j . oe oe | ee ‘Afghan War Vet =e . SCREEN x a ROSE OF cn ae BY wile one Spry, Busy at 94 : 3 ce : ’ ee * FLASHES STARTING ~ ! States destroyer Agerholm was! 70. found his wedding ring on} TOMORROW hit by Communist shore fire off | the top soil in his garden, 25 TORONTO } Benjami! ’ 3 ‘ ’ the eastern coast of Korea Sept years after ne had lost it. The| Mansell of Springhill N.S., would § ce ’ By BOB THOMAS & while blasting Red front-line} garden had been dug up many | like to meet some of the buddies : seat HOLLYWOOD (AP) —Talk of King Dick sounds installations, Navy announced. | times in the interval with whom he fought in the Af : e : | : ; the town this week was the ra _ -|ghanistan war of 1878-80 ie a , =< 4 Oe ee f the battle rye “ 2 continuing feud between Mario ut elle tte tabebe le detetdatbebttibedetebeld debated Lt Now 94 years old, Mr. Mansell a et, : oo Lanza and M-G-M. and Albion carries ‘es |is visiting his son here. He is , : e " a Such hassles are always good | x probably the oldest war veteran : ‘ . ” : fuel for conversation in Holly-} off the beauty K¢ Vd jin Canada and possibly in the , : } f =) ; wood, which dearly loves a British Commonwealth. He 5 a : fight. | he crossed a marched in General Roberts’ |} ey os a Commented Humphrey Bo-| thousand army from Kabul to Kandahar ‘ otk ‘ gart: | f 313 miles in 22 days, and in 188 ‘ : 2 “Lanza's working it all wrong seas to e. * 4 took part in the occupation of | | : te ; » should have decided long yf ‘ i | Alexandria. é : feels find! » thaiumdll 1 ago whether or not he wanted Mr. Mansell would like to talk go . . € to do. the picture The Student over old times; how during th . : ; ; ie Prince’). But it’s not a good} ™ Afghan war they marched and |} : idea to walk out on a picture marched, and fought hand-to-|{ 5. 2 ifter it has started. Fight with on hand; and how they took part in| % tee : ‘eae first.” r r , | ty ;open-order skirmishing, but did |"™ Se ————————— ™ ae ! bed ae > he eae z3 ; d know. His run @ | little fighting’ in formation. He| MADE IN CANADA—A workman finishes the designs on one of Princo Bonyarerd Warner Broth- : would like to talk about how| the seven doors donated by Canada to the United Nations | ers has enlivened the town for «. + TECHNICOLOR g| bey wore white Indian Summer! headquarters building in New York. Made of all-Canadian i . le . |}more than a decade, and he’s = g|uniforms dyed Khaki so that) materials, and designed by a Canadian, the doors have four |tops as a tactician in studio aap SHOWS 7:00 mj the British soldier would be less : plaques, shown here in close-up. The plaques represent Truth, | battles. But despite a dozen or “Portraits Of The West” f £ € " a -shoot- h 4 i. U} : ’ e : sam : . Hy ine eae the sharp-shoot-| peace, Justice and Fraternity. A special alloy of copper, zinc |more suspensions, he ‘still re First Robin edababebabaiababatabibababialetatestelatabelalelllabeleleltelelelal He has spent a lot of time| @%d nickel—from Canadian mines—will render the doors non- | tains a contract with warnire. News i Pate a ne a ans Sareea NiaMaMaMaMaMaMaTaMaNaM MaRS APRS! | Writing to authorities in Eng-| tamishable and keep them lustrous indefinitely, They cost | yypy TOO |land and Canada in his search| $10,000 each (CP PHOTO) M-G-M has had more than for other men who served with | — —_—— _ — ————lits share of temperamental ° ° | General Roberts, but so far has stars. A notable case was Judy Boiling Water in Three Minutes? 3 i000 32 p NE ane a ane . Mr Mansell was born in rotest Oo ng IS u e her outbursts during the lush ao } Shrewsbury, England, in 18 58 | | days, but took a firmer aa , “ rhe imes ‘ zet tough. YES with an | and joined the army at 18. He} H. d F Wi | h Q t when times began to ge y served with the 63rd Regiment One day she failed to show up in India and ‘Aveeannel and Car rom e 5 Uar ers after lunch on the “Annie Get went to Alexandria in 1882. Back | By MIC H AEL N E W M ARC H | Your Gun” set. She was re- |in England again, he was given | | placed with Betty Hutton. jan honorable discharge in 1883 CARDIFF, Wales. — Voices .of protest against, The studio also tussled with + | |He came to Canada 26 years; 0. : . : her over her excess poundage