.Tar ary 30. 1925. TIIE DAILY .NEWS PAGB THRE1 i hi rcrr -' i offered him partnership If he could Invest a little money. But he hain't the money, nd the opportunity was gone. w lack of money spoil the opportunity that may come to you. x. v One dollar will open a Union Bank Savings At co-. 5 HON BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manager andy Specia. BROKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. CJI for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. ' ORMES LTD. THE PIONEEn DRUGGISTS Tri -d and Sixth Phones 52 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. For Your Kitchen ! lafeleg Tables and !ow-b.ack Chairs nlnn-lldi Imt f i . t I Ij. - .ge lli.it we t in or .enamel -iinii' in -nil n:ir i.ii'ii'iilar iBarrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1 st Street. Phone 1 23 a WINTER l. PmCZ RUPERT Milt fn.m ITllire IIUrl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CATTLE, li'iiiinllulc puilils cudi IllcUy V.UU u.lu. F" tT WART ah. I ANYOX WYiliitmlay, II.Vu p.m. PRi.XC JOHN fc.r Valifolivrr Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. '. IVbriiary 1 1. It. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PPINCT , PIIPTRT ufiI0NE8DAVi SATURDAY, M( p.m. r,.r itiii.v rcvuruK, EDMONTON. Winnipeg, an (mlula Kaliin Canada, IJiillcil Sliilci. C l Tl . ... ut;' ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. " oza Third Ae., Prlne. Rupert, A famous Bourbon Whisky as noted for its antique maturity ns for its TJUritV rmrl t wwvyvy UliiiU 0. bourbon in fact and quality-backcd BOTTLED IN B1NO UNDER rcucRAL gournmel't supervision 'Awakens Old .MVtHUUIa Memories' "k --. . V Phon 2G0. rys wjimun a i .. m id ra aj-n-. 'IS ?dVL,1enieiit Is nol publishctt or displayed by the uuuirui uonrii ,or ly Hie (lovcnimeiit or British Columbia. j Local and Personal j - -. -.. u ll.C. Ulnli'ilakcTS. I'lioiio 41. llayiicr, t'lulcnakciu, Phone 351 Yuu'll liki; our joall Coal Co. Phone 7. If .Minn Nora Kenny - nailed tlii.s iiiornin on iiu- Priucii Hupeit for Vunciidver. ' We havo further reduced our stock to clear by January 31. Look It over. Shockley Planlna Mills. If Mix. II. lloyd Youifp rt'lurmil to l'orl Miiipson on the Cheloli sin lliis morning afler having upeni a couple of day in the city. W. I.ainjr, representative of the Turn m Itealon Company, Victoria, arrived in the city from Hie south on (lie Chelohsiu this inoriiiiig. I". S. Shepiiard, Iravellinjr auditor for Ih" Canadian National llailwiiys, sailed this morning on I lie Prince Hupert on his return lo Vancouver. Up to noon no word had been received from the CP. II. steamer Princess Mary, Capl., (J. C. Sainley, which is due' here southbound loni'bl. Halibut boat for sale. 30 reel loii. j ri. 0 in. beam, I. It. p. Standard eng-inu, full Hue of ear. (ioiug al ti bargain. N. M. McLean, Cow Hay. 2 A. K. Kiueaid, I'.evelslokc in uraiice man, who arrived in (lie cily a couple of days hpo, is -a i 1 1 ii lonighl on the Princess Mary for Vancouver. Itev. I'. K. Itaisler left this moriiiiiK for I'orllaiiil where b will attend the Pacific .Synod of I lie Kuiilish l.ullieran C.biirc'i. lb- wdl he away about two' weeks. Major (ieneral .1. M. Itoss, olll- riT comiiiamting Military Itistricl No. II, and Major ti. A. l'.dward- reluriied sotilh I hi morning' af ler It ta v t it if made the annual in- siiccliou las niuht of Ihe First North ll.C. HegiiiHMit. ' Ureil Ifrown, ijistriej trovetnin of the liyrp Cinhj llwt liny, Vnn- couvep' fi)To, rt'niT A, Younir. who came north in eomnction with the inslallalton of ollicers for tit local cluli, returned lo Vanetni wr on the Prince lluperl Ibis iiniriiiii j. I'nioii sleamer Cliclohsin, lipl. i iiHiriresou, arrived frfini the sotilh at Id o'eloek this morning. sailinx shortly Ihereafler Tor Anyox and the Ntias River. The vessel brought