PAUE HVO EM Safe, Speedij Relief PAIN FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED iC Tempieton's Rheumatic Capsules RHEUMATISM Neuritis Lumbago Sciatica NEURALGIA. HEADACHE MAIL lO POn GENEROUS SAMPLS T.rnpl.ton., 122 Klnf Wnt, Toronta The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH. .COLUMBIA Published Avery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION l Sal unlay. April i, li25. What Is Value ' Of Government House. T)e action or the Alherla Legislature in voting to do away with (iovernnieiit limine at Kdmoifton, the official residence or the lieutenant (iovenior, is one that seems to have received a great deal of sympathetic support here. It is argued that even in UrilWi Columbia, (iOveriiment House doe not mean anything to the people of British Columbia except a place for the socially elect to foregather. Now and then there is an official reception, which is supposed to be for everyone who wishes to ntteiin but it s noticeable that very Jew" people of those who have to labor willi their hands, ever take advantage of it. The place is for the business and professional groups and of those mostly (he ones of a particular social set make a practice of attending. Officers of Hie army and navy go, but none of the rank and file, yet the place i kept up from the taxes, which, everybody, pays. True the cost is not very heavy but the principle of paying il is undemocratic. While everyone cannot expect to get an invitation to a ball at Government House, there does ,nol seem to be any reaxui why the people at large should pay rtir an institution which caters only to a select few. That seems to be the view of the farmers in Alberta and'it is the view of a great many people in IVnlish Columbia. Rights Of Railway And Of People. M 'v . The felllement of the Peace River railway controversy seems to be dependent on the two railways at "present in a position to M'rve that part of the country. It is n new country but I here is already considerable tonnage offering su that a railway is not starting right at the bottom as is usually the'cAs'e. Th result is HiaUeach-of tho railways-Aviiulil like ioc.L-famtroL.aiul the CPiR., being first in, the field, has to some extent the whip hatoL The! advantage be Canadian National j tlyy f(rt that it is the government line find Is siipjmst'd tir liave .111 the government -backing. (If course thai is all supposition', as Hie CP.jt. iulerests are always represented in any government. The 'Canadian National has'lhe ualtiral outlet for the -djs tricl: II has -the shortest route to the ocean i which is what should comity There dies. not seem to be! aiir cum reason whv the country should be. field up because the railway heads eannol agree on a policy. The needs of the country, should be the first tiling to be considered. If Hie (J.IMI. and he .(;. It. cannot agree it will be for NV L Mackenzie-King to carry on and buflil the railway without their heljand then giv jl to Henry to operaie. Difficulty Is With Senate. - .The iirfficulty in taking independent action seems tn be with dio Senate. That body is pretty, well controlled by the if the C.P.R. does not agree with the policy carried out, it means that the Scnale-will torn it down. The Senate is at pi-esenl ; jl'ory o'rganization and is, used largely to further the inlefj-sls of Wie parly. Pretty soon, if I lie Senators confinue to die ;as they, have "been doiiig of la(e, the august body will be come witeral anil it is to be-presumed it will be a Liberal ma chine.