Jay Friary 3, 03B. BUY YOUR Tesh Meats AT ECONOMY STORE i.,,ili:iir llw'f, I"'" I''- - 100 Ll llitil s. H'l- III. 12'2c ami loo i.:l. II., ..Ij Hi 90c It. inlii II It 11, '.i-". "' Limn ami T Hone Steak,, , II. 300 . .... .,... ii. ,i::HI sniimhs. i- ' ,iMr Ihs. f'H' 250 Ill i..iriK ? caki's 25o ., , hi I'ii; K I 'hops, III. 350 Lini,i,,.: PorK Chops, per lb Hi. 30c ,,r Siitssasrr - i,.,.f Si'- r.jiv per Hi.. . 20o Iconomy Store 423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18. DRY tirch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack ydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Ihona 680. Night or Day. Wr BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES Al f.nwest Prices IRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. lr.LS.TAIT DENTIST. Hilgirson Block. PRIME RUPERT, B. 0. Offlci Hours, t 8. Phone CM. 9pn Cvanlngi Only fr 0ciai Appointments. ET IT AT! BANQUET GIVEN , AGENT GENERAL iCompllmentary Things Said About F. A. Pauline at Dinner In His Honor SECTIONALISM DEPLORED Premier and Minister of Finance Defend Appointment of Former Speaker victoiiia. ivi,. n. "ir spared, fnc I lie ni'Xl few y, am confident linn mi;iI fii-m life Judgment nf ll,,. ( am ears I ton- erninen! in appoint Itij.' me tri flits high ami honorable, post, ami limn when ynit conic in scan my work you will agree -thai have iliiiic credit In myself, anil Ihc I'rovlm f licit ish Coluinliiii" 'said I'. A. J'nuliiif, aaciil-Ki'iicral 'for H.C., in a valedictory speech nl a crimiiliini.iiijiiy dinner here. Mr. Pauline wlin will leave forl.on- . I . 1. : . ... i . ,i jiimi nils wceh III IHKC lip III ap pniiiliiiciii, was the gucsl J. Carl Pemlray imlicat- ed Hint the occasion was nne in (which all classes of Hie rili.ens ptinlleij, Itecause they all wished i Mr. Pauline well. He could tell plause On behalf of Dip Publicity jllureati of Victoria, Joseph pat-nick, ils president, declared Ilia1 i HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS MOST OLD FOLKS REQUIRE A HEART AND NERVE TONIC After ailment: mldille aire ll I Hp rii-knmw and win harrier to utiakc riff than formerly as Um- heart artinn lit-mmm weak ami iini-eitaln arid I he nerve are. not a Meailv a Ihey were In I lie yomiirer l.iy. Now U Hie tune when all ancil people lni -h m maintain their health and Hftr ami retain llidr energy milmfialrrtl "Imiilil line MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mt. M, OT.unimr. WhlteKlone, Ont., wrllen:--"l have heen trundled, rnoM of luy life, wllh liorliui nr lii'Mlh, palpi-lailon or ih heart, ami ralntlnit spell. I wa ailvlned, hy a frleiul, to try Mll-biiiu ll. A ,. I'lIU, whliii I did, and at onre found relief, ami I have never had a really liart cpell ulnoo. I am Hi) year of aire and I awaya keen them In Hie home, and feel Hut will) Iheir help I will e many yearn yet. I alwaya r- roiniiiend thern in anyone who, la miffer-Init from heart tronhle." Kor ,ale at all lrnrrM and dealers. In tin- Vancouver criticism appointment. anroiivcr wanted ....i ....i.. ii... i . ... iiipi unit mi- jiyri'iii i icucraisniii or liu I the while bear. Tlie'i lit ttoi- al llic dinner tendered to; new Agenl-lieneral nun ny i no uiy Loimrit, direct-irlass nf i ijtitl.it t m ins ii. i ne i,iiaiiilie. or Commerce men ,,f jluu ami Victoria ami Island Publicity! acler, who would Unreal!, lielil al the Chamber Commerce roomi. Th' fund inn was allemleil hy a ntimlii'r id representative citizens, Proud of Representative ' I "We are very proud dial tine ;fif rmr members IioiiIi have heen chosen In his high post," remarked C. . v. Srhwcngers, 'president nf ihc Victoria niiiim-lnr nf Commerce in siihmiltius , l he toast nf I he guest nf linnnr. .Mr knuw I he w.in I el in try ami char-hiiilil tiii lli. of jrniiimiinily as il slmuM he. j The Premier ! Premier Oliver remarked lluil Hie nccasinn wan eminenlly llllilli; fur such a (fathering In he hehl He expressed his surprise at the criticism levelled at the appoint-, men!, hut sahl lie had arrived at Hie cnncliisinu t hill , mainly it wa-seclinrialisiii, directed unfnrlnn-alely ajrainsl Mr. Pauline. The ioernmeiil ibl not alTonl to Pauline has been one nf Ihctmake 'mistakes, ami nf Hie nnm.w J best anil must active members nff men sill. milled lo the (iovern-j I he chamber. In his persnnalily ! ineiil for luie'xery important ap-,.Mr. Paulim" united many laloiilslpoiulmeul, Mr, lariline wa ,mol ileslrable for (he iiisilinn Icbosen. Ihe was In occupy. Mr. 