GREEN TEA h47o is superior .to the finest Japans, Young Hysons or Gunpowder. Try it today. FREE SAMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REQUEST. "SAIADA." TORONTO The Daily News hmnck hupeht - nniTisir Columbia I'ulilislied Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Huperl Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Kdilor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. "(AII.Y KDITICW These Cubes are Real Friday, .Innu.lry 30, 1925. Forgets Rupert Is On The Map. Tin1 Hrilish l!olunibia I'iuaiicial Tinies of Vancouver lias a leading editorial itrlicle mi (he Peace Itiver transportation pro-Idem in which it seems to furget that Prince Huperl exists or al any rale il leaves that port out of its calculation. It mentions . iSlewart as a possibility and (if course makes Vancniiverlhe huh, which is txiiiisiilile if it only gave Prince Huperl a just share id ntlentinii. Tjie Times urges that Hie line should lie liuilt through British Columbia, tupping what is known as the Peace Hiver block nf land which belongs to the Federal tiiivernnienl. is ine same thing thai all Hrilish Columbians ace Money Savers Because- Though small in bulk, they are very high in food value concentrated, pure, rich nourishment from the best prime beef, with no waste. 0X0 Cube dd vtriftjr lo your cooklnj and enable you to uie food which might otherwise be watted. To n dithei they add the fmiihing touch to old ones they give new life and taitineaa, trant. lorming "Left-oveti" Into appetizing delicacies. Try 0X0 Cubes In soups, sauces, gravies, slews, hash, meat-pies, past lor sandwiches, or lor beet tea and other hot drinks. OXO Cuh$ in tint of 4 . ISc. and in tint of 10 . 30c. The Great Beef Economy Tli at asking. II would mill III I III' sIpmiil'IIi i i r lln .iri'MMiiMil in il fm-ne if lli. Times had added that an elevator is being liuilt at Prince Huperl by the government with a view to handling part of the Peace Jliver crop and that the nationally owned line to Prince Huperl would be a factor in Ihe transportation problem for that section of the country. Peace River Transportation A Difficult Problem. Yesterday Henry Hill, now in this city and formerly a farmer of Clenrinout, about 25 miles south of Spirit Hiver in the Peace Hiver country, called al the office and discussed the transportation problem. He thinks the iiileuliou is to build the Brule line as the nearest route and quickest. lo build. The line zigzags through a broken couulry and would be about 1,75 miles long, coming out al Obed, east of Brule. There would be little new country. opened up but the district now cultivated would, lie tapped, which is what the. Peace Hiver people -want. At present he says they pay fifteen cents a bushel to gel Iheir grain lo Fdnionlon. A line built through one of Ihe parses, possibly Ihe Peace Hiver pass, to t lie coastf would open up a new country with rich farm Irimls'niid could reach Hie main Hue at either Prince (ieorge, Vanderhoof or llnzelion. Many favor the" Hazellou route and it is pointed out only a few years ago that was the route Premier Oliver favored. The mailer or route, however, would have lo be finally settled by engineers. Whether the P.ll.K. is to be a factor in the solution of the problem of course depends upon the report of engineers. Al any rale Prince Huperl people 'would rather have, the line if possible come through British Columbia territory and if the P.ti.K. can be disposed of in connection with the route, the province will be. that much the belter off. From information at present to baud the line will be of more value 10 the Peace Hiver country and lo the railway company if it ciimes out through B.C. -j- Value Of Work Of Provincial Member. The attention of the Daily News lias been drawn by a local resident to Ihe fact that Hon. T. I). Palliiljo did a lot of useful work in connection with the semi-fug of nn elevnlor for this port. He used, his