anil he did not allow any laggiiiR or cutting short of the program Supper was served in relays. the members of the (tyros aided by some of the (iyrefles waiting on Ihe guests. Punch was ser vert from a counter at Iho far end of the hall. 'The hall had a very brilliant appearance, (lie decoration scheme being in the colors of the club, red and while, -The wafls and seal were eovered anil the elub emblem was in The committee in charge con-sisled of A. Hoy Nichols (chairman . A. Lionel Holt by, Norris V. I'r'injrle, V,. ( '.. Mills. Douglas I'. Stork, A. A. Kasson and It. A. Harlow. (Ivros 'generally -assisl-ed Willi Die decoration. 17' Major General Ross Will Pleased With Appearance and Progress Here Al 8..10 last nibl. Major (ieu-eral J. M. ftOss, O.M.I!,, D.S.O., oi icioria. general officer conv- inandin dislricl No. It, inspected the Kirsl North H.C.. Resrimenl as to ils efficiency in drill and routine. There were unfortunately a number of I he members of Ihe regiment out of town bu(, notwithstanding, a creditable turnout eoiisislin of Go officers, iion-cornmissioucil officers and iiipii was in attendance. The lintfilpd space of the drill ball prevented' drill formation but those '-iiaiip presented a smart appearance. The general personally examined all officers and noii-eonwmissioneil officer and complimented the officer comniandiniiT on their knowledire .of inililary rant inc. Mijnr (. A. Andrews, dislricl payinasler. audited the records of the ii'Kimenl and oonnieuted on the vei-y favorable manner in which 1 hey wet kept. He stated that the financial posilion of the regiment was healthier than nvist oilier British Columbia rcKimetils. ; (ieneral Ross expressed his pleasure at the excellent pro-press that had been made by Ihe rcgimcul during the lal twelve months and pave the officer commanding eneouratfinK promise of assistance that may be forlhrominif fo the developmenl fit the reuimenl. Many propo sitions were discussed which, if they materialize, will make the regiment one nf the most arlivo in llritish Columbia. AGREEMENT BETWEEN ' OWNERS AND MEN IS UNDER ADVISEMENT Capt. D. Larseh Is Elected President of Owners' Association In Succession to Capt. B. M. Newell A meeting of the Canadian HallThit Fishing Vessel Owners' Association was held last nighl in the Cily Hall to consider a proposed agreement submitted by Ihe Deep Sea Fishermen's Union respecting shares, etc.. in fishing Irips. The agreement yovcriiing these mailers adopted some years ago now expires nod il i expected that certain amendments may be made in Ihe new ot" There we considerable discii-sinn by the Owners but- final ilei-i-ion has not yet been reached I,. Ihi'ir llll.ftude. There a-. a isoi.d allendnnre al the meeting lasl night which was VANCOIVFIt, Jan. in the pnblisbiHff of beer- by- the- glass ere believed to be d!i GRANBY COMPANY Al ft. lo deparl luenl Chinese pi Avenue. I 'ire whicti fore Ihe d la s had iucry here was i ilenaii ii :tl), -Helay the revised ri'tfllhi! ions to failure of Hie cabinet to ayi'ee on Oun-missioioT Davidson's proposal to prohibit, i he sale