l-t it l;" "'K fill Ciil'ililii ill Yii.iii.iiiriiM Mll V ..r , ,.,,.111,,,, I "If lll! COMMITTED long Hlng Sent up for Trial on Six Charges of Theft to To tal Value of 51,650 r .mi, .Ifl!" T ... ti. ,n; '. (,iinesi janitor, il fur Iriiil yen to by Police MiiKis- Ml'l'.ll llllllll nil sit theft (he uirureuate """"" ""l I""""' iv.'d being St. ('..'ill in i i.t'i'simnl effects as Il mt-les Wall. 1S5: I0U; Joe lleill, .IMI Sii'vc Kui. s:i.3U; .Mrs. "i ii sin, H:. W i . 1 illiln'iii' In. Turn .IllillrH In! County Court iii '- y II is ludicvcd liiat '' fill' hiieeilt Irinl fniil " " v 'I k ally He has expressed lu gel away from In ' II i ii- w.,,.,1 ,im RED WEAVER IS PROMOTED opular Amorlcan Vlce.Consul Leaving for Corlnto, Nicaragua '''"re lliipert will reifiel lo "it liar ! h v........ 1 ! liv .consul in Ihis I'ilv Is f mil Ihey will he plcasei! k':w 'lint 1 1 it- oiiniiliii' .nii-inl ''' II i'iimiilioU. lie Is A 111 1-1 1 . , . .. 1 i " u r-i iiiiiii, nr WeuM-r has l,..ni h. Prim:,. 'I'l' i 11 ion iui.,,1., , ,n, ,,.i f DUM'IV - 1 ... .' ' ,',l , I I HIM. 'lint I lino lias made, him r. I . I"' 'Uliir. im i,.r in v nmoii'r ii, . j .... .....p. I 3'Miiivri.i' t.i 1,. lit . 1 --r j wjui IIUHIl i a itrni'iii'i i 1 1 i.... M'.. Ilii. 1.... I ' " 1 1 II I lip H- i wli.'lhcr he woul Mils week 01 xl i.i i'Xm.,.11,, isueeessor In M '"'('ll HhiHiinli.,1 i.,,i 1.. . "'''iU'il. 1 A. . In who II flom NOTICE. uuim or 01,1111.11111 ,al'lil Klshini, Vessel '''"'rs Assouiatii.n In Iho "l ri' U'Url. City Hall, l P.m. Ilusl. u'' Ooiisi,..niioii r JfwiiiPi Wih Ml(( ,.i(l. n,',np I III. HI. be lull Van Weaver has no niilirica- Is has been I A. ' " " Ix . . . -I-I... II I I .11.. IIXU! or ni'ui) wines in poller ale or even sofl drinks ami saml-wiehes. hruimht and hollled Mirious Tiiciuises. study the ueiliborhood iieeds ami then decide how best to inecl the rc-ipiireinenls. Vicloria, New Westminster and Kamloops nled against beer so 1 lu hps 1 Class 01 coy m .-lain Ihe iilass sslem will Include Nnnaiino timl Ferule. They will pay s.'iun for the license privilege. I he :iim license class will in clude industrial towns up lo heer will he on sale with as lilyh 4. as I lj per renl ulcohol content anil mil lower IIimii :i Hi per cent, provision heinj,' miole for the sale of heer in wet spots only. Of the electoral districts which voted for heer in the Juno plebiscite, the Yitiii'iitivcr holelinen must nay $ I, (Mill each for beer licenses. Annliealions will be! considered in detail by the conu missioner. lie will examine tin :,IH population. Then comes hamlets where Ihe fees will be as low as - I (I a year. Commissioner Supremo I he comlmissioner will have 1 cry wide powers and his judgment Is final ill coniii'clinu with (lie cancellation or suspension of licenses, for which iirf compen sation is allowed. Application for a license niusl be advertised ami if Ihe neigh bors object lo any prop""if.t license, Ihe eoiiunissioner will Consider such objection. Holders of beer licenses will have no direct ileuliiiK with Ihe brewers. Tlie government wjll I"' Ilie iiilernie.llary, buyinsr from Ihe Inewers ami selling lo thn licensees. NEARLY MILLION FOR ALASKA ROADS IS APPROPRIATION v vsiiiNirmx. ivb. :i. Tli" sum of rtlM'Ml.'omi has licnn up iiionrialeil byConifiess for roads, trails and bridges in AlusKa uur 1 11 Ihc niesenl year. It becomes iivnlliible immedialely and will In followed bv a furlher amount of uiNVnoo available on Marrch I, IU?fl. i .1. A. Ward Hell, as-Micialed Willi .1. A. Smilli of Vancouver III Ihe purchase of the Seal Cove sawmill here, will arrive from Vancouver 01) Ihe Prince lluperl louiorrow afternoon lo confer with Ihe city rcganling ar-raueinenls looking lo Ihe re-ope ninp or the plant al an early date. This Information was conveyed lo Hie cily council last night