (Jiufcrlhnitiivn Government supervision TiwQuulilWiisHjrofCunnda- i since 1859 1-3) Klimli,,! 1,1 18 1101 piil'llsheil or ilisplayci Uy tlia i,iqi.of u or uy me (iovcrmuenl of Hritrsh l.olumlua tt . i a. Local and Personal j lt.C. Undertakers. I'liuuu 41. llayuers. Undertakers. Phono 351 llaskclball, Llka' Home tonight You'll like our ;oall Consum ris Coal Co. l'lioiie 7. If We have further reduced our stock to clear by January 31. Look It over. Shockley Planing Mills. if Account for tlic week cmliui,' January y tolallinp 7.SIH.H0 wrri' jiat'il for p.iyiuciil al Iasl night's inoi'ling of the city Kiank Yickcis, vily csliin-. va Ji i ii 1 1 i ii I 'i t acliti' iMly I reus - uror liv I In; cily council last niglil ilutiii' Hie ali.Hcncu of l. I. Mallicnou who if W a trip Mllllll. f l.ailii's of .Mooxi'liiyu-I Li'f-'ioii. all .Moon' ami their wives invilH in inslallalion of onicci'.H fol- Inwril hy a focial al 8..'JU p.m. VVcilni'silay,' I'clii uaiy l Alel-ropolc Hall. 'Time Forbids." A llliiue-f play in five arts al Kmprh 'I'liealn' Io-iikhtow itlhl 7.15. I'l-orreils for hoxpilal. AiIiiUh- ion -111. -HO anil 75 cciiIk. Tickel.i. al Urines KM. A. T. I'.el.nlT. manafter of Hie l'kolT Slmlio anil lleoiil llolel relumed on Ihe Canlena rom a liiisiness I rip and will ' li liere ahoiil two weeks hefore Ivaviup on anoilter Inn. A copy of Hie alldiled llnailJ rial slaleiiienl of the .I'rincn Hu- perl (ieueral llospila'l for Ihe year 1112 i was prcsenied jlo tin i-ily eomieil lasl niihl and laid mi the I able for a week. An application from J. It. Mor rison In purchase lav sale lots III. 112. ICI and 111, block at. svrlhui H, for IHr each was re ceiseit al last night's nieeliuti of Ihe eily council and .referrcil in Ihe I in a ncc committee for r A report from.' Ihe IfiidiliK room nuiiinlllt'e reroiiimeudinv Mi.il Ihe interior of the reading room be kalsinului'il In the early summer was jtilnphtl al Insl night's coiineil tn'vetluir on nin-liou of Aid. Larsen seconded by Aid. llrown. ' Local inipriiveioeul conslruc-(iou bylaws providing for the mallress grading of .Ninth Ave. West. Kighlh Avenue Kasl, Sevenleenlh Slreel and Hays Cove Circle were finally adopted al lasl night's mcctiux of Hi" i-ilv council. The salary ir .Miss Maliel Yiereck. slenojjrapber in Ihe i'i!y engineer's ollice. is lo he raised from Still lo , ?8l) per uiiinlh elfeclive I'ehruary I. A report from Ihe llnard of Works recoiiiuieudini; the increase was adopted al. Ihe meeting of the eily eiiuncil lasl night. A report from Ihe Hoard oT Works recommending thai an eighl fool sidewalk be Imill on the wesl side oT Hays Cove Circle adjaeeul to llonlh Memorial Scl I between Fiflh and Si'mmiIIi Avenues after grading of llial street, lias been completed was adopted al lasl night's meeting of Ihe cily council. SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Has it ever occurred lo you thai Hie inulliludii of "Household Helps" offered for sale are of Ihemselxes lilVluss and incapable of service unless controlled and diieclcd by the already overburdened housewifu. Laundry servico alone is alive, vilal, Imposing no new obligations, and asking nothing but your friendly disposition, to change servitude Into service. May we call? Phone 8 Q ?! li flTi it.fl 1 11x1 PHONE 8 60X392 PRINCER.OPERT TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE TD,RM H'! .wxt,nm in , Make Better Dread V I Askyour grocer for 1 I ROYAL YEAST I . STANDARD Of OOAUTY Mrs. C. It. I.oi l-.li ii I. inotber of the laic Mrs. C. I.. Younuiau, will sail I on it'll I on Hie sleanci' Oai'ileua rcluriiiliK lo her liume in I'orUaud, Orcpon. (L T. Oahrcra, who