Noma Gets Instant Response GOOD PROGRESS MADE WASlll.VTON. Jan. .111.- ;:si .: for Hay bailing, ill lllirlllMMll llf JlH- ;: t i In' airplane (light . i .1 iiiili.lnviii from N'ltne hsts lnvn for- V'.UIIIIA.NKS. Jan. .111.-- The 'ays carrying diph ii fur Nome i due I! n iiiiIim from Ta nun a Mi.. lir. i (Ought. ISucplional , t- is made by relav ; iy i lu' rained serum. ! !' ' -i i: -iii rs of Hie north I l,: 'I a: a few dogs in I he ' -i;us would he driven ' -i i order Id deliver the m ,' - X'"MF J;. hi Tln diphtheria i v-i. i day look a I urn . and citizen s'-nl it !v warded appeal to ".!. to allow the anli- -in J it m an due al Tanana f K : v .1. lo lie sent llieuc"' ;: n: t bus healing the dog w un i lie way by several !'i! ' New crises are reporled l; 1 i ,ooi dose of six ' - i r mn ,- Iff I. TUG VULCAN WAS BURNED Bched at Denman Island Near Comox and Men Jumped for Lives '(.UlTKNAY. Jan. Mil. - The Mlule i-ml lielweeii Vuio'oiivei Maial anil Denman Island wits 'v a li'ruiendous bla.e lasl ni-hl when the tugboat Vulcan.-Mump ,anKS rontailieil Kill bar-1'i'W nr oil, xva.s burned lo Hie Miter, nlgc. she was procced-"'g f'oni l.uinox lo .Nanoose Hay Mill ii.w los. Seeing it wim Ni'i.i(., fiK,i ,,. ,a.(., ('.apt. '"In; ; 1 1 m Intii Mm ii. mi in iimii-ii '"'ill and jump for their All wore miivciI. "''iininii hlund is only a Jew ""l'a 0'iim Onnov and Hie SI rail '""'ween n and Vaucuuver Island not very wide. B.C. NEWSPRINT TO BE SHIPPED FAR AFIELD M,.N"l'lli:,L, .Inn. 3d. News-inumiraclurers 'of JlrHisli """iniiiH have recently deyelop- ' -w markets in Cuba, the b 'ii, - and Soyth America II is thought liens (hat the -prucc will he tiil al Hie mill owned liy Mr. Ilucklcy al purl Clement. As only a very small proportion uf 11m- sprurc cut is siillalde for Hie manufacture of airplanes, il probably means Hiul Hie mill will In' very busy this year. Mr. Ilucklcy has been nMrial purchasing agent for Hie A'iek-crs iieonle for iilinul Iwo year's WINNIPEG BANK AGAIN ROBBED The $1,600 TAKEN WINNIpF.n. Jan. ;in. Tin Colliding and Portage Avenue hranch of Hie Hank of Moiilreal was held up yesterday. II is the ratiie ollice that was bulled of i (Mill lasl May by Frank Martin, a drug fiend. The bandit was laler kill 'd by a pursuing ileleilive. This lime the gunmen gnl iibnul SlaiM). LONE BANDIT STOLE RINGS Took Two Thousand Dollars 'Worth From Vancouver Jewellery Establishment VA.M'.Ol. VIJl, Jan. :ii. tillering- the jewellery stoic or J. I". IliggiuliolliHiii lasl night a lone bandit held up I In proprietor at lb'' point id a gun, and ...l II I ..iuTd escaped won unionnm "revalued at 82.iMHf. iMin'.Wilt .Inn. 30. She -- . . . . . auu uas ikhi','111 sprue ai Tor any mills thai liad Hie quality) lo oiler, cither in ILL. or Alaska. Wheal here did mil climb as high iis In Winnipeg, largely due , id. I toil Hie Canadian NEW CREAMERY PRINCE RUPERT IS SUGGESTED to gov eminent was taking sleps lo. prevent further rises. The report Discussed at Smlthers Board Trade Meeting and' will Come up Again SMITIIKHS. .Ian. :i0. About thirty members ol the Hoard ol Trade attended a luncheon in the lltllkiey Hotel on Wednesday. January 1'H, and in addiliun lo enjoying a splendid, meal were treated lo a viyy inli're.ling ad-dres i,y Dr. l. C. Wrtncli, M.L,. Mti-r n.T. A, i r 1 1 u ii i ri'' n w ed the Vlrk oPl lie 'lasl sessmif of 4he'e ami also referred lo future propecls of I lie dlslricl poinling 'tn. the possi-liililie- ahead of the farming eommunilies more especially in eonneelion with Hie production of certified ceil of various kinds. A staleiiieiil