in a Iclegraui from .Mayor Nevvlon who himself will be ii'lurnins from a trip south tomorrow. The mayor asked lli.it a special ineeling of Ihe council be called Tor Wednesday nialil lo meet .Mr. Hell. It was decided, on siiugesliou of Acling Mayor Casey, to hold Ihe Hireling iurormally in Ihe mayor's oll.ee al H o'clock loinnrrow' night. GREAT VALUE OF ELEVATOR Mayor of Victoria Speaks lo 'Gyro Club of Advantages of That Port VIC.TOIIIA, Feb. :i. lu an address lo Ihe members of the (iyro Club (il their luncheon here Mayor Carl Pen.lray spoke of Iho future bright prospects for progress in, Vicloria and said the location of a grain elevator there would prove highly pruHl-able alike lu railways, grafti shippers and the city. Shippers would benefit from low harborage charges and low insurance, rales, 'The institution id a lumber assembly plant al Ogdcu Point docks would also add lo Ihe commerce of Ilie nort and encouraife 'new mill- to sinrl operations. There is Mimflliuig like 100,- j 0(K eubi.i yards of rill lo Ihm dumped at the site boforo Ihe piles can he driven. This is to aive a pijopcr hold lo Ihe piles. Al preseiil there is not siifri-cieul unit at the bottom lo make a good job. I he gravel will be covered with rip-rap or broken rock lo prevent Hie wave washing U away. C. I).; Howe, iilchilect in' charge, is said to l,e coming here loiu'orrow from Vancouver in conncr'Hon with the work. RAILWAY LINE AT kWINITSA STILL BLOCKED BY SNOW Yesterday's Trains Cancelled But Both' Inbound and Outbound Tomorrow on Tlmo Morn snow camu down during Ihe night over the. Canadian .National Hallway track near Kwin-itsi, when' trariio is now being delayed ami il was slated al the general superinlrinlenrs office litis morning that tin! train, which should have arrived here yesterday morning, would not be in before lonlgbl al Ihe earliest. The train which was lo liavc left lor the Fast lnt nighlHs being held here unlit the trouble is cleared up. Later II. was aniiouiii'i'd lit the superlnlrmlenr.s ofliee this afternoon I hid both Monday inorn- lug'.s train in and Monday night's I ruin out have been cancelled. It is expected that Hie line at Kwlnllsa will be cleared during the night so Hint Hie train due here louiorrow morning al 7 o'clock may arrive on lime and Ihe train scheduled to leave at 3 tomorrow afternoon may pull oul on lime. , Adverlle in the Dally News TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed' anvwhere at Anytime. Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. ding parties. Stand and ein 01. PRINCE RUPERT For r&lis, apply In Boston Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV NO. 2. ""fa I'lliXCU IlLl'KHT, ll.ll., TT'F.SUAY, FEMtlAItY U, 1U25. YWrdj'i Clrrvatlon 1702. trt Salt 4M.. PRICE FIVE CENTS. EDGING EQUIPMENT ON ITS WAY NORTH SEER REGULATIONS ANNOUNCED BY ATTORNEY GENERAL VERY DRASTIC ker Only to be Sold Under New Regulations Announced by the A.G. lo Foreign Waiters to be Employed; Licenses from $150 to $1000 YK.TUltlA. Feb. :i. HrilMi Columbia's new heer hulls l iii ..ill' III in In ci. in. lo II .lll. will be mi 1 . i r 1 1 1 ;j i 1 1 ami dancing will In latino. Tie-!c iirc specifically designed lu if nil any leliiru Id Hie beer ITIieru liart'i Annnliiig tu regulations iiiiiiuuiM'fil by Alloniey-llciicinl ir. uii il specified Dial patrons will enter IIh- beer halls from Iiiui opening on Ihr street tin- beer premises in all cases to he i' uf r hull'' bill there must In- no limit's connecliiig willi the . iinii'i I he room in which tin? ln-cr is served will cniilain chairs ami tables ami Ihc wallers must be only llrilish subjects ami otherwise eligible u gel on thi! voters' The rommissioucr thus hopes lo hi'iiil off Ihe invasion of foreign rx-harlciiili'i-s. 