anived from Massctt last ..week, expects io leave on tomorrow nij-'hl's I rain for I'hiladclpliia on liusi- ness lii coiiheeliou wilh Hie IMS. Mines l.ld.. lti)ion steamer Cardena, Capt. . li. Kiclisoii, will arrive from Stewart, Afiyox and Alice Arm at 0.3(1 this evening, sailing im uiedialely Ihcrcaflcr for Vancou ver and wuyporls.. The fin- de(arliiieiil responiled lo an alarm yesterday afternoon at C.I 5 I ij. the residence of Mr. and Mrs. V, II. .Su Ion. I.TiC. Park Avenue, where rubbish caught fire oil Hie erandali There 'was no damage. Tim iiamo jf U W. W augh, local manager of Canadian National Ti'legraphs, appears several Mines in a list of ollicers. published in Hie January C.N. 11. magazine, who obtained special business for the company. Coastwise Steamship A llarge C.s .steamer Anynx, Capl. I'rinee, arrived in port al (5. .'Id las) nighl having in tow the barge lllversiiie. Ilie .nyox is discliargeing coal from her holds for Ibu Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. and ,will proceed from hei-e .to -Auyjox, Willi her low. Passengers sailing last night mi the steamer Prince John for Ihe Uucen Chariot le Island in-eluded: II. Castle and Jieorge .Ne.s for Lookeport; A. .1. Wilds for Jedway; Sain'l.arsen and W. Stark for (Jueen Ctiarlolle Cily; Hubert Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Simpson and It. M. Iteid for Massetl; Mr. and Mrs. M. Klcwak. Miss C. Wilke, Mrs. II. A. Wilkie. II. L. Tingley, A. Iloberlson and .Mr. and Mrs. Suirchunk , for Port Clements; II. . C. Ileains, .Mrs. Header and Mr and Mrs. C. 11. (iairelf r.ir HnekleV Hay; llev and Mrs. Aillmr Jtarner for Skidivale; .1. Mcl'hatl for U GOES TO JAP INLET The seloiouer Malainule. Cap). Pele Itnrxik, wliich arrived from Vancouver on Saturday last and scolded for herring on Ihe journey north, is leaving today wilh full gear lo gel Ihe herring pounds In readiness at '.lap. Inlet and Captain's Cove. Cant. Ilorvik stales Ibal to dale no herring have been sighted. The Mala-iniile is owned by Hie .V. M. II. Fish Company. I'pnn completion of the her ring pounds Ihe .Miilauiule continue lo look for herring MATE TO SECURE CAPTAIN'S PAPERS Sam Laird, second, male on Ihe lighthouse fender Newingloir, l l.t:i'imr f.,i 'iil ,ri!i Mild tiffin. FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of Ihe .laic Peler Judge will be held, loinm-row morning al , I0.au from llnynor llros. chapel, Archdi-iu-on llix 1 HERRING WILL BE IMPOUNDED AGAIN IY1. & R. Co. and Bradbury A Yclf Preparing for Annual Harvest of Bait Fish The N. M. & It. Co. and Ilrad- hury & Yclf ale preparing llicir herrinp pounds near the city lo lake Iheir annual crop of live bait Tor the halibut fisheries. The two companies will opcrale Independently a'iai n this year. The herriny: run has mil ye! stalled but the first appearand: oflhemis now expecled moineiit- uily. .lack llradbury staled loday thai he exjieclcil lo fpl out his pounds about the middle, of this week. They will be located at Captain's Cove and Jap Intel. 1'ele Ilorvik of the N. M. 11. Co. relumed lo the city on Sun day aboard bis.' jfasboal aflei having spent soni( time on the lower coast. SEPTIC TANK SEWER FOR SECTION FIVE ASKED OF COUNCIL A petition from some fifty properly owners in Ihe neighborhood concerned asking I hat n sewerage system operating into a septic lank be installed hy the cily under Hie local iniprove-menl plan to serve Seventh. Ki;:hlh and Ninth Avenues in Section 5 was received by Ihe cily council last nighl and referred lo the Hoard of Works for report. The site suggested for Ihe septic lank is near Ihe old eily onioning station south of