Employees WASHINGTON I lio observation of 1'rohibilion Commissioner II ay lies that public (iiininii, oxjn cssiiiK itself lliroutfh various channels ranging from great industrial corporations lfthe theatre, is uiak- insr easier I he enforcement of the; prohibition law. The addition Of .In- mime of the Colorado A Iron Company lo those of oilier, concerns which have for-Jiidilen I heir employes the use of intoxicants, has just boon recorded at enforcement headquarters. Scores of employers, WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. JABOUR Phono 645. A Cecil B. De Mille Production. "FEET OF CLAY 711 A pholo-play, lighl, frtillty, Ininioroiis, as modern as rollcil stockings, so modern it might have been written an hour ago. Typically De Mille and you know what that means luxury ami gorgeousness linked with n logical, dramatic, pictorial slory. Heach scenes full of color and girls; twenty performances of the "Follies" could not begin lo compare with them. Yachting scenes, mail jong played on an nir' mattress in the water, jousting mulches between beauties mounted on "sea-horses," surf board races ami thrilling fight wilh a real shark, teeth n'everything, are amongst (he many high lights of lhi spectacular, magnificent comedy-drama. Expensive! Kx-tpusile! Distinguished cast: Rod La Roquc, Vera Reynolds, Victor Varconi, Theodore Kosloff, Robert Edeson, Julia Faye and many others. TOPICS OF THE DAY Admission 50c and 25c. January CLEARANCE SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Are the last Three Days of Our January Claarance Sale, Get Advantage of our Libral Offer Ladles' Rubbers at 50c a pair, and Men's Rubbers at $1.50 a pair are real bargains for this weal tier. Ladies' Shoes at $2.00 and $3.00 per pair ire exceptionally good bargains if von gel the rigid size. OUR SUGAR OFFER LASTS TO THE END OF THE MONTH. GET YOUR SUPPLY AT 1c A LB. BROTHERS LTD. Corner 3rd and 7th. SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE in o different shade-. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. I Underwood Ij ill London Dry CSn E The Gin you will aik for again the standard of purity for over 160 year. W $3.25 A BOTTLE 1 The Gin for)vu h . W U jygg This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of, British Columbia. Mr. lot! Oifilcn, tinlM-rel Shore, u-lli".: "My baby trill Imil a very hail i-nlit whirl! IuiiumI to bronchitis, mil she could wit sli'i-p M nlltht for llic j., ;)() n js, niinrhlnif. I inn- her crpryllilnir I coulil II1IIIK III U' n'llt'Vr III I . mil iiijiiiiiik im-,-iiii-u to ilu tier any irnuil, mill she va not Hrlliinr any heller. I u aclviseil, by a frliMKl, tu try Wim'u s ' .dmiurlij It Is crruiuly a Mr. lluynoM says, have posted ""'v y Tiw t, notices in their .i.hni.m..t. Turwh"uJ lliat users of liquor will .bo automatically ilisi lissed. Posts Notice The Colorado Fuel and Iron company gave lo each of its workers lliis notice: "This company is foinjf lo get along In the future without the services of DRWOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP 1 illil no. ami nrier irtviiiir Iter few Fill'! i iiusei) 1 sr.w trHKt crreets o 1 kept an with It. I nave her iwu but lira, ami Iter I'utiRli soon It-f t tier, ami now flio Is in well as ran lie. I raunnt praise 'IT. won ili'lTuI medicine." This preimratliii) has liern on the mar-ki't Tor the pnt 35 years; iiianuracluiTd Mllbuni Cu., Llnilloil, bootleggers and their customers. We class as bootleggers all those who manufacture, sell or distri Inile intoxicants cither personally or through agents or members of their familites. Such persons will be discharged on evidence satisfactory to the management wilhoul wailing for ouviction in the courts." The management held thai a niner under the. influence of iitiuor was a dangerous clement because of the many chances for disaster underground Ihrotigh urelessness. An even fnore drastic rule was recently laid down by Henry p'ord, and numbers of hotels and i restaurants have acted lo banish I liquors from their premises. June hotel, Mr. llaynes says, forccil its employes lo sign :H pledge to not sell liquor and a in added precaution employed jdrleclhes to search Ihe waiters when they appeared for duty. No Prohibition Jokes Some theatres have haunei; okes on prohibition from their singes, and one, insurance coni- ipany is asking applicants whether Ihey drink bootleg liquor, Mr. I laynes declares. A weslern ci!. 