'Ilie liroprii'lor likewise must In; eligible to vole. Jljobiir juid brass rail will he conspicuous iiy their absence ami this is expected io eliminate Ihe system of wholesale treating. Heer ami beer only will he sold. for 'I'he architect's drawing is shown oT Hie new .Madison Square (iarden, wliieh Tex Hick-ant has started lu construct lo replace Hie old sports arena of the same name.. The new building will have a scaliiif,' eapaeily Of 2;t,0IMl. Cy Arnett Gets Sub-Contract for Gravel Fill in connection with - Building of Elevator and Dock 4 WARD BELL WILL ARRIVE TOMORROW ON MILL BUSINESS Iiifnriiiutiou has lie en '.'received here Ihul the conlraet fin imtvcl filling in rouui'i'liuu with Ilie roiislrnetioii of the dock for Ihe new el. viilor has lieen suldel lo Cy Ariiell, a well known dredging and pile drivipg" conlruclor. Mr. Arnoll rercnlly jnir-I'liiised Ihe dredging' and pile driving outfit of (Irani Smith cv (Jo. The oulfil Is expected lu JeuVe Vaiieoiivar today in low oT a tug. II will in. 'luile ?i dredge bud two dump -euus and will lake several days lo make the. trip, possilily mil arriving here until nexl week, unless the weallier conditions are very favorable. THOMSON HEADS CLUB FOR YEAR Officers Chosen Last Night Annual Meetlnn of Prince Rupert Club DUNCAN CONNECTED at ((Ulcers of Ihe Prince lluperl Club .for Ihe coining year were chosen last niuhl at Hie annual Iniceling as follows: President, I). Thomson. VieePresi.lenl. .lohn liybhavn. Secretary, .1. Ilulger. Mircclors: II. II. Iloehesler, Percy linker. J. A. Smilli, (!. II Arnold. S. W. Taylor, I), MathicMin ami Douglas Slork. .1 WITH GIGANTIC JOB A formi r Prince lluperl engiu eer, T. C. lMincaii, is pruuuucnt Iv connected with Ihe work of lining Ilie tunnel on Hie 0.1'. It lu'iiealh Mount Machinal. I. Tin contract is in Ihe hands id Ihe Sydney K. .lunkius Company, u Hrilisli Cohnnbiit ronei't'ii. 'The hcinluuarlcrs of the construcliou work is al (Hacier. When (lie work is finished il will have used rilKl.OOO sacks of cement. MUCH UNEMPLOYMENT IN INTERIOR TOWNS VIOTOIIIA, Feb. .'I Appeals for aid in connection with the unemployment sllnalion . have come before Ihe provincial government mostly from Jnlerior points. Additional aid has been granted lo Ferule where there Is 11 bad situation owing to Hie coal mines not working at full capacity. City Delays Appointment of Engineer for Woodworth Lake Until Further Investigation A report from Hie utilities counnillee certifying lo the competency of A. 0. It. Vuill, Yuiieouvnr hydro-electric engineer, to make investigation required with a view to increasing power development from W'ondwortli Lake was received at ttie meeting of Ilie cily council lasl night. A move launched by Acting Mayor Oasey and Aid. MeMordie (0, engage Mr. Vuill forthwith lo make the required investigations was delayed on suggestion of Aid. Stephens on. I other members of Ilie hoard who felt that Ihe new members of Ihe council should first have the upporlu- ily of Inokins into reports along, - similar lines that the city already lias in its possession. After Hie competency report iia.l been read. Acting Mayor 'itsey suggested thai furlher ac-ion might be lakeu at this time. 'Taking up Ibis suggestion, M.I. MeMordie asserted thai, H further power development work was 10 lie utnleriaken, action should nol be delayed. 'The unit ies counnillee deemed that Mr Mull could serve the eiiy in an advisory rapacity as well as any other available expert. II woul.T hardly be possible lu obtain Ihe services of Mr. Iloss oT Seattle lor he was employed, by t tin t ily.' Mr. hill had already gone wer the plant al Sliawutlans Lake, lu view of the fact that Ihe pipe line was in bad shape and Ihe dam was reporle.l to lie in almost dangerous cumin 1011, he Aid. MeMordie Was prepar ed lo move that Mr. Yuill be en- aged to examine the present plant and make a report as lo lie possibilities of extension. Md. Perry seconded the motion. Many Reports Already Aid. Stephens declared Unit Ilie statements as lo the condition' uf he pipe line and darn came as a urprise lo him. From conver-atiou with the superintendent, lie had been led to believe thai Ihe situation was nol as serious is Aid. MeMordie had slated. Apart from this, however.