the following pas- enpers heri: II. I.Kan, A. Mauile. W. I.alntf and Mr. and Mrc. Mal colm Smyth. The sleamer Ven ture, which has been oul for overhaul al Vaneoiiver. will ln hack on Hie run axain next week il is expected. daspep I'atk Is the "locale" of an atlicj.e in Ibis week's issue ot Ihe Saturday I.VeniiiK 1'osl en-lilled "A I'lie llrir-adc on lliirse- back" wriltn by Miss A;:ues C. I.aill, aif atllliiu'ess who is well known here llnouah her many visif.s In tin. cily. The urlicl" deals wilb Ihe coii(Ui'riu. of forest fires in the Canadian National Parks. is profusely illus trated. Mic views including ' splendid one of the town of .la-I'.-r lal;en from Ihe air. FREE! FREE! With Every $5.00 Cash Order Get Ono Pound of "Wedding Breakfast" Coffee Free Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18,v Mrs. Joe Henl hailed on Hie Prince Ilupeit Jlii morning for Vancouver. ' Malcolm inylli, manager ol Hie IluleilaleKiinneiy, ami .Mm. Sinylji arrived in Hie cily on Ihe (iheliili.iiii (lit morniiiL'. They will proceed cal by rail tomor row ni.hl. - V U..N.H. steamer I'lincn .loliu, from Vancouver via Hie Queen Charlolle I.l.iml.-, i. expcclcil hero fome linn; Unnorrow. The vessel did not set away front Vancouver unlit Monday, two day late. One of Ihe M Si Traffic trucks hcloiiKiup lo Ihe Ijindsay (larlajre skidded on l"ourti Avenue 'i'.iisl yeslrda aTlernooiy ami .went rear over the plunk roadway into Ihe pulch just oast of Hr. L. V. Kcrpiu's rosidptice. Neither the driver nor I lie ear wen; hurt. V. II. Waldorf, charged with bavin? liquor in- a restaurant contrary to Ihe tioveruineii'. Liquor Acl, was fined .)() in I lie cny ponciH court mis morniue and Ibe Ibpior vvis coufiscaled. He slated -it was In bis privale cupboard kept Jof bis own per sonal use. .1. II. Wake, liierhanical I en. Stineer'for the provincial forestry depart nient, returned lo Victoria on Ibe Prince Hhperl I his morning afler having spent a couple of days in Ibo cily inspecliu progress mat is nemg made on the cruiser that is being Imilt at the . local dry dock for Ihe de partment. A Chinese , play ju five acts entitled "'imc Forbids" will be produced by Ibe l'yne Miu As-f social ion al IhvNrhnpress Theatre, on Wednesday, February i at 7.15 p.m. The play will depict Ihe conflict between the old ami Ibe new Chine!' (jusioms. There wtll also be a display of sword fighting ami olheeevenls of the Iwclfth i lury. V rimili-d number of tickets is .on sale al Ornies' drug store. , Admission T.'ic. lti-i rvei seal' 1.00. Proceeds lo lie ilevoled lo the lios-lil .-il 26 MONUMENT TO DOG HAS BEEN ERECTED lAIIIK.. Wis.. Jan. 30. A bronze rejirodiiclioii of a pet Scotch collie dog. Lassie, lops the monument placed by Charles II. Langs al Ihe grave of his wife. Mrs, Jennie, II, Langs, in Ihe little country cenielery here. Henenlh (he recumbent figure or tlie dog is (his iiiM-rjplion: "He Kind to Animals." Lassie, a blooded 'collie, died several years before -Mrs. Langs. The Laiis devoted much of their time ami part of their income lo Ihe rare oT animals ami humane work. Mr. Langs explained t tint in placing the re. production of Lassie al -Mrs. Langs' grave be nol only regard ed it as a tribute lo his wife inciunrv, but believed il would be a lesson in the general subjeel f kindliness lo animals. B.C. FISHING COMPANY STOCK IS LOOKING DF British Money Coins t6 Par Tends to Improve Business The iinprovriiicul in sterling lo par of exchange is credited wilh Ihe new markc! iiileresl in ll.C. fishing says Ihe Financial I'osl. Canada's export Iriide is hound lo heuefil and il is believed thai Ibis concern should share mater ially in Ibis iiiipnive.iiieiil. ll.C, Fishing looks lo the lirilish mar- kel lo absorb ils .surplus pact, although Australia is now he- coming an impnrfuut ..factor. The llaldwin (ioveriiuient . is said lo favor allowiuu only Ihe llrilisir Columbia brand to be marketed in Kngland as sockeye. . This would pive an important advantage over Ihe Japanese- product "rom lln Siberian production us the hulk 'of the F.uglish ilcmaml is fop .sockeye. I he III. I pack or Ibe ll.C. Co was ST .