'advised its employes that use of 'liquor would result in dismissal. . ami caused each worker lo stive iiis signature as evidence thai he Iliad heen warned, j Intemperance was never wise, J economical or safe, in Ihe opin-lion of Commissioner llaynes, but Ml is infinitely less so now than ever. "Amid the powerful in-Iveillions and hurried life of lo- I day sound bodies, steady nerves and sober juilgnienl are indis- jpensable to life. This fact is re-i cognized everywhere." IS OPPOSED TO KIGHTARIFFS President of Saskatchewan Grain Growers Talks of Separation From East Illy l,illi;icli;iii f'lvssi MICiilNA. Sask.. Jan. 30. pi-rccling a IJuiuilerous hroadsjdc against Ihe tariff policy of the Dominion government, (leorge Friday, January AGE SIX TFTE DULY VKW9 30, 19; Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optome trist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist D.S. EMPLOYERS I STOP LIQUOR) Prohibits Its Use by Any of Their ' A BAD COLD DEVELOPED INTO BRONCHITIS I'.dwnrds, in his presidential ad-! dress before Ihe annual conveii-! lion of the Saskatchewan drain 'irowe.rs1- Association here dc-cliircd that coulinuauce of such an un-nuliimal and short. sight ed policy" would iuevitiihly lead! to a definite break between Kaslern and SVeslern Canada. lie further caslijtaled Ihe. Icd-eral government for not itivini,' yrealcr atlenlion lo Ihe problems of Ihe farmer. The unfavorable conditions of Ihe basic industry of Hie country, be maiuluinei was well known lo (he Rovern-meiil ami all business interests in Canada. Iml a spirit of apathy and indifference sceincif lo he ai more preferable course Tor these iiitercsls to follow. "We in the West, believe that we have never been fairly treated by the ttovernmenls of Canada, irrespective or party, with respect to the fiscal policy of the country during the past In years," Mr. Kdwards said. The protective tariff he characterized as "one of those hanin.'riug disabilities." which had been raised particularly lo foster manufac-lurlnjf Interests, wilhoul, (tivlng IIkhicIiI lo the consequent hardships brouuhl upon the agricultural imliislry. No Compensation "There nrer has been and npparenlly never will lie, any nitvanlapc that will accrue lo the Western country to com-"pensale for ' fhe: 'Increased price I ihey have lo pay for all' their Januar Mm Days more CLOTHING I'-' oz. lin 2 Vi II.. tin r. lb. tin Service be able lo work out her destiny heller its a unity cotinlry than as one spill up into different sections, and I do not believe that Hie West has any desire lo break away from Kaslern Canada, if we ran base fair play and eipialily of .lifalment. The enemies of. Canada," Mr. Kdwards declared, "are not (hose who are pointing oul the danger lo confederation; of the present sectional, s 1 1 1 1 f I - i s 1 1 1 1' 1 1 policy, bill ralher those who are pressing for Ihe continuance nf it policy, which If conlinued, iti-'(vittfhly spill,VCP,arallon.' " v Clearance Sale Yom Last Opportunity Pure Wool Mackinaws Values lo XI I .."(. To clear $8.95 Suits Overcoats Pants Etc. Priced to Clear i Men's Heavy Pure Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers to reap the benefit of our CLEARING PRICES on QUALITY MERCHANDISE that will not be duplicated in Prince Rupert for some time Men's "Sterling Quality" BOOTS Solid leather. In Drown or I tl.u k. , Willi or without toe i-ap. Iti-gitlar value In ST. 7)0. Special- oz. Odd Lines In FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR He', value to .$?.7ri. In firey We" Known Tiger Brand or While. All sizes, priced lit Shirts and Drawers Combinations clear at per garment 'leg. $l.:tr. Per garment Meg. $1.45 85c $1.45 Days more FURNISHINGS Caps Valm--. In $t'.7."i, Ml To cli'iij- $1.45 Soxs Sweaters Collars Etc. At Big Reductions Men's Work Shirts In large assortment or v. : ed .colors uml size-. S' g Klaiiuelelle tnaten.rl V ( : :i.2:j. $1.85 CASH. AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY. FPNTAINS NO ALlflj-i MALKIN'S BCST PURE EXTRACTS Vanilla or l.emon . 20c 1 oz 40c S .. 50 PAILS PURE RASPBERRY JAM i lb. tin. Special 75c 65c 1C0 TINS QUAKER BRAND CORN ON COB, -. Spr eaih 25c 300 LBS. FRESH GROUND COFFEE. Kxlra Spc-; Ilis. roe $1.00 NEW HALLOWI BULK DATES, (iiiariiuleed fir-. It II ri 33c ONYX B RAPID CORN, 2 lius for 35c ( Canned Vegetables are good biiyinp CANNED PILCHARDS, lull tins, (tiood etiling . Spr 2 for 25c The Home of "20lh Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. Satisfaclion "unite li(Hillwn if Mil hIhH'I Slllllf - ed policy of Ihe Canadian kov-ernnietil," Ihe president asserted. The farmers In the Wesl had u riKhl to insist Upon equity and fair play, adding Ihal .sentimental attachments and lies, however slrontr Ihey mihl he. could mil indefinitely stand the strain of economic "injustice." "t'tnloiibleilly, Canada should Renewals for Spring Cleaning READY MADE CURTAINS, MADRAS, SCRIMS, NETS, AND MARQUESETTES ON SALE UNTIL SATURDAY. Kirsch Flat Curtain Rods, Curtain Fixtures and Blinds at Special Sale Prlcos. , F.011- 0FFE" IN DOUBLE AND SINGLE FACED VELOURS m r Single Faced V i lours- Sun Fast Popn8 In mown, Mine, u,,, Uli (jro,,. Cream, (iieen. Mine mid Hnrvii, DotihlA w'i Vi,,,1 $2'5 "'' Avt-Je. Sale Price, yard $5 Ve,ours- Casement Cloth in " lib ...n e, n Itrown, and (iM.. , Sale Price . r,(l inches wide, in Cram, lto,c IK 1 ynr'1 54.00 nine. Sale Price, per yard . 750 .... . , ,. , Shadow Cloths .1(1 ...e Ji bhatlow Ctllh. Sale Price, M""' per r0 jcl, Shadow Chilli, hcnvV i"1'1 $1.00 2'8 p,.,. yiird ""iiee 01,?i""l'nV Cl'!lh' ,,cavy ,""lily' 5,1 i'"'"' Hk Shadow' Ciolb. Siecinl. 1,11 00 l-Tynnl 75 to lake Advantage of our Sale will menu a saving lo your. Srd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20