later. | English rule are coming from the hills around here) wien she made. “Summer -only $9.95 As senior member of the! —jn an language W hitehall can ‘t understand. | Stock.” The picture was a head- Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. i eae ned — : ea] They,come from groups of | ache from start to iaien, — ala e6ton, he was preset Welshmen who 4o much of thei: | Miss Garland was given ‘her Besner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C SESS RSSER ESR ‘Paves ito the Queen — then Princess|,_,,. ' freed yhen it was. over | ; alking in their m ancie i reecom ‘when 7 | Elizabeth—when she visited the See ee Si he eae) eferan us ilot. James Cagney was a _ prime 46 ) ie ane ws : ae & , « Au i © L a ‘ + . awa g i “~~ f ™ town last fall, broke away, from the tule of battler in his heyday.at Warn- KK lechnivolor y ndon : rs, ; left the studio and ee ane ee Para-Rescue Expert :33.2%%.2 2.5's0".2| aM hie great joy and gol-darned have “formed themselves into ; ner a Ur b . ‘ ee ere aueet ons. ore = nr ee TOTE Young Expert ABERDEEN, Scotland P)—/ nationalist party called - Plaid| OTTAWA ()—Fit.- Lt. C. W they feared legal complications itnine Shows +. one | Aileen Forrest, 24-year-old lec-|Cymru—the Welsh party, It is| (Bounce) Weir of Dauphin, Man., So Cagney aligned with a small M A'TINEE SATUR ea igo |turer in zoology at Aberdeen! partly a political movement,|and Edmonton, for some years | Company named Grand . Na- ease INS tDAY — 2 p.m. A Famous Players | University, is the first woman partly cultural—based on love/commander of the RCAF Para- tonal. After tate ne |to win a scientific essay prize) for the lilting tongue and tradi-|peseye School, is returning to - dase mane ” - ean a ea" n"n nna a nee = ana a a nana e "nea ate "s "ea see a"a"e"e"s "eats" | from the British Association fot! tional simplicity of old Wales ’ ’ | Warners, anc science Ee lying -s With 408 Photo; Among the others who have \the Advancement of Science ; ; ae flying duties wi mong the o 0 : She will receive an award of 50 i MINORITY ee _ , ,.. |Squadron at nearby Rockcliffe. | tiffed with Warners are Olivia Friday N Q $C CCT RS at tna a a ae ae aa ee eae ea aaa ae \ , i litics, Plaid Cy l fi ; . 5 ‘ » avis ¢ leuineas donated by the Duke). P , . ‘ i y ms 1 - The school, which operated at | Dt Havilland, Bette Davis and | Te nivel 1S ¢& inorit gr Ost ie 4 ne ars TT il. lof Edinburgh “for her work on|*. , y Steny Henry House Field, nine miles|Lauren Bacall. Miss De Havil $s : of the vot at elections go t ‘ ‘ the origin of life. ee . | from Jasper, Alta., has been am- land fought a long court duel | the big English political parties . . ‘ , a ol algamated with the RCAF Sur-| whieh ended in her favor and| Le 1 Wales, in early times, WAS 4) vival Training School at Ed-|established a precedent that gion Auditorium | Try Daily News Want Ads neo ' tar teed ee monton and will operate only has helped other stars. After a 10-2 Everybody Welcome rs Dil ivall it ins ‘ rioa . 4 . a +e. a fe en es when more training is required Series -of bad pictures, Miss ADMISSION $1.00 MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. \] at at a f —_ droda of walen | Oe specialized field Davis and the studio called it! iModeln arid Ole: Thine a PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | woe rk hajrad Celtic Deaui,| He joined the air force in 1940/,qujts, ending one of the long-| Mae an 4 Phin Tiedt asiccscai | this dark-haired Celtic people n Pe Se els a ueties. ¢ rtatiniia i 4 12, 18 or 24 Months to Pay Make Your dwelt. Life was hard, but they|9Md served overseas in thé sec-j.est: Shudig-simr,, agpociations, ) Mm MUSIC BY- THE WESTERNAIRES USED CARS | often relaxed, to listen to the ond World War, i Hollywood. ° > oetry and songs f their tribal : Printing Matter | °o°.2 50 8s ase 1951 CHEVROLET—Power-glide Deluxe 4-Door Sedan, heater still are musical—many British and defroster, two tone, in-excellent shape, ee eg “ “- Walel good tires. Full Price $2195 ‘art 0 professional singers are Welsh TRY vit} trong > f mysticis 1949 CHEVROLET Streamliner Sedan, heater and defroster With a strong vein of mystichun black with whitewall tires Yi r in their character OVERWAITEA Full Price our Business In medieval times Wales wa ull Price, 51650 incorporated as aa of England you TOO 1948 DESOTO Sedan, fluid drive, air conditioning 1 ; This car is in wonderful condition Did it ever oceur to you that wen Glendower, last independ Full Price, ONLY $1895 you need distinctive printed |,ent Prince of Wales, rebelled WILL AGREE 1939 PONTIAC Sedan, heater ; ante aes batak a ng of tine A NTIAC Sedan, heater and defroster. 