i ' i { | | | ry a Frat House Holds T rophies— Bells Stolen in Pledge Raids STOCKTON, Calif N ehurch or ire bel Y ht the Alpl Kappa Phi frate house at College of T I t De } 600- pou t y ice Cla Yy é ' ‘ i Ge e f t t OK 1 tl Aly K 6 € e big be ve eight bells trophie eshmen pledge raids Oh Aceh AS A WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE ¥ 4 { EAI ptember lith— Cook two meals ras B® uke gecond g € = m of Wheat” s € ib #& { aed 1“; ( re bat z of “CREA "9 Prov) = 2 for these elemet Have You Ever Noticed gs 1 ke ? at s 1 sudd a ow er a @ ne g v 5B ¥ = V4 5 ee m ww east! Costs 2 Yes; for the whites sh, it’s RECKITTS BLUE New That The Youngsters | eft f school and the beds are made < nel e breakfast dishes done—F ll bet you'd like a S a of coffee. | recommend INSTANT & CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE. Takes nc a g xa 3 ke than | ne the ter and M-n w t t! i nt Chas & ( " wile st 100 s of e e 2 he ff . r the uty Leeann f : i at's thote it Chase & S ti s 1 with g 1 ffee g f sas E = ls Your kin A “Sleeping Tomatoes Can Foo® You. The Beauts ’ < good am : ¥ = > ha * : € g ng en e fi + a it , } H a ? aM w a 2 = = ‘ e now ‘ H % TOM : s s Heinz . 24 ae f ¥ ei ? « i 1 4 . $ \ September Often Surprises a re = 22 - ' ze - 2 ug Boil t : ‘ 5 ae at fa z dreezing; ‘ qua Don’t Borry of ¢ — n- . et ” f s disay ~ a Tom ee! And t for } nitains ectiong and vie wk Waving Energine ae § i and ° AS g stores for as i 2 Love The Way My Dishes Have You Often Said you'd give Sparkle | 9 to get €. 5 s ee grand f rid of painful vel ‘ a 5 Se corns and cal ’ a.“ i luses? Well, you x 4 “ote don have to Ese, - e i “2 2 sped a “million” F “4 i ’ > those / yours in pa r : 4 wor ful condi- > othe ’ ; tien. Just try new BLUE-JAY Me yas NTS yT j , Corn Plasters with the mew wonder ‘oft : , irug, Phenylium. It bri cker, it atte 1ou be visian te “ges > I yval of corns than any pn k s : 8 eading remedy! That's be- mie 1m gets under your needs « j I i ps push i out from use Jergens S j € the first really new dam is w n for corns and calluses hands w k like { seventy years, As a matter done a I of fact, in actual tests Phenylium here's k having nds work 33% faster and aeted h the 1 eure more surely than other lead- Just keep Jergens t g remedies. Try new Blue-Jaye little miy Se, 3 € m! Ask for them at rite drug counter Pest! It’s Later Than You Think—F all is all but here and winter won't re Yes t s a-fivinc. | s still not too range a Coal | the strain of paying winter warmth, Now's the time to buy your , eoa!—before prices g any highe amd the BANK OF* MONTREAL is to help i y for it with a Coal Loan. § { e been “y ” eoal-buvin don't wait another day to see abc Coal Loan. T pay a call on the n ir ne “My Bank’. With his assistanee, you « eoal delivered ean spread ot ftalments. That There Is Such Wonderful Variety ing st BofM and then rest. branch of n have all your having to pay for it all at onee, You ur loatl repayment over as many as seven easy in- s what I call : budget! t once, withou | help to a busy aoe 4} , clear through to October, No wonder they e everyone. And no wonder everyone in the ily loves the jams and jellies you do down with thowe fruits... when you use. CERTO FRUIT PECTIN. Those james aad ye perfectly set ... full of rich, fruits fresh flavor. Results with Certo are always #0 sure. You néed only follow the simple recipes in the booklet, under the label of each bottle of Certo. ; And you'll save yourself —— time og aa Hi Ce ou can do down jams and jellies in 1/3 the time o} Ai theses teen method—and get up to 50% more jars from the sgme-amount of fruit, t jellies will t 8 Princ Thursday Sevpte Queen Mother's Castle 2974 Rupert Daily News Bigger Planes Used ose. srs. esr GLACIAL FLOODS way raised the Svartic river levet N th m Work three feet above normal Large | of or e greas in the Rauvass Valley were «cP)—The t with flooding MONTON RCAF! threatened LONDON © — John Barra-| O8Lo cpl” Mit clough 30, was sentenced to three ~TWo & months motor-assisted bicycle while un~ | Norwegia ier the influence of drink.” and) barred from driving 18 rheuths. | moderniy; DANGEROUS DKIVER destroyers. Zetland, we are to be jek N Navy foe ge Norway wil , ‘Or f in jail for “riding « Ng the typ F is swit planes vo work hing te bigger d ‘ northern transport ve 00 out of Edmonton f S r4 first of the “flying box yhich will ultimately be Ts : é ’ LONDON (CP) — Queen Mother Elizabeth Stiase xclusively have been fe . + + . m pOt~ DASET } P arr . \. . } 2a a@ ~ five re ‘ he Edmonter purchase of Barrogil Castle, | ness, has pleased 43 sport Squadron. They : } : € “7 r « 4 Y ‘> crofters in the extreme north 0! Scotland, They Qa¥@ laure Fairchild planes ro oh +* | . 