'-. PAGE FOUR TTTTT DATT.Y XTXi3 PUT PHEASANTS BRINGING UP EATHER By, George McMc ONKAIENID. 1 I muvt MUjT ot .T Tr to ThlTi tht fSA.1 ruu I TT LI hL?CHPE ,b xou I' the. bAux P (well 1 cuEt, I II of K TT rr- COT-N Local Fur Dealer Thinks That 5UtT Olven Proper Care, They. Would Multiply Very Rapidly ' A. .1. .Plfillipsnu, llm well kniiwnr ftir dealer, is responsilile I for II je suggestion thai plica-1 ahls could hovinnsl successfully be pnpag.aleilm this tlislrirl- by pulling Ihem out right on kaien Islam). He says dial Ihe loca tion is. ideal' for raisins Ihem audi Dial, Riven proper protection which I hoy may nol pel on suelr islands as Porelipr. anil: Iiank where snow is heavy , and wihllj enemies, suen as me. nawK, eir are numerous, Iheir Increase woiihl he rapid ami soon lliol bird wouhr abound in all parU of l lii district. Mr. Phillipson is of the opin ion Dial il would he money well spent hy the game department nfj Hie provincial government to employ a man or inert to look afler Hie well . being, of the birds! and alsti to see I hat Ihe Rame re gulations are slriclly en forced I on Kaien Island which is a game preserve. The pari of lite lownsile lying) southwest of acropolis. Hill grounds, ..Mr. Phillipsou says, would he a -splendid location for pnllinR out "the .birds.; He emphasizes fhe impnrlaiice In the cjly from a tourist Vdandpniii! thai an ahuudance of wild life! would lie. EASTER SALE BY METHODIST LADIES Social Hall of Church Daintily Decorated In Spring Like Effects for Occasion An Easier sale is beinR.helil this afternoon in Ihe church srnrinl aliall hy Ihe Ladies' Aid of Hie .Methodist C.liurcH. II opeiusl al in Ihe Ii.ill wliicli ha .-2.30 hejMi 'specially decoraleil in dainty spring iikc euecis lor ine oc mision- undr Ihe 'supervision o' a cniumillec consislins of Mi.s Haddock and Mrs. Fred (iilhuly. ' Those in charjre of Ihe vari ous Ileparlmenls are as follow.' Plain sewiiiR Mrs. Krikevsky, Mrs. u. . Kerr and Mrs. IlunJ. Handkerchiefs afid fancy worl -Mrs. V. U. Cornish, .Mrs. W II. KerRi'n ami .Mrs. Thomas. Candy and novelties - Mrs. jfrank Dihh ami Mrs. Krank llChl'IJ. ' 1 Home ConkiiiR Mrs. O. A lfoR'rs, Mrs. T. .1. ShenUm and .Mrs. V.; .I."Sleven. J. Tea room i.Mrs. Olof Harlsnn, Mrs. Max lleilhroner, Mrs. S. J'. .Vic.Monlie and Mrs. Fred (Iilhuly. Mrs. W. T. Kerpin is cashier. i.e. fTshingstrong ON TORONTOEXCHANGE Prospect- oft Coming Season's Operations Causes Steady t Upward Movement In Stock TOriON'I'O, 'April i. The siea.ly upwan ni(iyeinenl in 11.0. Ijlshiug shares during Iho past week has beon 0110 of the most iplefesting performances oil Ihn Toronto Slock Exchange. There has Iicpii iiiodpralely aclive Irad- iiig.,al a range of betsveen 29 V4 ami.' 30. Tbi) stuck has advanced inhjnly on account of the pros-K,e?.if( for the coming season's I TO LAUNCH CRUISER Trial Runs of Forestry Boat to lake Place Soon The gasoline cruiser, which Was been built ,al the local dry JUUtKXXKMKiUUUXKXMJilril I inoiM prince &eotit )otd TORONTO lr Centre of Shopping and Business District' 250 ROOMS 1 100 with Prlvita Bthi BUHUPUAN PLAN f , WINNITT THOMPSON. MAN'O. DIRm .1 Intx Fr.c &iivic. Inc. I G.rtl flilUin ligliU 11 i rvil, J ' ; - CROSS WORD PUZZLE 1 2 j 4 yeaa SiEF a. 10 TT g?