influence as a member of the British Columbia government to have this port recognized. Also delegations went from here from time lo time in connection will! the proposal, all having an influence on the final result. We are well aware thai Mr. Pntlullo never misses an onnortuiiitv In work fm- Ihe benefit of this-district and his influence in n tiiatler of this kind is worth a great deal. Much of his work is done without ostentation and we are glad In be nble In acknowledge its value. Watching The Return ' ' .V-Vo Of The Longer Days. We are. all watching Hie return of the burner davs. Kvcrv morning' the change is particularly noticeable and the evenings are already shortening. This variation of the seasons is imp of the chief charms of the north country and Prince Hupert i iiooui mi- MtrincM norm mat u can oe enjoyed in comfort. Much fnrlher north the nights are so long in wilder thai it is difficult io carry on winter work. in iropieai aim senu-iropicn countries neon e wfin im. .. lived in the north long for a lijlle snow, for a loiich of frost, for the keen bracing air, for the winter evenings with Christmas as Ihe outstanding feature, and for Ihe long summer davs, all of which are. denied lliem. Here we are apt to long for the warmth and sunshine or Ihe south. Those who have experinced both fire usually ipiile salisried to live where the lengthening davs nre' Ihe hiirhingers of spring. Fred Stork Gles Talk to Rotary ClUb Along Line of Business Ethics Alioul once a mmilli during ihe present year il is proposed by the business elides rniiunlllep uT Ihe llolary Chili lo have an adilrcss or a discussion nu some I phase nf business ethics and the I first of these look place yesjer- ilay when t reil stork atliiresseii Ihe club al Iheir weekly hmrlirnu in Hie St. Ilrgis Cafe. 1'. (1. Dawson is chairman of Ihe rnm-ni il tee in charge of this course and he prcsiilfd yeslerday. In his address yesterday, Mr. Slork said the present system 1 1 in I been largely one nf evolution. It had been adopted as the result of experience. In On tario lie reinemliereil the Jime when many manufacturers sold their goods by means of wagons sent through Ihe. various districts. .Now al Ihe business was' ilone through legitimate stores and by up lo dale commercial Iraxellers. Buying Goods Speaking .of Ids own business, Mr. Slork. said I hoy . usually ought one line of goods from I lie same manufacturers all the lime. They handled one line of aint, one liiu; of tinware, one T1IH reference lo Mac being on the walcrw'iuzon in Ilii el mini yeslerday was Jo apply lo' no less than six Scotchmen and) two Irishmen, The Scotsmen) were op the wider wagon and I hoi Irish' men on the beer wagon. Then: was a bine Knglislimnn Mini ins name was Mac hut I didn'l believe him. WHAT r liked about (he ball lasl night was not the gowns although tlfcy were pretty or the I powder although il was plenti ful. What I liked was the sup. per. I Ten Years Ago I Id Prlnrp Rupert January 30, 1915 j Joe Hoyle of Dawson was a passenger on Ihe Princess May! yesterday afternoon bound suuili' lleporls.are received that ship- nieiils of fresh halibut recently made lo (ileal Hrilain arrived In good comlilion. Prospects of in creased trade with I'rinre Hupert 0 Ibis coiiimodily are pood. ONTARIOITES ' VISIT QUEBEC Officials, Professional and Business Interests Represented In Party Now on Tour OTTAWA, .Ian. 30.--Hound Tor Quebec City with a view to fur-! Iher cement the conliul relalions which exist, between lite sislerd provinces of Ontario anil Quebec, almost :.MHI promiiienl profes-j sinnal. financial -and, business-) men left Toronto' .last night on two special Canadian .National! biggest single special ojieralion in Toronto Iransporliilion, for n parly of Ibis nalure. 