tlial pleased those pi-CKcnl dealt With Hie proposed ( iiieriiiiif nl ollici's. I In lioelor liaviug reeeived word from Hie .Minister of l'ublic Works that very proiianiy I lie icnuers lor the new lillibling would be called for In March. Distributing Centre .1. P. Wheeler, vice-persideiil of the I loa id mentioned at Hie luncheon that the farmers of the Telkwa district were advocating that a creamery be eslablishe al I'riuce llupcrl and Mi tit thalj point be made the dislribuliu.i centre for Hie dairy products of I lie Skeena and llulkley Valleys. lir. Wrinch promised that if Ibis was the general wish of Ihe farmers .he would co-operate with them lo briuu Hits about. II was recommended thai liils mailer be brought tip at Hie next uencral meeting of Hie Hon t il. In Hi,, evening lr. Wrinch ad dressed a large public merlin in ihe town ball. W. 11. Manuel, (ravellintf audi I or fur the Canadian National Hallways, arrived from Prince (ieorne on Ibis morning's train. Wheat Bubble Burst Suddenly at Winninee Yesterday When Drop Ten Cents a Bushel was Recorded wi WHII.T. .inn. Jill The speciilalivc wheal bubble. lerda'v when an avalanche cif selling orders seul price Italll of WRINCH GIVES ADDRESS Says Expects Tenders for Government Buildings to be Called In March Inirsl liim- bling downwards us last as v iuoi s,,j .,..,- .... them skyrockeling. . , , i here occurred when a ever experienced The wildest scenes AV'lh ' '",,l,'e anyone lo gel out from "n-ler, ,.i... nir ni'iee or wiiiin inni"") was denied at Ottawa yesterday ariernuoti. A woman, Mrs. Scott Durand, is estimated lo have made a mil lion and a half ulollars in specu lation, yesterday. NAVY NEEDS MORE MONEY SAYS BEATTY Winston Churchill Opposes Large Increase on Grounds of Economy LONDON, Jan. 30. A ten million pound Increase In naval estimates Is said to have been demanded by the Admiralty. Earl Boatty, It Is rc-portsd, claimed 65,500,000 as the least appropriation comi-natlble with national safety, and this has teen opposed by Winston Churchill, chancellor of the exchequer, on grounds of the necessity of economy. BIRTH A son was born al I lie Prince Uupert (ieneral Hospital on January '.".I lo Mr and Mrs. 'ieorge Haglcy of I'oiirMi Avenue Last. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Ambiance t v floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. . .v PRINCE RUPERT For tatis, apply fn Boston i nth sl Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIPEC. Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. vol. xv no. w; Llb IMtlXCE HLT'EIIT, H.C., I'lllIlAY. JANLAIIY UO, 1025. Yttrd' Circulation 1664 trif ! 429. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PLANE SPRUCE CONTRACT FOR NORTt PRICE OF WHEAT TAKES SLUMP AND CAUSES EXCITEMENT OF EXCHANGE Buckley Makes Contract to Supply Large Quantity of Airplane Spruce to Vickers from Queen Charlottes Y ANCOt VKII, Jim. W. Tin- largest coiilrnd fur airplane ., !)rl. nor Id mi Ihe continent has been made between Vickers l.iniili il umI Frank l. Ilucklcy of Vancouver. The spruce is lo .; iDgri il i 'i (Juecii Charlotte Islands and milled on (iraliam i nil t:i( In re. It will Hu n be sent lo Montreal for proper m miiiink In ore being -hipped lo Hie London factory. Tin" niitnnl calls I1.r tlic delivery or V.lMMi.oiit) reel in I'Jih iiml uiHiiiuoiis -liiptneiils Mili-eipie nlly. H ! staled lliat lliere is more aclivily in airplane tuaiiii- - inclining than al any time he ANTI-TOXIN BY AIRPLANE WILL BEAT MUSHERS Appeal Sent to Washington from ron: (r during (lie war. Hritlsh Columbia, il is