- Ilie city already had several thous and dollars worth of reports in its possession ninl. hcj fellthal these reports should'be fully perused by Ihe council before in curring runner consulting en gineers' fees which would, un doubtedly, come high. He did nol see .why the city's official were nol competent 10 laKe care of repairs to the present dam ami pipe Hue. Aid. MeMordie was inclined lo :isree lo a considerable extent wilh the remarks of Aid. Ste pliens. I he Iloss 'report was, however, along somewhat differ ent lines to what, was now re niired. Mr. Yuill had staled that the eot of sucli.au investigation as was proposed would be' about l.noo or l..ri(Mi. He was not opposed lo delaying' Ihe ap poiiiliiieut of Mr. Yuill bill he was satisfied that, when Ihe council had all Ihe facts, Ihev would agree Ihul it would be advisable to engage him. Moreover, if an examination hs to be made II should be made when Hie water al Woodworth Lake was low in February or July. Early Decision Acting Mayor Casey Urged Jhe advisability oT making an early decision if (be situation was lo be met. lie advised all the al- iiermeii in make themselves ac- iuaiuled with Ihe information 1 lie eiiy already had as soon as possible. The diseusiou ended will, (he filing of Mr. Yuill's competency report. II. S. Wallace, who has been here on business for Hie past week, Is returning to Vancouve" on Ilie Cardenn this evening. HANALL MILL TO OPEN SOON Little's Camps Busy and Other Demands for Labor Expected 'The F.inptoymeiit bureau has been uotiried that the mill at llaiiiill is likely to re-open this month. Utile's camps are at-rvady employing u - number of men at or near 'Terrace and tin? prospects are, thai there will be plenty of demand for labor just Vas soon, aspftng oijf'njCltp.- .M preseni mere are over one hundred men registered as need ing work at the employment office. The sturling up of the rruslier by Hie elty today will have relieved the situation some what and tin- opening of (he fishing season makes employment. 'The Cold Storage plant has already been employing a few men on uoaling up ami oilier work. SPLENDID WORK HOSPITAL AUX. Women Led by Mrs. Parsons Provided Necessities for Local Inst'tutlon The Women's auxiliary of the Prince lluperl (ieneral Hospital under Ihe presidency of Mrs. Parsons, did excellent work during year just dosed. In addition In-an enormous amt'iunl of sew ing and oilier work they raised a good deal or money. iney spent $305.83 on linoleum for Ihe public wards, Ihey refurnished Ihe auxiliary ward al a cost of Ki(i.3o, provided cullery lo Ihe value of $103.20 and Jinen and nurses material at a cpsl of $22(i,ll. 'There was also a sum of tH.2o spent on Nurses' home furnishings ami other smaller amotuits on various .objects. The income was derived chiefly from Ihe play in Ihe West-holme Theatre, the June frolic and llollowe'en ball and oilier smaller events. MAKE ADDITIONS TO HOSPITAUTYICTORIA St. Joseph's to Have Tuberculous Sanitarium and Also Maternity Ward Yir.TOIlIA, Feb. 3. St. Joseph's Hospital, the well known Catholic institution in this cily, is lo be enlarged and improved, Ihe sum of :0,(00 being spent on it. 1'oiir cily lots have been acquired and negotiations are under way for n fifth on which a sanitarium for tuberculous patients will be creeled. A maternity wing is planned for the main building. J..I.. Christie is leaving 011 Id-day's delayed train for Terrace on business.