57 matter for vour particular |) against the King of England hi Full Price $ 5 | yusiness? 1400 and was captured nine years YOU CAN DO ‘ TRUCKS ° Siew that time, there sis no NO BETTER : ‘ WAM IRENE aH "ta hint that any organized body 9 CHEVROLET 12-ton Partél, néW riftg job, body recon : i l lly 1 one iar - Apa S , : . wanted a politically-independent P l doe eae repainted, heater and defroster $1375 Type faces give you this|) Wales for more than 500 years. | EA sour eben.’ tie 7 DODGE '5-te anel_ rec San outstanding distinctiveness—]|| But during peace negotiations os : ; aan mm panel, reconditioned $1025 and these can be supplied by || after the First World War “| Eagle Brand, 2's C SOUP MIXES fs > 7 Tr a . sy “4 , ne -tligor Je]s) rar veter: t- j f FARGO Two, Ton, 2-speed axle, almost new rock lug our modern printing Gepart podria’ _ 2 : beige a / Lapton's, dual rears, flat deck ment, gan to ask why the Versailles JELLO Full Prige,, ONLY $1250 | Treaty principle of self-deter- 5 CHEVROLRT Chassis and Cab. All Flavors, f ~ate . . . 1ation for small countries and defroster. Full Price “me P=" 3495 1 | Dibb Printing Co. should not apply to Wales They KLI M DATE AND NUT LOAF founded e Plaid Cymr Me COME IN OR PHONE 871—ANYTIME Plaid oveire attracted some Powdered Whole Milk : bits eisbuees other Welsh groups, but grew 5 ths, > slowly. Membership was less| Pkg. 3: _ — - than 5000 in. 1930, today has | SALTED PEANUTS crept up to 25,000—one per cent 1¥b. cello of the population, , ‘MODERN WALES JAVEX Bleach, 32-oz jar C NEW POTATOES a 4) ition Modern Wales is a different} Hunt's, 15-02, tin proposition from the remote BAKING POWDER refuge of ancient Britons. The Magic, 1-ib. 2. Ai. wide Bristol] Channel, washing its southern shore, brings ship- STEAK And VEGETABLES Ahi [?, _ — ports of Cardiff Salmonsckeve. C acts 1-Ib. tin y In the hinterland some of the | Royal Line, Y' s Pitted, 2-Ib. cello best ‘coal in the world has been Huge mining activities, PRUNES 7 found OW ortabl iron and steel and other manu- Sugaripe, 2-Ib. pkg. — : 3 LE facturing plants cover the indus- trialized south. Mountain tor- | EA Our Best, None Finer, 1-lb. 80c SCOTCH MINTS rents are trapped to provide the » cello ‘ hydro-electric power CANDIED GINGER in | Into this small industrialized ‘area 75 per cent of the popula- tion of 2,500,000 has crowded. pcuncie BOOKS |The native tongue in this’ region Pp HES oo ree Overwaitea Special Pack, GS R A D> on ETT ES jis English LUX SOAP All that remains of the old a Siy : | Welsh way of life lies among the Bath Size By MURRAY far - sweeping thinly - populated ROLLED OATS hills to the north. Here, the j = write trade to’ ae Quaker, 5-Ibs, Clings Close To Your Heel - Frees Your Toes cmc disawaes “ot | Wegetables sine, 37¢ SWEET MUSTARD PICKLES E.. Welsh—and here many of Plaid 20- -0z..2 for Rose, 16-072. : | Cymru s supporters are found. SOLID CHICKEN BROWN CALF CUBAN HEEL B. C. Oil Rush SODAS ? ‘Comes to Halt FLOUR Robin Hood 4 Xe DAD'S COOKIES i PRICE | 9 | VANCOUVER @—The rush for _ All Purpose, 7-Ibs....__. Oatmeal, | Britis Solumbia oil lands 5 . > leatvon last winter tas epsia PANCAKE MIX ently come to a halt eeeaea as aoa iain Officials of the provincial de- ficial Springs LUMBERJACK SYRUP partment of lands, petrole ‘ -02, j Hina natural gas divsion Too Strawberry Jam ' From gay '36¢ CHERRY PIE | they are coming to the end of 2-ox jar. a Ready, 20-07, tin | the applications on file | During the winter the office LIMITED was inundated with’as many as | 50 to 60 applications for oil lands i Green, 595 506 3rd, W. Box 638 |4 day but an official said that | they were now only “getting an | occasional application and that’s PHONE 843 FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OF $10. 00 OR MORE P ees | <1)"