(i.7 cases compared with 210,013 a year ago. Sockeye increased rrom 1H, 1 75 hi UI(D03 cases and cliunis IH,I.'5 lo 3IH eases. The IP.3 pack did not go olT very well wilh Ibe result Unit lt'.',37ti fase.s were carried over. The lusl report was that sales close .to the end of lieeeiiilier lolalled more than the total pr'lli' l'J-l luck, leas- 2f64S 19519 19517 19502 tC 1 '1 r- " L-rsg tf February Supplement Ask your dealer to put you on his mailing list if you have not received the February Supplement of Victor Records. There are 62 new selections, all on double-sided records including Red Seal selections by the famous Victor Artists. Some recent releases: DANCE RECORDS Double-sided, 75c. Horsey! Keep Your Tail Up! Fox Trot Capt.M. V. riunkctt'sDumbcirsOr. Counting the Hours Fox Trot Venetian Gardens Dann Orch. (Me and the Boy Friend Fox Trot Dan Gregory's Onh. Let Me Be the First to Kiss You Good-Morning Fox Trot Chapman's Drake Hotel Orch. Indian Love Call Fox Trot Tell Her in the Springtime Fox Trot Paul Wliitiman and His Orch. Eliza Fox Trot 1 Doo Wacka Doo Fox Trot Paul W hilenian and Ilia Orch. VOCAL RECORDS Double-sided, 75c. (Me and the Boy Friend J Jane Green Back Where the Daffodils Grow ( Ailtcn Stanley (Lonely Lane Wendell Hall 19479iSwanee River Dreams Wendell HallCarson Robison lug close o I 1 0.01)0 cases on i huiul. Of the tiller, part has been sold bill nol delivered. Prices, however, have not been Ihe mosl satisfactory. Packers say (hal they are si ill lower thai. Ibe cost of. production warrants. Iluyiug is now said lo be. active and Ihe end of January will see a ,'ipod portion of Ibe smalt slocks' on hand move oul. 'Ihe improvement in the industry lias hroughl about a pronounced feeling in regard Ibe shares. In 1 1(23 I hey sold down lo a low or 12 from a high of 21. Last year Ibe low mark was 18 and this year iiiolal ions opened al 22'i and steadily moved up, jumping III points lo between the I3lh ami 2IH li. Transactions have been heavy. ' " v ANNOUNCEMENTS I.O.Ii.i:. Children Fancy Dress Hall, February 0. fi.W.V.A. ary 12. Annual Hall, Fcliru- C.X.II. Kmploye-February 17. F.Iks' Annual February 50. vyrtDB7 Annual Hall, Novelty dance, En? I. I.k-Qk I. Kriwn CATARRH ef the BLADDER Si'e, SuRtutil F.fh Capmile fumy can rame J y tN.f otvtttm A' l INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Double-sided, 75c. in.rAll Alone Memory Lan 1017 1055 c Victor Salon Orch. Somewhere a Voice is Calling 19o21 (Serenade Jesse Crawford RED SEAL. RECORDS JO-ittch double-sided, $1.75 (When 1056 I Jiridal Dawn John McCornuck Lcvc Song Guitarrcro Efrem Zimbalist Memory Lane Mali Lindv I -on Amelita Galli-Ourci (The Broad Highway Heart O' Mine Reinald Werrenrath 12-inch double-sided, $2.50 Novelette 61S0 Prelude in D Hat Major 1 UWIUtiUIUI is Masters Voice? CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 SA. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B'ltedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday , 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Lln- Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Prime npcrt. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swnion Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueaday, 5 P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Canntrlaa, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Aanua. J. Barmlay, Agant. Prlnc Ruaart, B.O. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 . 539 Gr. 601 YOU WE WANT THEM HAVE THEM Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 618 Or. 601 539