B, \\ Republican Japan Papers \ | Sings Praise | Of Truman Leave Agency | TOKYO (AP) —Japan’s three NEW YORK (AP) —Republi-|leading newspapers, with 4 can Senator William Langer of|combined circulation of more most sa. | North _Dakota deseribed Presi-| than 16,000,000, today announc- ’ dent Truman yesterday as ajed they are withdrawing their :WRIES SEEM TO BE the e wardrobe for fall. Good basic|steat statesman whe iis bribed, c esses are greatly favored because ribed, couldn't be nd be bull-dozed.” couldn’t| support from Kyodo, the coun- bought | try’s dominant news agency. Asahi, Mainichi and Yomiuri , : couldn't be es so readily to quick changes of| In a speech before the Na- righter the better added extras—w eld | seems to be the tional Association of Letter Car- riers, Langer said In the Senate, I have seen things that have made me very ith red and yel- ire ex this than Meat proud of Harry Truman... . ‘He led the fight for the common people of the United States as only a man could lead it.” Embargo j | great states-| in a joint action withdrew their support of the ageney which re- placed Domei at the end of the Second World War. Kenichiro Shinobu, managing editor and director of Asahi, said officials of the three big dailies felt they had not had proper representation on Ky- Hits Extreme At Boundary WINNIPEG » Canattien (CP)-The embargo nti ant United St plie Mad ates ap ani een apparently to ever in a wiched tach thing trom an barrel boxcar to one sand- mn between two of tucked eep pieces bread A Winnipeg family turned from a visit to today just re he U.s reported the following conversation ut Neche, N.D eustoms office OlLficer Itave with you?’ Winnipeggers Live you’ ary > food Yes, we have our picnic Officer wiches? Winniperge: Offiee: rm sorry, you'll have to leave them in Canada. You ean't take them ‘with you.” the Winnipeg family nen Any meat sand - Yes However aid We did. W ust backed out car wp te the border, opene’ the pienie lunch and ate mMetioned the } (ih then ndwiche ros arowe on Hostess Revisits Pioneer Road House SPRINGPIELD NS dhouse (CP) have come a 1800s used to Re the food long nee ers n early top fot and lodging House” -on ad bebwe Annapolis pool, on ry vit. i ie inn the now fore en Albany Cross in county and -Liver~! the south shore | tablished nant DY it gover t) ih ner strictly on non-profit Fo travellers could theiy bed and bouwrel on their pocket asig, pay f ror net sLaore if depend ~OOk It wa whe used ged, fi ? ror rarm * -ers i)~ridle to drive rug their rpeo!l the now was 95 Acker, a For cutie to ma t ive A receri visitor to abandoned year-old Mt roadhouse Willlar te there ni made a and five pot remunerated government incurred in ding wav he heme her daughte in tne olated She wa provincial expense OU by the for the sheltering ke ¢ tead called ibstitt and fee eller coffee and Mark quare hildrer is here that ¥} pounds each ving all| } gently |} Pout lice fruit drip ure juice +4 cup eat until t boil. Then together irface scum vanilla ex- I 8-ounce eal, with McKnight lue Bonnet Events! © ies a ht, wife of the well- Sportscaster ONNET ' be fc an SAYS, Margarine formal affairs use.”” You, too * Bive Bonner’s flavor just. as lting-hot as when Meerator. You'll be Butritiousness of this eetable margarine, ae each golden- utd is individually luminum foil with t lining. Just un- Hand serve, Be sure LUE. Bonn uiles, BT, an odo’s board of directors. SHARPEST, SMOOTHEST - FINISHED EDGES MODERN SCIENCE AND SKILL CAN PRODUCE! Beemer Coc: _Blue Blades Outsell All Other Blades Because They Give Finer, Easier Shaves @ For utmost shaving satisfaction al- Ways use super-keen Gillette Blue Blades in your Gillette Razor. You skim off whiskers with light, gentle strokes and whem you're through your face feels smooth as silk. For extra convenience buy Gillette Blue Blades in the Gillette dispenser that makes blade changing a breeze and has a built-in compartment for the permanent disposal of used blades. 20 blades $1.00 © 10 biades 50¢ IN IMPROVED GILLETTE DISPENSERS Regular package 5 biades 25¢ ~~ Jook s”” feel.” be «"” use Gillette Blue Blades I 0 eae Lg erty We have a full line of Rifles, Shetguns, Twenty-Twos .. . Be sure of happy hunting this fall by going well prepared, Make this your hunting headquarters, Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 PARADE Tomatoes can fool you. They may look good, taste delicious, be burst- ing with juice—but unless their vitamin and mineral content is high, you are not getting the best. Scientists have found that superior soile yield finer tomatoes filled with health-giving vitamins and minerals. That's why Heinz tomatoes are grown in Canada’s most fertile farmlands. Right now, a fresh new pack of Heinz famous Tomato Products is being rushed to grocery stores all over the country. a mem Ash A ! VIENNA their < Cee IEEE nd Ye Shall Receive AP)—Vienna telephone owners will soon have ially chuckle guaranteed. By dialing a certain number they will be able to hear the “joke of the day” recited by an experienced humorist. according to Vienna press reports. The Vienna Telephone Company already provides chil- dren with fairy tales, perplexed housewives with a daily menu selection, including costs, musicians with the perfect “A’-pitch, sport fans with results, not to speak of weather forecasts and other information services. i HEINZ LEADS THE : cutunity to 90" immediate FP rechnical Trades. fo YOU NOW are: gunnery the Navy offers YOU fine training i7 Among the N y M MOURERS' a anti-submarine ible for the y's men, im the medical etn of canada'® ment, there's d instru - ey today: Yo join the Navy you must .. . be 17 to 25 years of age (29 in some specialized categories) . . . be physically fit... have Grade 8 education or better. For complete information, send in coupon . . . or write or see in person the Recruiting Officer at the address in. the coupon, When applying, please bring certificates of birth, education and trade qualifications (if any). a Royal Canadian Navy Wary ineyeo Bept< mb ee 2 ee FiasiCée wupere Tt a INFERNO by Havoc-Bon Ino wtnner of the 1905 KING’S PLATE ar Ridden by Phillips under the famous Seagram colors. TIME 2:12, Dist. 114 mi. Tei batt ke NGO saa Canadian Rye Ve Y \ Pee Seagram's ane“ée Sure _) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The menace of the modern submarine—to ocean © life lines, and to the security of Canadian ports— is one which we must be ready to meet and beat, To “hunt and kill” the stealthy underseas raider is @ job for the Anti-submarine ships and Aircraft of Canada's modern Navy. 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