'cjiwan-leis said lie recrellci the aflt-llinle of a portion of the Vancnu-;Vi'r press to the appolnliiieiit, 'bill how could Ihe riiiyernmeut .expeel In pay mucli altentinn In Hie mailer when it was recimni.- ed from I Mayor The (ioveriimeiit had bud a particular opportunity In Jink.' him in the ciphl years thai Mr. Pauline had been a member, in a (rreal many varied circumstances which would test mil any man. ailded .Mr. Oliver, in cuiiiniendinu: what quarter il came? ;the choice Mr. J'.iulluo was gulng to l.firj-ilon, the Premier went nn, In ierfnrm a wnrk eminently In Die ailanlae nf Ihe penple'nf H.O.. Mr. Paiiliiu Ihe citizens wnuld be'whicli will enable cn-onerallon .... . In COMPEL CHILDREN TO ATTEND AT SCHOOLS .N'KI.SO.V, Teh. 3. Tun school bnii id is once more wrestling . with Die problem nf compulsoi'y ' iitlemliiiice at schools. Com-plaiuls have been made thai some pupils are kept at home by their parents without pnoil reasuit coiilriuy In . the Schnol f,av. The Jailer was discussed al siffnc'lencdi afa' icceiitrnei't-i'iir of Ihe lion I'd lull no action taken pemliiiK notice lieiii"; sent to offeiidinir parenls, BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1925. lls pimliioeil Minerals ns follows: IMorr .Gold, ,$7,oa,S03 hoile (",o., u:'','S.V; Silver, ijttm.r.as.iinr.; Lentl, $58,1:12,(1(11; Hopper, $ 1 711,01 (i,r0,X; Zinc, $27,-""UiVl; Miscellaneous Minerals, $l,iOS,2r.7, final nml fioke, $2')0,ims, I Hiiibliiig "" Hrick, Cement, elc., $:U,4 15,2:1', ; making ils Mineral Protlurlion In Ihe eml o i.i2:i slrow an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec, 1923, $41,304,320 ' l"' Mining haw s nf this I'niviiien are moro liberal ami llie. foes lower lliali llioso nf "y oilier Province In (lie Dominion, nr any colony in llie Polish Umpire. nii'i-ai locations are granted lo discoverers for nominal fees. Miluie Tilles are olilainod liy developing such properties, the, xecurily of which is 'niiiiecd hy firnwn firants. "II iiiforniaij,,,, together with Mining Heporls npd Maps, tuny ho ohlaiiifd gratis hy '"''U'essiug. - THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. THE DAILY NEWS P."E FIVE REMOVE ROCK SECOND AVENUE Prince Rupert Club Eyesore Again to be Taken up With City Council Al Hie alilimil meet in:; nf Hie Prince ltierl Uuh l.tsl infill re prcsfiilalinns were made to Hie member thai Hie ruck hr;iealli the present hiiililinir was an eye sin e ami I hat If possible steps should he taken to have il re moved. Afler considerable iliscussioi-Hie illreclnr.s were (riven power once mnre tn approach the cily cnuncil tu see if .suine feasible arraiiemeiil coiibl be made by vhicli the rock l-nnhl be remnved while the crustier is Hiere. II was felt thai while the buibliiiK suited Die members very well, it wax mil a K'"! Ihiii for lb-' of the cily to have it slarnl in its pre sell! posiuoi). I lie ilillli-ulty is. the club has a number of mil debentures ajrainsl its properly and the ib-beiilim holders have refused lo sand ion the carrying out or any proposal iiiiide so far. .1 milliner ni stiesi inus were niaile al the iiicelinu and as a result it .s exfu-cled thai soine concrete prnpnsal will be made lo the city with a View if possible to Hie improvement of the appearance of the sheet. CLARENCE WOODRUFF MARRIED TO HELEN BURNSIDE IN SOUTH Local Interest Attaches to Mar- I" rlane Certificate Issued Last Week In Seattle riecause bnlh the parlies con cerned are very well known anion;; Die younirer people, nf Prince llupert, particular interest attaches ilself to Ihe follow- lot! marriaice fcrlllicalc issuance which was recoriled in Hie Seal lie Posl-lutelliscncei' nf January 2H: "Woodruir-lturiiside Cliirenci i it.....i....fr m i II. I...., II. -I i ' i .! O tllllll (III, ,1'jlllll. illlll " i him hi in m . . . iieien only ton jrlail In aid him, while, briny about the best results. I 'when the Airenl (ieneral reliirneil In Mcluria he could hit assured of Die warmest welcome. (Ap veiilure In say thai if Die public bndies perform Iheir '"-share as well as Mr. Pauline will, Iheir the liesl results which we can hope will result." II was unfair lo hit Hie (ioyernmenl a crack over Ihe shoulder of Mr. Pauline, lie nh- lie did lint nl'ach loo much situ k j served, in declaring that politics j . i p-1 i no in dave iiiiylhin to tin jwilh