believed, has Hie only supply iif high grade Sitka spruce on IIiij American nil. 1!! - i"-i-ii Miss C.hi'iolabel Pankhursl of London, inter-. nalioiH(ll known oralor and Bible lecturer, is uoslii New York, which is her first slop in an American and Canadian lour. Museum of Goods Found Chinaman's Room and Charge of Theft Laid When Ciiy Police .Sergeanl A. II. Hailey shorlly befor-' o'clock this morning, following up iiilormalion he had received during the night, entered the room on Third Avenue of Wong Ying, Chinese cook for il. St. (i; Lee, he round a depot orallegeii stolen goods amoiinling lo several Ihousand dollars which tlu police expect will account Tor several syslctiKilic burglaries nur ....iiv oil have aken o ace ill me cny over u oeriou co eiin'g possibly several jCars. The goods found in Wong Yinp ...mi infinite nil manner of arlicles among which were menV coals and' panls, ladies coals, dresses and petticoats, lingerie, coat hangers, fancy soaps, silverware, blankets, perfumes, henna dyes, fountain pens, fishing lines, Indian baskets, cigarettes, stamps, cigarette cases, jewelery, pen-knives, umbrellas French Ivory toilet ware, pearl necklaces, earrings, caps, etc. The yoods are believed lo hae come from many differed1 sources, amonjr IhcnrJnc llenl' lingerie shop, Steve King's gent' riirtiishinsr store and Mrs. (lold- liloom's ladyware shop. This morn nc Wong ilng was brought up before MagiMrali McClvmonl and charged wilh stealing a ."si'll coal, Ihe property of Mrs. Iteiil. and was remamle ror eight days. Oilier charge will be preferred when the polic have coinib-le laliulaliou of tin irnnds which I hey started this morning. After three o'clock this arterivofirt' Ihe articles will be on a lew for idcjilificalkin Wong Ying. al I lie instance ol City Solicitor I'.. F. Jones who i handling Ihe prosecution, was denied bail. Wong Mugs, areesl was led ti i continued on page four THE ANNUAL MEETING of tho - Prince Rupert Liberal Association will be held in the Metropole Hall Friday Evening, January 30 at 8p.m. F. Slork, M.P., and oilier will address Ihe .meeting. All supporters cordially welcome.- Sir Henry Thornton Tells U.S. People State Ownership of Lines Was an Economic Necessity Here IMM.WAl'OLI.S, Jan. :io. "tiunada has a state owned railway sysleni, of Iweiily-lwo Ihousand miles or line, but thi was nol brouglil inlu exislence us Hie result of a studious exam-inalioii or Hie mcrils of public as against private operation of railways. It was. an economic necessity." This was the declaration made night lo six hundred railway and 'industrial liurfic experls ul Hie annual dinner of Ihe Indianapolis Traffic (Hub, by Sir Henry W. Tliorulon, born al Logniisport, Ind.. and now president and chairman. uf llu1 Canadian Nalioual Ilailways. I lie reasons uiiilertyiiig Hie ---- - - j- reatiou of Hie slate-owned railroad system in Canada were imperfectly understood in Hie I uiled Slates, said Sir Henry. Ilii- I iinniniiiti decided lo bring the Niiliiinal llailwav's into being only when threatened witli a ces- ulion of transportation facili ties on a great mileaire built by railroad corporations, largely Miroiigli undeveloped territory. lie did not see how any oilier mirse could have been pursued iy the Canadian government.! The situation racing the Nalioual lines being substantially Hint which had lo be be-.met by every road west or I lie Mississippi Hher in the early days ot the railroads. It the probh: lacklej with the samf energy and the sauiejsilonijlie hisjory id Canada would be the same JACK DE1PSEY HAS FINISHED Will te