'Ills Honor, Colonel II. Cocksluill. Lieut (iovernor of Ontario, aiiil -llonnr- able O. Howard Ferguson, primel minister". of. Ihe province, beaded! Ihe delegation, which' include Pnivincial Cahinel Minislers, His Oraci Archbishop Me.Neil, ,Sir .losepriitjbivl,fe S,if ligit PoinU er, Major (ieneral lion. 0, S. Mewburn, Dr. It. llruce Taylor, principal Queens University, Dr, Hull ley Sinilh, president of tho Academy of Medicine and other leaders of commerce, education and finance In the province. In railway circles 0. L How- Mothers especial, ly like It for children as It takes the place of inter nal medicines. Local Druggists Have Modern Remedy for Colds A Vaporizing Salve which Is Rubbed Over Throat and Chest for Cold. WP Vjcks VapoRub. the "externaf method of treating sore throat, brbn-chitis, deep chest colds, or croup, is applied over throat br chest, the insredi- 316 rclcased as "p0" by the hcat These vapors. Inhaled with each brcatlt carry the .medication directly to the aoikicu air passages, looseninif the pnlegm and relievinz the conccstion. At the name timo Virl-a nrt n a rmin- 1 1 "lating the skin.and thus v i .u ( : mips the vapors inhaled to break up the i inflammation. ' Colds are usually relieved over jnight, VJCKS "Cascade" quality is sealed in for you by this crewn. See that you get it on every bottle of beer you buy. Kdiliir Dally News. ' 1 cannol see why the city bnnlil have lo iisk Hie I'roviticiat tit- aiiy olhef goyeinuicnl for a Slle'-'fm'' iT-hhh'rlnVs -pool or a Harbor for fishing crafl, situated on Ihe waters edge as it is. 'lo luy itiind it sotimU riilieii- Iniis thai Ihe rily' should havr lo neg mr coirci'sslnns from any power, be il pojllical, religious nr otherwise. There Isn't a power mi earth that rati slop Prince Huperl rmiii becoming one of the leading ports of Canada In lime. The city should own and enn-Irnl Ihe water front from opposite Dighy Island lo Hie (lobl Storage. j. ii. iii:id, 'The cily does nol own (be wuierironi aiin can gel a sie (r a swiinuiing lank only by gift 0r purchase, l ads are tads. E, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday; January 30 High ..... 5:58 a.m. .o IH:2f p.m. Irt.ii t-nw 1:11 p.m. tf.7 Saturday, January 31 IHch fl:!JI a.m. ift.u l:2H p.m. l-'iw 0:15 a.m. I n : I K p.m. Sunday, February High 7:17 a.m. 20: id p.m. Low 1 :00 a. in, 1 1 ;3 1 p.m. 15.1 11.7 T.I 17.7 11.8 8.3 f if pr,p. two mr; datt.7 xzvn V I'tfday, .T.inuary in. mv. Unsurpassed for pure, rich flavor RETAILER AND HIS CUSTOMER line of enamelware. one line of 1 1 u m i n it in ami so on right through. The relations with the firms from whom he dealt were most cordial ami he seldom had occasion lo wrile .them. I'elliug then of the relations with the customer! Mr. Stork aid they bad had circulars from sales agents wauling Or handle their stocktaking sales for them on commission. These had been invariably turned down, fn their line forced sales were of little lenefil either lo the merchant or Ihe purchasers. Mr. Stork said that more ami more the tendency was toward the cash system of doing busi ness, it nan lieeu adopted very largely in Canada ami (hose firm who did not consider themselves sirring enough lo in- sjliili lliirah system had'ilsti-ally been crowded lo the wall. Xo one asked to have a railway licket Charged and a good many oilier lines of business iliil nol ie credit. He thought it would be belter if hardware men rrin- liieted Iheir business along Hit fame line. Ilelailers took loo many chances. Summing up Mr. Stork said the relations between retailer and customer,,. ,f successful, came hack lo the one idea for which the llotary Club stood, that of service. The retailer was there In serve Ihe nuhlio. Mr. Dawson read an mil line of the series which il was nronoseil lo discuss as proposed hy Hntary Inlernaliouai hemlqtiarlers. The Man in the Moon P YS:- WllKX the shiek enters Hi room you notice. Die eclipse of .'he son. ))JIJy people Jsayii-.l hey would like o give the police a joll. How would il be lo drive them around some of Ihe. streets in a Ford IT is rather annoying now a! the lasl minute o have thr Seveiitli Day Adveillists come In and say that the world Is nol coming In an end on February (1. I was ralber Imping il would. BILIOUS AND SICK HEADACHES ARE CAUStO BY CONSTIPATION Onri' yrm allow ynur lniwH lo Itemim1 c..ii-t'lnl.Ml )H will lu-nnne trnnlilpil with liUiinK .mil flck hpmi.