of IiumI and to-iiaceo in beer parlors. ac(ordiiiK o the Vancouver .Sun.. . IS NOT TO BUILD SMRLTER IN STATES no Justification For Reports That Men are to be Laid off at Anyox VANOCi! Vl-lt. ,!,- ii. :to. - Man-wr I!. II. I' oi' the (Irnii-by tioniliauy hrTe'."f.iie ,'i Venrl !hat his I'liinpany i planiiiiiv In build a smeller al Oroville. W'ashinJrloii : ' 'Tti'ere is nolbhiir to the rumor," he says. Mr. I'loinner fintlie,. snys thai conditions are mirina! al Anvox for the season and there is no justification fur reporls thai men are to he laid off. DIAMOND BRIIL ON DALY-ALASKA Active Pro o ram of Development Is Planned Contract Let for 3,000 Feet of Bribing VAXOt.Vi:it. Jan. 30. Continuing the active program Ttf develnpm id work thai is already in progress, diai'ioinl drilling contract for ;i.lino feet Jif explor ation work on tin- Dalv-Alaska mine in Ihe Salmon River section of the Porllaud Canal district has. been let. The work will start on- March I, it is announced. Y. Sloan is in clsirvre of operations at the Daly-Alaska.' i.ialil. Hie fire a call to the on I'.levi'lll h was a chimney 'l illguisbed be-eul arrived. Giant Liner to b Twice as Large as any Formerly Constructed . AKRON, O.. .Ian. 30. Dr. Karl Arnsl iiuv ill's ii; ni i of iho frian' ZR-:t. which crossed the Atlanlicj ocean from (u'miany in a n-stop fliirlil. has been selected loj draw I hi plans for Ihe Ooodyear-! Zepplin CoKporal ion's ' proposed j jianl air liner. When completed Ibis airship will be twice as larjjre as any flyer ever built anil will be able lo go half way round the world without a slop. Dr Ai'iisline foriiierlvr was chief ei ;ineer of the (iernian Zeppelin eompany and has drawn plans Tor more (hail 1(10 dirijfiiilcs. The proposed ship will have a pas capacity of more than 5.-000.000 cubic fi-et, twie(. as xre;:! as either the ZR-3, now chrislen- l'd the Los Anjreles, or llie"Shen-- aiulonb. OfllciaFs have uoi dei". finitely, determined wlielber Ihe dirigible will be constructed for commercial or srovcnmental uur- poses. Hanqinn Cabin The diriuible would he-equipped with a passenger cabin hans;- nit from Hi,, keel of Ihe vesrfcl, (with a proiiienade deck and isleumer chairs, comfortable : berths, iMiiitig room serYlcs shower baths,, and all other modem convenience. II would maiiilain a .refculai Iwn-dav schedule between-New York and Loudon, ir user! fpr IhaL pur-, nose. Knginccrs plan Ihe new ship to be between H00 and 930 feel I on jr. wilh a maximum dtafWter f 115 to m fiere erirtfriiV car hanging ter .eel lower. The Shenandoah is 680 feel Ioiik an i 73 feel in iliann-ler, while lb'' Zfl-3 is (Wit) feel long Willi a height of feel. The proposed ship would he powered wilh motors ilev t'lopmv i.noo boi-se power as againsi t ,500 of the Shenandoah and - non of the zu.a. WUSF.UM 0F GOODS FOUND IN CHINAMAN'S ROOM AND CHARGE OF THEFT LAID. (continued, from page one) lo through Cliftfles 'Wall rejiorl-ing lo Sergeant ltailev late last niyhl I hat he had seen in ajlH house on Coiiiux Avenue a clock! that .belonged to him. On in- vesl jgal ion, Ihe officer was