"AGE SLT TOE DAILY NEWS Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches,' clocks, silverware, cut nh Ivnrv. nenulnn ! B"""! . . - J I o leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Phone 645. LIVED A FAST LIFE AND NOW CASH IS GONE Countess Was in Class With Adcllna Pattl and Rich: Now Resides in Barn Itlli.VPKST. J'eb. 3. i:ouiitLS!:'',""aI a countess living iu a chicken liiirti. In tin" liltlo commune of llidcgktit, iinjnedialely outside of ltudnpcs.1, itiul adjacent lo the fasliionalile residential section known as "Cool Valley,'.' llic Corner 3rd and 7th. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 8 p.m. 'The Side Show of Life A three-ring draitin of circus, stage and society. A picture which throws Hie spotlight on the secret, hehind-llie-scene life of a circus funny man showing him as he really Is, stripped of his grease pain! and hag of tricks. A brand new kind of love story willi a clown as the lover mid Ihe Nig; 'lop and I he Sawdust Ming as the sellings. The iove-drumu of the fnn-muker who rose to u higher plane; who had lo choose holween the society girl of his new world a'ud the circus girl he had left behind him. A strong mixture of romance and comedy. Strong cast: Ernest Torrence, Anna Q. Nilsson, Neil Hamilton, Lawrence D'Orsay, Maurice Cannon, Louise Lagrange and others. "FIGHT AND WIN" SERIES, No. 6 JACK DEMPSEY In "BRING HIM IN." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10c no bones BAD BLOOD IS THE CAUSE OF PIMPLES AND BOILS What lull iii'i'il nlicii the IiIikmI gvti I nut nf mdir Is a tfunil toule to Kino iml 1 Iiuilcl up till' lll III .iiiiJ put tilt' 1'1'HhI lulu iht- h;ipe. Kor llils ('ilK)M tlii'lf Is imtliiiit? to turSil BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS each, wlio was mo of the weal-, ... . . ,IMher, ,.. s.k Wllic: lliicsl landowners ill Hungary, fur several jmi 1 was troubled rl . icalmriits ,lut ruiilil Krt no results. I I lieu took liunl'irk' UIwkI lilllers anil boraniu free of my Inmlilv. It 11 Hie only iimlirliii! I cut lixjk that Old Hie any piod." U.U.U.. lias bci'ii on the market fur 18 ji'am; ii I up only by The T. countess lives williiu four plain . MHuuru u.. j.iwm-u. Tqiuhk out board walls in a room about C1 - by 0 feet, amid numerous chickens ami a large brood of dogs. Withered Dame 'I'lie countess is now an obi, withered danrt', clail in a man's lung' coal n nil soldier's boots. She .speaks Frelicli fluently Willi a rich, mellow voice, ami Makes Guessing CAir r LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You have read about many sales, but this is a little different We have just finished our sluek-laking uml fiutl thai we are nnieli overs lockeil in our llNllKUYVKAll DKPAltT-Mli.NT. We cult supply Hit City of Prince Ilupert's cliililreu una ailulls with a garment each anil a lillle lo spare. WELL, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? HERE IS THE ANSWER! We are going lo offer il al a ridiculously low price ami lurii it into rush., A dollar in the cash register is heller IIiiiii leu on Hie shelf, Ve are going lo keep ynii guessing Regarding the Price hut we ussure you it will he a good one. Turiihull's Pure Wool CKKTKK Combinations. Iteg. 7.7.' Sale ? Watson's Pure Wool (Joinhiiialions. Heg. .$(5.75 . . Sale ? Watson's Silk and Wool Oomhiiialiiuis. Ileg. .$(i.50 Sale ? Penman's lin Combinations. Ileg. $.".."0 Sale? Penman's 71 ISombiiialions. Heg. $2.75 Sale? TurnbtilPs Pure Wool Vests and Hlooniers. Ileg. :.7o Sale ? Watson's .Silk and Wool Vests. Ileg. .