-BTI T5-- " Vm'6 Ta iPTJ -BKEr ?c ? In Hb? 1 ?Bs! ; " 55 hi "Br 1 1 1 1 mi wm 1 1 I 1 I' KEY TO CROSS WORD) PUZZLE Horizontal I To clip (I Hahilalion 1 1 Handle of a sword 12 I pray (I.allu) ' ' I V Applaud 15 Weapon 1ft DiRnily H A duet 1U Definite article (FrenchK i'O To produce ' : 21 Canadian province (ah) ' 22 Since, in like manner 2i A cotnitiy (ah) 20 Kmleavour, desiprn 2? A- floor enverins 30 To dress; PiFup . " 32 In. addition , 33 Pari or the verh :lo beJ' 31 A native of ITastem Canada 35 Memlier of deer family; 3G A veRclale '" ; . nr Cni.i - .T. KleclricaenRineer. (ah) 10 A new KriRland Slate (ab) J 2 Concern inpf 'i-i To. Think, suppose ' 'i To cxeciiie 50 Hlf. mischievous child 52 Mohainmedan Hihle 53 A .vehicle 5 J .Manner )( A domestic animal 57 1 lessen . 58 lUundcr; ' ' :. . 50 To change dock Tor Ihr provincial foreslry deparlmenl,. will m latinche.l next Satnnlay morning al 2.15 according In announcernenl made Ibis morning by .1. II. lllake. ineclionicaj .Mipervisoi' , for the. lepai-l ni'ent . Tjuv'' trial rniiV ''will lake, place soon thereafter and the vessel should be ready for service within it. mi'lulghl. Mr. lllake. is leaving tonight for the interior and will lie back; parly nexl week. WERE MARRIED HERE FRIDAY'AETERNOON miss Annie L. Qompf of Otk. Lake. Manitoba. Is Bride of William A. McKlnnon , of this city At Hip Presbyterian Ohurcli. nl. 2 o'clock y'slerday aflprnoon, Hev. I)r. 11. II. (Irani ollicialing. Ihe marriage look" place or .Miss Annie h, Oompf or flik Lake, Manitoba, and William A. Mc-KJnnnn of Pnnce Huperi. T.hft wilnesses were Mr. andr MV. .lames lladdon at Vinse home in the McMnnlie. aparlhuMilK a wed ding luncheon was- biler served. Ihe bride arrived in lite oily from Mauiloba on yesterday Lirioniings train. 'Ihe groom is I employed Iri the city stores ip ' 11. t.l rn.kn I . rri... :u l1 Illll llllilll. I lll-V Will IIIRM IIII their residence In the MnMordie. aparlmenls. MN. R. R; Magollln Is leaving on Inniglil'ft I rain for Winnipeg. Mr. Mngollln wilb Joint her al Prince George. Vertical. 1 A kind 1 T rock 2 To employ 3 A- Canadian tree I Near hy. 5 A conceited, fellow ' . 7 llefore Christ (nit) Aged 1 U,. To -smear' I ft A. period, of- lime-. 12 Mineral substance- from which mela) is exlracled 13 Ishort poem 1 1 Two odd-, tellers : 17. And' (French ' 21' Passage, walk in a cliurcli !23, Produced by heal 21i Minute particle ; 2 Kind ofMree- ) ; 2(5 .Mall liquor 27. To.oulliiH! 2.SThe sairn as-33 horizontal 2tJ: A' beverage- 31 Clieerftil 38- llest pari, the lieiJil or (5raf; serious mood 13 Avabian chief' : h;Ail' right (a'li)V . " . 15- A sofl drink 50 A kind of planl -17 'I find fault constantly lftt.V point of Hip cnmp.rss . (backwards) ID- HngagiMiienl . 51 For 1 53' Dnineslic animal, 55 A refusal 57 A legal degree -fnhV- SURPRISE PARTY FOR MISS JEAN BAILEY Local Lady: to. be Agent- Fop ' Bacon. Fisheries on the Prairie -The residence -or Mr. and Mrs. Arfll. Ilailey, 929 Sixth Avenue; i:as, was enlered last nigbl al ait ejiriy nour liy some tMi young j-opiy wno sprang a surprise, arlylMipon (heir daughlei'. .Ii-an, he occasion liping her early de-larjuie for IMinoulon where she Vyili act as western agent Tor the Jtni'on Fisheries. The evening was di'ligliirully spcnl in listening-in, mimic, commuiiilv sini'- Ing and dancing; Delicious