in- ,fi formed thai the clock bad come from Winiu Yi:;g. At . the siinie , place il is -aid one of I lie iiin- . '.'ll loi'llas alleged lo hav been ; stiilen from .lop Henl's oinc ' t PAOK FOUR 77?Vr rr f vns Frlifsy. .r,i GYRO BALL IS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus GREAT EVENT '. f j 'W I&vcoll t'vc c,ot I ' FTP f HTteb ar -iKr-cr' V 1 TMg. pErarirrT - I J l r. C bo "oOME f HIN6 ' , i UX OONi iN ' I Jlts,' -o VER-f C.LM . TO Miceut -w&f ( x J. simcim ip i i- u'oJwEowa Dancing Kept Continuously up V:tJI Jfl 1 ftVE TO INVITE Mh j S TO -DEEl VOUte " From Half Past Nine Tlir Half Past Three From half past nine iftilil half past I tiro.' continuously menilicr of I In tSyin Club and their friends danced last night in the auditorium al tho annual eveui or I lie younger service rlnli. Sonti't hiim like two hundred ami fifty people wen; prr-senl and it was our of Mm jollicst part i.s of tin' yi'Hr. Kvflrylhin w on I with a swinn anil the merrymakers were reluctant to leae. Music was siiidii'd by Fas-son's and Weslholine irrl.esl ra combined, six or seven pieces playing most of I lie limn with .Miss St. C.yr al the piano. Limn HoHliy was niasler of eeri'liionie 'z preside.) over by i. W. Nicker-i sou. j Capl. 1 1. Lur-eu nf the Oai.e: Spencer Wits I'liM'leil president j of the Owner-.' Association to I succeed On pi. II. M. Newell, wliol has left the cily. I PUBLISHING BEER REGULATIONS IS ?ENG DEL4YED Newspaper Says'Cablmet Cannot Agne on Davidson's Proposal td Prohibit Food and Tobaoco HUGE AIRSHIP (inre ago was also found. Ser re'uiil Raflev later proceeded to! :he room of W iin; Vinj;, who has jiM-n under jnlice- suspicion at !:east. and' lliei'i' he made the dis covery which jrive.- the chief's office in tlfe police station today ihe iipiiear.iiici' of a well sel up dipart mental store. It was Mlaled this morning at the police station Mint Wong Yin!, who' has been a I rusted employee, of several business houses here' for siiiue years, tow i:ontnnplalin.'.r leaving Ihe Cflv in aliouf a weed's lime. FABLE FOOTBALL IS PLAYED IN GERMANY ; HKRMJI, Jan. :io. - - Mali jong fis lo jiive Way to I be Kal game, i or lithle niolball. in Herlin society. At the fashionable Ks- planade hotel a demons! ration was ieccntly iven in the presence of numenms social lights, dim stars; literary aspirants and politicians. 1 The American goal game comes lo Berlin vi- 1enna, where a regular goal gnv cmne 'ran developed. Approximately 10 gial game club were organised there within a year. Afler naviiij one of his regu lar visils of inspecfton Id Ihe mine al Hurf Inlet Civile A. Hel ler of Philadelphia, president of "tie iieimoiil-STirf Inlet (ioli! rtinrig Co., reached Ihe city lasl night on lhe! Helnronl ami proceeded (souNi pn Hie steamer Prince Rupert. The silirnlion a I .lie 'Surf Inlet mine is Ihe same a it was three or four months igo. Develnfifffiml 'work has iwHcaHy benn diseonlinueif and it wilf only be a mailer of time until operations will cease, tin eniff o? the ore. bodies "being in sight. Coming to the cilv on the ilelmonl were also II. Penn. manager, ami Mrs. I'enn and Mrs. P. W. Recey. They will return to Surf Inlet to-morrow morning. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE February 2--Ladies' game. . Colls vs. fSrollo. Colts vs. FJks. 0- Junior game. Coirs vs. lieRimenl. Pons-, of ftittada y.(olti 0 r.adies' gaijie.' "-i, ' (l roii 1 1 v, MlPflniont.J '''.A; Iflks vs. Sons of Canada. Junior game. Colls vs. (initio. Colts vs. Klks. Ladies' game.. Colls vs. Jlegimenl. Sons of Canada, vs. Colls. Junior ','unie. iii"lin vs. Regiment, Klks vs. Soni" of Canada. of all the Baking Powder produced in Canada is MAGIC BAKING POWDER This fact is established by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics .81 , A their report for 1921-1922 (latest available report) 9Je Treason is - Absolutely Reliable Quality at a Moderate Price Wanted For Sale For Rent WANTF.D. An active ageul by! an old established Canadian, Life Insurance Company forj tho cily of Prince Ituperl audi district. A splendid opeuiio.- fur an energetic salesman. Ap ply liox 22SI, Daily News oflice. WANTKM. Young people he-Iween the agei of 10 anil 25 lit join the jirl fluards.and Itny Scouts ( umlenomiualional; al Ihe Salvation Army Hall, on Friday at 7 p.m. Refreshments sjerviMi. WAM'FO. Miildle aiked womat, as housekeeper for lluekley Hay. For further inforiiiftlion I'lione lte, 7:iM. WIMTK Woman wauls wock by the day. Phone Mine 278. 2C TO RENT I'O Ri:XT. House, four rooms. 731 Fraser Sireet. Atply Wi-linui lienholm, I'rovinnial Itiiibllng. tf ROOM for rent in private house for respeelable man. Address Ilox 22 H Daily News office.. 24 FOR RF.XT.--Furnished bedrotun in com fort ffhle home. Central l'hone Red 7(111. 25 FOR RIOT. Singer Smving Maoliiues. P.'.nne liliii) 380. If FOR SALE OR SAI.K. Iloal 55 fool by 12 fl. 0 in. beam, ilrafl 0 feet; 6f b.p. only 10 mouths old. Suitable for lowing, freighting or purrto seining. Iloal 18 root by II ft. beam draft 5 feel, Ml b.p. 6 year's old. Suitable for freighting or cannery lender. Apply J. Field, ' 213 Second Ave. Phone 2.1. P.O. Ilox 8i. If 'MMORTAI.ITY Oerlain. The life after death nnd a real world beyond is shown in Swedenhorg's great work on "Hoaven and Hell." Over 4 (10 pages. Only 2S cents post paid. II. O. 'Law, I8rt Rucli l Avenue, Toronto. ?OR HiM.Kv. ireautifuL winter coars'very liitsr, on consign-inent. Must be returned Feb I. Come in and secure I hem before then. .Mrs. linblbloom. FOR SALF., - 7(I0 Nordhemier pinnn for 250 cash, in excel lent condition. Phone Rind; 27 1 . 25 LOST LOST. i On Monday bunch of keys In leather case between Post Olllne ami Itesner Apart- Ilietlls on Second Ave. Finder return lo Daily .News. Reward. . 25 LOST Aulomobile tire with rim Finder please, phone G(tn. Ri;. ward. FOUND FOI'NU. lluneh of keys. Apply Daily News Oflice. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. A. Pi'ociiiiier, Kunnysido; Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. penn nnd Mrs. P. y. Racoy, Surr Inlet; V. II. Manuel, Prince Oeorge; Mrs. X. Maloek, Siilvus; Mr. and Mrs' K. Olson, Terrnce; A. .Ni'lsm.. Stewart; A. J. Cmtiniiell, . mu,.' chic, S. 