$:i.ri() Sale ? To find out liie prices compare Jhe above with our windows And when you are in our store, walk over to our Underwear Dept. and. guess approximately the number of garments we have. Write It down with your Name. The nearest guess will get $10.09. Although you might not need il now, Ihese prices will make you buy. Sale continues till February 10th. AWu with the guessing sale, we are offering Hcin-nanls ol Silks, Dress floods, I'lannelclle, Sheeting, While Oillon, (irey Cotton, Voile anil Cretonnes al, greatly reduced prices. Jabour Brothers, Ltd. whatever about her story. "I am a daughter Alexander t'o rgac 1 1 ," j m W of Count she said recently. "My sister Klisc committed suicide; my brother Anton was killed al the same lime wilh his friend and nifaslcr, I'.m-ncror Maximilian of .Mexico. From my father I inherited 10,- itlO gulden. Frivolous Girl "I was frivolous when a young '-'rl. As I had a good voice, I was determined lo go lo liniment, bill my fa I her said (hat a Countess Forgaeh could liol ciioose such a profession. So I ;in away lo I'nris. I here I got .thing well on I lie stage. I appeared under the stage-name of aruiina Mare, and was in a class willi Adelina I'alti and Christine Nielsen. Verdi coni-oes roles especially for me. In !'aris. Hume and f.ondon I hie'ved .'real Iriumphs. Later I became the friend of Princess alliera al J'aris. When I learned Unit my father was dying, I hurried back lo Hungary. ANer his death I remained in Hungary and look charge of my lierilanee. 1 really don't know "lial happened lo my money. I -tiould like lo gel hack lo my castle al Kles. All I want is a "iiom and a hundred chickens ml twenty dogs." Fast Pace Her relatives stale that the ounless lias lived al such a fast .ace thul there is literally nulling left of her estate. JAPANESE PRINCE LEAVING SOON FOR ENGLISH UNIVERSITY Yasuhito Will Spend Four Years at Oxford and Will Study Sociology TOKIU. Feb. Prince Yasii-! iiln Chickiliu, second son of Hie enrperor, will sail for Knglainl in May for a slay of possibly our years. He will enter Oxford ' niversity ami, breaking all precedents for a 'prince of the royal bouse, will live in college premises. The prince's first year abroad will lie spent in Ihe home of a Jlrilisb family whose name has ii'd been divulged, ami afler a grounding in iKntfUsh (he will i liter upon his university course; mid specialize in sociology. This will be Hie rirsl lime thai a Prince of Japan has studied ill i foreign university except mili-lary institutions, and Hie radical departure from custom is look-i'd upon in .Inpan jis indicating a marked change in the position of the royal house. CHARGES IMMORALITY UNlVERSITYJjTUDENTS Judge Speaks of All Night Carousals, Wild Parties In " Lurid Colors MADISON, Wis., Feb. :i. llaliyloiiiaii revels in the I.alin iiuarler were painted in lurid colors by Judge Ole Slolen today as he reiterated his charges of tininorality among university nT Wisconsin students. All night carousals, drinking uml immorality, that is what has taken place in some fraternlly houses at the university. Judge (,I.Tfe4tt.Mint CATARRH of th BLADDER UK SuCttUMt l.ch Capnuts (Mlnvl $3.95 Stolen said. The stories of these' wild parlies came from the lips! or "town girls'' hilled into juvenile court for ilelinipicncy. I. Diversity authorities refused today lu coiunienl on Judge Stolen" assertions and declared they were willi him in his determination lo t:ive any orfeinl. er, wliellier a student or not, Ihe limit of Hie law. Hut llicv uuielly pointed out Hint Hie conditions lie referred to prevailed in fraternity houses only during vacation periods when Hie men were away and I lie empty houses are taken over by irresponsible parlies. Iluiver sity officials