.,an,iary 30. 1025. IISItKi SALE 25c off ch and every pair DNEfi in stock lemers 27 P.O. Bor 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE .i ( thai tlir mulMliHie oi ,.,x,-jn:!il ICVH offered tu; ar f themselves ' npnlilh of !S si n .. . . I.. .tin. I 1C? IHllC U'lliuuil'-.l I u Hie oirewiy ; Mat sevvife. ;ry - i". ice alone is iiui, uripo-inf; no obis i - H,'- :;-'liiiig 0i)l vour fiinnd- xvjn. .rn. to mange :; rin service. PRINCE Phone 8 I i . a b vak aa. DRY ''Xtra! 'DRV 60X392 RUPERT irch Wood or small heaters, 60c Per Sack fieTransfer 1 13S Stcond Avenue. in 580. Nloht or Day. iWF BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED illdren's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES Al I.;;vvp , prices RS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Vancouver Daily LABOR PARTY FOR JAPANESE Organization Proceeds In Anticipation of Passage of Manhood Suffrage Act TOKIO, Jan. 30. The Japanese Federation nf Labor ami its affiliated organization, is an.' lively engaged In 1 In formation of a national labor parly in anticipation of the passage of Hip manhood suffrage art al Hip present session of tin- Dipl. 'I'Iip leaders claim llial with the barking of llic Fanners' Association and other agrarian soci-clips, tlie Japanese Fabian Society a til kiinliT.I organizations, they have several hniiilretl thousand polenliul otes, ami Dins hope let Aeritrc rrpresenlalion in lie lower house al the next national elections. They also claim thai Hip Siiihrisha,, a national organization of so-called .neial outcasts, will join Hip new paily. There art1 said In lie, Jiihonl 8110,000 r these men. Platform j The pint form of the new parly I is socialistic and sweeping in its 1 1 c in ;i li 1 for reforms. II Includes an increase in Hie rights of the working men, especially in free speech and assemblage; adoption of universal suffrage; ,;i railieill reorganization of the j Mouse of Peers,, nr its total j abolition; the adoption nf a 'graduated scale in fixing taxes Ion incomes, lands, business prn-'fils. Hud inheritances; the im- insilin:i of taxes on capital ami 1 luxuries, ami the abolition of 'the direct; consiiinplioii luvVs; sweeping reduction of urma-uienis: reform of the conscript erire system; demiicratiation of the army, appoiulmenl of civilian miikisler nf war and navy: abolition of the lienor al 1 u If anil of the staff of the navy: reform of the higher educational mitrhiiiery In .ull the icip.iieiiieiils of the working classes; payment of the cost of LAND ACT , Notlct of InUntlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In I'riin-c Itu fwn l.aiul lilMrlrt. Iifl-rorillnr niMMrl or Prlnrr ntifrt. n1 HI-I into at narttanl :ovp, I'rlnrt-na noyal . If-latKl. n.c. 1 Take Xi.tlrc that Snmervllli. Cannery 1 1 iiimIxiiiv Limiini, nr tanrmiver, n.i;., in-i I tcnil in a:Mil fr t-irilliiti to ! th rnl..liif- ilo-i-rthMt laml- cnminnnrinir 1 n Uw ho.nl .if Burnaril r.nw. PiinrcM 'llnval lalamt; Ihonro ot rivn lit hnln; IIwimv tmnh fnrly (io rhalm: thonrf i't Ion HO) rlialnn. inore iir If, to low ikiUff mark; thoiM-or siHiih alonr low walor mark lo t"lnt nl rnintnoiiromoiit. ami rnnialnln flfloon (t) arro. moro or ' nMFnvii t.r rtrnv I COMPANY IIMITF.n I "Vamo nf Apiillrant. I V. 1. Wforann, ont. ntoit nooomboo fin. LAND ACT. i Notlea of Inttnllon to Apply lo Purehaia Land In ?koona Latiit limtrlrt. nf Prlnit ; rtnpt-rt llonit-iiinK tllrlrl. anil alttnlr i am'rnvlmntrty mm ami tmo half nillo Wont 'i.r salvtn Station. n slvu Miami, Skfona '"tioIo mic timt ttnilotr l.arMim. of Oil Carloloit "I.. Iliirnahy, orrniatlnn l.nairi'r. mtond to apply for portiil-inn .in ruirrlia tile rollovvlnit (liriMI)sl lands : Ci.miiiotiolna al a pil plattlod at tlio iniilivvi't oniwr of l.nt taoj, Salvm Nlanil; llionro uniitnaMlorl". approxl- . iitntelv aim ynl: thottro n irthwotorly. lopiiruvliiiali'l.v 00 yard; llionro nutlwrli, ciiii varcK to point of lioRlnnlnir. nn- ' pi-lsti'iar all thai portlrin nf Salvm Miami ! t nr Lot and rnntalnlniT 30rt I arri s, Minro nr !. 