-The composition of Hie body does not maker for Hie heii interests of Hie country. Tariff Being Debated At Ottawa. . v . The Iebate on the budget has brought mil a, number, or poini; in connection with the tarifr, but this isMnn unending siibjH l thal l-an be expected lo be before 1arllnm'eni eteryvyvar in sfthie form or other. The farmers iif the prairfes Avant ItW tariffs bcause all they have lo sell is wheat and a few other food products. The manufacturing districts favor high tariffs be cause! Hiey believe it helps them to keep their factories going, l rnil.. growers always want a dulydn imported fruit to protect them; against competition from without. The whole thing is selfish;inl lias nothing lo do wilh the best interests of the country genivrajly. When irti election comes up. the tariff will be discussed oneejmore from A to 'A and we shall be none the wiser. Then are really no new arguments. All are selfish and the party that can persuade the -people 1 1 1 . . t n.y nr(. I(, pain ,,y ,h(, lnJt lose by it. -v-ill win or lose. 'Worth $100 to Me Relieved Eczema and Piles" Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Saltburn, Sauk., writett "Dr. Chaw'i Ointment hai completely relieved me of eczema tnid pile.-. I alto uied thit Ointment for my baby, who brole out in eczema. A few pphctioni were all that was necessary in her case. Dr. Chase'i Ointment has been worth a hundred dollari to me, before using it I had spent a great deal more than that in unsuccessful treatment from doctors. "We have also used Dr. Chase's other medicines, , the Nerve Food having restored my health after suffering from severe nerve trouble when a girl. Br. Chase's Ointment BO cu. a Imix. all de1cm or Fxbnanmm, Halm A Co., lAd, Toronto ICHATS ABOUT LONDON PEOPLE Mall Letter From World's Capital Tells of Doings Across the Atlantic illy Sylvia Mayfair LONDON", April t - By Canadian Press. The Throne lloom at Itiickinj-'liain Palace where the Prince oT Wales held his rirs't levee his father, Kim.' fJeoriie. not beiiiK well enough In nppear is flanked on one side by some small windows, hardly noticeable liy those in the Throne Itoom itself., N'obo'dy, indeed, seems to have noticed that when the Prince of Wales, looking very resplendent, llioilgh rather shy, in his uniform of a .Colonel of the Welsh fiuards was receiving ItOO dip- lomale, officers iunl ministers, his mol her. Queen Mary, was w a I eli int.' hi in through one of the windows. No women are ever present at a levee, and her ac tual presence therefore was not possible. Wmles evidently ful- filled his first monarcliial duties lo perfection for his mother beamed approvingly throughout. By the way, one t lie eve of leaving Kiigland lor the Mediterranean in the sumptuous lloyal Yacht, the King and Queen suddenly realised thai if they went ashore at any oT I he small Italian ports that they hope lo call at. neither of them would be able to speak French or Italian very fluently. The Queen tised to he the- linguist of Hie family but has not practised for years. So Lady Joan Verney. a lady- in-waiting, is going, with them to pilot' them through any expe dition they may venture on. Princely Parties Entertaining is oiug to he on :i princely and extravagant seate this summer. Lady (!unard who entertained at dinner for the jrreat lAnraster ball on Wednesday night had ordered a kind of aquarium dinner tattle decora tion.. Hare and licautiful species of fish loaned from the London Zoological Sociely swam about in Vrystal l.aftk and. howls, Jnrh had beei'k jiito .Ihe lahlc and r illuminated. Ileal seaweed ind fungi grew in the bowls. Lord and Lady Grananl are hack at their lovely house in Halkin Street, .May fair. The Karl's famous Napoleon dinner service,-irr which every fork and spoon bears inset a rare jewel, will he in constant use ami the (irauard menage is one of those where all the servants wear; silk knee breeches and powder their hair. j Tetrazilnl Sings " Telrazzini is the most uncon ventional of divas, and when she was dining in the Savoy restaurant the night after she: had hVoadrast by radio to the world, about 1.500 diners -were suddenly- thrilled lo hear somebody singing. Signor .Mnscliclln. who used to play at Monte Carlo, thought lp would pay the Prima Donna