16 ” nah? lant} ° ») known , 4 198 Unts jubilant that the old castle on Pentland Firth: has F wrrived, the 435 : . . . ‘ ; A once again come into possession of a Seot—and a squadron had been using Da- ‘ we roval Seot at that. ew ansperts are un is aaa er ae ae vit 5, € circle view of atte’ fi ppearanee but they t noe f the Ear! f was it sapere} *° t 2 tons, about “e he € ri e Faris : UU é } ( sas a t f who : that took het i y } is & Da aitnne ne las 0 j mt ive nucn ¢& i we ed about 60 years ago. He , s i 1 000 miles 1@ Castie 1s ‘ ‘ ti k wn ij the distriet ; Dakoti 1500. A ne I n 7 : 4 tive ihe dungeon. hase k ' > nile 4 i yun) earl ollowing hi . © Zeal ies an nlLo a Witte Ci . “ he ¢ le was bequeath ; hiet-~wiultee | © v0 be han a an % ’ el 7 oe a n toad indi oe Enel hf a ial iit d steep, wind- a ne ew F Pe ntioe a F rth al 6 e) ie he first Noor draw er a mediun ) . te r4 apa Flow Barroeill Pig - ereas: Were ea a a troop a tie, a 16th-century building tha nt oo = _—e a accommodate 62 ‘ ipied by the arniy dur ® library. Phe main h equipment Used ne c econd World W sg sien ee a can carry yy} af epaired. rel Out t @, walled a1 ’ 1 will he snug der HOSSOM IM Se€2 I il t yattlements 0 pring inere i8 -a . toi is te pestu wealli i datto@it the lives « } E f B imntry folk nearby Cai € Qu E eth fi Queen Mother - i ¢ B g ( tle the peace and 7 ime y Yi countryside wale eine rm e towns fear the most economical enamel i OCRY cenery, for A ite e ( st j : € for entrant TER ‘ su ; setine ‘ and starry winter or YNDERCOA Phe relin i : fine Ht Pentland | @ I ogil has few equals micidagl ne iilie a enuahna s owing apout it va it that at ) was he iovely surreund heathery British Plan Elimination Of Airports BELFAST Northern Trelar CP)—Britain hope te in eI I the future fit iad ind them ' heet f ta ~ © rt British A, ciation for he Advancement f Seence we ' f experiment th je i to free aviation fr the mounting ost { big airport experiments are sircraft The at the Rx going on Establish porough, the goy hief l a n centre Sir Ben Lockspeiser, a leadir scientific arviser, told the ociation® the ipy i he peen } ed i Tu fe fighter plane Every time rliners get big ger and faster, Lockspeiser said concrete ufiways have to be lengthened ne further rein loreed—and the point has been reached where airport are an expensive nuisance If aircraft are to become faster ind heavier the main econo! probiems in aeronaut ire, in my view, less in the air than on the ground ne 11d He iggested that, instead of wsing a runway for taking off peven a big plane niid be cata puited into the air For landin the plane flown level a few feet from th ground, caught on a hook by arrester gear and dropped on the taut sheet, which allows a ood landing without bounce Lockspeiser ald air liner using such a method would re quire some reinforcement of the fuselage but this would be small in comparison with the weight of present undercarriage gear The landing rigging was re ported based 6n apparatus long used aircraft carriers with radical modifi indeed ation revolutionary TN 9 eal Vacuum packed { EXIRMIN D INCREASED, Pacific Milk adds extra flavor and nourishment to recipes. BUY B.C. PRODUCTS This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Pop # new refill roll into your empty Hand-e-wrep carton. You seve the cost of « new conteiner every time! Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia pnt * It’s the perfect school day lunch— quick to prepare, economical and children love its wholesome cheese flavour. The secret of its tangy goodness is the specially aged and mellow cheddar cheese, cured exclusively for Libby's, which is blended with fresh tomatoes and a to make a sauce that really sings with flavour. Try Libby's. See for yourself just how delicious Spaghetti eam be. Y CL ee i Neagyll Hl WANT TO PLEASE THE KIDDIES? Serve LIBBY’S — the spaghetti with the cheddar cheese sauce cant d to be hout I: en ee | W These day That you can’t afford to waste a morsel of food, why Hand-e-wrap is so. wonderful! It 80 Casy to tag off just the right amount from the handy dispenser bye with the metal cutting edge . tO wrap meat, fic) veel | hables to keep them fresh There® . } he ' 1 and other peri moist and ful] of nourishment a wonderful saving, too, when you keep left-overs wrapped in H ‘ | ppeu im ande wran esau its deuble-waxed surface seals in goodness and prevents food taint, Hand-e-wrap has a hundred use around the home. You can’t afford to be: without it! and-e-wra HEAVY WAXED PAPER ;