1 TIIOM MILLS I ihmii ror llllml. ,AU!OV. Extra! Province adds Sunday Edition "ifili tirade Mairazinc Section. OolorPtl Conlir ScflHnt. VmicroiK Hn,.,.,ot r.vt. ...... tit iv 1.1 1111111M vim.' yrw'li- l ' - I'll mi 1 111 1 1 1 lis. .11.11 1 ' I lllllllii'iil i, , INTRODUCTORY RATE "AlliV AND StA'hVY IHIIU'IVOK liv mail lo any nd- 'fSS III lli.il. .. I , I 'i'i iiiiiimua tiuisitic ttrcaivi viunuiniii 4 Months - $1.00 m icai'ly sulisi-ripi (cms nol ncceplod nl Ibis rale HATR AtiKNTS, 2,'ic ,cr nionll.. Sunday Edition - - 5o per copy SUBSCRIBE NOW llirough L,1n,l Agent or Poslmnslcr. '-Pl'Pial 'iil. VII .... ....! . ..1. ...,:l ...Ml ..Aiiivii Sin.! .. "v - .III l-yi,l SIIIISrilllt.-l.-i "III l'vi- i, ii 1 '. ''dilioti wilh no exlru cliarge. If Mtliscriplions were l "'i 111 adt.11..... ..1 1..,, .v.. :iii ...01 t, hntilip.l 1 '"M,,; 1,1 "" per miiiuu, proper ircuii win m I ""'ii' occoiini in due en course. NO OLD MAIDS SAYS A VICTORIA WRITER Bachelors may be very Ornamental but About as Useful as a Bull In a China Shop Itesitles, (hef-e "ain't no sich thimt" ns an old maid says (It.It.D. writing in Hie Victoria jCnlnnisl. There are attractive 1 women of various ages, which 'is a very different unit tor; and if 1 hero is. any fault in the inat'ler, it. is the frttill or Ibe bacliclors. ;ie Initiative' in siRb ii del'lca'tp mailer as matrimony is entirely pi the hanils of the bachelors. Ilachelors cannot evade rttspou-sibilily by suggest ing. as did tho first man, untutored in the finer graces, that "Ihe woman Thou gavest iiu" is really Hie responsible parly. A maid, vvlialever the number of years of her life, is built an iirnamenlal and use- .... .. P t. ...t.l llli iiiriiuier 111 liny tiinisriioni. j jj. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blool', PniNCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, S U . Phone 088. Open Cvenlngt Only For Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Loading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. THE DAILY NEWS PARE tvrv. CORRYS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Atr Horn under Dominion Government supervision Hie Qutility VliisJy of Cunada- CAU.'AIIY. .Ian. ;). The sale, of gasoline on Sunday in Allterla is lawful, iieciirdiug to a decision handed down iiy the appellate division of the supreme court on Saturday. The cases under re view were those of llic Motor Sales Lid., a garage, and the Avenue Service Station, t filling station only. Two judgment of a majority of Hie court, one wrillen by Mr. Justice Sjuarl, in which .Mr. Jus-lice Clarke concurred, and a separate judgment by Mr. Justice Iteek, held Itlllt Hie sale of gasoline on Sundays is u necessity within the meaning of the Lord's Day Act, liavinir regnrd In the mailers which the Lords I Day Act declares lo le works of -t sincel859 1-35 riiis advertisement Is not piiltlished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Uritish Columbia national ciliicalinn hy tin slate; ilpmncralj.al ion iif I'nrcipn policy; lialiiiliiiliziiliiin