a compliment by playing her fa vorite aria, Donizetti's "OJuce di ntiest: bill .it was ton much' forrVetrazzinif who, arrnnipanicd sis uual wilh the famous os-ilrie.h fail surely the. biggest evojwliegun Singlpp; 'v "" nils is not the first time she has snnjr in the Savoy Retaur-ant. She sang one Christmas night three years ago, but this last event was quite unexpected and unconventional. Theatre Box Passes The new London theatres that are now heing bunt have no boxes. Managers say Jhat the day of the box is m'cr. ami are. surprised that it has taken the public so long lo, see what uncomfortable parts of the theatre they are. The young Princes hardly eyer use a box but much preTer being on the front row of the stalls. H has been noticed that I lie Prince of Wales whenever he visits the theatre is almost Invariably to be found, in the front row of the stalls rjght at. the left band side, and he (generally slips in just after Ihe curljiin has risen. Hig hats are reluming to favor wo "apidly that the London Tienernl Omnibus Company Sire drying In r-nrrange Ihe sealing of their buses. It is no longer possible for twrf" women, wearing the new carl-wheel headgear, to sit side, by side in comfort on Ihe seats at their present jjre. ,. , A Saville How tailor gave a show for men two mornings ago. 1ml men mannequins are not quite used to this sort of THE DAILt. JI2V73 thing. iWklails, iof( course. . J The Huche or York is goingj to publish her diary of her Afri can lour on her return. "London women iire re.strlngi' insr their, rimes of pearl and' wearing tlo;m as bracelets. A contrast is provided by Hie wear- tug of cubes nf jade strung tightly around Ihe wrist belween! Ihe row ot pearls. ONTARIO TEACHERS thing more. WILL VISIT CITY Big Special Tour Party Will Arrive Here by C.N.B. Train In July ' TOHONTO, April I. On July y a large lour, party consisting principally of Ontario teachers will leave here on Canadian National special train ror the AYest. The party will visit .lnper I'ark and Prince Huperl and po- down the Pacific coast by steamer to Yanromer. The entire trip will lake thirty days. The lour is be(ing arranged under the direction of A. I'.. Itryson, principal of Silverthorne School. Toronto, and Mali in Kerr, principal of J'.arl Kilcheuer School, Hamilton. Kvpnihinv comes lo him who vails. AMhiskers will come if he does not shave, dtmners will come if lie iloes n'ot pay. hunger will come if he 'will not work. The jay walker is but the jay talker" lain. Ten Years Ago in Ptinne Huprt it The Man in the Moon j PVYS:- J Si i mi' ideas are sound and no a nuisance diould lie., Who was Cain's wife? 'Ihe mis-iing link. Suppose Ihe world had been created by Parliament 4t would not have been lialf finished el tt tn I then the Senate would likely hae veined half our luxuries. If Alltei'ln gets rid of its Oov-eminent House what will the Four ll'imlrcd do for a meeting, place? Next thing we shaU expect lo hear about is that I lie Ooveru-inent House at Yiclon'a.'is 1o-ie used for a hotel and that ; Ihe Lieul.-Oovernor will, move into n two-roomed aaprtment. 1 t T .Manitoba has had snow, rain, hail, frost. tti. blizzards and floods and now it is uggecd I bat the only thing needed lo round out the list would be nu earthquake. Following the winning of the world hockey championship by Victoria it is mentioned that while Ihe e.rsl may have the culture, the west is developing Hie speed and stamina, I should say so. i.noK al our girls! Mothers and primary choo teachers spend a lot of, Jirne leaching children frtalk and as I hey 'grow, older ritie.of the h;K jobs is jo shut Ihem iipi Thhrri n(ui.he"ln;'jvyn(i'n jus round the corner because all tin political parlies are assuring everybody Ilia) Ihcy still retain the confidence nf the great ma-Jorily oflhe'people of Canada. It Uprll 4, 1915. Toilay is Easier Sunday and lliere are special services in fill the city churches. ,Hev. 