'W'ii-IMt, Lou,- ,. Puinia-liiou and II. It. THbriiin. ;, lie,, liver; J. Roey, 1'sk. Advcrtlso lu Ihe Dally News. id oe i9is (v Intu FitTunr Scnvu.r 3t Crtai Bnuin r.jhti irwrvnl ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESEflVE RF.CIIl ITS WANTFD. Sea experience not ifecessary. Regular .Naval instructor being appointed. For full particulars apply .Naval Headquarters, Hays lluibling, near Totem Pole, on .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7 to 9 p.m. UCAKU AND RUOM HOARD and Itoom at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from l'oul Ullice, 8J0 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf ACCOUNTANCY ROOKS written up llalanci sheets, financial statements! and income tax returns pre-! pared by expert accountant s. j Rates reasonable. Write P.O. Rox 835. :r DRESSMAKING MRS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker. Federal block. Dressmaking, alterations, suit and coats. First class work. Reasonable prices. I'lione Black 4 1 0. ti CHfROHrtACf OR, R. E. EYOLFSON iradiiate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: 10 lo 12: 2 lo 5r 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Kioiie Him, 85 TAXI Taxi C7 Phone (Cal: Ueorge, Paul or (lust tumpl Service and Comlori Day or Nig.'.t Stand ; .10S3 BROS. POOL ROOM Meokor Lloek, Ace ss from ,tior 'ss llotei FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We lluy, Sell and F.x- change New and Secondhand Coods. QfeO. PAPADOPULIS, 83'J. Third Ave. Phone lltl. AUCTIONEERS I' will pay you lo consult u when you desiro lo sell or luirchaso fui-iiture, or anv aiticle. PRINCF. RUPKRT CIIANOF, Atudioneers. DEPARTMENT OF LAND8. NOTICE Application fop Grailnq Permit! for the Seuon 1925. APWIcnlliiiK f..r i.miin to nmj tlvc-Hliirk mi thp crnwii rniittc ulililn cli "''f .iinii i iii mi i-i'iivinri' or iiriiiMiij Colliliihln, linen tir flli'il will) till' PIHHct'1 ruit'im-i- in I'l-minniiiK, i-nri UrorKi' VlllflllUlflW ' M.lllH. . --, r iiiin-ri, nil' I'linmr, Vcriiiiii mid Willlins .ake mi nf "run i' Mnnii tiii, iveii, lilaiik fa mil iiimiii which io niiliinit np-pUimliinH mnv in. iiIiiiiiiipiI rrmii iin. pi trli'l I nroHlei'- HI IIik hIiiivc miiiiipiI nl.ii'CH r rniiii thf lifimrtimml nf I.iiihIs m Vie-lurin, li.C. n. ii. Anr..i. noil.v Minister nr l.nmls. riiprtiTinii nf I.hikIs. VliUiMa, ll.B. Jmiliarv l)ih, IOt.1. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Lmm Lind In Fkwnn. "'". HiHtrfrl. IikiwiIHik uh-trlct ir Prlni-i' ami mtiinm Iiriixlmiilcly two inll.-s mmiiienM Junollim TkH Notlrr. flint fienrRn Frlimrll nf i'V?. "."fWI,- It.i:., ...'ri.rK.llon niPrrhm t. iiUMi.t to npply rr nrrmlsmnn I., ine the rollnwlnr .l.'i'rllin,l Inndf - Cn.iiiii.'nrlnif lit n pimt pl.imril nn the Niiiih mn nr skw,,, 'nivrr! ti,"ii"o .," !! ! I c-hil.iH; thfiirn xnutlipiisl to ilmim. Uirni tmrtlKMKt r, cUniw, thru norih: Jf ''" II..' Ink , Sknll lllv.'f In tlm , r r,,n,t nn,",? "" ,'"",l""lnlr ,r' nrrnn, more nr onoimr n. i, 1 n..iM Jn,. SA'5: nr M'Pllrnnt. ...... . ... v ' uf HE8ERVE. NillICK IS HF.IIF.IIY fiivKN Him om rPKrrvti rnvi.ri.ii. . .... "S... V"1 irlet. H rmiroiM. ''""R,"r 0. n. NAPFN, M r.rP,rn;P,'n!r nr '"'" Vlrinrla. ii. r:.. 