such an appointment. lion. J. It, Me I. can. minister of t finance also spoke appreciatively jnf Mr. Pauline. ltiii-iisi.il, 2, Vancouver. H.C." The briile, wJiois a (.'raduale nf Die Vancniiver (ieneral Hospital Iraininv sclmi1!) for nurses, was operating,' room .supervisor in Ihe local hospilul Tor nearly Iwn years. The kiooiii was formerly nn Die stall pf llryaut f) tirrer's men's furnishiiip slnre ami was a member of Die Prince llupert (iyro Club. Ilolh left Ihe cily for Ihe south last summer. They will receive Ihe conpral illations and best wishes nf many local friends. WORD PUZZLE ! I he fotlow inir word puzzle was mail" by a local lady. Kach number is represented by one word amt Die initial letters oT all of them spells the inline nT one of .Camilla's natural resources. . The correct answer will be published on Thui'.silay, li-rX fish. ! i i ! 2 An attack. :i A mood. , l.'sorul in llie'kltchrn. 5 A tree, ft .Silent. 7 A ffiirnienl. . H Iteyoiul reiichi . it .Necessary lo life, tn A hcverape. 11 Part of Dm body. 12 To swell, l.'t A headland. 1 1 A pronoun. SCHOOLS WILL BE CHARGED ON METER FOR WATER SERVICE On recoiuinenilalion nf Ihe utilities comniillee, the cily council decided last nihl In chaise water rales lo llie city schools on Die basis of meter onnsiiniplion instead of Die present flat rales; Whereas,- a flat rale of $50 per year, was now ehnrjteil Ilnolh School, on basis of meler consumption, the eharffe would le $258. If Die meter were not Inslttlled, flnt ehai"es or 200, $175, I7S, ami $.'t0 might he charged llooth, Klnjr Milwarrt, Horden Hlreet and Seal Hove scltool-t1?lead of $S0, S5o, $50, and $3 h'speclively as nl present. Aid. MeMrirdie pointed nut that Die city would exenlually pay the, Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrnybu. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't" have tctf ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoertised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment- not a stock sp3culatio.i bills anyway It was only in fairness lo Die waterworks de partment Dial il should be cred ited with Hie amount thai was t'OIIIIIl lo it. The report- was adopted. s A GOOD WAY TO ! INCREASE BUSINESS! j .Many adertisinK message fail lo attract allonlion because, they ,areeil her jinallracltve or are. too stereotyped. This is Ihe opinion of o'ne-of rnil' ti'usicsl. nml mosl successful business finns Albert & Mo-fiaffcry, l.ld. Phcy have succeeded in interesting many new customers in the story of Dip famous .Nauaiino - Wellington coal and since the. coal ilself lives up lo its reputation these customers are cdniing lmck dally for more. .Vann'mm-. Wellington tyial is the premier fuel for Die fireplace,' rane and furnace. More heat less ash no rod; or clinkers. Yhtt should Iry Naimimn-Wel-lititflon ns soon as your present supply gels low. Ileller still, if you order some now you can lest it out with Ihe eoiil yoij are now using. Nanainin - Wellington stands .supreme when a enmpar-alive lesl is made. To secure a supply phone Airier! Si McC.affery I, Id.. Who m'e sole agents here. Their phone numbers are IK, and .'id I. tfi POLAR EXPEDITIONS SUBJECT OF LECTURE Very Interesting Address by Principal Millar of Edmonton in Presbyterian Church Last Night Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating C. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Polar expeditions. The tremendous difficulties and hardships thai had allenilcil Din voyages of Capt. Seoll, fiapt. Amundsen and Sir Kruesl Shackleton were fully depleted with magic lantern slides being shown in connection will) the Shacklclon trip. There were vocal solos liyj Mrs. William Millar, J. P.. Daveyj and Mrs. p. J. McMillan, wilhi Mrs. n. A. Harlow accompanying. I The a I tendance was fair nndj llev. Dr. II. II. (Irani presided.; Principal Millar intends In re. turn to IMinonlnn on tomorrow night's train. MORE PHOSPHATES fiARAlU.AXfJA, I'eb. 3. Phos- ipliales produced n French .Morocco diirimr 1021 exceeded l.ld.- A very Interesting lecluro was!onn l"s. This Is more than delivered In Ihe new Presbyterian l'iee Die oulpul of 11)23. r.luirch last night by Principal. - - 1 Millar of Edmonton on South! Advertise in the Dally News St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant, A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor 8ervtce. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.