'Canon (!. A. line nUlriales al Ihe Anglican Church, llev. W. W. Wriffhl lWATER NOTICE. DIVERSION RNB USE TAKE OTICi; that llw Skrna Hirer Pnrklnr Company, l.linlied, wh. adilrnoa la 1318 sundard Hank Hulldlnir, Van-l-oiivcr, fl.i:.. will apply Tor a llrenre lo take anil ne i nililr feet per ceditid of water nut of Wolf Cp-ek wiilrli flown iiortliuesii'Hy and dralnn Into I'nrpolMsi nariKMir nixnii iKirtn end or run Avenue, I'ort Edward TouiimIIp. tin- water will lie diverted from lm ctnurn al a iolnl alHinl one and a tut I r mllex fnitn Ihe iiionili m of dlrerMon or Port Kilword Tnwn.lle water vtern anil will tie lined for Industrial purHiye. upon thei inn,! . . 1 1' i nn pan or rorennore i.oi nnniher U7G, llance t, Coast lilMrlrl. Till notlee wa fiied on llw irroiitid on llie J3rd day of Mareh. mifS. A eopy or till nollre and an application piiroiiant Ihrn-Hi and to (lie 'Water Art, I 14," will ! riled la tlie orriee of Ihe AValer lle-rorder. . t'rlnie riiitwrt, It i:. otiJertlotiH to the apiilli-atlon limy l,e filed 'wilh Ihe na Id Waler Herorder or Willi the Comptroller 'of -Water ItlirM". fatllainent Hiilldlna, Vlrtoiia. B.C., wllhln thirty diiya afler the flrnt appearatire of llilx nollre in a local newspaper. The dale of the flrt nnlilu-ailon of Oil nollre In Warrh flth," ivjs. Sktl:.N IllVKIt I'ACkINO TOMPANV. IIMITI f), Applicant. By A, j, Malheaon, A tent. SomethinoN CHEWERS always prefer their tobacco in perfect condition; this, is assured, when they demand it packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. The following well known brands are now packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. Big Ben Black Plug Chewing Tobacco Stag Bright Plug Chewing Tobacco Pay Roti Bright Plug Chewing Tobacco Piper Heidsieck Bright Plug Chewing Tobacco CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS . (Waaurn Raglon) CONSTRUCTION COWICHAN BAT BRANCH,: VANCOUVER ISLAND SEAI.lin -Sr)i:ilSt will be reeeOed at the ttrrire of tlie' Chief F.nrlle-er. Wlnnl' ier. Manilolia, on 1 1 1 twelve ii'cIih k noon. Monday, April Ulh, I0i. for the eotp Unirllun or tltnher tirldrea Inrlndinr lot diimplna tremle at Cowlchan Bay, and for Ihe rotiMrurllnn of ttilrleen mile of fencing1. Plan, profile., perlflrlion and form iT eontrart may lie wen anil rnrrn nf tender ililalned .at the orrtee or Chief Enitlneer. WlnnlH'r, Man.: DMrlct En irlneer. Vaiieniuer. B.'C; fllvlvlon I'nrlll-eer. Prlnee -Unpen, U.C.; Artlntr irlct Enrlneej", Victoria, B.C. Tender will not lie ronldered nnle made on Vie form -Mierdled liv the nailuav Coinpany and arroii(intilel liy an accepted cheque on a ctiariered hank -equal to five M-r cent oi ine value or the work, pav-ahle to ihe order of the Treasurer, Canadian National nallwaya. The lowent or any tender not neren earlly arcepted. A. E. WA till EN. .. . . oeneral V mm ror iuniw-ir, sinn.. March Sfttli. , WATER NOTICE. 11 USE AND STORAGE TAKE MiticE that nlie t.anadlan l.nnv ler Vard, l.lmlted. whoie addreaa la VII standard Bank Bliln.. Vancouver, B.C. "will apply for a licence to take anil line S Tiilile feet per decotill and to more so,-nnn ncte feet or water out or lan, Skun. dale, and Aln I.akea. and Aln Blver, which llfiu-. lUkiilliMrlv .il fl.iln. I.... .. .. V nu., iii.iiin null .HHP ell Inlet On-, ii irli Itiill.,. ti....... . r. . ........r.. i n n.-1 , (,,, q I lie Morale darn will tie Imbued at or near the outlet of Aln Lake. The capacity or Ihe reervoir m he created l ahout sn.oofl ocre feet, and It will flood ntmut (lo lie determined, acrea or land. The water will lie diverted fpnm Ih. ..Mnn, k . - . .. " riiT-uiu a, liflllll . J. "rairn-ilain, and wlil tw ..