emphasized the Tact that no coeds are involved in the court cases on which Judge Slolen based bis Jeremiad Tin' linl'ji, ,11,1 not confine bis accusation lo Hie utiiverAly. Sixty per cent of Madison youths are, or have been, diseased to some degree, lie said. "i cannot understand how 85 c 200 TINS QUAKER STANDARD PEAS, Si's. Kxlrit Special, per tin business men, who would not cash a cheek for Hie Angel (ia-liriel unless il was eouiilersii4ued by (iml, will trusl their own daughters wilh any acipiainlaiice lliey may pick up, l.iipior and women are Hie cra.e of Ihe age, crime Increases, ami Ihe counly .jail could lie filled twice a week If every offender was sent up, Stolen continued. VELVET POCHETTE LATEST NOVELTY Are About Hair the Size of Women's Hand Bags and are Vogue In Paris PA1IIS, Feb, fl The "Velvet Poehelle" Is the latest fashion lu bags which Ihe Paris creative genius, always on (lie alert in imagining charming new frivol ities lo tempt the faslilonable Boys' Leather Gauntlet Gloves Willi Slur on corf. Ileg. l.r0. Special $1.00 woman's fancy, lilts invented. They are mostly made In old-rose velvet, brightened by a rornial design or sleel paillettes and are to he had in. all Hie colors of the rainbow. Small in sUo- ahotil naif Hie usual size ofj women's jbaud bags - lliey are just now enjoying a tremendous' uiguc in Paris, I A flowered bag in nigger-1 'brown silk, ornanieiileil willi a' houiptcl embroidered In gobli thread cut out on a yellow silk background, small enough lo hcj put in Ihe pockets of the weai'-j er's ft real routs, was very much in evidence al the Anleuil race-1 I rack recently when the thermometer was hovering around: zero and fingers became nuinli willi cold. The lillle bags only came out of the pockets to drawl out tin.1 Iiiiiik notes necessarv lol reeil (lie ever tliel lioollis. hungry pari-mu J Advertise In the Daily New Tuesday. February 3, 923 Pre-Inventory Days are money saving events for our patrons , All oddments and broken assortments are offered at very low prices to effect a speedy clean up. The limited number of lines mentioned below ari but a few of the many reductions in all departments Boys' Heavy Wool nibbed Hose Sizes )Vj lo 1 1 'j. Ileg. $ 1.25. 95c Heavy Boys Mackinaws Pure Wool Finest materials. To clear $5.45 Children's All Wool Pullover Suits (lanliiKd, Dark Snxe-(.amel, includes Toque, Mills iind I2ap. Sizes 2 lo o Boys' Strong Work Shirts In Khaki and Hlue. Heg. i.:i:.. To clear BOYS' WEAR at clean up prices Mackinaws, Overcoits, . Un Jerwear, Hose, Boats; etc. at Reduced Prices Boys' Flceco-Lincd Shirts aid Drawers Ileg. 00c. I'cr garment 55c Combinatiois Itegiilar $1.50, To rlnr $1.10 Children's Oliver Twist Suits Neatly made in S i!: palleru. Heg. ail.00. Sin- ial $4.45 CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY Swift I SmJ SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON Taking whole side 33' ic lb. Weight and price marked on every side. if! S'.; FCLS NAPTHA SOAP Special, 75c Id liars lo carton EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Special, 5 tins for 90c Limit HI tins to each ciiklomer TAPIOCA OR SAGO, :i ll.s. for EVAP. PEELED PEACHES, ;i Ik for . . . WORLD MATCHES Special, 35c package 3 for $1.00 1C0 TINS QUAKER GREENGAGE PLUMS, i!'i, s, in Heavv Syrup. Heg. ar.c. .Special . 25c 20c 15c PURE LARD SPECIAL, SHAMROCK OR SILVER LEAF, SI Hi. Pails 60c; T Ik Pails 95c; in Ik Pail' $1-85 Service The Home of "20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. HBBMBBEBMBMBBBHMBMMMIMBMBBMHHRBBBBiiMMMB Satisfaction i Felt Hats at less than cost "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327