10th Pcceinbrr, g DAILY. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ,S 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WAWTBC TIMSER Sai. X Tlmro will ii- Alll'lloti Ihrt e It..'.., II, i n . !, n,'.ll'.s. 1 1 I" 'III te, I. Willi itllll I .link lit. .:e i V.iK' . i ll.i." ili-irni. Ph.' .., y.'... liiuval -r iiiiiIm i I'mvitli i IIi.ii . Ill- lUl lll.ll In i . ti'iKlttr lit lir , i" ' niul Iri'Mnl ii- KuriUar imii m pr, VlfK.ri. n ' I'riiu'i' llliwrl I. TIMBER SALE X CiCl Setlcil I rmli i - MlnKt.'i "I Inn. i thitu t 1 1 nn Hi' ' i iesr,, fur itw pin ' i, in cm i.'.'.u.'i'iii ' .-.nit ll...iiliHk, nn si'wi'll Inli I. (...ii -ii irli-I. Ttt" jfir- - ' . I tituvnl ur 1 1 inhcr I iit-thfr iii.-.i in i ti-.'. -1 . t i.i. II ' I'niiri- llui'-rl, Il i TIMBFn SULE Xt- 1 SimIi-iI I I' -Mllll-l. r i V i.l.ll'l . tfMn (Hull ell Ii., ISJ5, fur Hi- n 1 1 i In rill &,;ii.i, " mill lli'lnlork. mi ' ii I9SA, I'M lUM Uuil ni-e ' ' TS li yr-ir- v iimvil nf tln.ln r Fllfthur irr. vlrinrla. IK . ''r)l. ' erlnar ll.iiwrl. r. LAND AT Notlct of Intention 1 A I I III Unit I, Pin. ril'M. Of Hl ltlh i I ' ! I pill. TArU xoTIi I e IrN Jif in-""., i rllrMlhul lull' 'I" i Illlf'Oil- In Hiil I l.iwIi.K ili -'-rilM ii i i f'inittll"li lllf :il ' Mfttllll-il-l ' - il III I t4le'-iii"" for I' 1 iheii ... i ih ri i i. the ,f..ili-ut -i.i ' ii.irift i; .i-u. :t',' ' Mt " Hi - Mf I '.I I ' follow in" ihf li ri i iiu.r in i' s. ie ii., unit rniii iiii -more ot '' I'M II I' Niin ' JljBftl J iiiiuiv ' ' LAND AT f Notlct of Inunllon m A 1 Laud. Ill Hki'i'iiu I. .-iiul I' He.-"! Him l' -l.xlilinl III ik. . ililllll of -:il" T.Ul vi.TIi I m 1 of, II intend- in Hi'pi. 1 1 ili. iiu- iuii..iii. (!.illll.ii.i.,i ill 1 Htrrlv i ml nr tii .IMIfil si, mil . . r lii'ltlk ,l;i, licit nt I ' Miltl 1-li.inl, Hint 1 IkIAAiI. i Ii Ih -tit rtifWiiv -"iilli of .' -tiHlM Hie imiiii. "i i ' AlAkvil li inciii ii; u inin i' .i" hit-- ii pie III QMert .iiiimim i MINERAL ACT HAWK MINERAL "' SIIBHtfi In in.' -i' nr tlifi Imnn' :.. . . lorntrd. South 1 kntmii l.nko. nmi i cm th ll iMiit "; ' V. TrMn mm i v Fri-e Jllnrr' r-nii" Witiieii A7nnn , Tkn Mnll.e tint Nov Mil I p.:. met 1 NO, BTOIUC,' l '. 'Iiy from Ui 'In'- h ' Mliilnjf llerorrtiT r..r i nrovemrnlii fur II.- 1 a Cfnwn Ormit "f fiirtlifrinorr tnk- .' ' er. r, of tlir Mi-. . mrii)Mil hftfnri' 1 1 - 1 rim ta nf imnrnviM." i ' nntiNl lhl nun. 'i W F IHVID v LAND ACT Notlca of Intention to pol ' l"" In M.iatwM liii"i ' Inn.l ril.t nl K of Prlnre lliiiii'r' " ' nun mil.' milh "f l. an.) In Yetair " 11 No. Tak Nntlre th 1 1 r nf V.Hsirlt. II ' ' Vannir. Iniinl t" to ano th r..t'" "r Onmiiirnrlnr il I n" 1 ' flit nf VrHnll'iii t; " rliairta; tlirnr.' piii i m A tHaln! thrnm --' ' talrilnr l aw". FCOFVi ', ,, II NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Of NOTICR F IIF"F1'V rejorvn rpvrrlnr lot-rltrilvH, .-i ' 1 niiniro r,, rrllr.l. in " Prpnt' V rK'nnrtmrnt of Inne-Vlrtnrln, R.C Novcmbrr IHIlL Bl5