-.1 inuiiiinii rower pnnioKe upon Ihe land dencrlhed ai part of Indian Beserve No, o. Ihla nonce wa Mited on the irround on the 4th day nf March, 10JJ. A rot or Ihla notice and an application tiiira'uam thereto and to the "Water Art. mil" will te riled In the nrrice or the Water lleeoTder t prn,ce Biiperl. Ohjectlona to the apr. icatlon may tie filed ulth the nald Vater Bet-order or with the Comptroller of Water Blthta. Parllnmenl Bulldlnra Ihe riPM apiiearanee of thia nollre in a ' .. ""paper. The date of the frt ' Vq jl " "f thl" n""r" ' Mrr" CANAIUAN MtMBin Ynnfl, Urnlled, .. Applicant. By C. E, Froil, StcreUry. , ew Always ask for themoiifecuiim (Air-Tiht)Tin al Hie Baptist; llev. II. It. (irnnt-al Ihe Preshylerjan: Falhej I.. M. Itunoz al the Catholic, and .1. Huberts at, the Melliodisl in ll ntisence pf Ihe pasloiv Hev. J F. Dimmlck, who Is mi a trip Kasl. 'I'he Trades and Liibor Council has iiuloi'ieil S. M. Newton as n candidate for mayor against Thomas MrClyinnnt. The llazellon baseball club has elected olllcers as- follows -President, H. (J. jiMHei-k; secretary treasurer, Lr"H. Warner: executive cominillee, (1. O. ira-liam, K. Harris, Doc Hock. A. M. Huddy and Roy McDonald. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION fOR BEER LICENSE NOTICE l Iwrchy iv-n that f.n Ui Ith day of Ajrll iimi nt iin(li-rimfd inimu lo pplj in Uh Liquor Cmilrol Dnartl for I llmiM In rroprrl to pirnilm Mnw purl or the fmllilinr known ' Hi' Con cimpfmv uotrl, tliuatnt it I'ort f.lrtncnu, Ourrn C.turlolle .ni(l. I Toy I nrc of Rritlh Coluinhla upon lhi Unit ilcnn lliert i Lot Tlxf (ti, Ptorlt forly-fonr H4. nt1ivllon of IjiI wvfn hunflrd imj forty U i7lo'. i)nffi Charlotte OKlrlrl. n.i:.. i nhn on ret-lMrmt map or plan upnllMl la the Land liltry Or-flr at Itif Clly of Prinrr lliiprt and nnnifwd l?9, for lh sale of ln-rt liy the rla or by ttir open liollle for con xnnipoon on Urn prfinl!e. DATf O al rrlnct- nnperl. B.C.. ihln 4 Ih day of Marrh, liJ B. L. TIXC.I .FX . o-nr ppllrnt Removal Sale I have received notice to vacate my present store, and so far have been unable to secure a location. Therefore I must clear out my entire stock of Shoes REGARDLESS OF COST. A new shipment or KiikI'sIi Solid leealhcr. II r i Shoes, priced lo X.:.u. Sale I'rke . . SG40 Men's Slater 'Mnvlctus" Shoes, valuer h l Priie ' $7-50 High Grade "Leckle' Shoes, values to i to s ' J7.M Goodyear Welted Calf Oxfords, rnun $5.00 Brown Calf Goodyear Welted Shoes, wide m .: Sale Tn. e 4JS Hand Made Loggers' Boots, values lo :i.r.o. s 1 $1000 "Leckle" Solid Leather Work Shoes. Sale P $4JI Men's Fine Shoes and soliif leallier Work Sh ir Price Men's English Kip Work Shoes. The simnr made. Sale Price Men's Rubbers at . Boys' Rubbers, at Boys' Canvas Shoes, at . . WINTER $5N $1.3 $1.00 GEO. HILL - The Shoeman Next to St. Regis Cafe Steamship Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Mil fH'tn frlnce nupert rOR VANCOUVtA, V SEATTLE, Hileriiit'illAt uint each Friday . a in. ,,M1 For STEWART and MY OK , W 1ir--taj- THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN' lMa PRINCE RUPERT fortll"" VANCOUVER, via QUEEN CHARLOTTE, ISLANDS. PASSENOER OCR ailONOAV, WEDNESDAY WINNIPEG:, all point mt TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUr"T " 10 SATURDA V, S.tiO pin. Tr r I'rlnie Eatrn Canada, Uniltd Htate, it i. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlea, S2S Third A.a, Prlnca Rupart. SAVAGE fhori UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.CLTD. Sallitm from rrinre Rupert. , rj. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaan Bay, and Alart Bay, Tu,,"', ,0l or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alael lay, and Swanaon . ,,ur0 " For ANVOX, ALICE ARM; STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. -r For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Hlvar Cannarlta, f'. u'rt. ,c nm itQ Mvanua. 4. aurnaray, Afant. ' Washer ana ir- Wnn fi"U lias no Wringer, needs nmie $ Medal fit lat Qiielrcc iMill'il'"" Amorican afid Canadian .N'n':'"",;' ihH Cash Price $185.00; also nW " Kaien Hardware to