Ninth Avenue. AMERICAN HALIBUT BOAT OWNER WEDDED IN SEATTLE RECENTLY Capl. Olof Jacoben. known in local waterfrmil circles as an American halibul boat owner.was married al the Atwood Hotel in Seattle on January 2 a to Miss Mgne .leusen of lamina. An In formal parly was staged in their honor by a number uf their Alaskan friends who happened to In ill Seattle at Mil" lime. LEARNED PROFESSORS One DISCUSS BOBBED HAIR Declares In Favor and Other Argues Against Custom the LONDON. Feb. a. Argument" lor ami againsi iinhiied hair are proline, and have agitated Ihe minds even of learned professors. Lecturing lo members of Ihe l.ondoh 'College of Physiol ogy. I'rpressor II. .1. Harper Huberts said bobbing had evidently come lo slay. Its advantages were threefold; it was becoming In a certain type of woman, il made for freedom, and il was easy to dress and wash. The disadvantage was that il exposed a sensitive part of the. neck, which often broke into a rash for about a month afterwards. A'iieauly specialist. Ir. .lac ipies Itretlinon, lakes exactly the oppoile view, lie condemns the modern craze for bobbed and shingled hair, and says many women have lohl him they wish Ihey had not been bobbed. "Man's ideal woman is still the ideal of Ihe ages," Dr. Hrellmon says, "a woman willi flowiio-' hair over her shoulders. When she bobs her hair she cuts just ISO much from our couceplion of I her. In our eyes II enhances lln beauty of very few women. noon on Ihe Cardena where her t''"'ul"'J' will undergo an examination Tor Uis captain's papei's prior lo Inking ovfr command of the Digby Island launch Itlioiui. V s tr44 ANNOUNCEMENTS I.O.K.r.. Children s l ancy Dress Hall, February 0, Klks' Smoker, I'ehruary Id. (i.W.VA. Annual Hall, FebiU' ary 12. C.N. II. Employes' Annual Hall Klks' Annual February 20. Novelly dance, Dr. Martel's Female Pills Hava aitlatrd nature thounanda raaealaithalf century, correcting cauM, buildmr up and trentthaninr organi, n-litvina- DKLAYKD, and PAINFUL, MENSTRUATION, NERVOUSNESS. UACKACUK. OIZZINFi-.S, etc, nodanrrrnuadruca. 8oldonWln Scalrdllinra- GovrrTlN BOX with our eitrnatura. DrugrivU vrrywhm, or direct by mail, jilam t-acaaira U 00 Kaktarkwktt Uttuit Ca., 71 E. fraal 11-Troa1.Caa. Greater BiiUdea rtaaMt. At the end of washday howoldu. do you feel? And few yean of thU tiring toil will make you actually e old la appearance as one day' work now makes you feet. Keep your youth by using our Thrif-T-aervtce. Its cost is very slight, yet your entire bundle will be washed carefully, the Bat work will be ironed, and just the wearing apparel left for you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or hang on the line. May wt send for your bundle next washday)1 5c Per Pound, Plus 1c Per Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. -Wrf Rupert Fish Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotian. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Sajmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prion) "Rupert, B.C. QKVhCV Washer on r nut; and Dryer llns no Wringer, needs none. Won (!o!il Meilal at last Ouebec Kxhihilioii over all American and Canadian Machines. Cash Price $185.00; nlso sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 r YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 OLD KENTUCKY THC HOME OF OLD KENTUCKY TYPE WHISKEY ESTABUSHEO FOR OVER SO YEARS Bourbon Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND An old fashioned whiskey made In the old fashioned way matured in charred oak barrels and NAMED FOR THE STATE AND TRULY GREAT 2t This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Urilish Columbia. am-s '3