of main industries; sell'-ifiiverumciil for the colonies; reeonnil itm nf Irnde unions, eslablislimeiil of an iM-'lit-lnnir win-kiiiK day, and I lie rixinir if minimum wajres; re-copnition of the rifcht to strike; national ownership of land and residential houses; establishment, of farmers' unions, government control of the rice industry; alinllliiiii of the peerage; a levelling of class distinction; prut eel ion of maternity lay the late, and a workmen's compensation act. ALBERTA DECIDES SALE OF GASOLINE ON SUNDAY LAWFUL A haclielor in a household may lie very ornamental, tiul he i generally about as useful as a lull! in a china shop. SONS OF CANADA . LOSE LEADERSHIP IN WHIST LEAGUE The Sous of Canada lost the leadership of Ihe men's section of Ihe Fraternal Whist League to Ihe Klks as a result of last night's games. While Ihe former lost lo the Loyal Orange Lodjtc, Ihe lallcr won over Ihe Orcal War Veterans' Association. The various .scores were as follows: Knights of fSiliitnhus, 5 Knights of Pythias, 1, Oddfellows, (i; St, .Andrew's, X. Sons of IJanaila, :t : Loyal Orange Lodge, C. Klks, 0; (ireat War Veterans :i. Moos,. Lodt'p, i; Sons of I'.ng-land, 5. Tin' league standing to dale is 'as follows: t. .', V. L. Pis. F.Iks Vl) 3 9 Sous of (ianjida ii;.;. i 8 !K. ttf 0. Z'.........J: ' 8 i 8 SI. Andrew' , . 7 5 7 IS. of F. V. 0 ft io. w. v. a n 7 r ; Oddfellows 5 7 r, 1 L. o. i r. 7 r, iMittisp t 8 1 (K. of P : 3 .?t- " ' -- e1 W-PaltX Sport Chat j nercsily and mercy. .,,.,.,, vvj, ,, From this majority judgment ,,,,,1,1 w,n t, Mr. Justice Mr. Jus- Harvey and f ,;.,., riv.lN . . . . 1!.. II I 1 1 I I 1 1 : ' lire ll llillllillt ill'seitiiii, 111 111 1 1 11 K j,!,,,,) j thai the sale was illegal, as it is dll.lf;w. n not a necessity wiwiiu me inclining tlf the Act. W. S. Ore- appeared for Hie attorney general; A. M. Naismilh uf Porter and Naismitb. for Hie Motor Sales Company and Ihe Avenue Service Station. a li.it He royal Klks and Sons for lirsl place, ' Senior llaskelball will be one of the crucial games of the .season and 'will very likply have considerable hearing on Ihe matter of which .Irani is lo capture championship honors for the year. The lodge-men and Hie Canucks are tied at present as far as number of vie- lories is concerned, each' having seven, but the Klks only have three defeats chalked up against thpin whereas Ihe Sons have four. Whichever side wins lo night will he al the head of Hie standing sheet with one full game to the good. There will undoubtedly he a bumper crowd id fans out lo witness the mulch. The Intermediate League game will bo between Hie (initio and the llevtiment mill (ho Tiny Tims and Cults will play a Junior game. Thj- fatiioii All lllacks or New Xealalnd, will arrive' IniJllanlT on Fehraiiry 7, Ihe opening day of Ihe Han IT winter carnival, and will remain there two days. V will be Ihe I hint of their stops while crossing Canada, I lie firs! two being Xiagara Falls and Cal- gnry. I lie rainous rugnyisis win see Ihe sights of Han IT after which they will swim in the cave ' ' " ' ' ii I I II and sulphur baths. I Heir tlesire Second Division lo experience snowslioeiiig, skii- j ti,pSi0V (fj and lobaggonning will b' i ,uin Mi.' realized as plans are being Miailo j,- xjPlnnn (H.P.) I In she them ample opporlunily , j ycr (n.) 4.. jfor these sports, ling leatus will) Donald (H.p; jlake litem Into hidden recesses i Uniting the pines and spruce and jalong frozen mountain streams. From HanfT the All Hlaeks will i proceed lo Vancouver mid . lows: D. MeAuley (Callies) 128; W. J. Nelson (Ondloj 150. W. K. Wllllsmift I 0; J. Ilill-niaii, 150. Malcolm Lamb, 123; J. rippsley 150. I). McLean, 58; S. Suga, 100. Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the st6ck and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser the n you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more.' She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does:' Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she Wants at the lowest price it is offered. She ts certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoertised goods live up to their claims. She saves lime and steps, and returns sufficiently alertjo enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. b J. Hrnwn (S.A.) . . W. J. Nelson (fi. . D. Howe (H.P.) .... W. Slewarl (fi.) .. J. Andrews x(S.A.v. k . M. Andrews (S.A.' . . I F. Al.lridge (H.P.) . Four of the five games in the;; ip (fj.j second division billiard lonrna-1 jr West (V.) .... inenl hehveen Ihe Cullies nnd,n. Hlylho (fi.) .... (irolln were nlaved last night, is Mneilnnnl.l fS.A.i iHip latter learn winning them all i Fm-tiu (H.P.) In an aggregate score of 000 fojc, I,. Ynungman(V.) 155. The fifth game between W n. Mallet (II.P.) .. .Murray (dallies) amj W. Stewart , w. Murray (fi.) .. (irollo) will be played today., Mllrhell (H.P.) . Last nighl's scores were as fol- ), McAuley (fi.) .. M.MacLachlan(S.A. J. Mftplean (fi.) ... fi. p. Tinker (V.) . . J. Fleming (V.) . . . J. May MLS.) II. WYarmoulh (V K. I'enelon fV.) ... J. Allan (SuV) .... These r, , eneni loo. iti. Mclhnoyle (M.P.i 0 I Alex. Volume (V.) . 2 111. Jplich (H.P.) ... I Dr. West (V.) .... i IF. Pyle ,(V.), . fi' Iti. P. linker (V.) .. 5 H. Pearcfi (0.) .... C. Italagno fli.P.' . 0 J. Walsh (V.) 3 ;D. Ilrown (fi. .... 0 ill. Morgan (O.j ... 0 'fi. lllylhe (fi.) .... 2 O. Waiigh (CO .... J. Fleming (V.I .. 1 Ttl. Av.j 1500 250 1500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1102 21 i 1217 213 485 213 1127 238 402 231 1 37'.) 230 227 227 1318 225 1125 225 1332 222 1320 221 053 218 i 207 2tl 1250 209 411 200 1210.203 157 157 1050 000 00(1 150 51)5 885 738 738 202 092 8'i5 813 1)83 082 558 080 018 073 207 400 023 911 051 391 301 260 897 010 889 7G2 advertisements are Written jor your Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment not a stock sp 2 2 illation BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division Games. Col. McMnntie V. (i Sgl. Jrbsoll (V. ... (1 J. Ilillninn (O.) ... i W. Slewarrl (fi.) .. 1 A. Donald (II.P.) .. I A. A. Kasson (II.P.) 0 F. Stephens (U.P.) . 5 W. J. Nelson (0.) .. 2 150 150 150 150 119 118 148) 148 140 142 III til 110 no 140 1.10 135 135 131 133 "Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. (MIMWuUSllh g.iw.. V' (1. Kelsey M. Lamb S. Darlon 132 J. Hulger 130 130 130 130 130 128 fC.S.l .. (fi.) .... (OS.) ... (C.S.N ... S. L. Warrior (V.) . D. McLean (fi.) ... W. Williscrofl (fi.) II. Parr (fi.S.) .... M. Stephens ML) .. A. Hales (C.S.) .... 128 J. McDougall (fi.).. 157 i W. Anderson (G.) . . 127'V. II. Jarmau (0.) SAVAGE Washer and Dryer Hns no Wringer, needs none. Won Hold Medal nl last Quebec Exhibition over nl! American and Canadian Machines. Cash Price $185.00 nlso sold on lerms. Kaien Hardware Co. 037 127 877 125 871 121 714 121 831 110 821 117 077 113 555 111 2IQ 105 502 100 80 89 82 82 09 09 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone St. j Cartage, Warehousing, and Oistributing. Team or , Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.