refreshments wen served al mid-liighl when Ihe coiiinaiiv pre- spnled the guest nT hoiHir willi a ln'aiilifnl snapshot allium as a token or their, icgaril and a sou venir of pleasant memories. HOTEL ARRIVALS' Prince Rupert Fred 0. .Myers. W. It. Wood. R. O'llanley and' Ccoiro (), Oas-lle, Vancouver; I). N, O'ltyrne. Oalgaryf C. A. Cuniiinirhnm. Winnijieg; (I. H. Ilcllenise, Monl- reat; l, A. halla. Ediiionlon; A. Siillierland, Sunhysblo; (leorgo I'. H. Adams, Olaxlon; A. Cood piiougb, Rniilhers; A. M. Klpp, Port Essinglnn. Central Mr. H. T. Higby, Anyox; F. DiiRgaii,.W. Craig and I.. Onrfi, C.JN.H.; E. E. Harnum, Wales U land; II. W. MacLeod, city. NAVAL RESERVE1 AND REGIMENT MARKSMEN MADE AN EVEN SCORE There was a match last, night al I bp. ..Will I I.C. Ilcginieiil's miniature ai rio range between teams represpiiling, the lloyul Canadian 'N'uval Volunteer- lie- serve and the; North I.C. Itexi- niPiil Hiflrv Association. The- re sult will.- a draw ami there- will be a sbool-olT next week'. Scores were as follows: Naval Reserve. .1. F. Ullcbhv.jrs II. Hell Cpoi-rp (i.- Iliiwe H. Howij :.. Regiment M. ,M. liamb II.- Wilson W. Horrobin A. (S. Squire ..r.. C. McKpowii 88 HI). 79 - i t 70 391. 87. 82 82 73 70- 391 : Sport Chat -a Fully forms for the Dominion of. Canada inlerscholaslic cham pionships and Ihe 5illi annual McCill. inlerscholaslic lrack,nicet tobe held al' Pcrcival Molson Moijiorial Slailliiu, Moutrea!,-oit Mii: 30 have lieen receiveil at Hid Daily News nlllce. There -an Various Held eenls divided into llifee classes junior class, 1.1 anil 15 years or age; intermedi ate class, 10 and 17 years; sen ior class, umiev iy: years. I hn even Is an open, lo alt school boys in the Doinin joii regularly ciii oiled at aulhiiried luublic. high or preparatory schools. Kn- rries must u m liy .May 21. Three nu.n-fpr nf ;i nitlllun dollars Ilial is lo be Demp-hey'.s purse. Tor a bout lo Im slag-ed this fall will) Harry Wills Ihe negro, according lo an announcement, made .in Ihe Xew York World. The world's champion looks lo be out for one irraml clean-up and I lie fans wjll give il lo him. They Will pay 50 or so a seal lo srf Ihe battle. Will it be worlb il lo Ihein? The sooner ithe public come lo the realizaifrin Ihul. ffiey' arc, being .iiMMliSiir'itj riuv ik pUgiUsin', ill f.a4l bTg lidlh.' rflfifri-is concerned, the sooner wilt Mm exaggeralcil values .yJiich go In make fortunes' iu.a few mn)ues for fighters iiriilf'.nriiliiolefii he reduced towards JJifuiilnee. where. jLycy belong. Itoxfng nowadays, fHuii Hie riiiancialfpoinl iir view. is away 011I of iirofrorMoth. lo'linv lilber sport, in raclv'any oilier manner or iMilerlainuiiU. The Hndininton championship louriiainenl which has now been )wice postponed is In be played nexl week al the Prince lluperl Hadmlnlon Club courts. The coriiinlllee in charge announces thai il will lake place Wednes day and' Thursday evenings rain or shine. PBINOE RUPERT. TIDES' Sunday, April 6 High 1 1 ;22 a.m. 17.8 rt 23:59 p.m. 18.2 " I.nw 5:28 ii.m. 7.8 " 17:17 p;in, 1.9 " Monday, April flj Higli : le:02 p.m. 18.0 fl I.nw 0:00 a.m. 0.5 " 1 8:23 n.m. 1.2 " Tuesday.- April 7 High ...... 0'3I a.m. I9.P ri 12:10 p.mi 1 0:3 " I-nw 0:13 a.m. 5,2 " Ift:tf8 p.m. 3.8 ," Advertise in llio Dally News. Wanted ForJ Sale ForRent .WANTED. Second WHI pay cosh. 108. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for Ie$ than550c WANTKB WAN'TRD. A live man to go into business fur himseir b; handling the .1. It. Walkins Company Products in Prince Huperi and vieinliy. Apply The .l It. Walkins Company, 1150 Hamilton Street, V1111-couxer, I l.C. K2 WUNTFD, IlPliable lady or genllcinaii for plioto operaliug ! room or .fiuNiing- 11ml to look afler slndio and hold olllces. ( . - lkolT, Studio, cor. Second Ao. ; and Sixlh Slreel. 82 FOR SALE hand piano. Phone lied lnit SALE. Al Terrace. II.C. several leu acre tracts ami one I -acre tract. Look them nver and make me an olTpr.' A. ' C. Little. TO RENT FCIINISIIED Housekeeping Suilo for rent. 110 Sixth Avenue., East. Phone Hlue 278. If FOU IIEM'. Two furnished bed- silling rooms; every comfort. First AVenue. 83 V.ll.h IIK.NT Fuiiiislied desk room our ollice. Wesleiih.iver llios. t TO EXCHANGE Wllil, FA'CIIA.N'CE improved Chin farm, I OH. acres, for improved Prince lluperl properly. Wesl-eiiliaver Urns. If AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE will be held al the Alaska Itoiuiis. behind Prince lluperl Hole) on Thursday, April 9. al 2.30 p.m. con-sibling oT oak chairs, buhVI. dining table, living room suite, uplndslereil in tapestry bi'droom siiile in French gray, Yiclrida, beds, bureaus, C011-goleuin rugs, llnoleiiiii, Cur-ney range, healer. eleclric healer, aluminium ware, etc., carpels, etc. Philpolt. Eyill V Co Ltd. Auctioneers. BOARD jM'iAmu-- 'n Iniajidcr; sno , ' .. . ii.''.,.h..i ; '. ! ftcfoiur Aycnuc. rnonc 137. HOAMD AND HOOM, or board only. Phone lied 707. LOST I.OST.-Small parcel willi .la bour's slip iiiKide 011 Tliiid Aveniip, or Mc'llride. Finder please reliirn lo Ijally News Olllcu. LOST. Vest pocket card case. Owner's name Inside. Finder ' I please return to Daily News ntllce.. , FOUND, 'OIJND. Hunch or keys 011 ring, including one '0..N.II. switch i h ir A tk nl it I n 1 1.. V.....n nu I'tiity iicwn uiuuf;. FOUND. Pair or child' brbwn woollen, mills, Apply Daily News nlllce. )'OUND. Pair, child! fur trlm-, niPd kid1 mitts. Apply Dally j Ncwu nincflt FOUND. Post nlllce key. AppJ Daily New ollice. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia; llecords no scnilching. Finest, ro-productlon of lalesl. Fox Tril, Song and Inslrumpiilal music by world, rained artist. ' Cnll in nnd hear Iheni. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIIICES OF EASTIIOPF. 1 -CYCLK Marine Engine l-II.P. with. ml clulcli .$185.00 t-H.P. I' cylinder Ml) 200.00 0-H.P. I cylinder HD ' 8-II. P. I cylinder HD 8-11. P. 2 cylinder Mil 10-11. P. 1 cylinder I.D 150.00 750.00 150.00 175.00 All the above -except the liral include Ihe Famous Joe He-averse Cear, and -full electrical and propeller i'ii)ipiNenl. Tint lutsl thai money can buy. . Easlhopc llm., -177 Ccorgi.t SI. W. Vancouver, MIC. Always at your service. MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Unity" al your ser vice day nr night. Cninfrtrt Safely Courtesy. If it' a water trip rail Laurie l.amltly. Phone 570 nr 131. TAXI. 592 THE DEPENDABLE TAXI. Day and Night ervice. Com fori and Courtesy is my mot I n PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: llicbmoml lloom. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or (lust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni(fU Stand: .IOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Elook, Across from Kmnr-iss Hotel FURNITURE WE hnmlln Ihe FAWOETT gunranleeil copper bearing Sleel Itange and all grade or high grade furniture we exchange. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANQE, Auctioneer FURNITURE. New anil Secondhand Furni-ure Storp. We Huy. Sell and Exchange New ami Secondhand floods. QUO. PAPADOPULI8, 839 Third Ave, Phone 140. GENERAL BLACKSMITH Every description nf lllacksmilb . work done. Iln.il work a pec-inlily. Prompt, attention and moderate price. A Trial Solicited. J. M. WALKER Near Shockley's Planing Mill. WOMEN'S EXCHANQE IHllNC 11 any plain .sewing and rncy work you .wish lo dispose oL The articles in llm Women's Exchange Dept. are not limited In sM.-OO. THE DOLLAR STORE. Pbonei Hed 321. CORNET.IST OOHNETIST deire orchestra or dance eiigagemejil.' 'Thirty year experience. T. Wilson, SI. Fluid Hotel. ' 82 MONUMENTS P. LeClalro Sub. P.O. No. I. Prince lluperl. II.C. Agent Tor Granlto, Marble and Stone Monuments and Headstonos. TIMBER SALE X 7038. SiNili'rt Triuli'r will tin rcn-lvi'il by tin' liNiriit I'-nn-Hlr not later llinn nnii mi tli vtit ilny nf April, iPitfi," ror Hie piir-rhiiP nr l.li-eiKf X 711)8, rIIimiimI imiv iiilln li'irlll nr l "l 917. Jnlili.Hini. ClMitiirl. IMI.' 3, tu nil 4 sr., (mhi ri'ft Umiu iiMiniiri' "f Spruri-, llt'inlui k, lliil-nin, ninl ilcdiir Snw-1K. Two ) yiam will lio nllowi'd rnr removal or tliiiLmr, , - Kiirtlii.r iartlriila of tlm r.lilrf Knivn-tor, Vlitnrln, np m bl.stllrl KuieiUir, Prince liurt, u.C, For the East .Monday- W , unlay, d t, From thb East Mniiihn- . Friil. u ,. To Vancouver Tue(liiys Mail . i . - .-it aiinn,i Friday.-. CP. II. ; rom Vancoimr Kuiulays iltie- l.i - I Thursday, innc Article, Lost aDt FoiinJ,jtc i 5. I i CP U. Ai To Anyox, Alice Arm kni and Premier Wpdiie, i,. - J Siiiuhiys J From Anyox, Allcrarnr Sit and Premier .rnu Tuesday '1 Friday, 4 -1 I n un, mniAn jfTrrniKlv Polnts i '-' Tliur-.l i From Port Slmpswy and b River Points Siilurdio- J To Alaska Points April ' 1 From Alaska Points Ann In To Queen CharlolU ltlwih April H From Queen Charlolt M Portits A 1. 11 1 'I , r.v rni I rr.Tlfll tSjH W V w " ' ilrhi.atn A n Av " in Ave 1 1 ittii Ave. . to i' ' Sth Ave. & Hi :r Hi V lllhvp. A SI t)i vA' Ave. dtti Ave, & ay Cil -Ave. vi ' ... ilth Ave. A Ha.vj U' Circle 8th Ave. AC'' '' Sl 5th Ave. A M B 511 Pr"o. Oov. Iil --Prov. Oov Wharf C..T.P. Wharf CI 1.3 nil Sit 1 (J nl Ul 0 .'nd Ave. A nu a- tJ1 :ird Ave. A Ful'on - 0 rd We A JJs In ! COAST LIIWW Of RtCARDINfl IE0ARDINO DISTRICT takr oTll: '' !,-. nr Vm. . ' inil'rpi-r Mai ' m Ci.lH I' iToviiii-e r i" ' ' wilrr lii "" ' iri. mom 1 CtlllllllFlU III " - tldft imr mi . . llllH IIMIH frrilii Hi" v.nH'V 1:01 liimri.'. 1 ' 43(li'K-'-.. "' Irw, to III'' 11 1160; tin-It I he fflUllt li"" a illMaiM' ririi r hi "H"' iim iiUh tiii ' n,iimillHTmi'nl, or I'M. in run lulaml in ,,r -i i utain ith. .HiMltl if- .! 1 Ml ' " . mtn ACT. Notlc. of I"!""'" V'"' Sirens l-tnii njr tut niiiiui VOTH.h ..,., ta iif iiiir'nnliy. liiiniii.. ",',. ,i tlliMH in'1 1 a IXllllllll'lll in. . nil, I 1. 1 1"' Iiniii "1 ,.n w1 r Halrt liiml. '. l''Anl . Dated January I10' 13 a ;l 4 1