Married In May and has Given up his Ring Career LOS AXtiKLKS, .Ian. 30. -.lack liempsey announces that May Iwenliein marks the end of his ink career and Hie termination of tlio business nar nership willt Jack Kearns, his manager, and ids see. ind ciilrunce into tho stale' of matrimony. He will-marry Kslelle Taylor, the movie was actress. , The heavyweight king has f uiitf Ii I-" b i s.Ma.l.'rin g-- ba 1 1 le, he declares. Jlis retirement Is at siory o Nciopmeui iiiiu nai,u. boliesl of Miss Tavlor, who been told in Hie United Stains. '......r,.,.. - i, ,,..,.,, "i r,.,. Itailways would earn sufficient money lo pay all lis ursi barges would be decided by (he rapidity wilh which Canada increased in population. The dinner, one of 'Ihe largest the history 'of Ibis city, was attended by men prominent in Ihe business life of the Ka.l and thy Middle West. Among the speakers were ieul. (iovernor Van Onnan of Indiana and Judge llnggell or lliio. (iovernor Jackson of lu- liana welcomed Sir Henry In his alive stale al a luncheon al Hie Indianapolis Athlelic Club. " ' " " " ...... -V-.! I I'-O- When (he Canadian National: RECEPTION GIVEN LARGEST MOTORSHIP VANCOUVER TODAY VANCOI, Jan. .'10 An ofllcial reception was tendered Ihe new motor ship Aoraugi today al noon. The vessel is the largest passenger liner afloat propelled by internal combustion engines. She will lake up (be Canadian-Australian run. ' MOTOR PLANE Amsterdam of I i- miles hull r. J. II. m i it I ii tr BROKE RECORD Speed of 145 Miles an Hour Carrying Seven Passengers PAHIS. Jan. 30. A ipiadruple motor plane carrying seven passengers ami luggage broke ihe speed record for passenger traf fic. II negotiated the distance from l'arrs to llnissels, I7I miles in ono hour eleven minutes, averaging 1. 15 miles per hour. II proceeded lo Amsterdam making an average speed from Pans In ilisl as a liusbaml. The liolilyifs of lienipsey and Kearns will be divided and (hey will fc-n their separate ways. Oilier reasons given for quit-ling is that lliere is no contender in sight who Is able to give a real Pal lie and iiempsey lias a - furl line, making lilm iudepehiU'ii of the fat purses offered by pro moters. ' CAPT. ORMISTON DIED YESTERDAY Well Known Passed Away Survived C.P.R. Skipper In Victoria by Family I he deal It occurred in Victoria yc-lcrday morning of Capl., S. Herbert Ormislon, well known here as master for many sea- sons of the C.1ML steamers; Princess Alice and l'rinccs-Mary. Word lo Ibis efreet win received yesterday by lti brother, Capt. Harry Ormislon;. skipper ot the lighthouse tender. New highm, who proceeded south on Ihe Prince import Ibis morning. The death of Capl. Ormislon will lie mourned all along Hie coast for he was very popular with the travelling public and made many friends in all ports his boats filtered. He was u veteran with the Canadian Pacini- Coast Steamship Service uml was one of Ihe senior captain" id (be c uiipany despite the fact tlial he was a comparatively young man. about 15 years of age. lie was a native of Capo llrelon but had been on the H.C. coast for many years. A widow and family, residing In Victoria, ate li'H lo mourn his demise. The big Iren truck of the Rupert Table Supply Co., driven by James Weir, and the Canadian Laundry delivery car, driven by It Ctirtic, collided al Ihe ndem Pole corner on Second " I Avenue al noon today wbeii there Pillsbury sailed Ibis was a misunderstanding (d right on the steamer l'rinco o( way signals. Uotli care were llupert for Vancouver on husl-lslishliy damaged but the drivers " ' unhurt'.'"' ness. escaped