-i, )!', ami rr .relief yon limt ln-lp your In it lo ivnmvp ID'' rml.-uiiHiiH blip Ih.if I rlrruUllnir In tlii IiIihuI and npsi'itiiiir Ihe entire Itiliarx P.v-I fin. Fur tills iiii'mm llii'ii' H no other reinrily lo equal , MILBURN'S LAXA-LIYER PILLS Mrs. I.. 0. XiMlirrrntt, II. II. Xo. I. Crlnan. nm., write, i was fnll.v troiilili'il Villi ronsliatliin. ami lrk anil IiIIIoim hradaclies aritioipinled will severe voiiillinit sells whlrh ina.le me very miserable. I tried ilirfcrenl remedies without relief, bill sinie laklnr Laa-l.lver Cllls the beadai'hes and ruiiMipsliiui have clisaiered, and I am very Ihankriii for what they bave dune fur me." I'or sale at all driuKlsIs and dealers; nil up only by The T. Milliurn '., Limited, TortiTilo, out. on business. . It was Air. Iioyle who organized ami assisted in outfitting the famoifs Yukon overseas contingent which passed through here' in the fall,. i. ... Judge F. Mclf. Youiigf J. .. Kirkpalrick, Oeorge V.. Morrow, Dr. W. II. Claylon and O. 1 1. '.Nelson were lasl night unanimously (decled directors of Hie Prince Huperl (ieneral Hospital Assnria-! lion. D. (!. Stewart, who lias been elected presiileul of the' Hoard of Trade, asked that he be allowed to retire as president of Ihe hospital association. DELIVERED FREE IN PRINCE RUPERT Jich and Creamy ! This advertisement is not published or displayed hy the l.irpior Control Hoard or by the Government of llrit'sh Columbia. icr, general man.iger renlraJ re-tlini, Haimdiaii .National Hail-vais, head of Ihe national re-1 Trains for Ihe ancleill eapilrd of ;ireseiitalioh, accriiiipauicd by W. Quebec, where Ibey are I lie j A. Kingslainl, nssislant general j guests today of His Honor Jbe' lialiager. .I. Ii. .Maclaren. comn-' Lieut., (lovernor and the pro-; iroller, Fred Huller, treasurer I Vllice. It. . IMsl,. general slllierilllrllil- The pally which is making the . 'Id sliulhw'eslern (inlarin dis- f rip in return to the one made. !rlcl, W. II. IJevenish, general: lasl year by the prominent resi-i oipCrlnleildeul northern Ontario' cuts of Quebec ill connection , district, Lome MaCdiiiiabl, as-i wilh Ihe lion Knlenle celebration,' dslanl freight Iralllc manager, I is one of the largest and most II. (J. Ilnilrleir, geiieral pAsseiigcrl representative which has evot .lgent, W. U. Ilbblell, mtverlisuig left . Ontario, and eonslilules I lie agent. In the Letter Box CAhi'T SEE WHY. ft. fl eBcervJithoutuPeer CEE the creamy foam that comes to the top when you pour a glass of "Cascade" note the clear, sparkling, amber colon Taste the delicious flavor of fine hops and malt. You'll soon realize why "Cascade" is called tiie tffcl ILK BEER! In its absolute purity and unfailing high quality, "Cascade" stands for all that is best in beer brewing. It's good, always gbod. You try itl Cascade is BETTER BEER and it costs no more! VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED GET IT AT! ytz HIGH CLASS Helgerson Block. -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST HONEST DENTISTRY MEANS RELIABLE DENTISTRY nnd necessarily implies PKHSOXAL -ntlenliou to every palienl. This is thi- only kind of ileitlislry I have lo olicr nence uie iiucouililioiial guarantee lhat.goes wilh my GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST BEST PROCURABLE -Jrfrf 7j. J OrTUD a CUARANTltDjy , PR0DUCI Of SCOTLAND . 0.ftutlt 9 SltilPIDOICH Alio SAIVtNlf SLKHUVtr DUP'IOWH iohna The original IfilieN-looi; for II nt Jlio Vendors, i ill'K ninl insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." Ibis advertisement is not published or displayed hy U'a Lupior Lonitfd Hoard or hy lli Government of Utilisli Columbia.